

May 29, 2024


  Petaluma Rotary Field Trip - Literally to a field....SF Giants vs. Phillies at Oracle Park.



Jocelyn brought along Past President Chris Ranney, President Nominee Shari Ranney and New Member Nancy Karidis on the Ferry from Larkspur.



A big homerun cheer for Dan Berry who organized this fieldtrip for us all and brought his lovely wife Shellie to the game.



Here's a row of lovely Giants fans!



Past President Elias was ever ready for a foul ball.



John Zimmerman represented Niner fans.



Rotary youth Exchange Student Veeti Verta's 3rd Majot League Baseball Game since August.



President Mike and Joanne love taking selfies!




Today's Editor: Cindy Thomas



May 16, 2024


President Elect Ricardo Marzo, giving us his beta release version for his future Presidency, took command of this week's meeting.




Ricardo called on Lee Reposa for the Pledge of Allegiance, then everyone sang "God Bless America."




Adrian Cremidis gave us a truly thoughtful thought for the day.



We then as a club expressed our sorrow at the loss of Tom Baker and our condolences to Cindy Thomas.


Rotarians with guests: Michael Ambrosio introduced us to his grandsons, Nick and Zack Kelly, and Jeremy Wroten brought his charming daughter, Lily.


Rainy Howe announced the coming birth of her grandchild, and was glad to pay a $100 "fine."

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Ricardo Marzo fined himself $100 for leaving his badge at the office (and also for his planned attendance at the Rotary International Conference in Singapore)


Suzanne Tucker won a bottle of wine at the Raffle.




 Elizabeth McBride shared an important announcement: "Are You Prepared for an Emergency?" a two-part workshop, geared for seniors, at the Petaluma Community Center, located at 320 N. McDowell Blvd, to be held on Monday, June 3, from 2 to 4 PM and Monday, June 17, at  from 2 to 4 PM. You must register in advance at or leave a message at 707-242-3280.



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We then had not one, but two craft talks.


First, Jeremy Wroten traced the trajectory of his career, from his college Biblical studies to teaching piano to his interest in alternative health practice, and finally to his choice to become a chiropractor. ("The spine is the brain's way of communicating with the body.")

He also described his lovely family and the reason for his choice to become a Rotarian: service to the community.




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In the second craft talk, Doug Cross described not only his career as sales manager for a major manufacturer of industrial equipment but also his love, since his youth, of music and his early dream of "being the next Bob Dylan or John Denver." Since retirement nine years ago, Doug has taken up music again and, in the Rotary tradition of helping others, regularly plays his guitar and sings in retirement homes and nursing facilities, and loves it when his music stirs a chord of memory in someone.

He then graced us with two songs: Bob Dylan's "How Many Roads" and John Denver's "Country Roads." 




Our own Cassie Pitkin was our speaker, on her own specialty: AI (Artificial Intelligence) leaving even your editor, no expert in technology, informed and interested in learning more.  



Ricardo Marzo then thanked her and the meeting was ended.



Today's Editor: Chris Elzi




May 9, 2024


 Salute to the special extraordinary MOTHERS of the Rotary Club of Petaluma...


M,  is for the Million things, she gave me

O, means Only that she's growing Old

T, is the Tears, were shed to save me

H is for her Heart, of purest gold

E, is for her Eyes, with love light shining

R means Right and Right, she'll always be

Put them all together they spell MOTHER

A word that means, the world, to me!


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President Mike called our meeting together with a moment of silence to share for the soul of Tom Baker who passed away on Saturday, May 4,,,Rest in Peace dear friend!


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Mike Stauber was called upon to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance


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A humorous thought of the day was offered by Cary White.

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And after a round of extending greetings among the attending Rotarians, President Mike introduced visiting Rotarian Pauie Johns who invited club members to the fund raiser,drive of a drive by Tri-Tip dinner being offered by Petaluma Valley Club on Saturday, May 11.


When President Mike asked if any members had a special memory attributed to Tom Baker it was Larry Jonas, Judi Allewelt and Michael Nistler who shared their thoughts.

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Among the Rotarians with guests was Lee Reposa with his young son, a frequent visitor who continues to grow each time we see him.

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Funeral Services will be held on Monday, May 13

10 A.M. at Parent Sorenson Mortuary

850 Keokuk St.

Followed by a

Celebration of his life (12 Noon to 4:00 pm)

at The Elks Lodge

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Lee Reposa took to the microphone to chat about the RYLA program and particularly the BBQ which our club has supported year after year, This year the BBQ will be held on Wednesday afternoon, June 12...come one come all!

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Our newest member Monica Payne was officially added to the Rotary Club of Petaluma under the guidance of Shari Ranney while supporters Chris Ranney and Joanne Ferris looked on. Welcome Monica!

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Not to be denied, President Mike called upon Tawny Tesconi to explain her absences of late. Seems our Treasurer has been traveling to Australia, New Zealand, etc., she willingly paid her fine!

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And then it was time for our visiting student from Finland, Veeti Verta (and I love that name!) to take to the stage. The engaging 18 year old, who is completing his Senior Year at Petaluma High, shared with us, supported by colorful photos, his life in Finland, his family, some history and an overall highly informative  presentation. It is always a delight when exchange students drop by to share their thoughts with us, and this was no exception.


President Mike brought our meeting to a close with a reminder that Cassie Pitkin will be here to give us an update on RYLA Next Thursday and Wednesday, May 29 is the Phillies vs Giants game for those who have purchased tickets!


Today's Editor: Mike Ambrosio



May 2, 2024



Members gathered for a tour of the brewery at 11:30.  Everyone gathered for lunch in the Taproom at 12:30.



A few members were happy with Hoppy Water.



Bacon and Beer Larry?  In reality he doubled down on the beer and skipped the bacon!



Only ladies when this photo was taken....but a few male members did sit at this table for lunch.



Brandon's favorite appetizer.....the Fried Pickles of course!



The Pres had a few fries with his chicken sando.



Mike A and Kristen perused the choices on the menus.....spending more time on the drink menu we suspect.



New members Jeremy, Anne and Doug are jumping right into Rotary Fellowship!



Canine Companion in Training Jocelyn was too young to drink beer.  Her handler, Shari Ranney, had to drink for both of them.



A successful Field Trip for the club!



Thursday, 6/20/24 - Pres. Mike's Final Meeting - Exchange of Power to Ricard Marzo, Petaluma Rotary President 2024-2025
Thursday, 7/11/24 - President Ricardo's First Official Meeting

Friday, 7/12/24 - President Mike's Debunking at the Polly Klaas Theater


Today's Editor: Joanne Ferris