


August 15, 2024


Deprived of his official bell, President Ricardo Marzo subtly and quietly began the meeting.


After the Pledge of Allegiance and opening song , Anne Gealta, appropriately clad, gave us the Thought for the Day, about golf.


Visiting Rotarian was Craig Faris and Lena Furlong introduced guest Zac Wilder, arborist who was indispensable in one of the Club projects. Lena will give Zac full credit in a later meeting.


We had the pleasure of seeing Nit Anderson again. Nit was a loyal local member, who ultimately moved back to Thailand. It was a delight to see her again.


Then -- surprise!-- the famed Petaluma Rotary bell was returned, under police guard. (there were unfounded rumors about where it was found, but we needn't discuss that now.)


President Ricardo WAS SO PLEASED.




President-elect Shari introduced Carol England, spouse of Sunrise's Jeff England), who spoke movingly about her granddaughter (who was born deaf but who now speaks normally). The problem now is that the young girl (she's six) is going blind. Her particular disease is too rare to interest pharmaceutical companies, but she has started fundraising to fund research. There will be a fundraising at Brooks Note (great wine AND a great cause --how can you do better?)


Cindy Thomas introduced Thom Maslow from PCA.


Raine Howe announced that the Polly Klaas Center is offering an annual showcase (September 28). A great show is promised, along with a chance to win a celebrity chef dinner, all for $100 (approximately the price of two Big Macs).


Tricia Young announced progress with the Environmental Committee's plans for recycling plastic. President Ricardo added his promise of cooperation from Lace House Laundry.


Shari Ranney reminded us of the Senior Go Bags.



Craig Faris and President Ricardo discussed plans for a 3 Club bowling night (Sunrise, Petaluma Valley, and of course, US) as well as other possibilities.



President Ricardo then reminded us that Orest Balytsky is still asking for any suitcases and duffel bags we can spare for a particularly good cause -- Ukrainian victims of Putin.


Michael Caruana was happy to pay his fine for his vacation, a family celebration in the reborn city of Detroit.



Mike Ferris won the raffle.



Al Cattalini reminded us of our upcoming meeting (08/29) at the Coast Guard installation.








Michael Nistler then presented us with a quiz on golf…Let me say GOLF.


Each table then competed for an opportunity to putt their way to glory, interrupted only by one loudmouth. 






And our best looking, and probably best dressed, contestant.



To attend the Coast Guard luncheon you must sign up by August 26.  For more information (and to sign up) click or tap here.


Today's Editor: Chris Elzi



August 8, 2024

Club Social at Brewsters Beer Garden












Today's Editor: Mike Baddeley




August 1, 2024


President Ricardo opened the meeting with a bang…  of the gong. 


It seems the Rotary bell is still missing as President Ricardo shows us on the big screen that he's received an email that the bell is being held for ransom.    



Maggie Radany led us in the pledge of allegiance. 


Father-in-law to the president, Past President Dan Libarle led us in singing God Bless America. 


Attending Rotarians and guests then enjoyed a few minutes of fellowship.  


Past President Mike Baddley delivered the thought of the day which was about responsibility, leadership and yabba-dabba-doo.


There were no visiting Rotarians however there were Rotarians with guests which included President Ricardo’s guest, First Lady Nicole Marzo and member Jeremy Wroten’s daughter, Lily.


Sherry Burwen announced that her husband, Mike is hospitalized and will remain there for the next three weeks for chemotherapy. 


President Ricardo pointed out that Past President Kip Herzog has returned to attend meetings after being absent due to a fall injury he sustained on a cruise.  Welcome back, Kip!


President Ricardo made a few announcements to include the Petaluma River Craft Beer Festival which is taking place on Saturday September 7th from 1:00 to 5:00 PM on Water Street, and The September SCARC Dinner, hosted by our own club, on Thursday September 26th at the Miracle League field at Luchessi Park. 


Past President Mike Ferris announced that Emergency Prep Help (EPH) is holding a go-bag assembly event on August 7th and 12th and could use some extra hands to help.   President Ricardo then showed a brief video clip to show what wonderful work EPH does for the community. 


President Ricardo then proceeded to press fines on a few club members.  Past President Mike Ferris was fined for having family visit from Australia and for holding a reunion along with his Past First Lady/Past President, Joanne, and their 3 kids and 3 grandkids last week which cost him $50. 


Past President Elias Hussary was fined for so many things that it’s hard to track! This editor picked up on daughter Isabel’s graduation from LMU along with admittance to grad school, a celebratory trip to Dubai, a niece who graduated from Columbia Medical School…  in the end, it cost him $60.


President Ricardo announced the Rotarian of the month which turned out to be 3 Club Rotarians for their commitment to always precisely setting up the club meetings… that would be Carolyn BuckJudi Allewelt and Gail Cardaropoli.


A person sitting at a table with flowers

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These gals all seemed to be pleased with their bouquets.


The raffle winner for this meeting was Past President Rick Gorman (is this a pattern, that everyone listed in this newsletter is a past president?).  Rick won a bottle of wine which President Ricardo claims is currently located in his car and that he and Rick would drink together later.  


President Ricardo then showed us all a video clip from the Rotary International Convention in Singapore which was a message from Bill Gates who spoke about the wonderful efforts of Rotary to eradicate Polio worldwide. 


Suzanne Tucker introduced our speakers for today's meeting, Peggy Flynn, Petaluma’s current City Manager and Kevin McDonnell, Petaluma’s current Mayor. 


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Peggy and Kevin tag-teamed while delivering a PowerPoint slide show which covered the many accomplishments that have occurred since Peggy assumed the role as City Manager 6 years ago. Those would include the passing of Ballot Measures U and H which has given Petaluma a fully staffed fire department, a fully staffed police department, street improvements, a one stop permitting center to streamline the permitting process, investing in our downtown to include lighting, a public restroom and revitalizing the railroad trestle along Water Street, a safe streets campaign ("Slow The Fast Down"), a climate action plan, age friendly programs (which is not just about seniors), and better communications through online newsletters, to name just a few.            


Today's Editor: Cindy Thomas