April 18, 2024
Our fearless leader, Mr. President #101, Mike Ferris, called our meeting to order.
Our newest member, Doug Cross, led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Past president #100, Royce Van Bebber, handled the 'Thought for the Day' and his theme was to believe in yourself and push yourself harder to achieve greatness!
Judy McReynolds greeted our new member, Doug Cross.
Rotarians with guests included: Tricia Young (invited by Rick Gorman). Kathleen Haliday (invited by Joanne Ferris). Grace Nistler (invited by Michael Nistler). Monica Payne (invited by Chris Ranney). Jamy and Amy Wheless invited by Mike Baddeley).
Shari Ranney mentioned that the Whiffle Ball tournament was a hit and raised slightly less than last year. The donations will be made to Rotary International Services and the Miracle League. She also mentioned that season has started and volunteers are needed.
Dan Berry reminded us that our meeting this week (May 2, 2024) is at Lagunitas Brewery, 1280 North McDowell Boulevard, Petaluma from 11:30 am - 1:30 pm. The tour (optional) begins at 11:30 am and the cost is $10 to tour the "Brewery Loft" (25 people only). Lunch starts at 12:30 pm and is included in your monthly Rotary dues. Lagunitas Brewing Company's Three Way Test: Beer speaks (for itself), Life is uncertain (don't sip), and It's good to have friends.
The first Lady, Joanne Ferris, was fined $100 bucks by her husband, President Mike Ferris (Mike also fined himself $50 bucks) for the birth of their grandson, Colin Michael. It sounds like the fine was due to the fact that they went to a concert at the Hollywood Bowl while their daughter was in labor! In all fairness, their daughter pulled some strings and got them the tickets - congratulations to the Ferris family!
Mike Ambrosio won the raffle and a bottle of wine!
Pamela Valdes was all smiles after earning her coveted Chicken Badge!
Our guest speaker, local Petaluman and animator extraordinaire Jamy Wheless dazzled us with films (E.T., Transformers, Hulk, Pirates of the Caribbean, Batman Forever, Star Wars, etc.) he has worked on and his incredible background story on his life-long journey to becoming one of the best animators in Hollywood! He was born in 1964 in Chattanooga, TN. and attributes much of his success to his grandpa, Homer Wilson. They would watch people together and point out the silly and funny things that people would do. This eventually led Jamy to his passion for reading comic books and ultimately becoming an animator. However, the defining moment when he realized his career would be as an animator was when he went with his wife, Amy, to see the original Jurassic Park movie - he was in awe by the life-like dinosaurs on the big screen and told Amy "this is what I am going to do!" He graduated from Auburn University and his first job as an animator was at ILM (Industrial Light & Magic) in Marin County. After a brief search for a home in Marin County, they headed north to check out Petaluma (a tip from a friend) and fell in love with our town and have been here ever since! Please visit Jamy's website if your, or someone you know, would like to learn how to do 3D character animation: www.animatecharacters.com
Today's Editor: Doug Hecker
April 11, 2024
Twin Oaks Social
Carolyn Buck & Chris Ranney
Susan Cross and Lori Matthews
Judi Allewelt, Michael Ambrosio, Judy McReynolds, Chris Ranney, Anne Gealta, Carolyn Buck and Kristen Myburgh
Jack Grimes, Shellie Berry, Greg O'Brien in conversation with Judi Allewelt
New members Doug & Susan Cross!
Today's Editor: Mike Baddeley/Joanne Ferris
April 4, 2024
President Mike Ferris called the meeting to order.
He then called upon Judy McReynolds to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Then we all sang "God Bless America."
Cary White then gave us a great Thought for the Day, about gratitude. "Like electricity, it needs to be produced, used, and discharged."
We then had time for Visiting Rotarians and Rotarians With Guests, the latter including Nora Murray (from the Polly Klaas Community Theater) and Tricia Yong.
Jan Grimes reported about the new members project, and asked for volunteers helping with filling planter boxes ( Saturday, April 30).
Our next meeting was announced, a social set for 5 o'clock at the Twin Oaks.
Dan Berry reminded us of the outing to the Giants' game, set for May 9, and told us we may have up to seven more tickets.
Shari Ranney reminded us about the Wiffle Ball Tournament next week, and the Polly Klaas Homerun Derby.
Then a Chicken Badge festival. First, Past President Dan Libarle then somehow got his son-in-law's Chicken Badge
Then Kristen Myburgh announced that four recently joined Rotarians received their own (coveted) Chicken Badge: Elizabeth McBride, Nancy Karidis-Koepke, Doug Cross, and Susan Cross
New member Susan Cross won the raffle.
Finally, we had a talk about both podcasts and Petaluma City Schools.
Petaluma City School officials Matthew Harris and Amy Fadeji spoke about their surprises inherent in their work (for example, the naked bleeding woman walking into the gym at Petaluma High and the explosions at Kenilworth last week) before getting to their main subject -- the "Start Here, Go Anywhere" podcast.
The really fascinating talk then included our own Brandon Trammell joined the conversation. Brandon's own podcast, "Leave It Better," which deals with entrepreneurs interested in profitable solutions to social problem
This is the link to Brandon's podcast:
And the link to the PCS broadcast:
Today's Editor: Chris Elzi