


September 21, 2023


President Mike Ferris called our meeting to order at the historic Hotel Petaluma.    

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Chris Elzi led us in the pledge of allegiance.  


Lori Matthews led us in song with God Bless America.  


Lena Furlong delivered the thought of the day.  

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President Mike gave us an update on the annual golf tournament and advised us of the social event on Friday evening October 6th at the Petaluma Corn Maze.  


And then, it came time for fines....  Cindy Thomas paid a fine of $100 for her grateful 2-week vacation in Antigua & Barbuda, West Indies. 

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Suzanne Tucker introduced the speaker for the day, Natasha Juliana, co-founder and campaign director for Cool Petaluma. Cool Petaluma is a grassroots effort that launched in January of 2022 with hundreds of volunteers ready to take action: preparing for emergencies, reducing carbon emissions, saving water, and building vibrant communities.  


Natasha gave us an overview of the organization's goals and their action plan.  

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Today's Editor: Cindy Thomas



September 11, 2023


Golf Tournament Edition


It seems that your Rota-Teller editor was a no show today.  Fortunately, ace photographer Michael Nistler was on hand to take photos.  Here they are, without captions or comment.















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Photos by Michael Nistler




September 7, 2023


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Trying hard to believe that “size doesn’t matter,” President Mike rang (tinkled?) his tiny bell to call the meeting to order.


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John Dado led the Pledge of Allegiance.


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John Zimmerman led the singing of God Bless America.


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Brandon Trammell delivered his Thought for the Day on the real meaning of “legacy.”


There were no visiting Rotarians; Joanne Ferris introduced her guest, Nicole.


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Raine Howe announced the first annual fundraiser for the Polly Klaas Community Theater to be held on Saturday, September 23rd.  Featuring a Hawaiian theme, the event will also benefit victims of the Maui wildfire.  For information and tickets, click/tap here.


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Dan Berry, commenting that he was “one of four guys taking the place of Anne Gealta,” announced that everything was set for Monday’s Golf Tournament but there was still room for last-minute golfers.


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President Mike announced some meeting changes.  Because of the Golf Tournament, the Club will be dark on Thursday, the 14th.  The following week, on Thursday, September 21, the Club will meet for lunch at the Petaluma Hotel.


He also announced our District Grant request (submitted jointly with the other two Petaluma clubs) had been approved.  The funds will provide a shade sail at the Petaluma River Park.


More news: This Saturday, September 9th, is the date for the Petaluma River Craft Beer Festival sponsored by the Petaluma Valley Rotary Club and the Petaluma Area Chamber of Commerce.  It’s on Water Street from 1-5pm.


Volunteer opportunity: Before you start sipping your suds at the festival, drop by the Miracle League BBQ pavilion.  Starting at 9am Saturday morning, we’ll be helping the Helping Seniors organization by stuffing 100 go bags to be provided to local senior citizens.


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Our newest members, Phil Henry and Jeff Dorais, were inducted by Kristen Myburgh and welcomed by a standing ovation. Welcome, Phil and Jeff!


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Cary White, who was inducted as a new member not that long ago, has already met all requirements for his “Chicken badge” which he wore proudly today.  He gladly paid a $100 fine for the achievement.



How many people get to go to their 70th high school reunion?  John Dado, a proud graduate of the PHS Class of 1953, just attended their 70th reunion and, after some slick CPA calculations, arrived at a $100 fine for this accomplishment.


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Lee Reposa, who seems to be the leader of the posse searching for President Mike’s missing bell, described the status of the hunt.  Photos have appeared showing the bell at various locations around town, including on President Mike’s nightstand (!).  Lee says the photos will be made available to the membership soon.  No word on when the bell will be recovered.


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President Mike announced that Dan Berry was the Rotarian of the Month.  Congratulations, Dan!


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President Elect Ricardo Marzo emceed today’s program and led the room in singing Happy Birthday to President Mike who is actually celebrating his birthday today.


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Petaluma city councilmembers Karen Nau, Janice Cader Thompson, and John Shribbs fielded questions posed by Ricardo.  We look forward to more events like this, especially if time is provided for questions from the audience.


It happened a bit earlier in the meeting, but we thought it would fit better here: Karen Nau drew the winning raffle ticket which was held by Janice Cader Thompson.  Janice walked off with a bottle of wine.

Don’t forget: Golf on Monday, dark on Thursday.  Have a great weekend!



Today's Editor: Al Cattalini