


October 19, 2023


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President Mike Ferris called the meeting to order (and yes, the bell was still missing!).



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John Zimmerman was all smiles as he led the Pledge of Allegiance.



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Greg O'Brien too, was smiling cheek-to-cheek as he led us in song.



First Lady, Joanne Ferris, handled the 'Thought for the Day': “Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in.”




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Former President, Elias Husary, showed up shortly after the meeting started and mysteriously arrived with the bell, which has been M.I.A. since President Mike Ferris took the helm. He told some far-fetched story about how he had to engage in a covert operation to bring the bell back and escape in one fast, blue, exotic car while being chased by the evil wrongdoers who were responsible for holding the bell hostage for months! Elias "James Bond" Husary also likes his Martini shaken, not stirred!



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Former President, Lee Reposa, showed-up shortly after Elias and elaborated on Elias' story and took it even further: "We've been searching for the bell for months! We even contacted the F.B.I. (Federal Bell Investigation Unit) and were informed that the longer the bell is missing the less chance of finding it!" The likelihood of these two former presidents not having anything to do with the disappearance of the bell is about as likely as former President Royce Van Bebber showing up to a meeting during Ferris' presidency! President Ferris failed to fine Batman & Robin for showing up late, and for their antics surrounding the missing bell!



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Shari Ranney's guest, Adrian Cremidis, was visiting for the second time.



Joanne Ferris announced her two guests, Veeti Virta, an exchange student from Finland that Joanne and Mike are hosting, and Cyndi Niendorf (below).





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Former President Rick Gorman announced his guest, Tami Bender, from the Petaluma Health Care District.



Mike Stauber announced that volunteers are needed for the Rotary Youth Exchange BBQ on October 27, 2023 at the Petaluma Boys & Girls Club. Please contact Mike if you are

interested. Former President Chris Ranney is getting a head start on the 2024 Crab Feed and mentioned it will be held on Friday, February 23, 2024.



Rick Mossi introduced Tami Bender from the Petaluma Health Care District alongside Raine Howe and Rick Gorman



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Tami Bender, HeartSafe Community Program Manager at the Petaluma Health Care District, donated an A.E.D. (Automated External Defibrillator, which is a portable electronic device used in cases of life-threatening cardiac events) to Raine Howe for the Polly Klaas Community Theater.



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Larry Jonas gave an update on Releaf Petaluma, the volunteer organization in Petaluma for tree planting, maintenance, and preservation of native trees. For more information go to:


SAVE THE DATE: Our club's holiday party will be held at The Petaluma Yacht Club on Saturday, December 02, 2023 at 5:30 pm.


ANNOUNCEMENT: Rotary District 5130 Foundation Gala Masquerade Ball on Saturday, October 28, 2023 from 5pm - 10pm at Barra of Mendocino Winery, 7051 N. State Street, Ukiah, Ca (3-course dinner, music & dancing). Keynote Speaker: Peter Teahen. Questions: Contact Jennifer Strong - 707.349.0815


ANNOUNCEMENT: SCARC Dinner hosted by Rotary Club of Rohnert Park - Cotati. Location: Veronda-Falletti Ranch - 175 W. Sierra Avenue, Cotati, Ca 94931 on Thursday, October 26, 2-2023. Cocktail & Appetizers at 5pm. Dinner from 6pm - 7:30pm. Deadline to register: Tuesday, October 24, 2023. Register at:



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President Mike Ferris announced that Veeti won the raffle!



Veeti was all smiles after winning the raffle and cash (too young for the bottle of wine)! 



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Judi Allewelt was happy to give Veeti his cash winnings!



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Past President, Chris Ranney, introduced our guest speakers from Sonoma County Search & Rescue (SAR) Carolyn Gonzalez and Ray Rapp (Chris is also a member of SAR). Thank you for everything that you do for our community Chris!



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Carolyn Gonzalez from SAR, a volunteer organization that works side-by-side with the Sonoma County Sheriff's Department, spoke about the many events they work at: NASCAR at Sonoma Raceway, Gran Fondo bicycle ride and many other community events.






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Ray Rapp, also from SAR, gave a detailed speech regarding many of the search and rescue efforts he has been involved in. He mentioned that they help with approximately 20-25 searches per year. For more information please visit:




Today's Editor: Doug Hecker



October 6, 2023




Thursday, October 12 - No Meeting!


Today's Editor: Joanne




October 5, 2023


The return of the Queen! (or the Empress strikes back)

            Queen Anne Gealta was restored to her throne due to Mike Ferris being on vacation


As was only appropriate, Maggie Radany and Mike Ambrosio dutifully presented her with an appropriate crown and scepter



Doug Hecker led us in the Pledge of Allegiancethen new member Jeff Dorais led us in "God Bless America."



We had some good news: Royce Van Bebber is recovering well from his surgery.


A reminder: our Holiday party is scheduled for December 2 at the Petaluma Yacht Club.


Queen Anne exercised her royal prerogative by introducing a new game: All males who cooked dinner the night before for their spouses/partners…and how grateful they were for this privilege. Larry Jonas, Cary White, Ricardo Marzo, Chris Ranney, Jack Grimes, and  Orest Balytsky were all grateful for the opportunity to serve.


Cassie Pitkin, a little shy but brave, then offered us a great Craft Talk, from student days at Cal Poly to her present position as Instructor Manager.


Dan Berry then introduced our speaker, Sarah Keyser.



Sarah, who is owner of Wild Goat Hollow, gave us a wonderful talk about the use of grazing animals, and to a lesser extent, replanting and controlled burns, as a healthy solution to California's constant problem if wild fires. Sarah helps to arrange the pasturing of animals by other animal owners  (of sheep, goats, or cows, depending on the need) to provide grazing (and natural nutrition via -- if you will excuse me -- manure) for land owners and public entities.

Queen Anne thanked Sarah and presented her with some fine coffee from Petaluma Coffee Company.


Queen Anne then ended the meeting and graciously dismissed us from her royal presence.