

June 23, 2023

The Debunking of Our Club's 100th President,

Royce Van Bebber


Rotarian Attendees and their guests arrived at Cattleman's Restaurant where appetizers and libations were served. The socializing was spectacular as you can see in the following photo gallery!  


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And here's the face that greeted us all as we arrived...  

the one and only Gail Cardaropoli! Thanks, Gail for always keeping us organized. 


President Royce and his First Lady have arrived!


And the socializing continues with more photos from the gallery.

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President Royce opened his final meeting, and then asked his daughter Isabel to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Afterwards, he asked Past President Dan Libarle to lead us in song with God Bless America. 


Master of Ceremonies, Past President Chris Ranney

opened the start of the evening's program.   


First Lady Genevieve recognized President Royce with a very lovely speech honoring her husband for a job well done during his year as our Club's leader.    


Daughter Isabel then spoke of how proud she is of her dad and all he accomplished

during his term as our 100th president.  


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For our entertainment, the Iron Man Competition began (which President Royce seemed reluctant to participate in) and was overseen by Brett Shinn. 


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A person on a bicycle with a microphone

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A person on a bicycle with a sword and a person sitting in a chair

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So much fun....  until the swords came out.  As everyone watched, President Royce met his mystery match.  And who do you suppose was his fencing opponent? 


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None other than his bride, First Lady Genevieve!

Everyone was surprised when she removed her face shield, including President Royce!


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After President Royce successfully completed the Iron Man Competition,

he was recognized with his official Iron Man T-shirt.    


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Our Master of Ceremonies then presented President Royce with his Club gifts.


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Then the moment came for Transition of Power.  101st President Mike Ferris thanked 100th President Royce Van Bebber for his dedicated commitment to the Club during his year of service and presented him with his Past President's Pin.  


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And then Past President Royce presented incoming President Mike with his Active President's Pin while his proud wife, Past President Joanne Ferris 

(and now First Lady) proudly watches.  



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Finally, President Mike presented 

President Elect Ricardo "call me Richard" Marzo 

with his President Elect Pin.  


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President Mike assumed the meeting and again thanked Past President Royce for his service and also thanked the Debunking Committee.  Then came the introduction of President Mike's  incoming Board whom he called out by name. The meeting was adjourned and group photos took place.  





Our prestigious leaders!


And, we have a year to prepare ourselves for the 102nd Club President... 

hang on to your seats! 




Today's Editor: Cindy Thomas




June 15, 2023


President Royce Van Bebber began this, his last meeting as President.


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He then called on his lovely daughter, Isabelle, to say the Pledge of Allegiance.A person holding her hand on her chest

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Dan Libarle then led us in a rendition of "God Bless America, while Rick Mossi led us in the Club song.


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In singing, Rick made a point of holding up his glass to President Royce.


Joanne Ferris favored us with a delightful Thought for the Day. (Joanne, since there's a writer's strike in Hollywood, do you want to submit anything to the comedy shows?) 


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Dan Berry introduced visiting Rotarians. We then turned to Rotarians with Guests: Lee Reposa introducing his son, Grant; Mike Ferris  introducing Laurie Matthews, and President Royce introduced again his daughter, Isabelle.


Anne Gealta provided an update on the upcoming golf tournament, then Greg O'Brien told us about the progress on the new Rotary benches and Lee Reposa gave us a stirring RYLA report.


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There was a salute to Rotarians with birthdays this month, with a special emphasis on Kip Herzog, whose birthday was that day.

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President Royce then announced the perfect choice for Rotarian of the Month: Michael Ambrosio.

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We then had two Craft Talks: PAMELA VALDES and LENA FURLONG. Both were truly fascinating, and I know we are all glad to have them as fellow Rotarians.



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Isabelle Van Bebber won the prize at the Raffle!



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President Royce then called his Board to the stage so that he could thank them publicly for all their work and give them a special present (tumblers with Blue tooth).



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President Royce also presented all of us with a similar tumbler.


Good work, President Royce. You were great!







June 8, 2023


Following club tradition requiring president elect members to preside at a meeting prior to the start of their year, Mike Ferris called the meeting to order.


Demonstrating that she is more than a club co-treasurer, Carolyn Buck led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Members were in excellent voice today with Sherry Burwen leading God Bless America.


With great joy, past president Anne Gealta delivered the thought for the day


Rotarians with guests included Dan Berry who introduced our speaker and Mayor Kevin MacDonald.  Past president Onita Pellegrini welcomed Petaluma Chamber of Commerce Membership Coordinator Carrie Pearson.


Cassie Pitkin invited members to come out and assist with the RYLA Wednesday Night Barbecue on June 15.  All members attending must complete the Youth Safety training online.  Please contact club secretary Gail Cardaropoli to get the link for the online training.  Gail's email is


Greg O'Brien invited all members who are available to Walnut Park on Tuesday, June 13 at 9 sm for a meeting with the City of Petaluma Parks staff.  As you may know the Petaluma Service Alliance's commitment to Walnut Park is focusing on new benches with shade arbors around the playground area.  June 15 and 16 will be work days to continue the installation of the benches and arbors.  Please check in with Greg if you would like to help.


President-Elect Mike recently returned from the Rotary International Convention in Melbourne Austraila with a few goodies.  He presented President Royce Van Bebber with a bottle of Petaluma Cabernet Sauvignon and a package of Murray River Salted Caramel Tim-Tams (Australia's version of the Oreo).  


Next, Mike auctioned another bottle of Petaluma Chardonnay and Tim-Tams for the benefit of the club's Fund-A-Teen Need program..  The bidding topped out at a $125 winning bid by Kristen Myburgh.  


The weekly raffle is at $175.  But past president Michael Caruana was happy to wine a bottle of red wine by pulling a blue rock from the bag.


Program committee chair Dan Berry introduced our program speaker.


Petaluma Healthcare District Board Person Elece Hemphill presented a history of the Healthcare District as it has transitioned from owning Petaluma Valley Hospital to investing in the community of Petaluma for healthy outcomes.


President elect Mike Ferris closed the meeting.  This editor has a crush on him so she included another photo!  Just checking to see who actually reads these newsletters til the end!


Today's Editor: Joanne Ferris




June 1, 2023


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President Royce Van Bebber called the meeting to order and mentioned he only has one meeting left as president! He mentioned that in-coming president, Mike Ferris, will be running our next meeting and urged all of our members to be present if possible.



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Brian Breen was called upon to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. Notice Brian's hand is just below his chicken badge? In recent weeks there have been fines levied against members who have not displayed their chicken badges and Brian was making it clear that he was wearing his badge!



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Unfortunately, Past President Henry Hansel was caught without his chicken badge and was fined! Not to be outdone by Henry, it was pointed out that Royce had a nice new watch and was fined $100 bucks! Royce glady paid, but mentioned that his watch wasn't even worth $100 bucks!!!



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Past president Lee Reposa brought his daughter Audrey to our meeting and led the us in song, first with God Bless America followed by our club song "I'm a rambler..."



Brett Shinn handled the Thought for the Day and enlightened us with the five rules of thought.



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President Van Bebber (sounds so official) reminded us that his debunking will take place on Friday, June 23, 2023 at 5:30 pm at Cattlemen's Steak House in Petaluma, 5012 Petaluma Blvd North. 5:30 pm for cocktails and 6:30 pm for dinner and program. The installation of Mike Ferris as president for 2023/2024 will also take place. Please RSVP to Gail Cardaropoli by June 19, 2023: or 707.322.1188


Royce announced that the food distribution program at the Petaluma fairgrounds is still going strong.


He also brought to our attention that workers are needed on June 12, 2023 from 9:30 am - 3 pm at Walnut Park in Petaluma to remove old benches and install 4 new benches, and on June 15, 2023 and June 16, 2023 from 9:30 am - 3 pm workers are needed to install 4 arbors over the new benches. Please contact Maureen Frances: or 707.695.4694, or Bob Tuttle, Petaluma Sunrise Rotary at 707.322.4959


Royce gave an update regarding the AED device (automated external defibrillator) installation at Leghorn Park. An AED can improve the chance of survival for a sudden cardiac arrest victim by as much as 90%. Without a defibrillator, the odds of survival drop 10% for every minute that passes.


Royce mentioned that the Polly Klaas Community Theater now has a movie screen. Brian Breen was thanked for donating for the movie screen.




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Lee Reposa gave an update on RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards). The event will take place on Wednesday, June 14, 2023 with a BBQ at Westminster Woods ( Cassie Pitkin, a new member in our club, is the RYLA Camp Director and according to Reposa she is doing a phenomenal job.



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Kristen Myburgh won the raffle and a bottle of wine!



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Dan Berry announced our program speakers from Canine Companions.



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Ginger Kelly, Volunteer Coordinator from Canine Companions gave a brief introduction of the program. According to their website ( 

Canine Companions is leading the service dog industry so our clients and their dogs can live with greater independence. We provide service dogs to adults, children and veterans with disabilities and facility dogs to professionals working in healthcare, criminal justice and educational settings. Since our founding in 1975, our dogs and all follow-up services are provided at no cost to our clients.  

Independence shouldn’t be limited to those who look or live a certain way. Disability reaches all races, classes and backgrounds, and Canine Companions will too.  Clients come to Canine Companions because of our reputation, the quality of our dogs, the experience of our training staff and the desire to lead life with greater independence. We are committed to providing services to all qualified clients. 


Susan Porteous has been with Canine Companions for 7 years and has 15 years of experience in the field. She mentioned that the puppy volunteer training program takes 1.5 years of training between the puppy and volunteer trainer, and then the dogs return to Santa Rosa for graduation. She said that the dogs help people with 65 different disabilities. The dogs are Labrador Retrievers or Golden Retrievers, or a cross between the two breeds.



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Today's Editor: Doug Hecker