


February 23, 2023



It was the last Thursday in February and President Royce struck the bell with his gavel and opened the meeting.



Past District Governor Ed Fullerton led the room in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.



Dan Berry led the singing of God Bless America.



Then it was time for hugs, handshakes, and conversation — until . . .



. . .  it was time for the Thought for the Day, delivered by Anne Gealta.  She called it her “Mantra of Life”:

We had one visiting Rotarian, Katherine Wells, President of the Petaluma Sunrise Club.  We also had three visitors who were guests of Rotarians.



President Katherine announced her club’s Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament, to be held March 25 at the Petaluma Women’s Club.  More information is available at Facebook Events.


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President Royce commented on the successful meeting last week at the Hotel Petaluma.  He said the departure video would be available shortly.


He also announced that Mike Ambrosio is again fighting lymphoma and doing well, but taking a break from Rotary.  Mike, we are all hoping to see you back soon!


In another Sunshine Report, President Royce reported that Shari Ranney broke her wrist in a fall at SFO and was having surgery today.  Get well soon, Shari!



Onita Pellegrini announced that almost everything is set for our 100th Anniversary Gala at the Elks Club.  She reported that just a few seats were available for stragglers.  Contact Maggie Radany if you need a ticket.



Co-chair John Dado reported that historic Rotary families and past club presidents would be well represented at the event.  Among past leaders making an appearance will be Lou Steinberg and Clark Rosen who will travel from Colorado to attend.  While cocktail attire is the order of the day, it was recommended that folks bring their dancing shoes. 


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Brian Breen reported that ticket sales for the Tom Baker Super Raffle are doing well (a $6,000 “profit” before today’s collections).  He urged continued sales as this raffle is the major fund-raiser for the Club and makes possible so much of what we do.



President Royce announced that volunteers are needed to assist the Petaluma Service Alliance in preparing and installing arbors and benches at Walnut Park. 



Dan Berry announced that our March 16th meeting would celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with an Irish joke contest.  Sign up with Dan for a possible opportunity to tell your favorite Irish joke and maybe win a bottle of Jamesons.



President Royce reminded members of the Rotary Youth Exchange Golf Tournament on Saturday, April 22 at the Windsor Golf Club — and that Anne Gealta had arranged the date of September 11 for our annual golf tournament.  Mark your calendar.


In other announcements we learned that we are about half-way through the dictionary distribution to local third-graders and that the next board meeting would be next Tuesday at 5:30pm in Royce‘s office.


Although we didn’t sing Happy Birthday, the February birthdays of Lee Reposa, Cary White, Kathy O'Connor, Raine Howe, Al Cattalini, Chris Elzi, Jan Grimes, and Brian Breen.



The room cheered when President Royce announced that Onita Pellegrini was the February Rotarian of the Month.  Congratulations, Onita, on this well-deserved honor!



In a bittersweet accounting, Michael Nistler reported the death of his mother after a very brief illness and also a recent RV trip to Tucson, Yuma, San Diego, and Victorville.  For his travels, Michael offered up a $100 fine.



Homer, one of our three visitors, held the winning raffle ticket — and drew the lucky brown rock.  For this, he walked off with $75.



How many Rotarians does it take to present a video?  As this photo shows, at least four.  Their efforts were worthwhile as they allowed Orest Balytsky to present a superb program.



Orest, who recently returned from a trip to Ukraine, where he delivered needed supplies and met family and Rotarians, began by presenting President Royce with a flag from the Rotary Club of Lviv-Leopoles.




Orest’s presentation was serious, but at times humorous.  This map shows the relative size of Russia and Ukraine.  I missed snapping a photo of the Putin Christmas ornament, which you hang on your tree (or, more correctly, who you hang).



Here is the front page of a restaurant menu which, at the bottom, features Roast Putin.  You may have difficulty reading the notice above Putin-on-a-spit so we’ve reprinted it here:


ATTENTION! If you hear an air raid siren, please leave the restaurant as soon as possible, and proceed to the nearest shelter in the shopping center “King Cross Leopolis,” underground parking.  For your and our safety, please pay the bill at the first opportunity, after ordering, in order to save time in case of evacuation.  Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Heroes!


An unforgettable part of Orest’s presentation was the music video of a Ukrainian lullaby sung by his grandson.  Here is Orest’s description:


This is our extended family project. The idea was born when LA composer, John Snyder, my son-in-law’s brother, heard my daughter Irina’s singing a Ukrainian lullaby to her 3 y.o. son Lesyk (Alex), who also liked to sing that song. John came up with the idea to make a recording, with Lesyk as a lead singer (to encourage him to sing, they had to bribe him with sweets, milk, etc.), involving our family members, his colleagues-musicians from LA, famous bandura player Olya Olijnyk, and other professionals.


I hope you will like it. And if you do, consider a donation (the link is at the end of the video), and share it.





Thank you, Orest, for a moving and thoughtful look at a war now entering its second year.


Today's Editor: Al Cattalini




February 16, 2023


Returning to the Hotel Petaluma where our club met in the early years!


President Royce called the meeting to order.



Past President Rick Gorman led all in the Pledge of Allegiance.



Past President John Dado kicked off everyone singing God Bless America.


The intrepid Chris Elzi shared the Thought for the Day


President Royce introduced (for her third visit) Lena Furlong of Sol Landscapes.

Past President Onita Pellegrini introduced Shelly Silva of the Petaluma Chamber of Commerce who served as our group photographer and videorecording engineer of the day!.



Past President Onita announced our 100th Anniversary Gala is less than a month away!  Any members who have not paid or designated their choice for entrees must do so ASAP!  We are sold out at 240 people! 
Saturday, March 11
Petaluma Elks Lodge

Doors open at 6 pm

Dinner seating begins at 6:45 pm

100th Celebration Program & Super Raflle Drawing!

8:30 - 10:30 pm - Dancing to Wonderbread 5!
If you have any questions about your ticket status, please contact Maggie Radany.


President Royce and Onita also reminded members that the club will match every $100 individual member contribute this year to The Rotary Foundation which counts towards your Paul Harris Fellow award.  


President Royce appealed to members to contribute $100 to Polio Plus through The Rotary Foundation.  The Petaluma Valley Club is making great progress towards every member controbuting.  So lets follow that lead!  Please check with Onita if you have any questions.



Brian Breen gave an update to our Super Raffle ticket sales.  We have just recently passed the break even point which means our prizes and ticket printing expenses are covered.  Let's ramp it up to make this the best year ever!  Among the top sellers so far are Sherry Burwen, Rick Gorman, Chris & Shari Ranney and of course, President Royce!


Brian is available for counseling support and extra tickets.


Flyers were on the table for the Rotary Youth Exchange Golf Tournament on April 22 at Windsor Golf Club.  There are a few foursomes being organized from our club.  See President Royce if you want to play.
Here's the Link for More Information


It's our final Third Grade Dictionary Distribution year! 

There are numerous dates through March to visit schools and hand out these dictionaries to students.



January's Rotarian of the Month award went to.....

Raine Howe for all her work on behalf of the club.  She led the effort for a wonderful part of the program you will see at the 100th Gala.

Congratulations Raine!



Dan Berry Introduced our program speaker.



Susan Coolidge spoke in the persona of Ida Belle McNear as part of Petaluma Historic Library's Petalumans of Yesteryear program.  Her presentation covered our history as a city and our club in the late 1800's and early 1900's.  She also provided details on the history of the Hotel Petaluma.


At the concludion of the program, Dan Berry treated us all to a showing of the video of our founding fathers in 1929.

At 6:59 on the video, members process out of the Hotel Petaluma. 


Members in attendence recreated the procession out of the hotel.  It is being uploaded to the cloud and we'll send along the link as soon as it is live.






February 9, 2023

Club Social at Barber Cellars!


Members gathered for a little wine and cheese at Barber Cellars this week.  

Next week, February 16, we return to our original meeting location in 1923:  Lunch at the Hotel Petaluma Ballroom.  


President Royce invites all members to visit our local elementary schools to hand out dictionaries to third grade students.  Here's the link to the sign up site.  Please note that more schools will be added, so check back on the site for more opportunities to share the gift of Rotary and literacy.


Tom Baker Super Raffle Season continues!  Drop off your sold tickets with payments to Rick Gorman at the Exchange Bank.  See Rick or Brian Breen for additional tickets. 


The February 23 SCARC event in Cloverdale.....Their Crab Feed!

Please contact Gail Cardaropoli by 2/18 if you want to join in.  Several members are already signed up.


Chris Ranney and Dan Berry wore their matching jackets!



Today's Editor: 



February 2, 2023



President ROYCE “the Rodent” VAN BEBBER opened our first luncheon meeting for the month of February (which also just happened to be Groundhog Day), at the appointed half-hour.


After his standard opening monologue, the Prez had Past-President HENRY “Hedgehog” HANSEL lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance


and then tapped Past-President CHRIS “the Rat” RANNEY to lead us in song (God Bless America).  The customary handshake, hugs and blessings amongst our members ensued.



Next, CHRIS “the Chipmunk” ELZI delivered our Thought for the Day… or was it a history class?!  Either way, he dispensed words of wisdom! The Prez then introduced our lone Visiting Rotarian (Polly Johnson from the Petaluma Valley Rotary Club), followed by the introduction of the guests of Rotarians who joined us for lunch, including the Prez’ guest (Lena Furlong) and Past-President ELIAS “the Hamster” HUSARY’s guest (Cary White), and our Rotary Exchange Student (Matilda) who gave us an update on her recent activities!!

Rotary Youth Exchange Student Matilde joined our meeting this week.

The Prez then paid tribute to Lace House Linen for hosting our Club visit last week and thanked Past-President DAN “the Lemur” LIBARLE and his entire family for a job well done!


Past-President RICK “the Gopher” GORMAN gave us an update on the Super Raffle: 200 tickets have been sold with the Prez leading the pack with 70 sales so far!! Call Rick or BRIAN “the Beaver” BREEN for more tickets for needed sales!



Polly Johnson reminded us of the upcoming South End Golf Tournament scheduled for April 22, 2023, to raise funds for our local Rotary Youth Exchange program.

SHARI “Fox Squirrel” RANNEY then made an announcement on the effort and needs of the Redwood Empire Food Bank – call Shari if you are interested in helping out. 

SUZANNE “Flying Squirrel” TUCKER then gave us an update on the recent Petaluma Non-Profit Summit event organized and sponsored by the 3-Petaluma based Rotary Clubs, which by all account was a huge success.



The Prez, along with Membership Committee Chair Past-President ONITA “the Possum” PELLIGRINI, and Past-President ELIAS HUSARY, as sponsor, inducted CARY “Woodchuck” WHITE into our Club – congratulations, Cary… we’re happy to have you join us!!



The Prez then pulled raffle ticket #7331870 which was a winner for Past-President CHRIS RANNEY and good enough for a primo bottle of vino (a nice cabernet)! 


Program Committee Chair SUZANNE TUCKER  then introduced our speaker, Argus-Courier Editor Don Francis, who delivered a very informative program about the current state of the newspaper business and the challenges to keep newspapers financially viable.


After a great Q&A session, he received a big round of applause for a program well received!



Whereupon, the Prez, after apparently not seeing his shadow, proceeded to summarily adjourn the meeting, but not before telling us that our next meeting will be at Barber Cellars (on Washington Street). See you there!!



Today's Editor: Mike Baddeley