

August 31, 2023


A group of people sitting at a table

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This looks like some sort of a seminar, but it’s your Rotary Club having lunch at the Coast Guard Training Center.  We enjoyed a delicious lunch prepared by student cooks who soon will graduate as USCG Culinary Specialists. 



As we concluded our lunch, President Mike, called the meeting to order, led the Pledge of Allegiance, and introduced our first speaker.


A person standing at a podium

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Captain Matt Chong, Commanding Officer of the Training Center, welcomed the crowd and discussed both the facility and the Coast Guard in general.


A person in uniform speaking into a microphone

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He was followed by Master Chief Petty Officer Kevin Ball, head of the cooks’ school, who discussed both that school and the many other training courses offered at the Petaluma facility.A group of people standing in a room

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A group of people standing in a room

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Following the program, we departed for the aquatic environment of the Aviation  Survival Technician School where the Coast Guard trains its rescue swimmers.


A person sitting in a pool

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A person in a life vest holding a person in a pool

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We watched an impressive demonstration of how a rescue swimmer confronts a franticly flailing person in the water, takes control, and moves the nearly drowned victim to a basket suspended from a helicopter to be hoisted to safety.


A helicopter with a person in the water

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A person in a helmet swimming in the water

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To learn more about the Training Center, click/tap here.


Today's Editor: Al Cattalini



August 17, 2023


A person speaking into a microphone

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President Mike Ferris called our meeting to order.



A person with his hand on his chest

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Brandon Trammell led the Pledge of Allegiance.



A person in a blue shirt

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Mike Caruana led the Song of the day.



Chris Elzi handled the Thought for the Day and cited a book by P.J. O'Rourke titled 'How The Hell Did This Happen' regarding the election of 2016. He reminded us to drink 6-8 glasses of fluid per day: "straight-up, or on the rocks!"



We had three visitors: Kim Jellico (invited by Judi Allewelt), Jeff Dorais (2nd visit - invited by Sunrise Rotary's Katherine Wells), and Phil Henry, former Rotary President in Berkeley 2012-2013 (2nd visit - invited by Mike Ambrosio).



A white megaphone with text

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REMINDER: we are dark on Thursday, August 24, 2023.


Petaluma Rotary Club Board Meeting: 5:30 pm on 09/22/2023 (Tuesday) at Mike and Joanne Ferris' home: 280 Oxford Court, Petaluma, CA 94952


Fireside Chat: 5:30 pm on 09/24/2023 (Thursday) at Mike and Joanne Ferris' home: 280 Oxford Court, Petaluma, CA 94952


SCARC meeting on August 31, 2023 hosted by Sunrise Rotary ( 



Maui Fires Relief Fund:


A person speaking into a microphone

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Dan Berry gave an update on the annual golf tournament and mentioned that Jay Palm will be handling the BBQ Tri-Tip sandwiches for lunch and Sally Tomatoes will provide heavy Hors D'oeuvres for dinner!


Petaluma Rotary Club 2023 Golf Tournament at noon on 09/11/2023 at the Petaluma Golf & Country Club


A close-up of a flyer

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Rick Mossi gave an update on the Rotary Foundation (required annual meeting). Thanks Rick!



Bano Cummings won the weekly raffle and a bottle of wine!



Al Cattalini reminded us that on Thursday, August 31, 2023 our club will be going on a field trip to the U.S. Coast Guard Training Center in 
Middle Two Rock and you must RSVP by Thursday, August 24, 2023.



First Lady, Joanne Ferris, introduced our guest speaker, Gary Greenough from the Pacific Coast Air Museum.



Gary Greenough from the Pacific Coast Air Museum in Santa Rosa gave us a history lesson regarding Sonoma County aviation. For information, please visit:





Today's Editor: Doug Hecker



August 10, 2023

Club Social at The Block!




Members enjoyed great company, beverages, flatbread pizza and Ice Cream!



Rotary Youth Exchange Student Veeti Verti arrived the day before from Finland.  He will be attending Petaluma High School this year.


Shout out to John and Sharon Dado for inviting Past Presidents Lee Bean and Tom Brandal and their lovely wives Kathy and Oralee.



Today's Editor: Joanne Ferris


August 3, 2023


President Michael Ferris began the meeting with the ringing of the replacement bell.


Dr. John Zimmerman led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Kip Herzog  then led us in "God Bless America."


Chris Ranney then gave us the Thought for the Day.


After that we enjoyed a moment of Fellowship and we were introduced to Visiting Rotarians, a charming young lady from Rotary Youth Exchange, and Lee Reposa introduced three young men from Junior PGA.



Shari Ranney reminded us of a fundraiser at Brooknote Winery to promote help in promoting a cure for blindness. We were also reminded of the Miracle League BBQ on September 7 and Fireside Chat at the home of Chris and Shari Ranney on August 24.



Rick Gorman brought us some great news, of the birth of his fourth grandchild, weighing in at a healthy 9lbs. 8 oz. Was he fined? Not really, but he contributed $100 in gratitude.


Then it was news from Royve Van Bebber. Royce had postponed a major celebration for his 20th anniversary because he had been President. This year he made up for it with a trip to the Yucatan Peninsula, including a trip on a yacht.  (Tough life, Royce!) 


Royce paid his $100 fine (plus $50 extra for the yacht), and presented President Mike Ferris with a bottle of choice tequila and two shot glasses. (And who could begrudge him anyway, after his year in office.)




After that we had a report of the greatest mystery since Sherlock Holmes -- the Mystery of the Missing Bell.



When Lee Reposa was questioned about the bell, he reassured all by telling us that a Select Committee, including Joanne Ferris, had been formed  Clearly the mystery will soon be solved. As Claude Rains said in "Casablanca," Round up the usueal suspects."


And we all know how effective committees are.



Cattalini, Al


Al Cattalini won a nice bottle of wine in the Raffle. (Don't worry, that's just his regular Rotary photo, not a mug shot from a DUI.)


THAT'S a better photo.




Lee Reposa then passed the torch as RYLA representative to Cassie Pitkin, who presented us with an informative (and moving) film about RYLA.


Good work, Cassie!



A great ending for for meeting.