April 27, 2023
President Royce Van Bebber kicked-off the meeting (the only "Rotary" logo missing is a tattoo - hmmm, maybe a night of whiskey at Breen's will take care of that!).
In-coming president, Mike Ferris, led the Pledge of Allegiance (does this mean Royce is a lame duck???).
Dan Libarle was exercising his vocal cords and led God Bless America!
President Royce Van Bebber handled the Thought for the Day and shared a quote by the late Nelson Mandela: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Onita Pellegrini introduced her guest, Carrie Pierson, being greeted by Judy McReynolds.
Brian Breen's guest, Kurt Rifbjerg, attended our meeting, and past president, Rick Gorman introduced Dick Herman.
President Royce Van Bebber announced the Rotarian of the month for April 2023, Mike Stauber. Thank you for your contributions and service to our club and community Mike!
Past president Chris Ranney informed us that the Miracle League Whiffle Ball Tournament raised nearly $21,000 ($5,220 was donated to Miracle League and that same amount went to each of the three Rotary clubs in Petaluma ($5,220 to each club).
Rick Gorman announced that Jack and Carol King, $8,000 winners of our club's 2023 Super Raffle donated $4,000 back to Rotary.
In-coming president, Mike Ferris, (yes Mike, there's no getting around it - you ARE the president elect!) announced the Rotary Valley Club drive-through Tri-Tip BBQ dinner on Saturday, May 13, 2023 from 3pm-5:30 pm at St. John's Episcopal Church, 40 5th Street Petaluma, CA 94952. $85 is the price for a meal for 4.
A whole Marinated Grilled Tri-Tip of Beef, Rancho Gordo Santa Maria Pinquito Beans, Potato Salad, Green Salad, Hawaiian Rolls and Butter, and Triple Chocolate Brownies.
The perfect way to feed a family of 4 or more! If there are only two of you, these items are great as leftovers. And what a great excuse for a party. Remember the next day is Mother's Day. Why not start spoiling the special woman or women in your life a day early!!! See the link below to get tickets:
Larry Jonas thanked our club members for attending Petaluma High School recently during our Rotary Club's field trip to the metal shop. Those who attended were amazed by the program and the students. Larry also made a special thanks to Dan Sunia, Manufacturing Technology/NIMS Teacher at Petaluma High School.
Past president, Elias Husary, won the raffle and a bottle of wine! By the position of Royce's left hand, I believe he was expecting Elias to give him back the wine!
Judi Allewelt thanked Brett Shinn for his assistance in helping Judi's grandson get a job as a nurse at Petaluma Valley Hospital. Judi was happy to pay a $100 fine on behalf of her grandson!
Elias mentioned that he was recently at his nephew's baseball game and noticed Royce's 1970 Oldsmobile 442 was illegally parked in a tow away zone posted "No Parking Anytime" - Royce realized he was lucky not to receive a ticket or get towed and agreed to be fined $100.
Rick Gorman agreed to pay a $21 fine for losing his golf club cover. Rick also mentioned that "I've spoke more at this meeting than when I was Rotary President!"
Dan Berry confessed that he won a raffle at a recent event and claimed the prize on behalf of Rick Gorman (must be present to win). Rick gladly paid $100 fine on Dan's behalf.
Rick introduced our Guest Speaker, Dick Herman, President of 101 Manufacturing and a 30-year resident of Petaluma.
Dick Herman gave an
inspirational speech regarding manufacturing. According to their website (www.101mfg.com) 101MFG
is a trusted, private alliance of manufacturing executives throughout
California and their Mission is to:
1) Enhance their growth and profitability
2) Help open doors to California and the world's greatest OEMs
3) Promote awareness and attract the world's best workforce
4) Leverage California's advanced technology for strategic
5) Secure advocacy for manufacturing in California by public
Our member companies are strategic suppliers to aerospace, defense, medical, bio-pharma, communications, industrial, energy, electronics, optical, transportation, green building and leading consumer products companies throughout the world.
Today's Editor: Doug Hecker
April 13, 2023
With a spring in his step, President Royce called the meeting to order. He shared his family Easter festivities including $600 in cash hidden inside Easter eggs. If you crash the Van Bebber Party next year, be warned that the eggs filled with chocolate melted in the sun.
Past President Michael Nistler led the Pledge of Allegiance. Judging from this photo, his spring allergies were flaring up!
Past President Rick Mossi sprang to his feet to lead the club singing God Bless America.
New member Lena Furlong, in spring floral fashion, presented the thought for the day from Nobel prize winning Bishop Desmond Tutu.
On this perfect, spring day, visiting rotarians, Richard Pitt and Paulie Johns were introduced.
President Royce announced the Miracle League's Spring season begins this weekend. Shari Ranney has members who are going to help this Saturday. Please contact Shari to volunteer for a future Saturday.
Past President Chris Ranney announced the Debunking of President Royce and Installation of President Elect Mike will be on Friday, June 23 at Cattleman's. Note this is a few days after spring becomes summer!
Paulie Johns reminded everyone that the Spring Golf Tournament to benefit Rotary Youth Exchange will be 4/22/23 at Windsor Golf Course. Sponsors are still welcome in a variety of areas. Golfers can still register at YE5130.org
Paulie was also selling tickets for Petaluma Valley Rotary's Spring Tri Tip Barbecue Drive Thru Fundraiser on Sat. 5/13/23.
NO LUNCH MEETING NEXT WEEK (April 20)! Instead, members and guests are invited to a Spring Twilight Tour of Petaluma High School's Shop Program at 5:00 pm. This is not your father's shop operation. Prepare to learn about CAD and 3D printing. Refreshments will be on hand. Park on Fair Street. Enter through the gate just south (left) of the softball field. Our host will be Past President Larry Jonas.
Springtime brought a very generous gift from Super Raffle winners Jack and Carol King. They donated $4000 to the club's community projects effort! Above, Past President Rick Gorman presents the check to President Royce.
New Member Cary White gave his very clever craft talk beginning with a story. From there he sprang to the story of his own life and what brought him to become a member of our club.
Past President Rick Mossi has several reasons for the spring in his step these days. He retired from the Exchange Bank, he has great kids and grandchildren and he got married last month! He gladly paid a fine AND made a contribution the our local Petaluma Rotary Club Foundation.
He finally took possession of his plague for serving as club president in 2013-2014! It's been hiding in the back of the Rotary cabinet of the Country Club all these years.
Jan Grimes, our greeter this week, was so excited to win a bottle of wine a few weeks back she left it behind. Our intrepid President Royce retrieved it and sprung the surprise bottle on her.
Judy McReynolds won the raffle this week and a bottle of wine this week. Judy hung on to that bottle lest Spring fever cause her to leave it behind.
Rotary Youth Exchange Student Matilde Wohlmuther gave a wonderful presentation about her year in Petaluma. She told us about her home country of Austria, her family and all her adventures this year. She is thoroughly enjoying spring.
Today's Editor: Joanne Ferris
April 6, 2023
President Royce started our first meeting of April with a folksy discussion of the weather and family.
Then he called on President Elect Nominee Ricardo Marzo to lead the Pledge of Allegiance.
Sue Symons was next, leading a spirited rendition of God Bless America.
Following several minutes of conviviality, handshakes, and hugs, Brandon Trammell delivered his Thought for the Day. He discussed the importance of context, noting that it is in short supply in much of the information presented to us, often omitted to make a point.
There were no visiting Rotarians but several members introduced guests. Kathy O’Connor introduced her “front office extraordinaire,” President Elect Mike Ferris introduced Paul Lounibos’ daughter, and Raine Howe introduced our two speakers.
Shari Ranney thanked participants, sponsors, and volunteers who all contributed to the success of Saturday’s Wiffleball Tournament. The team from Maselli and Sons won the tournament, prevailing over a team from Petaluma High School. Special thanks to Lace House Linen and Exchange Bank for being the major sponsors!
Shari noted that the Miracle League season starts soon, and she is looking for volunteer BBQers and servers for April 15, April 29, and May 13.
Next Thursday, April 13 is the 6pm club social at Water Street Bistro. Reservations are probably closed by the time you read this, but you can call Gail Cardaropoli and see what happens. The Club is NOT DARK on the 13th. We’ll be having a regular meeting.
President Royce reminded members of the Rotary Youth Exchange golf tournament Saturday, April 22 at the Windsor Golf Club.
Our April 20 field trip is a guided twilight tour of the Petaluma High School metal shop (and other industrial training facilities) led by Larry Jonas. We will be DARK for lunch that day.
The District Conference is May 4-7 at Konocti Harbor Resort. More information and registration at www.rotary5130.org/rotary-rocks-the-lake.
Good news for members who were unable to use their paid reservation for the Centennial Gala on March 11. While the payment is non-refundable, the Board has approved a $150 contribution toward the member’s next Paul Harris award.
President Elect Mike Ferris says he is all charged up after attending PETS and the recent District Assembly in Ukiah.
President Elect Nominee Ricardo was fined $100 for failing to lead the song at last week’s meeting, even though he was at the meeting. Something about an important phone call in the parking lot. He was happy to pay the $100 because he folded in (1) good health, (2) a trip to Barcelona plus Oslo and Tromsø, Norway, and (3) his new real estate license (so he can help his wife).
Tawny Tesconi also was fined $100, but for a single event, a trip to the Cayman Islands.
President Elect Mike announced a Fireside Chat at Onita Pellegrini’s home on May 16 at 4:30pm.
Kathy O’Connor won the raffle and a bottle of wine. Next week: $50 or a bottle of wine.
Raine Howe introduced this week’s program featuring the Rip City Riders.
Rob Anello, President of the Rip City Riders, a motorcycle club and 501c3 charitable organization, discussed the club which was established in Petaluma in 1987. They have fun on their Harley Davidsons while raising funds for local causes. In the past 17 years the Riders have contributed more than $650,000 to local charities, most of them in Petaluma.
Long-time member, Tim Azevedo, also discussed the organization which has a clubhouse on Roblar Road (the old Dunham School building) and chapters in Nevada and Oregon.
Today's Editor: Al Cattalini