


September 29, 2022


Field Trip to Petaluma River Park






A tent set up in a field

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A group of people eating at a table

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A person wearing a hat and sunglasses

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A river with a bridge and towers

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A couple of people on paddle boards

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A person in a black shirt and sunglasses

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A person wearing sunglasses and smiling

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A person and person smiling for a picture

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A person with her hands together

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A person wearing a hat

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A person wearing a hat and blue shirt

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A group of people walking on a dirt road

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Long shot of a dirt road

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A lake with a building in the background

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A picnic table with an umbrella in a field

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A view of a lake with houses and trees

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A group of people walking on a hill

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A group of people walking in a field

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A small lake with a bridge and trees

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A group of people walking on a path

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A group of people standing on a dirt road

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A river with a body of water

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A group of women sitting in a golf cart

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A red building in a field

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Today's Editor: Al Cattalini




September 22, 2022


The meeting got off with a great start when Club President Royce Van Bebber reminded us that not only our club's 100th anniversary next year but also the 100th anniversary of our host, the Petaluma Golf and Country Club is this year.

Lee Reposa led us in a stirring rendition of "God Bless America."




Our Thought for the Day was a moving one, reputedly Steve Jobs' epiphany at the end of his life. We can thank Shari Ranney for this inspiration.


Our own answer to Britain's House of Windsor, Queen Anne (Anne Gealta to us commoners) then told us the great results of our club's first fundraiser under President (Prime Minister?) Royce. 


She insisted on thanking all of the "go to people" who had made it possible (including Angie, Royce's assistant, who furnished various healing waters and medicinal potions to the players).



President Royce then reminded us that next week's meeting would be a road trip to River Park, with plenty of transportation for those who find it difficult to take the long walk.

Chris Ranney gave us a heartening update on the club's efforts (and Rotary's efforts) to help the Ukrainian victims of the invasion.


A person speaking into a microphone

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Bill Gabbert, Rotarian and President of COTS, then explained about the raffle for the benefit of COTS, with up to $10,000 in prizes in the form of gift certificates to local restaurants. Petaluma Rotary's members did the Club proud in their generosity!


President Royce then presented the award for Rotarian of the Month. The most worthy recipient was…Anne Gealta.


There was a salute to the Rotarians born in September and then the raffle drawing, won by Judy McReynolds.


Our guest speaker, Matt Everson, from Illuminote gave us a terrifying, but enlightening, talk about the dangers of many estate plans, and how easy it would be for a bad person to swindle someone (especially someone under the influence of the swindler). Fortunately he also gave us some tips to protect ourselves and our loved ones.



President Royce thanked Matt and provided him with a well deserved speaker's gift.



Today's Editor: Chris Elzi



September 12, 2022


It was a beautiful day for a golf tournament at Petaluma Golf & Country Club, especially after the dreadful heat wave from the week before. The registration table was up and running promptly at 11:30 AM. 


Hopeful golfers, plotting their strategy for winning the tournament.  


Putters, sharpening their skills for the putting contest.  


Lunches were available before the tournament to provide nutrition for the many golfers. 


Two very excited golfers here, their faces say it all. 


After the tournament, President Royce welcomed everyone who gathered at the Petaluma Golf and Country Club to enjoy dinner and celebrate the winners.      




A group of men sitting at a table

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And, we have some happy winners here.  

Mike Stauber’s foursome won the tournament with a score of 58.

Dan Pensabene won the long Drive.

Lee Reposa won the putting contest.

Tony Western was closest to the pin.































Notice of Proposed New Member: Kristen Myburgh 

Kristen (and her husband) are new-ish to Petaluma and new to Rotary. Kristen envisions Rotary as a means to learn about and get involved in community, which is pretty spot-on. She is a Director of HR and VP for Talent Management for Blue River Technology. The company’s mission is “To create intelligent machinery that solves monumental challenges for their customers.” We look forward to welcoming Kristen into our club!

Should you, as members, have any objections to Kristen joining our Club, please submit in writing to President Royce within 7 days.


Today's Editor: Cindy Thomas




September 8, 2022



In record setting fashion, President Royce Van Bebber called the meeting to order a few minutes early.  He announced the sooner we begin the meeting, the sooner we can conclude and beat the heat!


All members stood for a moment of silence in memory of Queen Elizabeth II who passed away this morning.


President Elect Mike Ferris led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Past President Dan Libarle launched the singing of God Bless America.


After a lively period of fellowship among members and guests, Brian Breen delivered the Thoughts for the Day quoting football legends John Madden, Archie Griffin, Jerry Rice, JJ Watt, Peyton Manning and Vince Lombardi.


Past President Anne Gealta announced the Golf Tournament on Monday Sept 12 is in great shape.  All golfer slots are filled.  We have outstanding sponsors.  All the action begins on Monday at 11:30 am.  Special shout out to Royce's assistant Angie who has been working closely with Anne arranging all the details.


Paulie Johns of the Petaluma Valley Rotary Club was visiting today.  Paulie invited all members to scan the QR code on the tables for advance tickets to this Saturday's Craft Beer Festival.  There will be an adundance of craft beer companies, food for sale and lots of great music.  The best part is the forecast is a mild day in the high 70's!


Paulie introduced our new inbound Rotary Youth Exchange student Matilde from Austria.  Matilde spoke about her adventure for the next year here in Petaluma.  She is attending Casa Grande High School and loves her classes!  She looks forward to meeting many more members of Rotary.


Matilde and President Royce exchanged club banners to great applause.


Tyler of Sally Tomatoes announced that there will be a concert at Sally Tomates by an Eagles cover band on October 15.  There is information about the concert series at SOMA on the back table.


President Royce announced that Past President Chris Ranney just received word that the three Petaluma Club Ukrainian Relief Grant request was going to be funded at $12,500.  The clubs are working on reviewing the request with the Rotary Club of Lviv Leopolis to determine how to maximize the grant funds to purchase a maxofacial repair instrument to be used in the recovery of citizens injured in the war.  More to come on this.


President Royce also announced that the District 5130 Grant submitted by all three Petaluma Clubs was approved.  This grant will fund a needs assessment of projects and services that require funding for local non-profit organizations.  It will also fund an AED for Leghorn Park.


Raine Howe was pleased to announce that the Polly Klaas Theater passed the fire inspection yesterday and has a very short punch list to complete in the next week to receive final approval from the City of Petaluma.  Next week, the exterioe fountain that was funded by a district grant from our club and the Petaluma Valley Rotary Club will be installed.  Due to the drought, the fountain will initially contain planted succulents which will be funded by a grant from the Kiwanis!


Our club wil be visiting the theater in a few months!


Shari Ranney, relayed a message through President Royce that 50 Rotary at Work T shirts have been ordered.  The cost will be $12 each and Shari will settle up with members who already paid.


She also wanted to remind members that the fall season at Miracle League is in full swing and members are invited to help at the barbecue pavilion for a morning or mid-day shift.


September SCARC Meeting:  In Search of the Perfect Hybrid Meeting!

...brought to you by Past President Peter Hoberg and the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa Sunrise on Thursday, September 29, 6:00 PM at the Union Hotel Restaurant, 280 Mission Blvd (near Hwy 12), Santa Rosa. $50. An RSVP is required as seating is limited. Please contact —> Seamlessly integrate your live and ZOOM gathering with a minimum of fuss, and a maximum of member, guest, and speaker engagement. SCARC Sonoma County Association of Rotary Clubs.


For the sake of everyone's comfort, financially and temperature wise, no fines were levied.


Past President Mike Baddeley was the winner of the weekly raffle...a nice bottle of wine! 


Mike served as MC hosting the three local high school football coaches and their team captains.



Today's Editor: Joanne Ferris



September 1, 2022



Flanked by large ShelterBox posters, President Royce gaveled the bell and convened our first meeting of September.



Welcoming the crowd, he proceeded to the first order of business, our salute to the flag.



Michael Nistler led the Pledge of Allegiance.



He was followed by Mike Ambrosio who led a spirited God Bless America.



Then it was time for conviviality, handshakes, and hugs. 


A person speaking into a microphone

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After several minutes of spirited conversation all around the room, President Royce got the crowd back to their seats for the Thought for the Day.



Michael Caruana discussed the importance of being positive.  He said you can be successful going from one failure to the next with no loss of enthusiasm.


President Royce reminded members of the Petaluma River Craft Beer Festival, sponsored by the Petaluma Area Chamber of Commerce and the Rotary Club of Petaluma Valley, being held on Saturday, September 10.  Volunteer opportunities are still available.



Two days later, on Monday, September 12, we’ll be having our annual Golf Tournament.  Photogenic chairperson Anne Gealta reported that things are coming together nicely.  There are still openings for new players.  Ann asked that you please reconfirm with her if you’ve made your arrangements verbally instead of online. 



Chris Ranney had several announcements for absent wife Shari who, he reported, was recovering from a (Covid?) rebound.



President Royce discussed an ongoing assessment of our Dictionary Program.  We are considering a new direction for the program.  This may be our last year of providing classic, hard-bound dictionaries to third graders. 


He also announced that the Board had approved a $2,500 grant to be Homecoming Sponsor at SRJC Petaluma Campus this year.  This marks the resumption of live classes after a two-year Covid suspension.


President Royce also announced that Joe Tambe had been authorized a one-year leave of absence for health issues and that Bill Groverman had resigned from the Club.  We’ll miss seeing you guys!



A framed certificate and a bottle of wine, along with a lapel pin, went to Dan Berry who was announced as August’s Rotarian of the Month.



An elated Dan reported that by strange happenstance he was wearing a ROTM lapel pin today, one received in the past.  Congratulations, Dan, for this well-deserved award.



Proud grandma Judi Allewelt gladly paid a $50 fine to announce that her grandson had graduated from UNLV with a nursing degree.



Another happy Rotarian was Brett Shinn, celebrating his wife’s birthday with a $40 fine.



Cindy Thomas had the winning raffle ticket but drew the wrong rock and won a bottle of wine instead of cash.  Next week’s raffle will be worth $100 (if you pull the right rock).



Recounting lessons learned during an undergraduate practicum in Africa, Jaime Symons introduced today’s speaker.



Jim Carriere, a member of the Rotary Club of San Rafael Harbor, gave an interesting presentation on ShelterBox, the international disaster relief charity.



Continuing our Club’s long tradition of supporting this organization, President Royce presented Jim with a $3,000 check from the Club.


See you next week when our local high school football coaches will discuss the current season.



Today's Editor: Al Cattalini