November 17, 2022
Our illustrious leader, Royce Van Bebber, called our meeting to order and reminded us that we will be Dark next week for the Thanksgiving holiday (Brian Breen missed the meeting today so please don't tell him that we're Dark next week!). Royce wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!
Greg O'Brien led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Anne Gealta A.K.A. 'Queen Anne' led us in song: 'God Bless America'.
Larry Jonas handled the 'Thought for the Day' and reminded us that we must work together to overcome our divided nation.
Elias Husary's guest, Cary White, visited for a second time.
Unfortunately, Marlene Freetly, a long-time Rotarian and Petaluma resident, passed away recently. Marlene was an Honorary Member from 2008-2011, an Active Member since 2011, and received recognition as a Paul Harris Fellow recipient. Condolences to Marlene's family and friends.
Shari Ranney had four announcements to make:
1) Register for our club's 100th anniversary party online at
2) Register for our Holiday party on December 11, 2022 at Seared.
3) The Miracle League is hosting their 2nd annual Winter Wonderland Event and needs volunteers. e-mail: or call Sarah Marcia: 707.694.3820
4) "Please be the highest bidder on a pack of Dominican hand-rolled cigars!" Proceeds to benefit Rotary International.
Shari got the bidding going at $25 bucks!
Brandon Trammell was the highest bidder at $150 bucks. He outbid our president, Royce Van Bebber.
I'm not too sure what was in the cigars, but I'm sure Brandon will be fine!
Judi Allewelt won the raffle (AGAIN!!!). The pot was up to $225, but she ended up with a bottle of vino!
Rick Gorman introduced our guest speaker, Rod Moore.
Our guest speaker, Rod Moore, informed our club about the Petaluma Leghorns American Legion Baseball team. According to Moore, he helped get the Leghorns re-instated in 1999 and since then the team made it to the 2013 World Series, where the team finished in 2nd place. Since then, the team won 4 state championships and some of the players have made it to the MLB. The Leghorns are working with the City of Petaluma to build a new field at the Petaluma Community Sports Field on East Washington Street in East Petaluma near Rooster Run Golf Course and the Petaluma Municipal Airport. O.C. Jones & Sons Inc., a Bay Area construction company, is building the field and the first phase will cost $5 million dollars. The Leghorns have contributed $100,000 to the project. Ultimately, the field will have lights and a grandstand and additional fields for Little League Baseball. For more information, go to:
Today's Editor: Doug Hecker
November 10, 2022
President Royce Van Bebber began the program with some really good news: Our attendance has been great. 43 last week and 40 this week.
Ricardo Marzo -- equally astonishing good news -- actually showed up AND led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Dan Libarle then led us in singing "God Bless America."
Joanne Ferris offered the Thought for the Day, a simple heartfelt tribute to veterans.
Ricard Marzo was then honored as a Visiting Rotarian. Ricardo was later fined for having lost his Rotary badge, and as he said, it had been lost for five years and President Royce was the first one to notice it. He was fined $100.
Lee Reposa was also fined $20 for not having a badge. Lee complained that it was inequitable to fine him $20 for one week when Ricardo only paid $100 for five years. The appeal had the expected result and Lee paid his $20.
Various other visitors were introduced: Onita Pellegrini introduced her co-worker, Carrie Pearson; Elias Husary introduced his friend, Cary White, a possible future member; and Suzanne Tucker introduced her husband as well as our speaker, Tami Lavezzo.
President Royce gave us a few anouncements, then Raine Howe gave us a cheering report on the Polly Klaas center, with a donor's plaque (held up by President Royce).
Joanne Ferris gave us an update from the Petaluma Service Alliance: benches with shades were being given to Walnut Park.
Maggie Radany reminded us to get our tickets for the holiday party at Seared on December 12.
President Royce awarded two Paul Harris Fellowships: one to Kip Herzog ( plus) and one to Mike Ambrosio (plus one).
Al Cattalini won a bottle of wine in the raffle.
Then Suzanne Tucker introduced our speaker for the day, Tami Lavezzo, from Sonoma Technology, Inc. Most of us have learned about fire damage and fire danger against our wills these last years, but Tami gave us an enlightening and informative talk about the steps being taken by local government, AND the steps we ourselves can take, to minimize the dangers and the damage of such natural disasters.
steps we ourselves can take, to minimize the dangers and the damage of such natural disasters.
President Royce then thanked our speaker and closed the meeting.
See you next week!