


March 31, 2022


 President Rick Gorman called the meeting to order announcing there are only 8 more meetings under his leadership (including today).  Here are eight interesting facts about "8." 

The spider has 8 legs.

The octopus has 8 arms (tentacles).

Eight is the number of wealth and abundance in Hinduism.

Eight is extremely lucky in China

The human adult has eight teeth in each quadrant. The eighth tooth is what we know of as the wisdom tooth.

Timothy Leary identified a hierarchy of eight levels of consciousness (!)

In numerology eight is the number of building and good business when positive.

In the Romani Jal cards eight represents letting go of what you don’t need to enable what you do need to enter your life and make you successful.


Past President Chris Ranney led the Pledge of Allegiance. 


Chris Elzi gave the Thought for the Day or Думка на день in Ukrainian.


We welcomed the following guests today's meeting:

Marilyn Herzog, guest of Past President Kip Herzog

Grant Reposa, guest of Past President Lee Reposa

Delia Nistler, guest of  Past PresidentMichael Nistler

Paul Walker, guest of Dan Berry


President Rick reminded members that the Petaluma Sunrise Club's Wine Fundraiser is wrapping up.  All orders should be in to President Leland Fishman by Monday, April 4.  If you need a wine order list, plese contact President Rick at the Exchange Bank Wine Cellar.


The first-ever Great Petaluma Wiffle Ball Tournament is coming up in nine days.  Miracle League liaison Shari Ranney is looking for a few more volunteers on this very fun day!  Volunteers get tshirts and lunch!


Everyone should come out and see this wonderful community event.  At midday, dancers from Martha O'Brien's School of Dance will be performing.  There will also be a Miracle League Exhibition game!  Brandon Trammel is our club's team captain.  The schedule of games will be released on Monday, April 4.


President Rick thanked Past Presidents Larry Jonas, Michael Nisler and Dan Berry for volunteering to help with the Recycle and Garbage Bins installations this month.  This is a joint project with the other two Rotary Clubs in town under a District Grant.


Our weekly raffle was won by Bano Cummings....who had the last ticket sold!  Bano won a bottle of wine.


Our speaker this week was our own Orest Balytsky DMD.  Orest talked about the recent history of Ukraine and Russia and his commitment to supporting the efforts of the Ukrainian people to preserve their independence from Russia.    A long time friend in Ukraine is a member of the Rotary Club of Leopolis in Lviv.  Here's a link to their website.  (There is a translate option on the upper right if you are using Google).  They contacted Orest seeking help sending donations of medical kits, medical supplies, field equipment and basic survival items such as sleeping bags. 


Past President Larry Jonas asked, “Wwould it be like if we looked over and saw all of East Petaluma bombed”! Then he auctioned off a gift card from Lombardi’s for a tri tip/chicken dinner for 10. Past President Anne Gealta was the top bidder at $700!


Past President Michael Caruana presented Orest with a check for $11,000 from our club's International Committee for the Rotary Club of Leopolis!

After standing ovations and great applause, those in attendence came away with a  

renewed understanding of the power of Rotary.  The Rotary Club of Petaluma, in its 99th year, continues to follow the model of "Service Above Self."



Today's Editor: Joanne Ferris



March 24, 2022




Oblivious to the SMART train bearing down on him, President Rick called the meeting to order.  He delightedly noted that he is down to single digits — just nine meetings left, including today.



Michael Nistler led the Pledge of Allegiance.



Mike Baddeley was up next for the Thought for the Day.  Noting that this was our first meeting of Spring, he delivered three Spring quotes, none of which your ace reporter remembered.


Sunshine Reports: Al Cattalini reported that Ed Fullerton’s hospital-acquired bacteria required isolation in a sterile environment.   He’s been healing in Sebastopol and expects to be home tomorrow.



Elias Husary reported that Brian Breen is recovering nicely from knee surgery with the assistance of whiskey.



Joanne Ferris reports that her knee surgery went well and that her healing is progressing O.K.



Shari Ranney reported that the Petaluma Wiffle Ball Tournament is just 2½ weeks away.  It’s at the Miracle League field, starting at 8am on Saturday, April 9.  She can use more volunteers but noted that non-volunteers are certainly welcome as spectators.  It’ll be a great day with raffles, a shaded beer garden, food and snacks, and music. 

Shari also reported that the Valley Club’s wine sale is about to end.  Get your order in to Leland Fishman right away!



Brandon Trammell is seeking members for his “Crushers” wiffle ball team.  Contact Brandon to take advantage of this unusual opportunity.



Raine Howe reported on the amazing progress of rebuilding the Polly Klaas performing arts center.  The scaffolding has been removed, landscaping will be going in soon, and some minor interior work remains to be done.  Raine noted that construction started in April 2021, less than a year ago, and that the project launched at our 2020 Crab Feed.  She thanked all the Rotary contributors and invited curious folks to call her for a hard hat tour of the facility.



President-Elect Royce Van Bebber invited members to attend the District Assembly (April 1-2 in Ukiah) and the District Conference (May 20-21 in Fortuna).  Check your 3/21 email from Jennifer Strong DGE for the Ukiah information and your 3/14 email from DG Dustin Littlefield for the Fortuna details. Check with Gail Cardaropoli for motel reservations.



President Rick thanked Dan Berry for organizing the March 17th St. Patrick’s Day social.  He said that the success of this social prompted another one next month.  Dan said it would be at the Brooks Note Winery, 426 Petaluma Blvd North, on April 21.  Details to come. 



Certainly not poker-faced here, Judy McReynolds, admitted advancing to the final table at a local poker tournament.  She was proud to be the only woman to achieve this honor, so proud that she contributed $100 to the fine can.



Michael Caruana had the winning raffle ticket, grabbed the wrong rock, and walked off with this bottle of wine.



Do you think the train whistle would wake Dan up?  It must have because he introduced today’s program.



Eddy Cummings, General Manager of SMART gave an interesting presentation on the current status of the railroad and on planning for the future.





March 17, 2022


St. Patrick's Day at Rosen's 256 North
Club Social



A person in a green shirt and hat holding a brown bag

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Paul Stypa, himself a future Rotarian, congratulates joke teller Greg O’Brien with an "e" , . . . .


A group of people sitting at a table

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. . . while at the same time, apparently trying to be making off with Greg's Whiskey. Whiskey with an "e" is royalty, you know.

Two men in green shirts holding a bottle of wine

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Congratulations Greg!


A person wearing a green hat

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Today's Editors: Dan Berry & Al Cattalini




March 10, 2022


President RICK McGORMAN, opened the meeting at precisely 12:30 p.m., introduced himself as our “99th Club President”,


and immediately had JOE O’Tambe lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance,


followed by a relaxing Thought for the Day from BRETT “Shamrock” SHINN! 


Our guests of Rotarians, namely DAN “the Leprechaun” Libarle’s youngest daughter, Phoebe, and President-Elect ROYCE “Irish Pub” VAN BEBBER’s friend David Best, were then introduced, followed by the introductions of our Visiting Rotarians Bill and Paula Johns, who made an impassioned plea for a host family or two from our Club for one of our District’s incoming Foreign Youth Exchange students (from Finland) – please contact the Prez or MIKE “Finnegan” STAUBER for details if you are interested. 


Captain AL “Corned Beef” CATTALINI, after encouraging us all to read the numerous “thank you” from grateful third graders who received dictionaries from our Dictionary Program, delivered a Sunshine Report and informed us that Past-District Governor/Past-President ED “Luck of the Irish” Fullerton suffered a heart attack but is doing well and hopes to be home soon.


Next, DAN “Blarney Stone” BERRY announced that we are dark next Thursday (March 17) as the Club is hosting a St. Patrick’s Day social at the 256 North restaurant/bar (Petaluma Blvd. North) from 4:30-6:30…bring your favorite Irish joke and smiling Irish eyes if you’re looking to celebrate a wee bit!!


The Prez then confirmed that the monthly SCARC dinner is being hosted by the Sonoma Valley Rotary Club this month – contact him if you would like to attend.


He then called upon Prez-Elect Royce to share his recent  PETS conference experience with us.  According to Royce it well was well worth it and he’s ready to lead us through our centennial year…he even presented his PETS Certificate of Completion to prove it, but not before letting us know that his favorite part of the entire conference was a big party he attended where he was forced to get a mandatory “Covid Shot” (or two)  from a syringe filled with tequila or some other such FDA approved “medicine”!!


Proving once again that good things happen to good people, Royce also had the winning raffle ticket…which was good enough for a bottle of wine (for medicinal purposes, of course)!!


The Prez then had Program Chair SUZANNE “Shillelagh” TUCKER introduce


our speaker, PPD Deputy Chief Brian Miller, who gave a very informative presentation on our local police department, its community outreach efforts and how it is meeting the challenges of modern policing, followed by a great Q&A session.  He received a rousing round of applause in appreciation of a job well done!


 Whereupon, the Prez, after confirming that the Club will indeed be dark on Thursday, March 17, and summarily adjourned the meeting!  See you at the Club Social…just remember, no Irish goodbyes, ok!!



Today's Editor: Mike Baddeley



March 03, 2022



President Rick Gorman "Wants you" to listen when he calls the meeting to order!



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Chris Ranney and crew emphatically iterated the Pledge of Allegiance.



Brian Breen announced that the Rotary Super Raffle has been changed to the Annual Tom Baker Super Raffle. Tom has sold more Super Raffle tickets in the history of the Super Raffle. In fact, Tom has averaged 180 ticket sales per year. He has sold a total of 1,894 tickets, raising $56,820 since 2012! Our club thanks you, Tom, for your dedication and we hope you get well soon! 


The Top 10 Super Raffle ticket sellers for 2022 (sold 65% of all tickets):

Henry Hansel - 154

Rick Gorman - 134

Tom Baker - 133

Brian Breen - 106

Royce Van Bebber - 81

Shari Ranney - 66

Tawni Tesconi - 58

Elias Husary - 45

John Zimmerman - 45

Al Cattalini - 44



Dan Libarle chose the winning Super Raffle tickets - and the winners are:

Margaret Shepherd - $8,000 Grand Prize Winner

Ron Naventi - $1,200

Shelia Bride - $1,000

Paul Pozzi - $600

Rich Messana - $400

Sherry Burwen - $200

Congratulations to all of the winners and thank you for supporting our club!



Sherry Burwen was excited, as she was a $200 Super Raffle winner!



A person holding a microphone

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Chris Ranney announced that the crab feed was a success and 255 crab dinners were sold!



Not to be outdone by her husband, Chris, Shari Ranney announced that Petaluma Sunrise Rotary Club is hosting a Texas Hold Em' tournament on March 19, 2022 at Hermann Sons Hall in Petaluma at 5:00 pm.



Mike Ferris announced this week's guest speakers from World Centric, Matt Wynkoop and Erin Levine



Matt Wynkoop and Erin Levine, our guest speakers from World Centric, a local company that manufactures only compostable foodservice and packaging products shared useful information about World Centric and their mission: "to envision a thriving world where everyone’s basic needs are met with a beneficial impact on the environment." World Centric donates 25% of their profits to social and environmental organizations to further their work in creating a better world.

Today's Editor: Doug Hecker