December 15, 2022
For the last time in 2022, President Royce struck the bell with his gavel and called our meeting to order. After commenting that he was now halfway through his term, he mused on this busy time of the year and wished everyone a happy holiday season.
Next, he called on Brett Shinn to lead the Pledge of Allegiance.
Following the pledge, Lee Reposa led the crowd in singing God Bless America.
Then it was time for hugs and handshakes and exchanges of holiday wishes.
Rick Gorman delivered his Thought for the Day about making a difference.
We had three visiting Rotarians, Paulie and Bill Johns from the Petaluma Valley Club, and Matilda, our exchange student from Austria, who is an honorary member of all three local clubs.
Onita Pellegrini introduced her guest, Nancy, who has relocated from San Francisco and is evaluating local Rotary clubs.
President Royce discussed Sunday’s holiday party, noting that the large crowd had a good time and that chocolate martinis seemed to be in vogue. He reported that President Elect Mike Ferris introduced his 2023-24 board members and observed that the just-announced 2024-25 President, Ricardo Marzo, would be demonstrating how he has re-engaged with the club.
Judi Allewelt reported that we are all set to deliver $50 Target gift cards to 170 needy Petaluma children.
President Royce announced that 2023 Super Raffle tickets would be available after the meeting. He asked members to sell at least 10 tickets. Because there will be no Rotary Crab Feed in February, the drawing will be held at the 100th Anniversary Gala on March 11.
Chris Ranney was recognized for his assistance with ongoing search and rescue efforts for a missing local senior citizen.
Matilda, our Rotary Exchange student from Austria, beamed as she described celebrating her 16th birthday on the Casa Grande football field, experiencing her third bout of Covid, and enjoying Thanksgiving dinner.
We sang Happy Birthday to celebrate the December birthdays of Chris Ranney, Tawny Tesconi, Bano Cummings, and Mireille Broussard.
To much applause, Maggie Radney was recognized as the Rotarian of the Month for December.
Our ever-efficient Secretary, Gail Cardaropoli, observed that four members had neglected to wear their chicken badges and reported this infraction to our ever-efficient President. Elias Husary, Chad Fillinger, Onita Pellegrini, and Tawny Tesconi each paid $25 for their oversight.
Mike Stauber paid $100 for the happy revelation that he has been blessed by the arrival of a fifth grandchild — and a ‘69 Mustang fastback.
President Royce advised that, although we won’t be having a crab feed this year, the February 23 SCARC Dinner would be a crab feed. Details soon. And the Pacific Empire Chorus will be hosting what sounds like a great crab feed at the Vets Building on February 11. Details here.
Our members will be ringing the bell tomorrow (Friday) at the Salvation Army kettle outside Petaluma Market. Come by between 10am and 5:30pm to toss a donation into the kettle.
Dan Berry, who said his choral group was known as the “999 Megabytes” because, “We never got a gig” introduced some ladies who have no problem getting gigs.
Seven members of the Pacific Empire Chorus presented a delightful medley of holiday music, sung in four-part “Barbershop” harmony. A delightful way to conclude our last meeting of December.
President Royce concluded the meeting with the news that “Grandpa is doing great — coming home tomorrow.” Wonderful!
Merry Christmas! Happy Hanukkah! Season's Greetings! Happy New Year!
Today's Editor: Al Cattalini
December 11, 2022
Rotarians in a very festive mood got an early start on the Holiday celebration as they gathered at Seared for the annual holiday bash.
Most dressed to the nth degree, (Tho' some didn't get the memo...or misinterpreted 'holiday garb')
It was a fun filled atmosphere of friends who devoured the tasty hors d'oeuvres and congregated at the bar for libations galore!
President Royce Van Bebber welcomed members and their guests to the party thanking them for attending and for the strong support of fellow Rotarians during his current reign.
One of the highlights of the holiday party is when the President elect announces his Board to serve during his reign...and this year it was Mike Ferris' turn!
He called out each member of the experienced and seasoned board members with anecdotes including Chris Ranney, Joanne Ferris, Tawny Tesconi, Onita Pellegrini, Elias Husary, Anne Gealta, Maggie Radany, Brett Shinn, Dan Berry, Royce Van Bebber and a rookie, Jaime Symons. Gail Cardaropoli continues as Secretary with Carolyn Buck as Treasurer. (Doug Hecker, who was not at the party is also a board member.)
Chris Ranney took center stage to announce the highly anticipated President Elec for 2024 and he is the ebullient Ricardo Marzo...who automatically becomes a member of the Ferris Board.
Marzo, with his wife Nicole at his side, gave a warm acceptance and promised to kick off the next 100 years in fine style.
As we look forward to the upcoming celebrations of Christmas and the New Year with our immediate families, let's take time to be thankful for our Rotary family and share in the warm friendships we have established. Any organization is as good as its members, and we are a very good organization! On March 11, 2023 when our club celebrates its 100th anniversary let's join forces to attend and make it THE GALA OF THE AGES!
Today's Editor: Mike Ambrosio; photos by Michael Nistler
December 1, 2022
President ROYCE “Rudolph” VAN
BEBBER opened our first luncheon meeting in the last month of the year
and immediately had Past-President Chris “Kringle” Ranney led
us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Past- President Elias “Ho-Ho-Ho” Husary led
us in song (God Bless America), followed by the customary handshakes, hugs and
busses amongst our members.
Past-President MICHAEL “Merry Christmas” CARUANA then
delivered the Thought for the Day.
There were no visiting Rotarians or guests of Rotarians who joined us for lunch to introduce, so the President proceeded with a medley of announcements:
2. The President’s namesake, his grandfather Royce Van Bebber (a former club member), is back in the hospital – our thoughts and prayers are with him!
3. The
100-year Club Anniversary event (March 11, 2023) plans are moving along.
Please register to attend if you have not yet done so.
There will be a memoria service on December 14, 2 p.m., at St. John’s Lutheran Church
for our former Club member Marlene Freetly – she and her late husband (Harvey
Freetly) were great members!!
Next, SHARI “Santa Baby” RANNEY announced that she has a few Rotary International T-shirts left, so call her if you want one for yourself, or as the perfect stocking stuffer!
JAN “Jingle Bells” GRIMES then gave a report on a fundraiser to promote education for youth in Mexico – call Jan for details!
BRIAN “Bah Humbug” BREEN gave an update on the upcoming “Tom Baker Super Raffle”, our Club’s major fundraiser. The raffle drawing will be held on March 11, 2023, at the 100-year Anniversary party - call Brian for details.
JUDY “Jingle Bells” ALLEWELT then gave an update on the Children’s Holiday Fund: there’s a balance of $8500 on account, 154 children are signed up so far and Hallmark donated all of the holiday cards – call Judy if you would like to help.
The Prez then proudly announced
that “Christmas” CAROLYN BUCK was our Rotarian of the Month
for November… Congratulations, Carolyn, it is well deserved!!
Apparently deciding that it is much better to receive than to give, the Scroogey Prez fined CHRIS “Santa’s Elf” ELZI $20 for his missing badge, which the erudite Mr. Elzi was happy to pay…as a badge of courage!
Undaunted, the Prez then proceeded to fleece fine fellow DAN “Deck the Halls” BERRY out of $40 for a recent trip Dan took to Costa Rica with his wife to celebrate his 60th birthday, which turned out to be his 2nd trip there this year – not bad for a sexagenarian, right?!
#7331354 moved to be the winning raffle ticket for JUDY “Mistletoe” McREYNOLDS, which was good for a free bottle of wine!
Program Co-Chair Past-President JOANNE “Feliz Navidad” FERRIS then introduced our speaker,
County Clerk-Registrar of Voters, who gave a very informative presentation on
voting, ballot integrity, and the election process for Sonoma County.
After a brief Q&A, the Prez presented her with a nice bottle of wine for a
program well received.
encouraged everyone to join us at the Holiday Party, and summarily adjourned
the meeting!
Today's Editor: Mike Baddeley