April 28, 2022
President Rick Gorman called the meeting to order.
Mike Ferris led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Chris Ranney handled the 'Thought for the Day,' about the importance of laughing with friends and shared quotes from Will Rogers and John Cleece.
Not to be outdone by her husband, Shari Ranney announced that the Rotary Wiffle Ball Tournament raised $10,000, which was split between 3 Rotary clubs and the Miracle League. Chris Ranney, not to be outdone by his wife, flexed his microphone muscle and announced the 'Stand with Ukraine' fundraiser:
Joanne Ferris announced that the cost to attend the 'Stand with Ukraine' fundraiser is $30 online and $35 at the door.
Mike Ambrosio gave an update on his granddaughter, a dancer who competed in a regional contest and came in 2nd place. Mike was also spotted on stage at Spreckels (he was playing the part of a shoe cobbler giving out dance shoes!). He also mentioned his grandson, a student at University of Miami, tried-out as a walk-on for the football team and he was 1 of 4 that made the team! Way to go Ambrosio family!
Elias Husary, donning a soft foot cast (rumor has it that he tripped on his driveway - likely story), decided that since is driving privileges have been temporary suspended that he would throw a few of us car enthusiasts under the bus during the President's 'Fine Session'... Side Note: Elias also threw Chad Fillinger under the bus for apparently blowing kisses across the room. However, Fillinger was not fined because it was 'back of the room antics' not announced to the entire crowd (hey Gorman, I think a fine is in order: wink, wink!).
Brian Breen was the first under the bus and agreed to pay $50 bucks for the purchase of his new Corvette. Breen attempted to gain the pity of the president (recent partial knee replacement and he treated Gorman to lunch the day before: "Go easy on me, I paid for lunch!"), but it didn't fly! He also said that since he sold his Harley to buy the Corvette that much like his "partial knee replacement" he would agree to a "partial" fine!
Royce Van Bebber was the next under the bus due to his recent purchase of a new Mustang GT 500, which he offered up no excuses for purchasing! I was the third person under the bus and was fined for my purchase of a 1965 Mustang (I sold one car to buy another and agreed to a $100 fine).
Mireille Broussard joined in on the 'Fine Fun' and was fined $100 bucks for not wearing her name tag. Apparently, she left it in the bathroom and someone turned it in. She too was thrown under the bus!
President Gorman and Mike Ambrosio were all (partial) smiles after Ambrosio won the raffle and chose the $150 rock!
Brett Shinn introduced our guest speaker, Darian Harris, MHA/Chief Executive of Petaluma Valley Hospital.
Darian Harris, MHA/Chief Executive of Petaluma Valley Hospital, discussed the positives and challenges at PVH. He was proud to mention that PVH received recognition for 'Clinical Excellence' for treatment of heart failure, sepsis and strokes. He went on to state the mission of PVH is 'Quality with Compassion.' Harris is married (his wife is a Nurse Practitioner) and he has two children.
Today's Editor: Doug Hecker
April 14, 2022
The meeting began with President Rick Gorman called the meeting to order,
Chris Ranney led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Elias Husary introduced his guest, his lovely daughter.
Your editor, Chris Elzi, gave the Thought for the Day.
Joanne Ferris gave us an update on the District Grant, a project to install a recycle bin, as well as the SCARF dinner.
Dan Berry reminded us that on April 21, we will be dark, with a social at Brooks Note Winery at 425 Petaluma Boulevard, North.
Shari Ranney reported that the Whiffle Ball tournament was a rousing success, bringing reflected glory on us all, and further advised us that the Petaluma Valley Rotary is doing a fundraiser: tri-tip for four, only $75.00.
Lee Reposa was proud to announce that our club is once more deeply involved in RYLA, "One of the best programs I've seen in Rotary for youth," as he said. There will be a fundraiser in June.
Then a special announcement. Who is the incoming Petaluma Rotary President? Someone who embodies all that is best in our club.: Raine Howe!. Raine spoke with gratitude about our club's support for the Polly Klaas Center.
Michael Nistler won a bottle of wine in the raffle.
(Michael is shown next to President Rick Gorman, who looks like someone who suspects the game was rigged.)
Chris Ranney then introduced our special speaker: Jane Flower, speaking on behalf of Guide Dogs for the Blind
Jane, along with her associate Kenndy and Pilaf (wonderful pooch) gave us a moving presentation about Guide Dogs and the program to teach the dogs and the program to introduce teenagers to dogs.
(Jane Flower)
This is Kennedy.
(And this is Pilaf, the real star of our meeting.)
President Rick then declared the meeting adjourned.
Today's Editor: Chris Elzi
April 14, 2022
(I was the fool.)
OK, let's do this a little better.
President Rick Gorman called the meeting to order.
Chris Ranney led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Elias Husary introduced his guest, his lovely daughter
Your humble editor gave the Thought for the Day:
Joanne Ferris gave us an update on the District Grant, a project to install a recycle bin, as well as the SCARF dinner.
Dan Berry reminded us that we are dark next Thursday, but there will be a meeting at Brooks Note Winery, 426 Petaluma Blvd. North. (not 425, as stated in the earlier version of this Bulletin)
Lee Reposa was proud to announce that our club is once more deeply involved in RYLA, "One of the best programs I've seen in Rotary for youth," as he said. There will be a fundraiser in June.
Then a special announcement. Who is the incoming Petaluma Rotary President? Someone who embodies all that is best in our club. Actually, it's Mike Ferris. (Apologies to Raine Howe, who was wrongly identified in the earlier version. -- Is there liability insurance for Bulletin editors?)
Now we get to Raine Howe.. Raine spoke with gratitude about our club's support for the Polly Klass Center.
Michael Nistler won a bottle of wine in the raffle.
(Michael is shown next to President Rick Gorman, who still looks a little doubtful.)
Chris Ranney then introduced our special speaker: Jane Flower, speaking on behalf of Guide Dogs for the Blind
Jane, along with her associate Kenndy and Pilaf (wonderful pooch) gave us a moving and eloquent presentation about Guide Dogs and the program to teach the dogs and the program to introduce teenagers to dogs.
Jane Flower
The wonderful Pilaf.
The meeting was then adjurned.
Today's Editor: Chris Elzi
April 7, 2022
President Rick Gorman called the meeting to order.
Past President Tom Brandal led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Thought for the Day was presented by Past President Michael Caruana who called upon his extensive (and dare I ask if it was court-ordered?) sensitivity training. His thought centered around "What If..." citing the war in Ukraine.
President Rick called upon Brandon Trammel to give us an update on our club Wiffle Ball Team. Brandon announced that we are still two players short! If you can fog a mirror, you have made the team! Please contact Brandon to get the details.
We hope to see a lot of members at this very community-centric event Saturday, April 9. Come and help out or just come for a good time.
The District 5130 Rotary Youth Exchange Golf Tournament Fundraiser is on June 4 in Arcata. if you are interested in playing in the event, please contact Mike Stauber.
Doing his best Uncle Sam "I Want You" immitation, President Rick announced there will be a meeting for all members who want to work on the Club's 100th Year Celebration next Wednesday, April 13 (the meeting, not the actual anniversary!) at 3 pm at the Petaluma Area Chamber of Commerce Conferrence Room.
A club Board of Directors Meeting will follow immediately after this meeting at 4 pm in the board room.
Past President Joanne Ferris referenced the old saying "To get something done, you need a maniac at the wheel." There are a group of member maniacs led by Past President Larry Jonas planning a Rotary fundraising dinner on May 10 at Brewsters. All proceeds will be sent to the Rotary Club of Lviv Leopolis. There will be music, an art show by a Ukrainian artist, a silent auction and great support for the humanitarian work being done by our Rotary friends in Ukraine. Shout out to Larry, Orest Balytsky, Chris Ranney, Michael Caruana, Maggie Radany, Jamie Symons for leading the effort.
President Rick announced the Petaluma Service Alliance will be holding a service dedicated to the war in Ukraine on Saturday, April 16 at 2 pm at Walnut Park. President Rick gorman has details and flyers were on the tables.
President Elect Royce Van Bebber pointed to flyers on all the tables for Petaluma Valley Rotary Club's Tri-Tip dinner fundraiser on May 7. It is a great deal! For $75, you get a tri tip dinner for 4! Contact Royce for more information.
Orest Balytsky gave an update on the funds our club and individual members gave to the Rotary Club of Lviv Leopolis last week. A total of $13,450 is in the process of being sent. The direct wire to the Ukraine club's bank failed because of the sanctions. So the funds are being sent through good ol Paypal!
Chad Fillinger was called upon by the fearless president to pay a fine celebrating the birth of his fourth child, Ford in January. Everyone is doing well in the Fillinger household but Chad questoined whether his fine schedule had already been paid this year. Ever the loyal member, Chad paid $25 until the discrepancy could be resolved.
Club Secretary and proud grandparent Gail Cardaropoli happily paid $50 because her grandson has recovered from Tommy John shoulder surgery and will be pitching again at college in Arizona in May and that same month, his twin brother will be graduating from the police academy. Certainly worth celebrating!
Judy Allewelt talked about a petition she is circulating among friends to repeal the family transfer reassessment statute of Proposition 19. She was more than happy to pay a $100 fine for sharing her mission.
Mike Stauber won the raffle and picked a blue rock so he was rewarded with a bottle of wine! Next week the raffle will be up to $125!
Dan Barry introduced our program speaker.
Newly appointed Fire Department Chief Jeff Schach was our speaker. The members who were present learned a great deal about the new sales tax funds coming to the department and how it will be used.
Today's Editor: Joanne Ferris