


November 18, 2021


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It was a gray Thursday afternoon and the overcast refused to burn off.  Despite the gloom, and just a few minutes late, President Rick rang his tiny bell and called the November 18 meeting to order.   Editorial Comment: Size does matter.  It’s now more than a third of the way through Rick’s year and he still doesn’t have his big bell.  What’s going on?


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Past President Kip Herzog led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.


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The Thought for the Day was presented by Cindy Thomas.  She shared some of the wisdom of an amazing First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt.


There were no visiting Rotarians today and, other than our guest speaker, no guests of Rotarians.


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Maggie Radany reminded members that the Holiday Party is coming up soon — it’s Saturday, December 4th (5-8pm) at Seared, comfortably inside in the River Room.  You’ll need to RSVP for the festive heavy appetizer/cash bar event ($70) not later than the day after Thanksgiving.  You can RSVP online or by mailing your check to Maggie at 143 Westridge Drive, Petaluma, 94952.


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Michael Caruana announced that it appears the 2022 Crab Feed will be a live, sit-down event.  (Hurrah!  We already have Friday, February 25 marked on our calendar.)  Michael and co-chair Chris Ranney are looking to pass the leadership of this annual event on to a new team of Rotarians.  If you’d like to help as an understudy this year with an eye toward becoming more involved in the future, please contact Michael.


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Michael is also coordinating our annual participation as bell ringers for the Salvation Army.  It’s a fun job, and a worthy service, to staff the kettle outside Petaluma Market.  Please contact Michael to arrange your time.


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It was great seeing Chad Fillinger at the meeting.  Chad revealed that he recently celebrated his 40th birthday — and that he and Mary are expecting their fourth child.  He happily contributed $40 for the birthday and $40 for the fourth child. 


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The raffle was worth $150 if you drew the right-colored rock.  Brian Breen didn’t and got a nice bottle of wine.  Next week: $175 — or a nice bottle of wine.


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Past District Governor Ed Fullerton wanted to take Carol someplace special to celebrate her birthday.  We’re honored that he chose our Rotary luncheon.  Happy Birthday, Carol!


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Dan Berry introduced today’s speaker.


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Dave Corkill, a Petaluma native who founded Cinema West and brought movies back to Petaluma when we needed them, was our speaker.  It was interesting to learn about his introduction to the movie theater business and the issues raised by Covid-19.  We are delighted to have the Boulevard Cinemas in Petaluma were delighted by Dave’s presentation today.


Remember that we are dark next Thursday (Thanksgiving) and don’t forget to RSVP for the Holiday Party!

Today's Editor: Al Cattalini



November 4, 2021


'When all the world appears to be in a tumult, and nature itself is feeling the assault of Climate Change, the seasons retain their essential rhythm! Yes, FALL gives us a premonition of WINTER but the WINTER will be forced to relent once again to the new beginnings of soft greens, longer light and the sweet air of SPRING!'


Happy FALL as Daylight Savings Time Ends!


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And once again our astute and congenial President Rick Gorman, with the ringing of his mini-bell, called the meeting to order.


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To kickoff the meeting in patriotic style, he asked John Zimmerman to lead the amiable group in The Pledge of Allegiance.


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Then Brett Shinn was summoned to the podium to deliver his Thought of the Day. In paying a tribute to the late Colin Powell, Brett called out the 13 Rules of Leadership attributed to the renown Powell.


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A long-time former member, the phenomenal and erudite Whit Hall, was warmly introduced as a guest at the meeting. Hall regaled us with information regarding some of the Rotarian like individuals he has befriended since moving into his assisted living facility. 



Ms Christmas herself, Judi Allewelt announced that the Christmas Gifts to the Needy will once again be supported through gift cards. Unfortunately,  the demand this year is greater than ever yet she is working earnestly to add to the fund. 


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Continuing in the Holiday Gift Giving, Anne Gealta informed us that there are three young high school students who have submitted requests in the Funds for Teens Program. 


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Then the Mic was handed over to Orest Balytsky who happily reported on a Safari that he, along with his wife, daughter and 14 other travelers took. Their goal was to hike up Mt. Kilimanjaro and get back to tell all about the tune of a $100 club fine!


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Our guest speaker Matt Harris pulled at the lucky number for the weekly prize and it belonged to Raine sweet it was for her to win a bottle of Red (or maybe White, I missed it).


And soon it was time to focus on..."School Days, School Days, Dear old Golden Rule Days..."


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Mike Baddeley came forward to introduce our guest speakers, Matt Harris, newly appointed Superintendent  of Petaluma City Schools and his even more recently appointed Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, Tony Hua.


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Matt Harris, a Michigan native came up through the educational ranks of the Petaluma School district. Extremely well qualified, with a Masters in Education and Administration, along with a Law degree, Harris served several years as principal in McKinley School before accepting the position of Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources. He and the administration staff experienced 20 months of extreme challenges in education courtesy of Covid. His goals as Superintendent are to get the City Schools of Petaluma back to being the guiding light for all students!


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Tony Hua was introduced as a personal selection from Harris to his position as Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services. Both gentlemen were available to answer questions after the meeting was brought to a close by President Rick.


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And as a reminder, though we are dark next week, let's gather to show a patriotic gesture by cheering on the sidewalks of Petaluma Boulevard for our Veterans as they proudly parade!

Today's Editor: Mike Ambrosio