


May 20, 2021




Why does this woman look so happy?  Is she nearing the end of her term?  Yep, Queen Anne was all smiles as she convened the May 20 meeting of the Petaluma Rotary Club. 


After Sherry Burwen led the Pledge of Allegiance, the Queen looked for Rick Mossi to deliver the Thought for the Day.  But Rick was nowhere to be found and Queen Anne quickly filled in with some truisms which your editor failed to record in their majesty.  Among them was something about magic is believing in yourself, something about pursuing dreams, something about getting started, and “don’t wish it were easier!”  Well, I wish it were easier.


Lou Steinberg was our lone visiting Rotarian.  Cindy Thomas introduced guests Jesse and Alexia.



Queen Anne announced that our Golf Tournament will be Monday, September 13 at the Country Club.  Format will be the same as in years past with an 11:30 check-in and noon lunch.  Dinner will be provided by Sally Tomatoes.  There will be a link on the website soon with more information.


Our June 10 meeting, the last meeting of the Club year, will be outdoors at Adobe Creek Winery.  Attendance is limited and by reservation only.  Let Suzanne Tucker know right away if you plan to attend.  If you are a board member, attendance is not optional.  Her Majesty has decreed that you will attend.


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You should have received your mailed invitation to the June 18 Debunking.  It’s at the home of Elias and Gina Husary with 4:30 p.m. drinks and 6:00 p.m. dinner.  You can RSVP and pay on the Club website or by contacting Maggie Radany for more information.  Maggie needs to hear from you soon to confirm arrangements! 


Charlie Stuart and Marcus Benedetti celebrated May birthdays and were honored with a rendition of Happy Birthday.  Unfortunately, Marcus missed the meeting and Charlie was away from his Zoom camera (off for another piece of birthday cake, Charlie?).


Five couples were honored for celebrating May anniversaries: Tony and Nell WesternTodd and Connie MendozaGreg and Chris O’BrienGary and Heidi Brodie, and Michael and Hayley Avery.  Congratulations!


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Queen Anne proclaimed the Rotarian of the Month, a very worthy and very happy Maggie Radany.  Congratulations, Maggie!



Shari Ranney thanked the volunteers who helped out last Saturday at opening festivities for Miracle League.  They cooked and served 144 hot dogs!


Charlie returned to his camera, so we sang Happy Birthday again.  That makes you special, Charlie!



Cindy Thomas introduced today’s speakers on Petaluma Community Access.



Jeff Trier presented an overview of the many facets of PCA.



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Rob Tomaszewski explained the working of KPCA 103.3 FM, our local FM station.


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Chris Ranney reminded everyone to make their reservations soon for the Debunking.  He promised quite an evening with great entertainment.


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Chris Elzi promised to contribute to the entertainment, “I will shake it until you cannot take it!”


On that note, Queen Anne noted that we will be dark next week (May 27).  Our next meeting will be on June 3 with Tawny Tesconi as our featured speaker.  Don’t miss it!



This week's Editor: Al Cattalini




May 13, 2021


Belated Mother's Day Greetings to all you beautiful Rotary Moms.... 




As more Rotarians zoomed in Queen Anne took center Zoom, rang her bell and the meeting was called to order!



Bano Cummings was summoned by Her Highness to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.



The Thought of the Day was given by the sage, charismatic Michael Caruana who emphasized that what we learned from living through the pandemic has taught us to think outside the box as we happily work through it to a better, stronger life. 



Next our ebullient President gushed over the recent groundbreaking ceremony at the Polly Klaas Theatre Project where some 50 proud community supporters gathered to honor the occasion. It is becoming a reality!


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Our own Raine Howe, Head Honcho of the Foundation beamed in her salute to Past President Elias for helping to kick off our Club's involvement, Queen Anne, for her total commitment including the financial support generated from the Pride of Petaluma, and to President in Waiting, Rick Gorman who will see the project to fruition!



Also noted by Queen Anne this Saturday marks Opening Day festivities at the Miracle League Park. Rotarians led by Shari Ranney and a guy named Chris will be on hand to man (and woman) our Barbeque Pavilion and assist wherever needed.



We are encouraged to fill out the survey sent out by the incoming and honorable 'King' Rick Gorman. And don't you dare miss the gala debunking extravaganza of our outgoing Royal Highness on Friday, June 18....RSVP asap...HEAR YE! HEAR YE!



Rick Mossi was recognized and warmly welcomed in his Zoom square by our ever-observant Queen. Long time no see!



Program Co-Chair Suzanne Tucker introduced our guest Zoom mate, Albert Straus, organic dairy farmer in Marin. He is the first in California to implement a carbon farm plan to reduce emissions and sequester more carbon.



Albert Straus delivered a truly enlightening presentation on Changing the Carbon Footprint. He hopes to create a model to be used all over the world. Straus' presentation was highlighted by two short videos, one depicting the first full scale electric powered truck used to capture methane from cow manure and convert it into enough electricity to power his whole farm and the other establishing a partnership with BMW to use low carbon fuel...a pasture to power to truly effect change!

Fascinating stuff! After a series of interesting Q & As, our meeting was brought to a close by President Anne...with what, three more to go including your Swan Song?



See y'all next week --- same time, same Zoom!


OMG! I do feel a void! Yup, I really do miss our weekly lunches and the chats at the 'Lunch Depot.'


This week's Editor: Mike Ambrosio




May 6, 2021


Editor's note: Joanne Ferris was on Screenshot duties last week.  It seems she zoned out when she should have zoomed in!

Queen ANNE “Let Them Eat Cake” GEALTA, opened the meeting at precisely 12:32 p.m., and immediately had BRANDON “Bubba” TRAMMELL lead us in a rather cacophonical rendition of the Pledge of Allegiance.  CHRIS “Big Easy” ELZI then delivered RAINE “And” HOWE’S Thought for the Day, followed by a proclamation from Queen Anne herself (about perseverance in the face of adversity), and a medley of announcements:


Query: What do Big Foot, the Loch Ness Monster, unicorns and extraterrestrials have in common…they are all seldom, if ever, actually seen, but often fondly talked about – so it was that Queen

Anne welcomed KATHY “Now You See Me, Now You Don’t” O’CONNOR, who graced us with her presence – or was it just a hologram?!  Only the shadow knows for sure!!


Program chairman DAN “Knott’s” BERRY then introduced our speaker, Navin Kumar, a telecommunications professional at T-Mobile, who gave us a very informative presentation on 5G networks, followed by a lively Q and A session! 


 A round of applause for a program well received!


Whereupon Queen Anne gaveled the fine free meeting to a close at precisely 1:32 p.m. – see you next week!



This week's Editor: Mike Baddeley