January 21, 2021
Our meeting was called to order at
12:30 pm.
President Anne Gealta called upon
Past President/Visiting Rotarian Lou Steinberg to lead the Pledge of Allegiance.
Carole Fullerton gave the thought for the day: "What Blesses One, Blesses All."
Today's lunch was from Sally Tomatoes. We are dark next week and will meet again on February 4.
Brian Breen announced about 1/3 of members have picked up their Super Raffle Tickets. They are available at Brian's Office on the second floor of the Bank of America Building or from President-elect Rick Gorman's desk at the Exchange Bank. Brian is also wiling to deliver additional tickets! Send him and email, give him a call or send a text.
We are asking every member to buy
or sell 10 tickets this year.
Turn in ticket money and stubs to Rick at the Exchange Bank or Brian's office.
Past President Chris Ranney led the updates for the Crab Feed Drive Thru on Friday Feb. 26.
Maggie Radany reported 44 dinners have been reserved to date. Tickets are available on the club website www.petalumarotary.org.
Past President Michael Caruana will be recruiting member volunteers to assist with the dinner pick up location (Bowling Center Parking Lot, Petaluma Blvd So) on Feb. 26 from 4 pm to 7 pm.
President Anne celebrating January birthdays and anniversaries noting the number of years in the club of many members. Special shout out to Past Presidents Dan Libarle and John Dado who are long serving members who joined the club in January.
Next, Anne announced our Rotarian of the Month for January 2021...
Congratulations to Judi Allewelt, January's Rotarian of the Month!
Judi happily announced that her second great grandchild arrived a few weeks ago. She gladly pledged to pay a fine of $100 in honor of newborn "Millie" (love her classic name!)
Past President Joanne Ferris introduced our program presenter for today.
James Cameron, Sonoma County Transportation Authority covered the ongoing US 101 widening, future options for Highway 37 and answered questions from members.
REMINDER..........WE ARE DARK NEXT WEEK, January 28. Our next meeting is Thursday, February 4.
This week's Editor: Joanne Ferris
January 14, 2021
Queen Anne opened our January 14 meeting with a cheerful welcome followed by an invitation for Ed Fullerton to lead the Pledge of Allegiance.
With Carol at his side, Past District Governor Ed performed as requested.
Then it was time for the Thought for the Day. Queen Anne called on a startled Judy McReynolds who said, “Me?” A quick search for Chris Elzi was fruitless and the banter began. Chris Ranney offered “Buy lots of tickets!” Then the Crab Feed motto changed from “All you can eat” to “All you can buy.”
Finally, Judy came up with her thought, “A bottle in front of me is better than a frontal lobotomy.” Well done!
Past President Lou Steinberg was the sole visiting Rotarian. He reported that it was 38° and sunny in Colorado. There were no guests of Rotarians.
Queen Anne thanked Apple Spice for the hearty turkey sandwiches in today’s box lunch along with thanks to Onita Pellegrini and Mike Ambrosio for their work in distributing them.
Raine Howe happily announced that the Polly Klaas theater fundraising project had met its final goal and was ready to start construction. Raine gave thanks to the Club, to generous members Judi Allewelt, Ed and Carol Fullerton, and John Zimmerman who achieved Director status. She also thanked Rebuilding Together Petaluma for their work in cleaning out the building.
Chris Ranney announced that our annual crab feed is going drive thru for 2021. Same great crab and same great sides provided by the same vendors. The dinner will include fresh cracked crab, pasta, salad, rolls and butter, and dessert. You’ll order your dinner in advance and drive through the pick-up location at AMF Bowling Center on Petaluma Boulevard South on Friday, February 26 between 4 pm and 7 pm.
Maggie Radany explained that tickets can be easily purchased on the Club website. Email her if you have any questions.
Lee Reposa reminded members that if they haven’t already received their Super Raffle tickets they can picked up from Brian Breen (his office is upstairs in the downtown Bank of America building) or from Rick Gorman (at the downtown Exchange Bank).
Royce VanBebber pointed out that there are no team captains this year, so you’ll be dealing directly with Brian and Rick.
Elias Husary added that we are shooting for sale of 1,200 tickets. That improves the odds of winning — a good selling point as you push those tickets!
Alex Clark introduced this week’s speaker, Jane Hamilton, who has been the executive director of Rebuilding Together Petaluma since 2008.
Jane described how the non-profit organization has helped preserve affordable homeownership by providing free home repairs and modifications for neighbors in need.
This week's Editor: Al Cattalini
January 7, 2021
As the sunshine came through the Zoom Squares and Rotarians of the Petaluma Rotary Club dialed in, vivacious Queen Anne happily opened our first meeting of the New Year! Welcome to 2021...goodbye and good riddance to 2020!
A very pensive Alex Clark was called upon to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance and he came through in fine style!
When Queen Anne called upon Greg O’Brien for the thought of the day, he too came through with a meaningful thought pertaining to education, appropriately considering our program highlights Petaluma education from local officials.
Joanne Ferris introduced Maureen Highland as one of the guests of the day...while a frequent guest, Gina Husary, was also on hand to sit in on the presentation.
President Anne lauded the Club’s work in supporting the Polly Klaas fund drive adding that the launching of the renovations is...”ready to go.”
She also announced that our Super Raffle Fundraiser drive is underway with the distribution of raffle tickets.
Program co-Chairman Charlie Stuart came on Zoom to introduce our trio of Petaluma education officials, Gary Callahan, Cliff DeGraw and Chris Thomas.
Cliff DeGraw, Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services, discussed the many educational issues being faced in Sonoma County during the Pandemic. He discussed the hope of scheduling programs for both primary and secondary schools as we go forward in 2021.
Chris Thomas, Chief Business Official for Petaluma Schools discussed facilities including installing air filtering systems, plexiglass in classrooms, sanitizing stations, cleaning equipment, etc. All ready for in classroom operations.
Gary Callahan, Superintendent of Petaluma Schools emphasized the frustrations he and other officials face in getting our students back to school. The health risks unfortunately are strong, but academic risks are mounting through online learning. Various options are being discussed but the overall process is on hold while Sonoma County continues to be in the Purple tier!
An informative round of Q and A’s followed the presentations.
With a rousing sound of the bell President Anne brought to a close our first meeting of the New Year.
P. S. While we were witnesses to the most horrific assault on our Capital this week, let us all pause and relate to.....
LESSONS LEARNED this year...politics aside.
Let’s continue to wear masks, practice social distancing and keep washing our hands, regularly.
But thanks to the vaccine being rolled out this year, we will look for the silver lining cuz the best has yet to come...again!
This week's Editor: Mike Ambrosio