December 16, 2021
As President Rick gaveled the long-lost Rotary bell to start the meeting he commented, “I’ve been waiting six months to do this!”
Suzanne Tucker led the Pledge of Allegiance. President Rick delivered a clever Thought for the Day, but one that wasn’t clever enough to remain in your editor’s memory.
Michael Nistler reported that our members will be ringing the bell at the Salvation Army kettle outside Petaluma Market tomorrow (Friday) morning. Plan to drop by to visit — and to drop a donation in the kettle.
Shari Ranney, reporting for her husband Chris, announced that the Crab Feed Committee had decided that the February 25, 2022 Crab Feed would again be a drive-thru event at the bowling alley parking lot. Coronavirus uncertainties prompted this conservative move, but we are all hopeful that we’ll be back in the Vets Building in 2023. Shari, a very busy lady, also reported on activities of our International Committee and on the Miracle League holiday event.
Raine Howe discussed the possibility of members enjoying their “take-out” crab dinners in a private room (with adjacent bar) available at the bowling alley. You’ll hear more about this later.
As Charlie Stuart and Mike Stauber dozed in the background, Maggie Radany reported that on-line ordering of Crab dinners would be available on the Club website after the first of the year.
You’ll recall that our Christmas gift distribution to disadvantaged kids will, again this year, be accomplished by distributing gift cards instead of actual, wrapped gifts. Past President Elias Husary described in excruciating detail his attempts to procure the gift cards at our local Target. It seemed our Club’s endeavors appeared suspiciously criminal and resulted in Elias and Judi Allewelt being escorted off the premises by security personnel. There’s a lot more to the story. Ask Elias about it some time. Later.
Program Chair Dan Berry introduced our special holiday program, a choral performance by members of the Pacific Empire Chorus.
After listening to their great music, it’s no wonder that the Petaluma-based Pacific Empire Chorus is the Regional Champions of Sweet Adelines International. Thank you, ladies, for brightening our day.
We are dark the next two Thursdays and will resume meeting on January 6.
Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
December 4, 2021
Here are some great photos taken by Cindy Thomas at Saturday’s Holiday Party. You’re invited to imagine your own captions as you scroll through the festivities and the return of the missing bell.
Today's Editor: Al Cattalini
December 2, 2021
On this sunny December day, President Rick Gorman welcomed members to our weekly meeting.
Past District Governor and Past President Ed Fullerton led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Always spot on, Shari Ranney provided our thoughts for the day.
Maggie Radany announced the details have been attended to for our annual Members Holiday Party this Saturday, Dec. 4.
Club Miracle League Liaison Shari Ranney announced the Miracle League Northbay will host a Winter Wonderland at the field on Dec. 11. Shari passed around a sign up sheet. There's still time to volunteer! Please call or email Shari if you can help for a few hours. For more details on the day, Here's the link:
Raine Howe gave an update on the Polly Klaas Theater Renovation. The discovery of weather/neglect damage on the south side of the building exterior came with an additional repair pricetag. Thanks to an "Angel Investor", half of the needed funds have been pledged. The project is still on track for a summer 2022 opening!
Past President Michel Caruana is scheduling Salvation Army Bell Ringers at Petaluma Market on Friday, December 10. If you can spare a few hours to greet shoppers with another club member at Petaluma Market, please contact Michael. While you are there, you can pick up dinner!
Retired Public Health lab director Mike Ferris answered questions from the club on the new Omicron variant of Covid 19.
Brett Shinn was our raffle winner and took home a nice bottle of red!...hence the smile on his face.
Our program speaker was Tami
Bender of Petaluma Healthcare District's HealthQuest CPR/AED/First Aid Training
program. This vital training benefits all of us.
Today's Editor: Joanne Ferris