August 26, 2021
DISCLAIMER: Our photographer, Al Cattalini, brought his Polaroid Instamatic camera to the meeting and said the smoke is to blame for the blurry photos!
In a smoke filled room (the smell of wine and cheap perfume) our fearless leader, Rick Gorman, called the meeting to order.
Judi Allewelt led the Pledge of Allegiance. She was also pleased to announce that Chicken Strips are her favorite food, as evidenced by the chicken below her hand!
Dan Berry was called upon to handle the Thought for the Day: "I attended the Rotary Board Meeting prior to our weekly meeting and an e-mail that I recently received reminded me of our club philosophy, which is to strive for excellence and compete against yourself, but cheer for others."
Jim O'Grady from Petaluma Valley Rotary (visiting Rotarian) introduced another visiting Rotarian, Dustin Littlefield, our District Governor and speaker for the day. Jim "Father" O'Grady was looking a bit disheveled, as his clerical collar and rosary beads were out of sorts!
Dustin Littlefield, District Governor (visiting Rotarian and speaker of the day) was welcomed with cheers and smiles (none bigger than his smile. Colgate has asked him to be the face of their Ad campaign and has offered him whitening strips for life). For those of you who don't know, Dustin was Tom Cruise's stunt double in Jerry Maguire and re-enacted his favorite scene from the movie: "Show me the money!!!"
Immediate past President, Anne Gealta, gave an update on our Roatary Club's annual Golf Tournament fundraiser. So far, 10 teams of 4 have registered (we need two more). The cut-off is September 1st for registration. Anne also mentioned she has 3 hole sponsors (needs 6 more). The cost is $200. She has 4 cart sponsors and needs 8 more (the cost is $50). She was begging and pleading for more golfers and even offered that you can register and play via Zoom! Four!!!!!!
Mike Ambrosio gave an update regarding the Wiffle Ball Tournament taking place on Saturday, September 25, 2021 at noon. Mike is offering a signing bonus (bonus to be determined) to anyone who will play on his team!
Joanne Ferris mentioned that we are dark this week (no meeting on Thursday, September 2nd). However, our club will be meeting at The Block from 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm (the first round of drinks are on Rotary!)... She was also practicing hitch-hiking, as she may need a ride home from The Block on Thursday evening!
Onita Pellegrini mentioned there will be a meeting for our club's 100th anniversary at the Chamber of Commerce office on Thursday, September 2nd at 1:30 pm. Capiche!!!
Dan Berry agreed to pay a $25 fine for running around his house naked! Actually, now that he and his wife are empty nesters this was on his wish list, much to the dismay of his wife! Dan also mentioned that his son Lucas is now an Eagle Scout and started as a college freshman at University of Portland. Congratulations to the Berry family!
Carol Fullerton was all smiles after she won a bottle of wine at the weekly raffle, drawn by Dustin Littlefield. Carol mentioned that she prefers the wine over money because she can use it to put out a fire or bathe in if the drought gets any worse!
Dustin Littlefield,
District Governor, gave an update regarding the state of Rotary. The theme,
'This is Rotary' falls in line with our motto, Service Above Self and the Four
Way test.
This week's Editor: Doug Hecker
August 19, 2021
Before the meeting even started, the acutely observant AL CATTALINI noticed that the clock on the wall was actually accurate. A good start.
Precisely at 12:30 President RICK GORMAN rang the bell (another miracle) to start the meeting.
TOM BRANDALL led us in the pledge of allegiance,
and then President RICK called upon DAN LIBARLE for the club song ("I'm a rambler…").
Former President ANNE GEALTA then offered the Thought for the Day giving us some of the humor that all need these days ("My favorite machine in the gym is the vending machine. If you think you're too small to make a difference, try sleeping in the same room with a mosquito."). ANNE then gave us an update on the Golf Tournament, including the fact that the roster has expanded so there are slots available.
Next, our guests were introduced. GAIL CARDAROPOLI introduced NATALIA, the charming exchange student from Spain. RICK GORMAN introduced our guest speaker, TROY SANDERSON, President of Exchange Bank, and HOWARD DALTON, formerly from Exchange Bank.
There was an announcement that the Petaluma Valley Rotary was having a blood
drive through the end of August, then JOANNE FERRIS announced that on September
2, the club would be dark, as there was an informal meeting set at The Block
(with the club buying the first round of drinks!).
There was also an announcement of a meeting at the Petaluma Yacht Club on August 26.
GAIL told us that the District Conference would be held at the Doubletree on October 8 and 9, and President RICK added his special approval of the District Governor.
SHARI RANEY gave us an update on the Whiffle Ball Tournament set for September 25, with refreshments to be provided by Hen House and our own BBQ specialists. SHARI also noted that Shelter Box USA, to which our club has donated $3,000 a year for several years, is doing what it can to help the earthquake and storm victims in Haiti.
MIKE FERRIS to give us an informative, if sobering, update on the Covid crisis as of the latest available information (August 11).
DAN LIBARLE won a bottle of champagne at the drawing,
and SHERI told us that JOANNE was donating her drawing prize to the raffle basket.
Guest speaker TROY SANDERSON,
gave us a brief history of Exchange Bank and the Doyle Scholarships (which will have given an expected $100,000,000 by 2023). He explained the importance of the community bank in America (despite the burden of regulation and the lack of economies of scale). Members added their unanimous positive opinion of the value of our own community bank.
With that the meeting came to an end.
This week's Editor: Chris Elzi
August 5, 2021
President Rick called the meeting to order using a substitute bell.
Al Cattalini led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Past President John Dado delivered
three thoughts for the day:
"People may forget what you said. They may forget what you
did. But they will never forget how you made them feel."
“We are not given a good life or a bad life. We are given a life. It's up to us to make it good or bad.”
"Work like you don't need the money. Love like you have never been hurt. Dance like no one is watching."
Past President Joanne Ferris reminded members that Thursday, September 2, we will not be meeting for lunch. Instead we will be gathering at the Block for a club social from 4:30 to 6 pm. The first drink is on the club! This is a great opportunity to being along colleagues, family members and friends who are interested in learning more about Rotary.
Members are also invited to a club social between all three Petaluma Rotary Clubs on Wednesday, August 25 at the Petaluma Yacht Club from 6 pm to 9 pm. We will be toasting our featured guest, District Governor Dustin Littlefield.
Our annual Members Golf
Tournament is Monday, September 13 here at the
Petaluma Golf and Country Club. President Rick announced on behalf of
event chairperson, Past President Anne Gealta that we are
seeking sponsors and golfers for this event.
Past President Michael Caruana's son Matt, who has just been named head lecturer at Johannesburg University, South Africa has been leading an archeological dig at Amanzi Springs. The people of this area have been struggling to survive a 13 year drought.
Matt has become involved in an effort to provide food to the community and is working with the local Rotary clubs in the area on an international grant to install solar powered equipment to access and harvest water from deep underground water sources.
Michael is collecting funds that he is sending to Matt to purchase food from local vendors for the local residents of Amanzi Springs. Our US dollars go a long way towards purchasing rice, wheat and other necessities. If you want to help, please send a check to Michael Caruana.
We will hear more about the progress on the International Project progress from our club's World Service committee in the future.
President Rick thanked the members who volunteered to cook and serve at the Rotary
Pavilion for Miracle League's game day last Saturday: Chris & Shari Ranney, Lee Reposa, Raine Howe, Dan Berry, Tony Western, Michael and Diane Caruana.
Rick also thanks Chris and Shari Raine for hosting the International Committee meeting at the home this week.
Thanks were also extended to Dan Berry for hosting (on Zoom) the program committee meeting on Tuesday.
Past President Mike Baddeley was asked to answer the call for the location of our missing "Gavin Gavil" and "Betty (For Whom The Bell Tolls) Bell." Mike's only information is that our two escapees have an open itinerary which means no one knows when they will be back. Mike told Rick that there are lots of bells and gavels in the world to use. Rick held up the bell he used today which Mike found to be uniquely shaped. Rick asked about a possible ransom demand in hopes that he would receive some communication from those in possession of the bell. Mike had no knowledge of any ransom demand at this time. Mike noted that any funds for a ransom would be better directed to the Amanzi Spings community.
Past President Elias Husary was called upon t talk about updates in his family. Elias' coffee buddy and daughter Isabella will be moving to LA for her sophomore year at Loyola Marymount University later this month. This won't be a problem since Elias has decided to go back for his master's degree and will be living nearby too. He paid $25 towards his fine schedule in appreciation for Isabella's chance to live on her own.
President Elect Royce van Bebber was happy to announce that his oldest daughter was celebrating her 18th birthday today! They will be moving her to her dorm at Long Beach State this month too. Royce contributed $25 towards his fine schedule for her birthday and $25 for her launch to college.
Past President Lee Reposa clearly stated his daughters are not off to college yet. He has been busy working, playing and basically living the dream. Lee's daughter Lauren was just selected for the US Olympic National Development team (Soccer)! She's been invited to travel to countries all over the world as a result. When asked how proud he was, Lee gratefully pledged $75 towards his fine schedule.
Chad Fillinger was the winner of the weekly raffle and took home a bottle of Korbel.
Brett Shinn introduced our program speaker, Gary Johanson, MD. of Providence Hospice
Dr. Johnason spoke on the history of Hospice in our area covering palliative care, hospice care and comfort care.
This week's Editor: Joanne Ferris