May 28, 2020
On a beautiful May day, the
opening fellowship centered around high school graduations. Past
President Dan Libarle has two grandchildren graduating from Petaluma High
School, Lucy Ellis and Peter Marzo. Of
course, they got their brains from Dan! Thinking Ricardo Marzo, Peter’s
dad’s Zoom setting was on mute!
Sue and Jim Simon’s grandchild
along with President Elias’ daughter Isabella are also graduating with the PHS
Class of 2020. Congratulations to all!
Everyone recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
President Elias opened the
meeting with a sincere “Happy Memorial Day” wish to members.
Shari Ranney provided the
thought for the day: It is one family’s story among thousands from the
Shelterbox Organization.
Click here
to read the compelling experience of Ismail Musafas of Malaysia.
Our guests this week were Lisa Moore, Recology and Molly Radany.
Past President Chris Ranney thanked Past President Dan Libarle and Ricardo Marzo for all they have done and continue to do for COTS. Lace House Linen has been severely impacted by Covid-19 yet they continue to provide services for our local shelter. We appreciate what you do quietly for our community.
Past President Onita Pellegrini, club foundation chair announced President Elias’ Foundation Matching Offer will continue for two more weeks. The goal President Elias set for our club is every member contributes $100 to The Rotary Foundation this year by June 30th. So to reach this goal, every $100 you contribute will be matched with 200 additional points toward your first or next level Paul Harris award.
President Elias mentioned that the Rotary Club of Napa is celebrating their 100th Anniversary next year. They set a club goal of every member designated as a Paul Harris Fellow by their 100th year.
While conducting meetings on Zoom, President Elias has not levied a great deal of fines. However, he did call upon Dave Barbieri for driving a very nice new car to pick up his Rotary box lunch earlier in the day. Dave said it is actually his wife, Linda’s new RAV 4 Hybrid. Dave has driven it on two occasions: the first when he test drove it at the dealership and the second was today! He happily paid a fine for the privilege. Please note that Elias mistakenly said Dave was driving “his new wife’s car” instead of “his wife’s new car.” A simply transposition of two words that greatly changed the meaning of the statement.
Past President Chris Ranney introduced Jim Carrierre, Past President of the San Rafael Harbor Rotary Club and Board member of Shelterbox USA.
Jim gave a great presentation on Shelterbox with special focus on the current work in Syria, and managing Covid 19 globally.
This week's Editor: Joanne Ferris; photos by Michael Nistler
May 21, 2020
Today's meeting zoomed to a start
with President Elias welcoming everyone and a few minutes of
virtual fellowship.
We were treated to the meeting conducting of President Elect Anne Gealta! Of course, everyone woke up and paid close attention with Anne at the helm. Could it be voice fatigue after a year of President Elias?
Past President Mike Baddeley gave
the Thought for the Day:
"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself"
Winston Churchill
President Elect Anne asked
for a moment of silence in honor of two long time members who passed away this
Past President Paul Lounibos and Alfonso
Richards MD.
(click on their photo to read their obituaries.)
Our visitors this week were Molly Radany, Past President Lou Steinberg and Petaluma Sunrise Rotary Past President Richard Pitt.
Thursday, May 28, 2020
5:30 - 7:00 PM
Featuring Sonoma Land Trust Executive Director Eamon O’Byrne
The Role of
Conservation in Fostering a Climate-Ready Sonoma County
& in protecting and enhancing the health & well-being of our community.
Plus, a Review of Recent Land Conservation Activities throughout
Sonoma County
No Cost - Log in between 5:15
and 5:30 pm
Past President and RI Club Foundation Chairperson Onita Pellegrini announced
that the club is offering a 2 to 1 match for every $100 contribution members
make towards their first or next Paul Harris Award. You can write your
check for $100 to The Rotary Foundation and get it to Onita Pellegrini.
If you want to charge your credit card on file, let Onita know and she will
take care of the details.
Your $100 combined with 2 for 1
matching points from our club means you will be $300 closer to your
When members contribute a total of $1000 to The Rotary Foundation, they earn a
Paul Harris Award.
Raine Howe, Executive Director of the Polly Klaas Foundation provided an update on the renovation of the Polly Klaas Center for the Arts. Great progress has been made toward securing in-kind contributions towards the project. There are 30+ local organizations and groups that are looking forward to using this community resource when it is completed.
President Elect Anne announced two future event SAVE THE DATES:
Past President Chris Ranney joined
us from Lake Tahoe. He said they had 4'" of snow on Monday and it
was absolutely beautiful at the lake.
Sue Symons offered her home for a casual gathering celebrating
Elias' year as our club president.
Suzanne Tucker introduced our program speakers.
Joe Smith
Will Soper, CPA
Senior Vice President
Partner, Beels Soper LLP
Small Business Administration Manager
Joe and Will presented great information about the government stimulus programs
including the Paycheck Protection Act and SBA Loans.
This week's Editor: Joanne Ferris; photos by Michael Nistler
May 14, 2020
It was a cool and cloudy day outside while we were, ”Sheltering In” once again as President Elias called the Petaluma Rotarians to order - hosting our 6th Virtual Meeting via Zoom!
‘MAMA MIA’, Here we go again!
Not to be denied, President Elias led us in the Pledge of Allegiance that was far from in sync, yet patriotic as ever.
Wally Bragdon brought his thought of the day which centered on noteworthy dignitaries connected to Rotary! And there are many!
Rick Gorman introduced Howard Dalton as his guest for today’s meeting. And he was cordially welcomed.
Maggie’s daughter Molly dropped in once again to visit with Mom and her friends. Now that is a clever move!
Ricardo Marzo made his first Zoom appearance and tho he was greeted warmly by President Elias he was soon hit upon for taking an editorial absence, for which Ricardo added $100 to the ‘kitty’.
Rick Mossi was also warmly welcomed to the tune of $20.
And when Cindy Thomas raised an objection for her fine last week she was nailed for $10. This President does know how to fatten the pot $$$$!
Chris and Shari Ranney joined in from Tahoe where things are opening up. Can we have a meeting up there someday soon?
Lou Steinberg, who dialed in from Colorado, proudly shared his Petaluma President’s Badge from yesteryear!
A surprise guest moved in on President Elias’ space, which forced him to mask. So the masked Elias hosted an audition for “The Masked Singer.” Any guesses as to who was under the mask???
Claire the Cow sent us this photo showing how she viewed the meeting.
We were reminded by our astute President of the 2020 Rotary Virtual Convention, June 20-26.(Suggest you order some Mai Tais, Poi, Coconuts, Macadamia Nuts, a few Leis...even host a Luau, to remind you that this should have been Hawaii!! )
Charlie Stuart, our noted Membership Chair, took front and center to introduce Bob Giacomini and his daughter, Lynn Giacomini Stray of the Point Reyes Farmstead Cheese Co.
Lynn Giacomini Stray shared with us their working environment during CoVid19 pandemic. Fortunately their company has adjusted well to the current norm by finding online success to keep afloat and continue operating at a successful level.
Bob Giacomini told us how he was first introduced to Rotary when he was 17 years old and his Dad brought him to a meeting. His later appearance was when he was asked to speak at a meeting and share his exploits as an accomplished dairy farmer. I think he is ripe for membership!
Your erstwhile editor sits pensively to absorb all that is going on! Did he miss anything? Hope not..but please stay safe, wear your mask when out and about and do distance socialize!!
If we must share the Rogue’s gallery of mugs, why not! WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!
And another meeting went by the boards!
This week's Editor: Mike Ambrosio
May 7, 2020
President ELIAS “Zoom-Zoom” HUSARY opened our regular lunch meeting (his 5th Zoom meeting, just in case you’re counting) at 12:35 p.m., gave us a Coronavirus update, led us in the Pledge of Allegiance, and then delivered the Thought for the Day!
A true delegator if ever there was one!!
The Prez then proceeded to introduce our visiting Rotarians (former Club member Lou Steinberg
and District Governor Kathy Flamson), as well as our Guests of Rotarians, including MAGGIE RADANY’s daughter, Molly (and her cat!),
followed by a medley of announcements, not the least of which was a reminder of the upcoming (May 12-13) Tri-Club Blood Drive at St. John’s Church on 6th and C Streets - Volunteers are needed, so let the Prez know if you can help out.
CHRIS RANNEY then gave us a report on the ongoing COTS Food Drive, followed by a Rotary International report from his wife, SHARI RANNEY, including the financial needs our R.I. committee has been addressing around the world since 2015, its continuing commitment to Shelter Box, and the Volunteer Surge program (Shari and JAIME SYMONS both gave testimonials on their training).
Shari went on to introduce “Homer,” the Miracle League mascot, who is available for appearances at special events – Call Shari if you are interested.
The Prez then announced the Rotarian of the Month for March (SUZANNE TUCKER)
and April (Sir CHARLES STUART)
for jobs well done and going above and beyond the call of duty in service to others - Congratulations to Suzanne and Charlie!!
Finally feeling fidgety from failing to fine, the Prez then boldly announced (from the secure confines of his home office high atop the hill in Petaluma’s toniest west side neighborhood) that he was resuming Member fines, including cell phone infractions at $5.00 per ring. So, to prove that he was no shut-in paper tiger, he immediately fined BRIAN BREEN $5.00 for calling the Prez during his announcement (with a hot stock tip, no doubt)! The fearless Prez then fined fertile CHAD FILLINGER $60.00 for the birth of his third child, a baby boy (Luke) born on May 1, 2020, at a strapping 7 lbs., 14 oz. and 20” long – mother (Mary) and baby Luke are home and doing well!! Congratulations to Chad and Mary!
Next, the Prez reminded us of the following important dates/events:
Call the Prez for further details.
MICHAEL STAUBER, our Rotary Youth Exchange coordinator,
then introduced Lupita Sosa, our Rotary Youth Exchange Student for 2018-2019, who gave us a very informative presentation of her student exchange experience in Thailand.
WHEREUPON, the Prez, after recognizing KATHY O’CONNOR for making her first Zoom meeting appearance (at the prestigious offices of Breen Wealth Management, no less), summarily adjourned the virtual meeting!
So, Happy Trails (or hallways, as the case may be) to all of you until we meet (virtually or otherwise) again.
Please stay healthy, happy and sane!!
This week's Editor: Mike Baddeley