January 30, 2020
It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood...
A beautiful day in the neighborhood.
When President Elias called his neighboring Rotarians together for their weekly meeting!
Unable to take a selfie, Al Cattalini led us with the Pledge of Allegiance. (Can you recognize which one is Al?)
Then Royce Van Bebber used his strong baritone voice to kick off God Bless America
Maggie Radany came to the podium to enlighten us with some profound thoughts for the day.
Dan Berry stood up to introduce Petaluma Sunrise President David Powers, a most welcome visitor.
Rick Gorman, co-chair of the Super Raffle for the Crab Feed Gala, shared the news that 300 plus raffles had been sold to date...yippee!
John Zimmerman was gifted with a coffee mug for leading the charge in Super Raffle sales for the week.
President Elias brought President David Powers back to the podium to honor him with his late grandfather, Don Ramatici’s Chicken Badge....a truly moving moment!
Secretary Gail Cardaropoli informed us that our District is joining the Golden Gate Relay for awareness of organ donations. Volunteers interested in cheering on the participants should give Gail a shout. It all takes place May 2-3 weekend.
Lee Reposa received kudos for all his hard work with the Miracle League and the reestablished RYLA Youth Program. Hats off to this month’s Rotarian of the Month.
After being rewarded for his Rotarian goodness, etc., Lee Reposa was fined for the ring-a-ling-ding from his phone at last week’s meeting. The ups and downs of life!
Not to be slighted Royce Van Bebber acknowledged that he too had his phone come through loud and clear during the meeting. Even though the amiable Royce volunteered to fix a part of the Rotary Bell, he still faced the fine!
Bano Cummings was called out for visiting her son in Brazil, and even though she was willing to share pictures of bikini clad Brazilians, President Elias didn’t take to that barter...and more money was added to the pot!
Our ever alert President Elias even managed to swindle a couple of honest to goodness football fans, Michael Caruana and Charlie Stuart who admitted they were rooting for KC. WOW, what he doesn’t do to add $$$ to the cause.
Who dat??? Oh, Chris Elzi, the elusive party animal having fun, fun, fun...he had to pay for that too!
Steve Powell brought to our attention that Global Offsite Care is hosting their annual meeting at the Yacht Club on Saturday, Feb. 1. Come one, come all
Besides giving the thoughts of the day, Maggie Radany held the winning number for the weekly raffle and another bottle of wine!
Suzanne Tucker introduced our speaker for the day, Lisa Moore of Recology, Sonoma Marin.
Lisa’s most interesting discussion centered on contamination, hazardous waste, recycling and compost in our daily lives. Besides presenting a most pertinent talk on what goes where in garbage, compost and hazardous household waste, she gave out a number of compost pails to the needy Rotarians. Well done!
And another meeting goes by the boards till next time!
This week's Editor: Mike Ambrosio
January 23, 2020
President ELIAS “Let’s
Make a Deal” HUSARY opened our penultimate January 2020
luncheon meeting at precisely 12:30 p.m.,
immediately had STEVE “Let’s Take a Trip” POWELL lead
us in the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by CAROL “The
Canary” FULLERTON, who led us in a rousing rendition of America the
CHAD “Premium” FILLINGER then
delivered the Thought for the Day,
and the customary handshakes, hugs and busses amongst members ensued.
were no visiting Rotarians, but we were joined by at least one guest of a
Rotarian for lunch – Chad’s adorable little daughter (Reese).
Market” RANNEY then gave us a brief update for the upcoming
Club Crab Feed (Friday, February 28, 2020), and let us know that 300 tickets
have been sold thus far, so if you plan on attending, get your reservation in
President-Elect ANNE “Quick
Flip” GEALTA implored upon everybody to register and pay
online for Crab Feed tickets, and to call her or MAGGIE “Flu
Shot” RADANY if you have a large group (i.e. 15 or more).
Trader” RANNEY announced that the Petaluma Valley Rotary Club
is having a fundraiser at Lagunitas on February 11, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. – it’s
only $20.00 at the door – call Shari if you are interested.
Prez then recognized the Crab Feed raffle ticket sales weekly winners for last
week (himself first, and MIKE “Rotary Virus” FERRIS 2nd)
and this week’s winner, ROYCE “Man of Steel” VAN
BEBBER – applause aplenty for a job well done!
Prez then called DOUG “Short Sale” HECKER, MIREILLE “Estate
Sale” BROUSSARD and CHRIS “In Court I Trust” ELZI to
the podium so he could pin each one of them with a coveted Chicken Badge!
DAN “Risky
Business” BERRY then delivered a very entertaining new member
craft talk.
Fillinger then picked raffle ticket #728, which was good enough for a nice
bottle of wine for SHARI RANNEY!
SUZANNE “Tangled
Web” TUCKER then introduced our guest speaker, Dennis
Agnos, from Social Advocates for Youth (SAY), who gave us a very informative,
albeit disturbing, talk about sex trafficking in Sonoma County and what SAY is
doing to combat it.
He received a Rotary memento for a program
well received, whereupon the Prez bid us all a good afternoon and adjourned the
meeting… but not before reminding us that there was a Club board meeting
immediately following the regular meeting!
This week's Editor: Mike Baddeley
January 16, 2020
President Elias Husary called the meeting to order (doing his best 'Thumbs Up' impersonation of Arthur Fonzarelli, A.K.A. 'The Fonz' or 'Fonzie' - "AAAAAAAAY!").
Our newest member, Jaimie Symons, led the Pledge of Allegiance (she also won the Symmetry of the Day award - check out the perfect line from her right earring, to her necklace, to her ring, to her chicken logo! She needs some work on her Rotary name badge though).
Judy McReynolds handled the duties for our song of the day, God Bless America (this photo was actually taken when Judy was pleading with Elias not to fine her, as the two young gentlemen in the background argued back-and-forth whether or not she should be fined! Mr. Symons won the argument with that sideways stare!!!)…
Kathy O'Connor did a nice job with the Thought for the Day (if I remember correctly, the theme was 'Never arrive late and Never Leave Early').
Michael "Mic" Avery handled the duties of Microphone Runner for the day!
Brian Breen and Lee Reposa shared the duties and gave an update on the Super Raffle (notice I didn't highlight Lee's name in Bold - this is my feeble attempt to not call attention to Lee because his phone rang during the meeting and I really and truly hope the Prez doesn't fine him in the future!).
Mr. Breen however, did mention to the Prez regarding Super Raffle ticket sales that "I don't want to stoop to your level", which the President responded with some attorney/lawsuit gibberish and right away Mike Baddeley chimed in and mentioned that an easy way to sell tickets is to threaten to place a lien on someone's home if they don't buy a ticket or two!
I would also NOT like to point out that Brandon Trammell failed to inform his teammates that he's a team captain for Super Raffle ticket sales (myself included)! Did you just hear that Big Yellow Bus drive by???
"Hi, I'm Mike Baddeley. Have you been injured, wrongly convicted, or have you failed to purchase Super Raffle Tickets?" If so, please call Mike "BADASS" Baddeley at:
1-800-WTF-LAWW or visit my website: www.lienonme.law or my other website (Injured, don't pull your hair out - visit www.mybaldlawyer.com). "And always remember, just because you did it doesn't mean you are guilty!"
Royce Van Bebber gave an update regarding the Dictionary Delivery program and asked if those that would like to help deliver would like to do so on the Big Yellow Bus (Brandon and Lee are going to take turns driving)!
Raine Howe gave an update on the Polly Klaas Community Theater project. Raine mentioned that the Rotary Crab Feed Live Auction proceeds will be donated to the Polly Klaas Community Theater project. A few of the Live Auction items are: A Wild Pig Hunt for two guests at a ranch near Healdsburg donated by Daniel Young of Cloverdale ($1,000 value), Four people for a 2-night stay in beautiful San Geronimo Valley donated by Michael and Linda Howe ($500 value), One sapphire and diamond ring from Gold Rush Jewelers ($7,900 value). For more information regarding the Polly Klaas Community Theater project please visit: www.pollyklaascommunitytheater.org
Todd Mendoza won the raffle and walked away with a bottle of wine (good Karma for being the greeter at the entrance!).
Mighty Joe Tambe introduced our guest speaker, Mark Essick, Sonoma County Sheriff.
Sonoma County Sheriff, Mark Essick, discussed many issues in our county, including homelessness. Thank you for your time, dedication and service!
M.I.A. Alert: It was a Rainy day without Chris Ranney!!!
This week's Editor:Doug Hecker
January 9, 2020
President Elias Husary received a warm round of applause to start our meeting..
Sveinn Sigurdsson lead The Pledge of Allegiance
Your humble editor gave the Thought for the Day, but couldn't think of anything pertinent or insightful to say...
Brian Breen & Rick Gorman gave us a great motivational speech to inspire us to sell Super-Raffle Tickets this year. The Raffle is our biggest fundraiser of the year for our Club and these proceeds help local and international projects - from the Walnut Park and McNear Park renovations to supporting an orphanage in Muleje, Mexico and installing a water-purification system for a village in Northern Thailand. These are concrete examples of the power of our Club in helping others.
President Elias has set a goal of over 1800 tickets this year and we all need to SELL!!!!
Past President Chris Ranney recently switched to de-caf coffee and he's feeling great about his decision.
BTW - its Ranney NOT Rainey!!!!!
Past President Lee Reposa was in attendance, but I can't remember what he said...
Judy Allewelt is our Rotarian of the Month. Judy's dedication to the Holiday Gift Giving Project and her passion for helping others is amazing. She does much of the purchasing and organizing on her own (with a few elves to assist) and always has a smile on her face.
Thank you, Judy, for your support of our Club and our community!!!
Past District Governor Ed Fullerton and his wife, Carol, gladly gave $60 to the fine can for each year of their 60th wedding anniversary.
Congratulations to the Fullerton's!!!
Jim Symons was by his wife's side as we welcomed Sue Symons as our newest member.
The Symons' legacy of giving back continues!!!
The Rotary Crab Feed is on February 28.
Please sign up online. Committee Chair Maggie Radany has made tremendous progress in helping our Club streamline the ticket process and she has helped the Club save thousands of dollars!!!
Get online and get over your fear of going paperless!!!
It was great to welcome back Tony Western after a leave of absence. We missed him so much, President Elias fined him $50!!!!!
Steve Powell won the raffle and is somewhere drinking his wine...
Joanne Ferris introduced our fabulous Speaker...
Shelina Moreda gave a heartfelt presentation about her journey from Petaluma ranch girl to world class motorcycle racing champion and "Covergirl".
Her humbleness, sense of humor, honesty and pure drive to succeed were well on display for all of us to appreciate. Shelina is a true Petaluma treasure and we wish her much success in all her future endeavors, which we are certain she will achieve.
Thank you!!!!
This week's Editor: Ricardo Marzo