April 30, 2020
President Elias Husary led the Pledge of Allegiance (I think he missed a spot while shaving!).
Petaluma Police Chief Ken Savano spoke to our Rotary club and gave an update regarding Covid-19 and how the police and community are handling shelter in place and other issues surrounding these challenging times.
Judy McReynolds was all smiles from the comfort of her home!
Royce Van Bebber in deep thought! "All of this steel and so little time - what is a man to do?"
Raine Howe was mesmerized by her webcam!
Onita Pellegrini blew kisses to all...
Suzanne Tucker had the distinct pleasure of introducing Petaluma Police Chief Ken Savano as our guest speaker!
Maggie Radany was all smiles knowing that her daughter was part of our Rotary Zoom!
Charlie Stuart almost fell asleep during the meeting, but was daydreaming about a Sally Tomatoes lunch at the Country Club...
Carolyn Buck gave a spirited thought for the day and mentioned Jack Kornfield of Spirit Rock Insight Meditation Center in Marin County.
The Fullertons were cozy at home enjoying another Rotary Zoom meeting!
The Prez reminded us that he only has 8 more meetings at the helm...
Rick Gorman surfaced for air and didn't even get wet! This internet thing is a hoax!!!
Kip Herzog was smiling because he organized his office and got some alone time!
In this week's edition of 'America's Most Wanted' we infiltrate the Petaluma Rotary Club Syndicate. Please call 1-800-CRIME-WATCH if you recognize any of the people depicted above!
This week's Editor: Doug Hecker
April 16, 2020
Virtual Fellowship at the start of the meeting involved lots of camera adjusting and lively barks from furry roommates.
President Elias called the meeting to order with his hope that all our members and their families are well.
We had a flag upgrade this week for our Pledge of Allegiance.
Our Thought for the day from Carol Fullerton:
"To thrive in life you need three kinds of bones: a wishbone, a back bone and most importantly, a funny bone."
Visiting Rotarians: Past President Lou Steinberg, Current member of the Rotary Club of Greeley Colorado.
Thank you to everyone who ordered lunches from Sally Tomatoes. We
purchased 79 meals last week and 66 meals this week. Special shout
out to Past President and PDG Ed and Carol Fullerton for
ordering 22 lunches. Sally Tomatoes truly appreciates this business.
Last Saturday, we distributed 150
lunches to hospitality workers and others in need at the Lucchesi Center.
We had a successful blood drive on
April 2. May 12 is our next Tri- club blood drive from 9 am to 2 pm
at St. John’s Church, 6th and C Street. A link to sign up will be emailed
from Elias. Donation appointments are expected to fill up quickly.
COTS, The Salvation Army, PPSC and
the Redwood Empire Food Bank all need volunteers right now.
Some opportunities are working from home and completely safe.
The Global Impact Group theglobalimpactgroup.org has a link to a Volunteer Surge program started from a Rotary Club in Lafayette CA. It has two options for online learning to fill assistance roles in the healthcare field as we move into the monitoring and mass testing phase of this pandemic. Shari Ranney started one of the modules and will continue to keep us informed as she learns more.
Elias reconfirmed the need to
assist Petaluma Valley Hospital during these times. Clover Sonoma stepped
up to fund three new ventilators. Elias would really like to see if
Rotary In Petaluma could lead the effort to fund the fourth ventilator.
The board met recently and discussed some options. Individual
members who want to know more and/or have ideas should contact Elias. He
would love to talk with you about it.
Shari Ranney is
in sewing mode and offered to make masks for club members who may need them.
Thank you Shari!
Brett Shin introduced our program
speakers. First up was Tyler Hedden, CEO, Providence-St. Joseph’s Health,
Petaluma Valley Hospital and Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital. (Tyler
presented by audio)
David Southerland, interim VP of
operations at PVH, covered
practices for monitoring all staff. Currently there is a "no
visitors" policy in place to protect patients and caregivers. The
hospital regularly has 80 patient beds. The staff has expanded the
bed plan to just over 100 beds if needed. This includes a
number of negative pressure rooms which is especially useful in treating any
patients with infectious disease symptoms.
Wendy Thomas, Director of Nursing at PVH covered Petaluma Valley Hospital’s
work on preparing for a surge, testing, PPE and keeping caregivers safe.
She reminded us that Friday is the official start of mandatory masking.
This is essential if we are going to move toward reopening society.
Anything that covers your nose and mouth works! It does not have to
be a medical grade mask.
There is a concern about the surge of patients once society reopens. This means the hospitals have cancelled all elective procedures at this time. Only urgent or emergent surgeries are happening right now.
We continue to chose speakers who can keep us informed about this virus:
Next speaker is Elece Hemphill, executive director of PPSC. The following week we will hear from Police Chief Ken Savano. The week after that our speaker is the commanding officer of the US Coast Guard Station.
This week's Editor: Joanne Ferris
April 9, 2020
Kudos to President Elias for kicking off our first Virtual Reality Meeting! Me thinks somewhere around 30 fellow Rotarians dialed in to gather together to mark this auspicious occasion from their isolation domains! Who would have thought....
Waving a hand carried flag, President Elias led us in a Virtual Pledge of Allegiance, calling our meeting to order from his house to ours!
He then was delighted to announce that 79 lunches had been ordered and picked up by fellow Rotarians to help support our caterer, Sally Tomatoes. Hopefully, we can continue this effort in the weeks to come. Elias also lauded Tri-Clubs efforts, especially the blood drive, where 29 donors complied. Hats off!
Brett Shinn gave us an update on the status of Petaluma Valley Hospital.
Chris Ranney informed us that COTS is functioning pretty well during these dire times.
Carolyn Buck, sharing her well behaved dog for all to see, also announced that the Meals on Wheels has been delivering thanks to loyal volunteers.
President Elias asked us to spread the word about the lunches that will be given out this Saturday ostensibly to Hospital and Service Industry workers at the Petaluma Community Center around Noon. It is the “Feeding Those Who Feed Us”project.
Charlie Stuart introduced our very own Treasurer Mike Ferris who broke away from the vault to give us an interesting update on the Coronavirus. Mike was the Director of Sonoma County Public Health Lab, and is currently the Director of Humboldt County Public Health Laboratory.
He gave us an extremely informative narrative on viruses and Covid19. Mike pulled no punches and emphasized that Covid19 is five times more infectious than any other virus. He was very responsive to the questions asked of him and I know we all will be wearing masks when out and about as he does!
We have included a few collages of faces...see if you can find yourself!
Now you know what you look like when we see you! Hmmmm!
This week's Editor: Mike Ambrosio
April 3, 2020
First of all, ignore the information above about upcoming meetings and speakers. As you know, the world has changed.
A great example of that change was our virtual Rotary social this evening. With assistance from Zoom President Elias welcomed lots of thirsty members to a gathering that was very much social.
You’ll be receiving an email from President Elias about a regular (but virtual) meeting next Thursday at 12:30 p.m. Pledge, singing, Thought for the Day, a speaker, . . . the whole thing. Maybe a virtual raffle?
Carolyn Buck described the demand for Meals on Wheels provided by PPSC. Contact Carolyn if you’d like to volunteer as a driver.
Tawny Tesconi made an appearance — of sorts. She turned off her video feed so we couldn’t see her less than perfect hairdo. Vanity, thy name is Tawny.
Onita Pellegrini noted that “if my cocktail time gets any earlier, I’ll have to put wine in my cereal.” Sally Brasseur nodding knowingly. Onita reported that many local restaurants (including Cucina Paradiso and Sugo are providing take-out meals. Visit the Chamber website for a full list.
Lee Reposa gave a great explanation of the various loan programs now available for small businesses — and described the complexities of home schooling. It seems that banking is far less complex than teaching.
Royce Van Bebber also acknowledged the challenges of home schooling, commenting that he appreciates teachers much more now and feels they are underappreciated and underpaid. He and his family had their Tahiti vacation cut short by the pandemic and rushed home to endure a 14-day quarantine.
Brian Breen was a no-show tonight but we heard rumors of a Hawaii vacation cut short. Sounds like a fine or two here. Will they be virtual fines?
Charlie Stuart joined the party but ultimately had to say goodbye to join another virtual get-together, this time with his family.
Kip Herzog lamented the surplus of wine and the upcoming plight of grape growers. But, if what I observed tonight is any indication, wine consumption is increasing markedly. His wife Marilyn made an appearance and reported that her recent surgery went well. She looked great.
Grace Nistler discussed the closing of the Graton casino and had to excuse herself to cook a chicken dinner for husband Michael. Michael hovered above the Golden Gate Bridge as he explored the future of eClubs in the new Rotary world.
Chad Fillenger described the turmoil in his household. He let slip that his wife Mary is due to deliver in 3½ weeks. If it’s a girl will they name her Corona? Stand by for another (virtual?) fine.
Judy McReynolds described a surreal San Francisco with virtual tumbleweeds bouncing down empty streets.
Anne Gealta has caught up on her chores and observed that it’s a good (but different) real estate market with sanitized home visits and unavailable inspection personnel. But homes are selling at list or higher.
Chris and Shari Ranney graced the gathering. Chris described how COTS was successfully meeting the challenges of Coronavirus.
Maggie Radany (and her delightful dog) joined the party. She regularly works from home so the new circumstances haven’t affected her too much.
Suzanne Tucker (was that a virtual quarantine, Suzanne?) had a trip to Arizona in the midst of the pandemic.
Dan Berry regularly works from home so he’s adapted well to the new world. He had a dozen N95 masks and before the social ended he had committed four to President Elias for a special project (see below) and eight to Brett Shinn for used at Petaluma Valley Hospital.
Michael Caruana says he’s spending his confinement riding his horse on empty trails at Point Reyes. He noted that he’ll soon be getting a haircut. Diane has these clippers that she uses on the horses. Michael wondered “Is there something edible about toilet paper that has people hoarding it?”
Mike and Joanne Ferris enjoyed their non-virtual beverages as Mike prepares to return to the Sonoma County Health Department in Santa Rosa to help with a very busy laboratory. We are privileged to have Mike as our speaker next Thursday. Trump has Anthony Fauci but we have Michael Ferris! And, by the way, you can hear son Jack Ferris on KSRO (1350) mornings from 6-9 a.m.
Next Saturday, April 11, our Club will be distributing 150 lunches to unemployed restaurant workers. President Elias and three other members (wearing the four masks from Dan Berry) will be doing the honors at the Luchessi Park Community Center.
The crowd lifted their glasses in a rousing salute to Marcus Benedetti for the donation of three ventilators to Petaluma Valley Hospital.
Bano Cummings pedaled in on her bicycle to join the party. She says the new reality is presenting interesting challenges to her profession.
Your editor apologizes that technical difficulties prevented capturing more photos during the party. Or was it the wine?
Anyway, here’s what the Last Supper would have looked like if Jesus had Zoom. Did you notice the bottle of Purell?
See you (virtually) next Thursday!
This week's Editor: Al Cattalini