September 12, 2019
President ELIAS HUSARY opened our regular luncheon meeting to a sparse crowd at precisely 12:30.
He immediately had JUDI ALLEWELT lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
ALEX CLARK then led us in song (Rambler/Gambler and God Bless America), followed by the Prez channeling his inner JOHN DADO to deliver the Thought for the Day! The customary handshakes, hugs and busses amongst the members ensued. We had one visiting Rotarian (Paula Johns from the Petaluma Valley Rotary Club), who introduced herself and our shared Exchange Student, Max Stoevelaar (from the Netherlands).
MIKE STAUBER and Paula then jointly announced the upcoming Blues Buster event for the incoming Youth Exchange Students and made an appeal for volunteers for the dinner scheduled on Sept. 18, and for drivers to get them to and from their SF tour the following day (Sept. 19)- please call Mike if you can help out.
JUDI ALLEWELT reminded us of the monthly SCARC meeting on September 26 at the Santa Rosa Golf & Country Club- call Judi if you would like to attend.
RICK WARNER, after giving a big shout-out to his Co-Chair, President-Elect ANNE GEALTA, gave us an update on the Club’s upcoming annual golf tournament- if you want to play and/or sponsor please sign up as soon as possible.
Next, the Prez reported on the upcoming Miracle League Day festivities last weekend, and reminded us of the Down Syndrome Association of North Bay fundraiser to be held there on September 28. He went on to inform us that the planned corn maze club field trip event scheduled for Oct. 3 has been cancelled. Instead, our field trip will be at the Miracle League site on that date to tour the field and enjoy a great lunch. The Prez conclude the announcement portion of the meeting by letting us know that the Fund-a-Teen in Need program is now on our Club website and has been presented to the local junior high and high school administration.
Realizing that the meeting was unnaturally quiet, the Prez astutely noted that BRIAN BREEN and his merry band of mischief makers (RICK GORMAN, LEE RAPOZA and ROYCE VAN BEBBER) were MIA, so he called Brian and surprise, surprise, he and his fellow Rotary cohorts were at the Giants’ game, conducting an ad hoc “sub-committee” meeting according to group spokesman Gorman - the Prez promised big fines for all when they get back!
Refusing to let his fine frustration build up to critical mass, the Prez called upon RAINE HOWE to explain her version of an “emergency” that would justify her telephone ringing at the last meeting, and her hasty exit therefrom...
. . . apparently, a call from a good samaritan (fellow Rotarian MICHAEL AVERY) letting her know that her little dog being lost and wandering around the Country Club parking lot fits the bill. A happy ending for Raine and her dog, but the unmoved Prez (clearly, a cat lover) fined her $50 nonetheless!
Speaking of lost, I’m sure that the Prez’ missing microphone attendant (the usually reliable KATHY O’CONNOR) greatly exacerbated his feeble fine condition, and that there will be a spirited fine spree at our next meeting- stay tuned!
Ticket #857 proved a winner for SVEINN SIGURDSSON, who then pulled the brown rock to claim all the cash ($100), which he generously donated to the Polio Plus matching funds program! Thanks, Sveinn!
Yours truly (MICHAEL BADDELEY) then introduced our speaker, JEFF MAYNE, who gave us a very thorough presentation on funding the regular dredging of the Petaluma River without any governmental financial assistance. He fielded a volley of great questions, and received a nice bottle of wine for a program well received.
Whereupon, the Prez summarily adjourned the meeting and wished a wonderful weekend to all.
This week's Editor: Mike Baddeley