

November 21, 2019




Mike Stauber was the welcoming committee on a beautiful November day at Lagunitas Brewing Company.




The infamous Lagunitas Brewing Company dog logo..




Suzanne Tucker was all smiles waving her Lagunitas bucks!




President Elias Husary and Michael Caruana were ready to get the tour on the road!




Chris Ranney was loving himself some IPA!!!




Mike Ambrosio enjoyed some beer conversation in the Lagunitas Loft!




Maggie Radany and Michael Caruana enjoyed some IPA!




Especially at Lagunitas!




Yes, Beer Speaks and People Mumble!




Jim Symons sippin' on some IPA!




Mike Stauber and Mike Ambrosio (the two Mikes) touring the facility.




The Lagunitas Tour Guide did an excellent job educating our Rotary Club from start-to-finish on the history of Lagunitas Beer Company!




Suzanne Tucker and friends, and beer!




Sveinn Sigurdsson was smiling because he's in California with Lagunitas Beer, which is not available in Iceland!




Brandon Trammell was very attentive as the Lagunitas Tour Guide explained Beer!




President E.H. was Lovin' some Laguntias!




Kathy O'Connor was multi-tasking as she smiled for the camera and grabbed a piece of pizza at the same time!





Past Prez Nistler enjoyed the day with beer, food and good company!



This week's Editor: Doug Hecker




November 14, 2019





President Elias open the meeting and called on Garrett “G-Man” Van Bebber to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.  Great job!




Then the Prez invited Ricardo Marzo to lead us in song.  After warming up with I’m a Rambler, I’m a Gambler he lead a rousing God Bless America.




Brian Breen delivered his Thought for the Day, actually Thoughts for the Day, a number of humorous yet serious investment tips.


Our one visiting Rotarian was Erin Silbey from Great Barrington, Massachusetts.  Two Rotarians brought guests: Royce Van Bebber introduced his son, the aforementioned Garrett; President Elias introduced his wife Gina.




President Elias was pleased to announce that our Tri-Club Project to help COTS had grown into a 5-Club Project with the addition of the Rohnert Park and Rancho Cotati clubs.  The $12,000 we pledged has grown to $24,000 with a matching District grant.  It will pay for significant improvements at the Mary Isaacs Center including new lockers and other amenities in the shelter facility.  In addition the dining room (“Mary’s table”) will be spruced up with new curtains, dining trays, utensils, and a drop-down screen and projector.




Joanne Ferris reminded members of next week’s meeting at the Lagunitas Brewing Company, 1280 N. McDowell Blvd.  Meet at the Swag Shop at noon for a brewery tour followed by lunch in the Taproom.  The lunch includes family style platters with your first beverage provided by the Club.




Judi Allewelt announced that shopping for kids’ Christmas gifts will take place this year at Target at 7:00 a.m. on Monday, December 2.  Contact Judi to sign up for this fun undertaking.




Kathy O’Connor reminded members of the annual Holiday Party on Friday, December 6 at Hermann Sons Hall.  It starts with no host cocktails at 6:00 p.m. followed by a 7:30 p.m. buffet dinner.  At just $65 per person you are invited to bring family and friends.  And don’t forget to wear your festive holiday attire!  RSVPs are requested by November 28 (Thanksgiving!) to or online at




Steve Powell, just back from a Rotary telemedicine project in India and Nepal, brought back club flags from Jawalahhel, Lautpur, Nepal and Kathmandu, Nepal. 




He also presented our President with a rooster from Kahtmandu.




Dan Libarle recounted having a “fabulous time” on a riverboat cruise from New Orleans to Memphis while bemoaning that he didn’t get milk subsidies like dairyman Kip HerzogDan contributed $50 to complete his fine schedule for the year.




Kip quickly rose to describe the subsidies Dan received from the small vineyard in his yard and went on to report that Dan even got subsidies for the rice grown on his duck club.




Our President then called on Ricardo Marzo for some explanations.  Ricardo is one of our Rota-Teller editors but sometimes he ends up being a no-show.  President Elias marveled at the bulletin he authored which described a meeting he didn’t attend.  And then there was the bulletin that he didn’t write at all.  Seems he was in Utah and didn’t try to wing it.  He received applause for his creativity, his $100 fine, and the fact that today was his birthday.




Bill Groverman was back with us after a lengthy recovery from hip replacement surgery.  He recounted a recent fishing trip to Tomales Bay where his son caught 10 halibut and a 50-pound white sea bass.  At a dollar a pound, the bass cost him a $50 fine.




Chris Elzi pleaded no contest to allowing his cell phone to ring four times at last week’s meeting.  At $5 a ring, he paid a $20 fine.




Michael Caruana, who received a text last week and another today, paid $20 for his transgressions.  (Hint to members: Put your phone on silent mode when you’re at a meeting.)




Carol Fullerton had the winning raffle ticket, pulled out the brown rock, and walked off with $175.




Suzanne Tucker introduced today’s program, a delightful presentation on the Marin French Cheese Company which, founded in 1865 by the Thompson family, is the oldest cheese company in the U.S.  (Trivia you didn’t learn at the meeting: Pierce Thompson who joined the Petaluma Rotary Club in 1947 was its President in 1957-58.  His classification: Cheese Manufacturing.)




Manon Servouse, the Brand Manager for Marin French Cheese gave an informative talk about the company and the hand crafting of soft cheese.




Members participated in a testing exercise of four popular Rouge et Noir cheeses: Petite Breakfast (a fresh Brie), Camembert and Triple Crème Brie (both soft ripened cheese), and Schloss (a washed, soft ripened cheese).  Verdict: They were all delicious.  And the best part — everyone went home with a round of Petite Breakfast cheese.  Thanks, Manon!




Remember, next week we’ll meet at Lagunitas.  The following Thursday we’ll be dark (for Thanksgiving).  Our next regular meeting will be on December 5 when Brett Shinn will give his Craft Talk.  See you at Lagunitas!


This week's Editor: Al Cattalini




November 7, 2019



Sorry, but today’s photos have vanished.

President ELIAS HUSARY, who has clearly been challenged by daylight savings time, started the meeting extremely early, and immediately had Past-President LARRY JONAS lead us in the Pledge. 


BRETT SHINN then led us in song (God Bless America), followed by the Thought for the Day from DAN BERRY.  The customary handshakes, hugs and busses amongst members ensued.


There were no Visiting Rotarians who joined us for lunch, but there were several guests of Rotarians who did, including Past-President JOANNE FERRIS’ (Jeff Reeder) and DOUG HECKER’s (Elizabeth Etienne).  We then enjoyed a bevy of announcements:

JIM SYMONS was then celebrated as our Club’s Rotarian of the month for October, mostly for his generosity in taking care of all of our Club’s accounting needs au gratis!  Congratulations Jim, and thank you!!  The Prez then fined Past-President RICK MOSSI for having his picture in the newspaper, ostensibly “inspecting collateral” – Rick generously offered up $150.00 for the notoriety!!  Thanks, Rick.


After calling out the winning raffle ticket, held by Past-President LEE BEAN (and good for a fine bottle of wine), Past-President JOHN DADO acknowledged our special guests from the Friends of the SRJC-Petaluma Campus Committee, and then introduced JANE SALDANA-TALLEY, Past-President of the SRJC-Petaluma Campus and the current V.P., Academic Affairs/Asst. Superintendent of SRJC, who called upon RICK MOSSI to introduce the Exchange Bank staff responsible for the management of the Doyle Trust established by the Exchange Bank in 1941 to fund SRJC scholarships for local students. 


After a well deserved round of applause, Jane introduced her boss, Dr. Frank Chong, the President and Superintendent of SRJC, who gave us an informative presentation on the current state of SRJC in particular, and community colleges in general, followed by a lively Q&A session.


WHEREUPON, after a brief reminder of the upcoming Club field trip to Lagunitas Brewery on November 21, 2019, the time-challenged Prez summarily adjourned the meeting!


Hope you all celebrate Veteran’s Day and give thanks to all the courageous men and women who have helped make our Country the land of the free, and the home of the brave!!



This week's Editor: Mike Baddeley