


May 30, 2019



We’re sorry, but the photos for today’s issue have vanished.

And the formatting is a bit wacko.

We’re sorry about that, too!



President Michael Nisler called the meeting to order in good humor.  Probably because he is nearing the end of his term as president of the club!


 Brandon Trammell led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance.


Sveinn Sigurdsson began singing of the "Rambler, Gambler" song.

Tom Baker was in fine voice as he started everyone singing "God Bless America."


Our Thought for the Day came from Bano Cummings.  She noted the word FEAR is an acronym for two actions:
Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Rise


Rick Gorman announced everyone is invited to Cheers for Beers, a Blind Tasting Benefit for PEF lef by Hobi Wedler, Ph.D. on June 13 at Lagunitas.  For more information, go to:


Speaking of Cheers....
A round of applause for Past President Onita Pellegrini who rallied members to contribute to The Rotary Foundation and receive matching points towards their Paul Harris Awards courtesy of President Michael.  Onita and Michael as many members raised their hands to support the great applauded work of Rotary International.


All contributing members at the meeting were treated to a bottle of wine as well.  Everyone was happy!


 May Birthdays (Len Mygatt, Charlie Stuart and Marcus Benedetti)
and Anniversaries (Tony and Nell Western, Todd and Connie Mendoza, Gary and Heidi Brodie, Michael and Hayley Avery) were celebrated.


The May Rotarian of the Month was stay tuned for the big reveal at our next weekly meeting June 13.


No lunch meeting....
Everyone is welcome to bring guests!
Club will provide snacks! (No-host drinks)

The June 13th meeting is our next weekly meeting with the Redwood Empire Food Bank as the program subject. We look forward to seeing everyone.


Past President Mike Baddeley's lifestyle is certainly going country.  He recently spent a long weekend at Stagecoach Country Music Festival in Coachella.

Mike also recently acquired his first every pick up truck.....a Chevy.


Since it wasn't a Ford purchased from Past President Henry Hansel, Mike paid $50.


 Brandon Trammell won the raffle and pulled the brown rock for $100!!


  Our program speaker was Past President Kip Herzog.  Kip gave a fascinating history of Sleepy Hollow Dairy and the Herzog Family.  Sonoma and Marin Counties are better because of their dedication.



This week's Editor: Joanne Ferris




May 23, 2019




imagePresident Nistler welcomed the 'unusually large' crowd to week 46 of his term. This week's attendance was quite large and there was a buzz/energy in the room (the nice weather is to blame, a day at the Country Club with no rain!). 




Joanne Ferris was called upon by the Prez to lead the Pledge of Allegiance (the headless horseman to the right of Joanne showed up and joined in on the festivities - someone needs to tell this guy that Halloween is in 5 months!).



Charlie Stuart led the club song while doing his best impression of Jim Carrey's character from 'In Living Color' (Fire Marshall Bill) - "Let me tell you something..."



Doctor Larry Jonas (forgot he was a Doctor) chose to sing God Bless America - he mentioned that he didn't realize "to the oceans white with foam" were the actual lyrics (he even asked a few other members if they knew that line was part of the song and some shrugged their shoulders like they were attempting to shake away dandruff). 



Brian Breen's 'Thought of the Day' reminded us why we celebrate Memorial Day and thanked the U.S. Military Soldiers who have sacrificed their lives for our country. He quoted a speech given by former President Ronald Reagan on Memorial Day in 1982 (I was a freshman at Casa Grande High School in 1982, and now I'm a Freshman in Rotary - oh the irony!). Happy Memorial Day to all (especially to those that have lost loved ones and to our Veterans)!



Jim "Kimo" Becker was visiting our club from Hilo (he was giving Hawaiian high-fives to members who thanked him for bringing the warm, humid weather from the tropics to Petaluma). Other visitors included Simon Purhouse from Good Riddance Hauling (he's not a plumber!) and Sebastian Juarez, both visiting from Sonoma Valley Rotary.



Todd Mendoza made a surprise visit and was all smiles!



Past President Lee Bean showed up and was also looking quite happy (I think the long winter has kept folks away - look at what one day of sunshine can do for your soul!).



Doctor Larry Jonas (I'm reinforcing the fact that he's still a doctor, even if he has forgotten) introduced Jake Dunn, Petaluma High School Agriculture/Shop Teacher/FFA Advisor. Dunn received the 'Community Spirit of Service Award'. He accepted the position at PHS after a decades-long tenure by former teacher/mentor Bill King, who retired at the ripe age of 81 (that's dedication and fortitude!). Dunn also thanked our very own Doctor John Zimmerman for giving him a job when he was a sophomore at Petaluma High School.



Judi Allewelt introduced Doctor Hoby Wedler from Petaluma (received his P.H.D. from U.C. Davis). Wedler also received the 'Community Spirit of Service Award'. Wedler, a long-time Petaluma resident, participates in P.E.F., Mentor Me, Friends of the Petaluma River, Halleck Creek Ranch in Nicasio, and tutors chemistry at PHS. Allewelt has known Hoby for many years and was his teacher when he was in elementary school.



Doug Hecker won a bottle of McEvoy Ranch wine (by the color of his cheeks I'd say he may want to give that bottle of vino to someone who needs it more than he!!!).



Charlie Stuart introduced this week's guest speaker, Susan Kirsch, founder of 'Livable California' an organization whose mission is to Empower communities to take action to support  local community planning and decision making with the goal of an equitable and sustainable future for California. Grow and sustain communities that meet the needs of individuals and families, governed by locally elected City Councils and Boards of Supervisors, in collaboration with regional agencies, and free from undue influence of big business and Sacramento. 


Kevin McDonnell, City of Petaluma Council Member, was also a guest speaker and discussed affordable housing and other challenges that the City of Petaluma is facing. Although McDonnell and Kirsch were asked some tough questions they remained positive about our city and mentioned that collaborative efforts are going to need to be made to tackle the tough issues that our community is facing due to the impact of the high cost of living in Petaluma.


This week's Editor: Doug Hecker





May 9, 2019





President MICHAEL NISTLER opened our regular Thursday luncheon meeting at the appointed half-hour, whereupon he immediately had his bride GRACE NISTLER lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.




After a somewhat tortured explanation as to how President-Elect ELIAS HUSARY will be in Germany next month (June 1-5) for the Rotary International Convention, the Prez had WALLY BRAGDON lead us in the Club song (Rambler, Gambler),




followed by a rousing rendition of God Bless America led by JOANNE FERRIS.




The Prez then delivered the Thought for the Day, authored by MICHAEL AMBROSIA, who focused on mothers’ great leadership examples and wishing all mothers a Happy Mother’s Day! The customary handshakes, hugs and busses among members ensued. Members of guests who joined us for lunch were then introduced, including AL CATTALINI’s, GRACE NISTLER’s and MICHAEL AVERY’s! There were no visiting Rotarians.


The Prez then introduced our Co-Rotarians of the Month: MIKE and JOANNE FERRIS!




Kudos to both of them for all the hard work they do to make our Club so successful! The Prez then gave us a Miracle League Field project report, followed by a Sunshine Report from PDG ED FULLERTON,




who let us all know that ROY MUSICK is at Spring Lake Village in Santa Rosa, CA (707-537-4270, Room 204-A) and is welcoming visitors and telephone calls. We’re wishing Roy a speedy, full recovery! Ed also reported that MICHAEL AMBROSIA has completed his first round of chemotherapy and needs to lay low until his next round. However, Michael was able to meet with the Prez at Dempsey’s to keep abreast of the Club activities! We’re hoping Michael is back with us soon.




The Prez then gave us a Mother’s Day celebration update, followed by a report from AL CATTALINI regarding our annual Coast Guard luncheon last week, and the presentation of our Club donation to the Coast Guard, which was graciously accepted by the Coast Guard Officer (Amanda) who joined us for lunch.




The Prez then went on to note that the Rotary Club of Rohnert Park is hosting a Veteran’s Appreciation Day at the Veteran’s Hall in Rohnert Park on May 19.




Next, MICHAEL CARUANA reported that there is a Rotary International Art Exhibit at #1 Fourth Street in Petaluma, as part of a fundraiser organized by the Rotary Sunrise Club, with all proceeds going to the Dominican Republic. The Prez then reminded us that we still need Miracle League barbecue support – Call MICHAEL CARUANA or TONY WESTERN if you can help out on May 11 or May 18. The Prez also reminded us of the upcoming District Conference in Reno on May 17-19 (call the Prez or Club Secretary GAIL CARDAROPOLI if you would like to attend). The Prez concluded his announcements by noting that the Club will be dark on May 16 (because of the District Conference) and June 6 (because of the Club’s scheduled After-Hours couples’ event).


Apparently, the Club coffers are so filled with $$ that the Prez dispensed with any fines (aka “Stewardship”)! However, he did remember the raffle, and #2729 proved to be the winning ticket for our Coast Guard guest (Amanda), which was good for a premium bottle of Sonoma County wine!




The Prez then introduced our guest speaker, Mizuki Takeuchi, our Rotary Youth Exchange Student from Toyama, Japan, who gave us a presentation on her hometown, and shared with us her experiences as a student here. She did a great job and let us know that being an exchange student has ben the greatest experience of her life. We wish Mizuki all the best in her future endeavors!




The Prez then summarily adjourned the meeting!



This week's Editor: Mike Baddeley




May 2, 2019


Our Visit to the Coast Guard Training Center


An Essay in Photos





















This week's Editor: Al Cattalini; photos by Grace Nistler