March 7, 2019
Nistler opened the meeting with a warm and welcome greeting: "I am, I am
your president Sam, today there will be no green eggs and ham!" He
continued, "However, there is pork on the menu so fill your bellies and
enjoy today's venue!" Just kidding - he made no mention of the above and
did not speak like Dr. Suess!
Shinn led our club with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Husary kicked-off the club song. A curious question regarding the club song:
near the end of the song the lyrics state "I'm a fellow you seldom will
see" however, it never fails that our members sing the lyrics as "I'm
a fellow you seldom do see" (it's will, not do). Hmmm, I wonder what the
Freudian slip here is???
Rogers, a visiting Rotarian from Sebastopol, chose America the Beautiful as the
song of the day. She was feeling rather patriotic and sported an American flag
horn hat!
Van Bebber gave an update on the Rotary Dictionary 3rd Grade Program. The
program donates $300,000 worth of dictionaries nationwide to schools. 26
schools in Petaluma receive dictionaries ($11,000 from Petaluma Rotary Club and
$5,000 from Valley and Sunshine Rotary Clubs).
President "I love a photo Op" Nistler presented an award to Lee Reposa for all of the work at the Miracle League field. Lee gave a brief update and like Uncle Sam, "He Wants You" to help finish the project (see Lee for dates to help).
very proud Onita Pellegrini introduced new Rotarian Alex Clark.
Alex Clark received a warm welcome as the newest member/Rotarian to our beloved Petaluma Rotary Club.
Ferris, sporting a new do, won a bottle of McEvoy Ranch wine. The prez was all
smiles even though a chicken was coming in hot and headed straight for his
Ferris spoke about her recent vacation and paid $50 towards stewardship for her
husband, Mike. She mentioned something about Tazmania and drinking, and more
drinking, and then finishing up with drinking! President Nistler tried to
squeeze an extra $50 bucks from Mike Ferris, who denied his coup d'état!
Nistler mentioned that he was in possession of Rick Warner's checkbook and
since he was M.I.A. and didn't show up to the meeting blank checks were had by
all! That'll teach you for not showing up Rick (you just paid stewardship for
every member who was present for the remainder of 2019!).
Patrick Mullin, the first Ombudsman for Permit Sonoma (formerly PRMD) filled in for Tennis Wick and informed our club about permits and current information in the County of Sonoma. He mentioned that the translation for 'Ombudsman', a Swedish term, is an 'unsufferable know-it-all'. Mullin mentioned that we should have an Ombudsman from the Cannabis industry speak at our meeting (get it, Om-bud-sman)! Party on dudes!!!
Rich Marzo did his best impression of Mrs. Doubtfire while asking our guest speaker a question.
This week's Editor: Doug Hecker