


March 28, 2019



A rather unusual, raucous and large crowd gathered at Rotary today - it appeared to be record attendance (the President said there were millions of people that showed up for today's inauguration, I meant to say meeting). 



Along with the strange weather, Kip Herzog mistakenly referred to Rick Warner as me, Doug Hecker. Rick wasn't too sure who should've been more offended, me or him! Kip was overheard mentioning "darn realtors all look the same!"



Royce Van Bebber led our club with the Pledge of Allegiance.



John Zimmerman was feeling like Kenny Rogers and belted out the lyrics for the club song as the rest of us sang background (I've noticed that some are finally getting the lyrics correct towards the end of the club song "will", not "do" - you should be proud of yourselves, you're making progress people!


John Dado chose God Bless America (Democracy really does work, thanks for the choices Prez!).



President Nistler once again handled the 'Thought of the Day' and this week only had three thoughts (my suggestion that any additional thought over three would be the catalyst for Stewardship equaling $50 per additional thought must have thwarted his lust for carrying on!).


Side Note: Anne Gealta must still be traumatized from having to lead a song last week and was M.I.A.


The Prez gave an update on Heidi Kuhn regarding her story that recently appeared in the Rotarian Magazine regarding her continued effort to remove landmines from around the world. 'Mines to Vines' is one of the programs that clears landmines and plants vineyards through the Roots of Peace organization ( Keep up the great, humanitarian work Heidi!



Shari Ranney mentioned that she will be speaking next week (let's support her and have a large attendance next week!).



Bill Groverman gave an update regarding the Farmer's & Merchant's dinner (Elias is paying for all of the alcohol and he said "It's the least I can do!"). The dinner is set to take place at the Herzog Hall on Friday, April 5, 2019 from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Groverman is expecting 200 - 220 people to attend and said there will be a free raffle (over 20 items will be raffled-off and anyone can feel free to donate an item for the raffle). The cost is $25 per person. Our very own Jay Palm and Ralph Sartori will be cooking and Tony Western will be handling drinks at the Husary sponsored open bar.



Chris Ranney gave an update regarding the Miracle League Field and mentioned volunteers are needed for opening day on Sunday, April 14 from noon - 3:00 pm. Some of the volunteer duties include being a "buddy" for kids with disabilities. Rotary will be doing a BBQ (hot dogs, chips, soda). Rotary Interact Club will also be there to volunteer and help with the day's festivities. Ranney also mentioned that "even if you're not volunteering please come out and enjoy the event."



Congratulations to Kip and Marilyn Herzog on their 54th wedding anniversary! Hopefully Kip will not confuse Marilyn with someone else ("darn wives all look the same!").



President Nistler called upon Larry Jonas for Stewardship. Jonas recently travelled to Santiago, Chile, Brazil and other locations in South America and he donated $50 to Rotary. (If you ever have a chance to watch Oliver Stone's documentary film 'South of the Border' I highly recommend it).



Steve Powell has missed a few meetings due to surgery and thanked Judy Allewelt for her home in Tahoe and he contributed to Stewardship on Judy's behalf.



Mike Ambrosio entertained us with stories about his recent trip to Florida to attend Florida Spring Training for his 9th year and he donated some of his baseball gambling winnings to the tune of $50 towards Stewardship (Pete Rose would be proud!).



Sally "I don't know your last name because you're not on the Rotary website and no picture of you was taken today" won the raffle and walked away with a bottle of wine!



Royce Van Bebber introduced our guest speaker, local Petaluma sculpture artist and Burning Man aficionado, David Best.



David Best is an incredible local talent and his art includes decorating cars, building wooden buses and 30 foot long cars, designing temples for Burning Man and more. His works are part of the collaborative effort of 100 - 150 people that help his designs come to life. "It takes over 100 people to build my temples and my wife, Maggie, cooks for the people who help to build the structures that I design." He was very thankful for Van Bebber Brothers for years of supplying steel and fabrication efforts for his countless projects, which are worldwide. His daughter drove one of his creations, a 30 foot long car, from Petaluma to Nevada when she was 17 years-old. He has also designed many temples for Burning Man as a tribute to people who have taken their own lives, "I build stuff that hopefully enables someone to let go of something bad that has happened to them or someone they know." Most of the material he uses is recycled, "I used a lot of scrap wood from a toy maker in Rohnert Park that made dinosaur puzzles out of wood." Ironically, Brian Breen worked for that company in the past. "I also get scraps from Mesa Boogie in Petaluma." He once made a temple constructed from paper and discarded cardboard carpet rolls "I get scraps from dumpsters to help build my art projects." He said that the paper temple that he designed and built for Burning Man didn't do to well in the weather, "the weather took its toll so we celebrated with a bottle of sake." Best is very proud of our town and loves to serve our community, "I don't want anyone to be a stranger to me." He built a temple in Ireland and was told that due to the location nobody would show up. "Once the temple was built, over 70,000 people showed up within a week." For more information and incredible images go to:







This week's Editor: Doug Hecker




March 21, 2019




President  Michael Nistler began the meeting and called upon former President Chris Ranney to lead the Pledge of Allegiance.



Bill Groverman led the club song.


A person in a yellow sweater

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Ann Gealta attempted to hide in the back of the room, but President Nistler tracked her down and she chose to lead the Star Spangled Banner!

President Nistler shared the Thoughts of the Day (I lost count, but I think there was a list of 10 Thoughts of the Day)!



Onita Pellegrini introduced her guest, Michael Avery, who was visiting our club for the third time.



Mizuki Takeuchi was back in town from Japan. She is staying with the Nistlers and is visiting different Rotary clubs.



Lee Reposa shared the Miracle League update and mentioned that Tony Western and his crew have been doing a phenomenal job. They will be working again on Saturday, March 23 from 8:00 am - noon and appreciate volunteers, as they are fighting the deadline of April 14, 2019 for completion.

Chris Ranney thanked Lee Reposa for acting as Project Manager and for his hard work on the Miracle League field. "We need volunteers for opening day on Sunday, April 14 from noon - 3:00 pm." stated Ranney. Some of the volunteer duties include being a "buddy" for kids with disabilities. He also mentioned that "our club will be doing a BBQ (hot dogs, chips, soda) and we need help from volunteers." Rotary Interact Club will also be there to volunteer and help with the day's festivities.



Suzanne Tucker announced that Tolay Regional Park will host a grand opening "Free" celebration on Saturday, March 30 from 10:30 am - 3:00 pm. She anticipates that approximately 400 people will attend the event.



Bill Groverman announced the Farmers and Merchants dinner will be held at Herzog Hall on Friday, April 5, 2019 from 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm. This event has been taking place for over 70 years "and there will be an open bar sponsored by our in-coming President, Elias Husary!" Groverman is expecting close to 240 people to attend and said there will be a free raffle (over 20 items will be raffled-off and anyone can feel free to donate an item for the raffle). The cost is $25 per person and includes free libations at the Husary open bar. 


Royce Van Bebber gave an update regarding the main entrance at the Miracle League field, which is being designed and built by local artist Kevin Clark, owner of Reared In Steel, LLC. Many of Clark's works have been featured at 'Burning Man'. Quite a few of his large sculptures are located in his yard on the corner of Copeland Street and East Washington. Feel free to check out his work:

According to Royce, an 18 foot long tunnel will be the centerpiece of Clark's creation at the entrance of the Miracle League field and Van Bebber Brothers has been working with Clark to prepare the steel for the project.


President Nistler called upon Chris Elzi for Stewardship due to his black eye. Elzi explained that he was attacked by an elastic resistance training device that broke while he was working out in his doorway (sounds suspicious to me!). He said that he purchased it at Big 5 (I think it was a 'Thigh Master' that he purchased on Suzanne Sommer's late night television info-commercial. It makes sense because he agreed to pay $20 bucks towards Stewardship and everything on Late Night TV sells for $19.99 and includes a Ginsu Knife if you act in the next 5 minutes!). 



Nistler wasn't done yet and was able to get Brandon Trammell to donate $40 due to the fact that Trammell won an award from the Northbay Business Journal for outstanding professionals (40 under 40 award). Congratulations Brandon, it beats a black eye!



Wally Bragdon's raffle ticket was the lucky number and he won a bottle of wine.



Suzanne Tucker introduced this week's guest speaker, Ingrid Alverde, City of Petaluma Economic Development Manager. Alverde mentioned that she has been living in Petaluma for eight years and her family really enjoys living in Petaluma. She also mentioned that the City of Petaluma is developing an Emergency Response Team to help with disasters and the new City Manager, Peggy Flynn, is working hard to make good things happen in Petaluma. Flynn's goals are to work with the community and they will be holding an interactive workshop open to the public on Saturday, April 6, 2019 from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. Alverde also mentioned that the Natural Food Industry in Petaluma has experienced tremendous growth and statistically/economically the city is doing quite well.  



This week's Editor: Doug Hecker




March 14, 2019




Corned beef and cabbage, carrots, potatoes, and mushy peas — it was an Irish treat anticipating the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day.  And it was the weekly meeting of the Petaluma Rotary Club, again called to order by President Michael.  The first order of business was our Pledge of Allegiance led by Al Cattalini who wondered about pledging to the “Unites States of America.” 




Joanne Ferris was up next, leading a spirited rendition of the Club Song.




Raine Howe chose God Bless America as the patriotic song for the day and led the crowd in a stirring rendition.




What follows the patriotic song for the day?  The thought for the day!  Chris Elzi impressed your editor with this quote attributed to Mark Twain: “Some people spread joy wherever they go; some people spread joy whenever they go.” 


There were no visiting Rotarians.  Onita Pellegrini introduced her guest, repeat visitor Michael Avery.




Shellie Berry announced the pleasant news that Mauris, our 2017-18 exchange student from Switzerland, is returning to Petaluma for a visit.  Plan on greeting Mauris at The Block (that food truck dining establishment on Grey Street in downtown Petaluma) on Wednesday, April 17, between 4-7pm.




President Michael had lots of announcements:

  • Construction of the Rotary Pavilion at the Miracle League Field is well underway.Plan to enjoy some hot dogs there at the grand opening ceremony on Sunday, April 14.
  • We need your help painting the Salvation Army kitchen: Friday afternoon, Saturday 8am-4pm, Sunday 1pm-4pm.
  • Plan to help at the Rotary Club of Middletown re-forestation project: Saturday, March 23, 10am “until we’re done!”
  • March 29 SCARC meeting is sponsored by the Windsor Rotary Club.5:30pm reception followed by 6:30pm dinner.Make reservations with Gail Cardaropoli — the Club will pay $30 of the $55 tab.
  • Our very own Farmers and Merchants Night (“70+ years and counting!) is Friday, April 5 at Herzog Hall from 6pm to 9pm.Polenta and salad dinner with an open bar — just $25 per person.Sign up soon and invite family, friends, and colleagues for a gala good time.
  • The Super Raffle celebration (for the winning team and top sellers) will be at McEvoy Ranch on Sunday, April 7 from 11am to 2pm.
  • On Wednesday, April 10 at 7pm the Petaluma Education Foundation will present awards to local high school students, including four $500 Petaluma Rotary Club scholarships to Interact Club members.
  • Ingrid Alverde, the Petaluma Economic Development guru, will speak at next week’s meeting.
  • The District 5130 Training Assembly will be held on Saturday, April 6 at the Finley Center in Santa Rosa.Free food!It starts with an 8am continental breakfast.
  • Our Club will meet for lunch at the Coast Guard Training Center (Two Rock) on Thursday, May 2.




Sveinn Sigurdsson reported on a family trip to a volcanic island not at all like his native Iceland.  He thoroughly enjoyed his time in Maui and contributed $25 as “stewardship.”




Michael Caruana stopped by to visit the Club between trips.  He reported visiting his son (and sassy three-year-old granddaughter) in South Africa, going on safari in Botswana and Zambia, skiing in Utah, and recreating in Los Angeles.  For all this he paid $50.




Royce Van Bebber won the raffle and a bottle of wine.  Next week’s raffle will be good for $100 — if you pull out the proper rock.




Suzanne Tucker introduced today’s speaker.




David Goff, general manager of Dharma Trading Company, gave an interesting presentation on the origins and growth of this company which since 1969 has supplied textile craft supplies, fabrics and clothing blanks to artists, craftspersons, and industry with fast, friendly service at fair prices.


This week's Editor: Al Cattalini





March 7, 2019


imagePresident Nistler opened the meeting with a warm and welcome greeting: "I am, I am your president Sam, today there will be no green eggs and ham!" He continued, "However, there is pork on the menu so fill your bellies and enjoy today's venue!" Just kidding - he made no mention of the above and did not speak like Dr. Suess!


imageBrett Shinn led our club with the Pledge of Allegiance. 


imageElias Husary kicked-off the club song. A curious question regarding the club song: near the end of the song the lyrics state "I'm a fellow you seldom will see" however, it never fails that our members sing the lyrics as "I'm a fellow you seldom do see" (it's will, not do). Hmmm, I wonder what the Freudian slip here is???


imagePeggy Rogers, a visiting Rotarian from Sebastopol, chose America the Beautiful as the song of the day. She was feeling rather patriotic and sported an American flag horn hat!


imageRoyce Van Bebber gave an update on the Rotary Dictionary 3rd Grade Program. The program donates $300,000 worth of dictionaries nationwide to schools. 26 schools in Petaluma receive dictionaries ($11,000 from Petaluma Rotary Club and $5,000 from Valley and Sunshine Rotary Clubs).



President "I love a photo Op" Nistler presented an award to Lee Reposa for all of the work at the Miracle League field. Lee gave a brief update and like Uncle Sam, "He Wants You" to help finish the project (see Lee for dates to help).


imageA very proud Onita Pellegrini introduced new Rotarian Alex Clark.



Alex Clark received a warm welcome as the newest member/Rotarian to our beloved Petaluma Rotary Club. 


imageJoanne Ferris, sporting a new do, won a bottle of McEvoy Ranch wine. The prez was all smiles even though a chicken was coming in hot and headed straight for his jugular!


imageJoanne Ferris spoke about her recent vacation and paid $50 towards stewardship for her husband, Mike. She mentioned something about Tazmania and drinking, and more drinking, and then finishing up with drinking! President Nistler tried to squeeze an extra $50 bucks from Mike Ferris, who denied his coup d'état! Nistler mentioned that he was in possession of Rick Warner's checkbook and since he was M.I.A. and didn't show up to the meeting blank checks were had by all! That'll teach you for not showing up Rick (you just paid stewardship for every member who was present for the remainder of 2019!).



Patrick Mullin, the first Ombudsman for Permit Sonoma (formerly PRMD) filled in for Tennis Wick and informed our club about permits and current information in the County of Sonoma. He mentioned that the translation for 'Ombudsman', a Swedish term, is an 'unsufferable know-it-all'. Mullin mentioned that we should have an Ombudsman from the Cannabis industry speak at our meeting (get it, Om-bud-sman)! Party on dudes!!!



Rich Marzo did his best impression of Mrs. Doubtfire while asking our guest speaker a question.


This week's Editor: Doug Hecker