

June 28, 2019





As members and guests enjoyed pre-dinner libations, appetizers and conversation President Michael carefully checked that his final meeting, so carefully choreographed, would go off without a hitch.  Little did he know!



President Michael started the meeting without ringing the bell.  Seems that, just like at his first meeting, the bell is missing.  We hope that Elias will find it.



As usual, we started with the Pledge of AllegianceLee Bean did the honors.



Whit Hall led the Club Song but, when it was time to “raise up your glasses,” he had to settle for a beer bottle.  Al Cattalini was next, leading God Bless America.



President Michael then introduced special guests including his mother and his wife, Grace.



After a tasty barbecue dinner of chicken and ribs catered by Lombardi’s, Tawny Tesconi began the debunking with look back into Michael’s boyhood and his penchant for PowerPoint organization.  Which of three camping songs shall we sing?  Here are the words....



With that problem solved she called on Joanne Ferris to come up and take charge of the proceedings.  But where was Joanne?



Then Mike Ferris came forward.  He explained that Joanne had unexpectedly been called away for a work emergency but that he had her notes and would attempt to substitute for her.  This was going downhill.



Then bursting through the front door and bounding down the steps was what looked like a slightly disheveled park ranger.  It also looked like Joanne Ferris.



She identified herself as Ranger Conifer and revealed that she had received a voluminous employment application from a Michael Nizzler (Nealsler? Nozler? Nistler? or whatever) and needed to interview him to clarify some details.



But where was he?  She asked that he be found so his suitability for park ranger employment could be examined.



Then, looking like a hippy park ranger wannabe, Michael appeared and took the seat in front of her.



He tried to answer her questions but suddenly the interview was interrupted by the arrival by two park policemen who looked somewhat like Brandon Trammell and Rick Warner



Looking sober faced and respectful Michael seemed helpless to address their questions and accusations.



There were questions about various infractions of the park rules and regulations.  It wasn’t a good cop, bad cop routine.  They were both bad cops.



Michael seemed unable to address their charges and was expecting the handcuffs to appear at any minute.  Was his dream of becoming a park ranger coming to a sad end?



Seems it wasn’t sad for everyone.



But, sure enough, Ranger Conifer delivered the bad news.  Go take a hike!



She’s not laughing now.  Maybe she was hoping he’d get the job.



So Michael took a short hike and appeared with a shiny new bike with all the bells and whistles including a battery pack and retroreflective sidewall tires.  No more hiking, he’d be biking!



Ascending to the podium President Michael thanked the members for their help during the past year.  There were committee chairs and board members that he identified as particularly helpful; he called them up to receive individual gifts.



Among them was Onita Pellegrini who was active in so many ways, especially in coordinating support for The Rotary Foundation.



Incoming President Elias Husary was another of the helpers to be recognized.



Even Ranger Conifer got a thank you gift.



A special recipient was Mike Ambrosio who helped in so many ways.  He received a standing ovation when he accepted his gift.



Onita was up next to present Paul Harris awards.  There were seven first-time awards (shown here) and lots of multiple awards for repeated $1,000 contributions to The Rotary Foundation.



And happy camper Grace Nistler received an award.  Was that a diamond?



Then it was time for the official change of leadership.  President Michael pinned his President pin onto Elias.



And Elias reciprocated, pinning a Past President pin onto Michael.



Our new President Elias took the podium, thanked Michael for a great year, and announced he had one more gift to present.



It was a beautiful bouquet of flowers he presented to our Happy Camper.



President Elias introduced his board, announced he would discuss his plans for the coming year at our next meeting on July 11, officially closed the debunking meeting, and encouraged folks to stick around for more fellowship.  A great end to a great evening — and to a great year!


This week's Editor: Al Cattalini



June 20, 2019





Before the final meeting of the Club year began we spotted incoming President Elias huddled with President Michael.  It looked like a training session.  “Trust me, Elias; everything you need to run a meeting is right here in this laptop!”




Yes, it was Week #51 and our President was more than ready for his final meeting.  After rapping the bell he asked for a volunteer to lead the Pledge. 




Our volunteer food taster (first in the food line every week) raised his hand and volunteered for this duty as well.  Another good job by John Dado!




President Michael volunteered himself to lead the Club song.  When it was time to “raise up your glasses” it turned out that he didn’t have a glass.  Then with his water bottle raised high, he spotted his spectacles, grabbed them, and raised up his “glasses.”  Quick thinking, Michael!




President Elect Elias led the singing of God Bless America.  The words indeed were in that magic laptop computer!




Rick Gorman gave the Thought for the Day.  He opined on gratitude, observing that gratitude is not getting what you want — it is wanting what you get.






President Elect (almost) Anne Gealta introduced our one visiting Rotarian, Danny Powers, the incoming President of the Petaluma Sunrise Club.  There were no guests of Rotarians this week.




Sherry Ranney announced the second annual For the Children Pasta Dinner, sponsored by all three local Rotary Clubs to fund Rotary projects for children around the world.  It’ll be at Brewsters Beer Garden on Monday, August 5.  Get your $20 tickets at


We sang Happy Birthday to these June celebrants: Kip Herzog, Onita Pellegrini, Larry Jonas, Rick Gorman, and Sherry Burwen


Celebrating June anniversaries were:

  • Wally & Marilyn Bragdon – 63 years
  • Whit & Sigrid Hall – 60 years
  • John & Sharon Dado – 59 years
  • Doug & Marlene Hecker – 23 years
  • Steve & Tina Powell – 18 years
  • Brett & Sloan Shinn – 17 years
  • Suzanne Tucker & Bill Theile – 12 years
  • Brandon & Lindsey Trammell – 8 years


President Michael presented a detailed Sunshine Report on some members we haven’t seen for a while.

  • Len Mygatt can’t make it to meetings any more but enjoys helping his daughter with art projects.
  • Bill Groverman was recovering from a new hip when he fell and broke it.  Ouch!
  • Mike Ambrosio is handling his chemo treatments well and looks forward to attending the Debunking.
  • Dave Barbieri is battling shoulder problems and medical pronouncements.
  • Bano Cummings was recovering from wrist surgery and then banged herself up all over when she took a spill.  Another ouch!
  • Marlene Freetly is in good spirits; she has a caregiver helping out.




President Michael identified Al Cattalini as the Rotarian of the Month for June.  He was recognized for his service as Chair of the Bulletin Committee.  He thanked his team of editors and photographers and invited interested members to join the Rota-Teller team.




Our Sally Tomatoes servers, Linda Keating, Logan Hess, and Mariah Moncayo, were thanked for the past year of exquisite lunches.




Dan Libarle (a.k.a. “John Libarle”) was called on to describe what he’s been up to.  Seems like a busy couple of weeks.  He attended the Bohemian Grove encampment, rode with the Sonoma County Trailblazers, and took in the U.S. Open at Pebble Beach.  We’re glad he found time to attend our meeting.




Michael Avery held the winning raffle ticket and walked off with a bottle of wine.




President Michael’s end-of-year program was an instructive wrap-up of our past Rotary year.  We learned lots about the year’s accomplishments and were encouraged to answer questions (in our individual tally sheets) along the way.  The member with the most correct answers would get to select the beneficiary (from a list of eligible non-profits) of a $1,000 gift from the Club.  Grace Nistler was the winner with 17 correct answers and, at press time, was still deciding on her choice for the lucky non-profit.


It was interesting to learn where the money comes from.  We netted about $32,000 from the Super Raffle, $14,000 from the Crab Feed, $8,000 from the Golf Tournament, and about $25,000 from member dues and fines.  You can expect a hard copy version of the entire presentation in the near future. 




And finally the final meeting was brought to a close with the ringing of the bell.


See you at the Debunking!  Friday, June 28 at the Country Club.  6pm cocktails and appetizers, 7pm dinner and program.


This week's Editor: Al Cattalini; photo help from Grace Nistler



June 13, 2019


Here are the photos from June 13.  The text has been delayed.


A person with his hands up

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A person with his hand on his chest

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A person in a white shirt

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A person with glasses smiling

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A person speaking into a microphone

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A person with red spot on his face

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A person with glasses and a white beard speaking into a microphone

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A person holding a microphone

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A person speaking into a microphone

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A person speaking into a microphone

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A person in a white shirt

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A person in glasses speaking into a microphone

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A person speaking into a microphone

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A person holding a bottle of wine

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A person speaking into a microphone

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A person speaking into a microphone

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A person wearing a black shirt

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This week's Editor: Ricardo Marzo