October 4, 2018
With President Michael off with the Pedal 4 Polio bicycling event, Past President Tawny Tesconi presided over today’s meeting. Opening the meeting with a tap on the bell she called on Bill Groverman to lead the pledge of allegiance.
Judy McReynolds led the singing of God Bless America.
As the song ended we were greeted to the not-so-subtle late arrival of five members, Doug Hecker, Chad Fillinger, Bano Cummings, Brett Shinn, and Rick Mossi. Although they got the buffet line leftovers, they escaped fines. Maybe next time?
Charlie Stuart was up next with his Thought for the Day. He opined about a day without sunshine, people who thing they know everything, and something pithy which I immediately forgot.
Today there were no guests, no visiting Rotarians, but an exceptionally raucous hugs and handshakes session which displayed the friendly camaraderie for which our Club is famous.
Acting President Tawny urged members to attend the Chamber of Commerce Business Expo today (4-7pm) at Luchessi Center. Elias Husary and Mike Ambrosio will be staffing our booth. Tip: Come early for the free candy.
Michael Caruana can use a few more volunteers for work on the PPSC Serenity Garden on Saturday, October 13. He especially needs help for the 10-12 and 12-2 shifts.
If you haven’t already done so, don’t forget to donate to End Polio Now to ensure that President Michael is suitably doused in the Ice Bucket Challenge!
City Councilman (and honorary Rotarian) Chris Albertson delivered a plug for a proposed ban on “Safe and Sane” fireworks. He noted that his term will end in January with the seating of newly elected councilmembers. The Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a Candidate’s Night on Tuesday, October 9. It’ll be at 5:30pm at the Hotel Petaluma.
Shari Ranney was questioned about reports she was spotted strolling in Amsterdam’s red light district. She denied visiting the local establishments (“not even a coffee shop”) but proudly admitted to meeting her new granddaughter as well as her 3-year-old granddaughter. She agreed to a fine that would complete her fine schedule.
Sherry Burwen was delighted to report that she’ll be missing next week’s meeting because she’s off to Palm Springs to celebrate the 100th birthday of a dear friend. She paid $25 for the happy announcement.
This prompted a discussion of who in the room was closest to their 100th birthday. Attention was directed to this table with four likely culprits, Wally Bragdon, John Dado, John Zimmerman, and Lee Bean. Turns out that Wally is the oldest but he’ll have to wait some 15 years for the big event.
What were Brian Breen and Bill Groverman doing in the bathroom together? That never was quite resolved but we learned that Brian’s son (being coached in CYO basketball by Lee Reposa) broke his arm falling off monkey bars. Brian pleaded poverty due to the medical bills and escaped with a $20 fine.
Bill Groverman admitted to fishing in the Kenai River during a recent Alaska trip. He wasn’t as effective as his fishing companion (a grizzly bear) but caught enough fish to warrant a $40 fine.
New member Mireilli Broussard won a bottle of wine in the raffle but had to settle for an IOU and a photo with our Acting President.
Chris Albertson introduced today’s speaker as “the second best fire chief in Petaluma history” but then acknowledged that our speaker might even exceed that lofty status.
Fire Chief Leonard Thompson, who heads both the Petaluma and Rancho Adobe Fire Departments, began his remarks with a reminder that we all should have an emergency preparedness kit. Then we learned that the PFD responds to approximately 7,000 calls per year (70% are medical calls) with a goal of being on scene with 4 minutes. They achieve this 75-80% of the time. While we have three fire stations, only two of them have an ambulance assigned. He hopes to find funding to add a third ambulance next year. Replacement of the 81-year-old Station #1 and aging vehicles are also on his wish list.
Before we adjourned Tawny clipped Rick Mossi $25 for a ringing cell phone despite his protestations that he was merely trying to awaken Mike Baddeley.
The final reminder of the day concerned our family picnic on October 25. We were excited to learn that Anne Gealta was bringing her special potato salad — but somewhat deflated to learn that she buys it at Petaluma Market.
Have a great day!
This week's Editor: Al Cattalini