November 29, 2018


We enjoyed a Field Trip Luncheon to Heritage Salvage to learn all we could about reclaimed/recycled wood, and all the wonderful wood projects, designs and pieces Heritage Salvage creates.image

After a wonderful tour and a smooth Q&A session with the founder and President of Heritage Salvage (Michael “Bug” Deakin), and a delicious box lunch for all, imageour varnished Prez, MICHAEL “Knothole” NISTLER opened the meeting, sans song or Pledge.  imageHe immediately led us in a rousing rendition of “Happy Birthday” for all the November birthday babes in our club, imageand then announced the November anniversaries, including yours truly (32 years to Lisa)!image

Next, the Prez recognized President-Elect ANNE “Knotty Pine” GEALTA and MAGGIE “Redwood” RADANY as Co-Rotarians of the Month, and expressed how much each of them has done for our Club, including, but not limited to, the recent Friendship Feast Dinner they co-hosted at Anne’s house (and what a feast it was!!)! After humbly accepting their award, Anne and Maggie received a well-deserved round of applause! Kudos to both of them!!


The Prez then called upon Past-President MICHAEL “Caribbean Wood” CARUANAimageand acknowledged all of his fine work in spearheading and coordinating the build-out of the Serenity Garden at the Petaluma People Services Center site on Petaluma Blvd. South (including fencing, benches, and planter boxes) with Heritage Salvage and Van Bebber Bros. image

Congratulations all around for a job well done on a very worthwhile project!


The Prez then encouraged all of us to continue to tour the Heritage Salvage grounds, and summarily adjourned the meeting.image


This week's Editor: Mike Baddeley

November 8, 2018




President Michael Nistler opened the meeting after being briefed by the C.I.R. (Central Rotary Intelligence) that he would not have to endure another session of Ice Water Boarding at today's meeting (as long as he kept his opening monologue under 5 minutes).





John Dado was asked to lead the club song (the very moment this picture was taken the word of the club song being sang was "gambler!" You may be asking yourself "how does he know this? and my answer is look at the face of Brian Breen in the background - he's smiling because he's hopeful that you'll take some of your gambling winnings to him for investment purposes!). Better yet, if you have lost money gambling Brian will say "I told you so - investing with me is much safer than investing with Graton Inc!" Baddeley is smiling too because he'd like to offer his advice for a nominal fee before you meet with Brian!




Brett Shinn was either reciting the Pledge of Allegiance or is still ailing from his bike crash, or having flashbacks from being in a sling!




Brandon Trammell invited all to the bowl painting party that his company was sponsoring at 256 North restaurant on the evening of November 8 (in conjunction with Petaluma People Services, which will auction the bowls for charity on Saturday, November 24). I spoke to Brandon after the party and he said "it was a smashing success and 15 bowls were painted and are ready for the auction."




Mike Ambrosio was all smiles when President Nistler mentioned the upcoming Ballet at the Spreckels Performing Arts Center in Rohnert Park.




Mike Baddeley showed up just in time to eat due to last minute campaigning at a "local establishment" and was consoled by Joanne Ferris after Baddeley grieved about missing President Nistler's opening monologue!




John Zimmerman led the club singing God Bless America (his favorite sandwich is Tuna on Rye from Ray's. If you don't believe me ask him!)...




Judi Allewelt began recruitment for the Rotary Club holiday gifts for children in need. She needs help shopping for gifts at K-mart on Monday, November 26 at 7:00am. The total shopping budget is $8,000 ($6,000 from Rotary and $2,000 from the Petaluma Chapter of Realtors). K-mart offers a 10% discount, so we actually get to spend $8,800 (K-mart does not charge sales tax and also includes a discount on merchandise that happens to be on sale).




Gail Cardaropoli mentioned the importance of the holiday gifts for children in need. She mentioned the need for shoppers, gift wrappers and people to help deliver the gifts. Each child receives clothing and one toy - the budget is $65 per child, which goes a  long way.




Michael Caruana once again handled the Thought of the Day. The theme was tolerance and was attributed to a philosopher from 400 B. C. (A.K.A. the Italian Philosopher Joe Tambe)!


A person speaking into a microphone

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Ann Gealta invited all to the Friendship Feast at her home (9 Scenic Way in Petaluma) on Saturday, November 17 at 6:00pm. The cost is $50 per person and Ann hopes to see y'all there!




Kathy O'Connor announced the Rotary Holiday Party on Saturday, December 8 at 256 North Restaurant. 




Rick Gorman introduced his guest, Dan Berry (soon to be a new member). Rick's strategy to get Dan to join was simple: "you have two choices - either join our club or take a bath in the soon to be installed bathtub art on Water Street!"




Steve Powell shared his recent Rotary mission to Nassau, Ecuador and "donated" $100 to the Stewardship program, which is managed by Breen Wealth Management.




Brian Breen walked away with a bottle of wine after he failed to draw the coveted brown rock!




Charlie Stuart announced the visiting Rotarians: Daniel Powers from Petaluma Sunrise, retired Rotarian John McNeill and Ricky Cataldi who is considering joining our club.




Suzzanne Tucker donated $50 to the Stewardship program after spending 3 weeks in Israel.




Brandon Trammell and Margaret Radany were all smiles for the camera!




Elias Husary slipped $150 bucks into Brandon's front coat pocket in hopes of another "Ice Bucket Challenge" starring Prez Nistler as the ice boarding recipient! On another note, our Rotary club raised $3,800 for the Polio challenge thanks to an additional $300 from Elias Husary and Rick Warner (their combined effort to freeze Nistler into submission garnered $150 each). Elias mentioned "it was well worth it and I would've paid the $300 by myself!" 




Our esteemed guest speaker, Petaluman Janis Couvreux, discussed her book 'Sail Cowabunga' regarding her 10-year sailing journey with her husband and two children that began in Bordeaux, France and finished in Bodega Bay. For additional info on her adventure please visit: 


This week's Editor: Doug Hecker



November 1, 2018



With bright sunshine glaring through the windows on a beautiful Fall day in Petaluma, President Michael Nistler called the meeting to order.



He immediately had Al Cattalini drop his camera to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance, and then called upon one of our distinguished members, Dan Libarle, to conduct a robust round of I’M A GAMBLER....



Leave it to me to opt for a change, and that I did by getting back to AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL!



Michael Caruana’s thought of the day was promoted by thoughtful meanings of SUCCESS!



Judi Allewelt came forth to announce the dates for her pride and joy program, the Christmas Gifts for Kids...Shopping at KMart, Nov 26-27; gift wrapping, Dec. 7-8 and the actual deliveries on Dec 20th. Happy pre Holidays!



With a very big grin on his face, Chris Ranney invited everyone outside to witness the ICE BUCKET DUNKING of



President Michael and former Gov. Bob Rogers.



We did eclipse the $3,000 challenge for Polio Plus with a grand total of $3,380


image the ice buckets, as promised, were cascaded over Michael and Bob,





beautifully, led by Elias Husary and Rick Warner.



Anne Gealta (JELL-TA) for those not in the know, our President in waiting, announced Sat., Nov 17 as Friendship Feast day at a location to be named later. Maggie Radany is co-chairing, so y’all come ya hear!! 



While Pres Michael was drying himself off, former Pres Tawny Tesconi filled in admirably,



and had fun at the expense of Royce Van Bebber



and Elias Husary. Both contributed $$$  to the fine can, Royce for traveling amid mishaps and Elias for being Elias!



A dried down Bob Rogers then presented END POLIO NOW wrist bands to Rotarians who contributed $100 to the Polio Plus Campaign.



Though he was fined earlier, Royce came back to center stage to accept his bottle of wine with the winning number pulled out by District Gov. Barb Spangler.



When it was Len Geraldi’s turn to take over the mic, the Assistant District Governor made a very pleasant introduction of the newly appointed District Director Barb Spangler.



Fresh from hosting our Petaluma Rotary Board at an earlier breakfast meeting, the District Governor was warmly greeted by a standing ovation. Using the “BE THE INSPIRATION” theme of this year’s International Rotary, Barb Spangler emphasized the logo, culling out parts of the design, highlighting the waves as being powerful as is the ROTARY and the heart in the center, which is everything that Rotary does. Her presentation focused on “DO WHAT MATTERS”.  



We in Petaluma have a knack for doing just that...what matters!



This week's Editor: Mike Ambrosio