March 22, 2018




Tapping the bell with his gavel, President Chris called the meeting to order.  “It’s meeting #33 but who’s counting?” he asked.  (We know who’s counting!)




After Mike Stauber led the Pledge of Allegiance, Chad Fillinger led us in song.  Guess what we sang?  The Club song, followed by God Bless America.  Surprise!


President Chris then called on “My beautiful wife, Shari” to give the Thought for the Day.  She delivered the opening verse of the Serenity Prayer by American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr, “God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, Courage to change the things which should be changed, and the Wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.”


Up next for our second Thought for the Day was Bano Cummings.  She delivered an uplifting quote from theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking.  Because I failed to transcribe it, I’ll substitute this Hawking quote: “We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special.”


There were no visiting Rotarians, but three members brought guests.  Danny Fish introduced his friend Nolan, Erin Post her nine-month-old daughter Piper Lynn, and Tawny Tesconi her associate Ashley.


Next Thursday, March 29 we are dark for lunch but meet at the Country Club at 5:30pm for the SCARC dinner.


Farmers and Merchants Night is Friday, April 6 at Herzog Hall.  6pm cocktails, 7pm dinner (polenta stew and salad).  Your $25 ticket includes a fully hosted bar.  Get your tickets from Onita Pellegrini.


Tawny Tesconi and Onita Pellegrini will host this year’s Friendship Feast at Onita’s home on April 15.  It starts at 3pm.  Attendees contribute $50 and a bottle of wine. 


President Chris reminded members to sign up for the tree planting events coming up in April.


Honored for their March birthdays were Erin Post, Ralph Sartori, and David Barbieri.  March anniversaries noted were those of Erin Post, Kip Herzog, and Roy Musick.


A proud Rick Gorman gladly contributed $100 to recognize the arrival of his first grandchild, a bouncing baby boy.  And a delighted Joanne Ferris celebrated the arrival (from Australia) of her visiting grandson, Calvin.  She paid $50 to honor the long-distance traveler who hasn’t yet adjusted to California time.




Tawny Tesconi rose to deliver a proper Rotary sendoff to Erin Post who is relocating to Brush, Colorado.  She presented Erin with a Club flag, lots of necessary items for a stay-at-home mom, and a gift certificate to a Colorado restaurant.




A delighted Erin, with Piper on her hip, thanked the Club and described how wonderful it had been to have spent the past several years back home in Petaluma.  Have a safe trip, Erin; we’ll miss you!




The raffle was won by Danny Fish’s guest, Nolan, who received a nice bottle of wine.




Chad Fillinger was our speaker.  His topic was “How to Protect your Largest Investment,” an interesting and well-received presentation on homeowners insurance. 


See you next Thursday night at the SCARC dinner!



This week's Editor: Al Cattalini




March 8, 2018





It was a sunny spring Thursday when President Chris Ranney called together the Rotary Club of Petaluma at the Petaluma Golf and Country Club.  The Prez again reminded us that our club was chartered March 30, 1923, and this month we will be “95 years young.” He welcomed members and guests and noted how proud he is to be our club’s president.









President Chris then welcomed Past President Ralph Sartori to the meeting (a rare sighting to be sure) and asked him to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.  President Chris then called on Brian Breen to lead in song and by the semi-in-tune sounds of our club song and God Bless America, this reporter was wishing for a visit from famed club warblers Barney Fauss and Herb Bundesen





President Chris called on Danny Fish for the Thought for the Day. Danny reminded us he’s “big on Disneyland” so chose a few quotes from Walt Disney, a Rotarian in Palm Springs, who noted, it’s “fun to do the impossible” and Danny sees Rotarians as the type of people that make the impossible happen. 


President Chris invited everyone to get started on friendship greetings.   We had no Visiting Rotarians.


Rotarians with Guests self-announced and included Danny Fish who introduced his lovely wife Debbie and the day’s speaker, Jessica Power, Fire Marshall with the City of Petaluma.

President Chris called our attention to thank you letters on each table from 3rd grade dictionary recipients, who in their own delightful way expressed bright appreciation for their new treasures made possible by our club.  Along that same vein, Past President Ralph Sartori read a thank you letter from his daughter, and St. Vincent’s teacher, for the Dictionary Project and what it means to students and teachers alike.  Proud Papa Ralph showed his gratitude for having such an amazing daughter by donating $100 to the Dictionary Project in honor of Marlene Freetly.




President Chris called on Maureen Rudder who shared the good news that last Saturday she became grandmother to two tiny new grandbabies born in San Francisco and now doing well in the Santa Rosa NICU.  Congrats, Maureen


President Chris noted the passing of David Allen (Doc) Sisler (1927-2018) and ask for a moment of silence in honor of a great Rotarian and friend to the community.




Judy Allewelt let us know that Doug Hecker’s dad passed away and gave us the details on the memorial service.











President Chris called on Michael Caruana who led this year’s wildly successful Crab Feed.  Seems Michael was visiting a “sick friend” on the ski slopes of Utah last week when he might otherwise have been thanking all those who helped make this year’s event such a success.  He noted that over 85 volunteers helped in many ways, and then called out special thanks to: Joanne Ferris, Judi McReynolds, Tony Wester, Charlie Stewart, Chris Albertson, Bano Cummings, Renee Hayes, Maureen Rudder, Ricardo Marzo, Chris Ranney, Michael Nistler, Brandon Trammel, Rick Warner, Larry Jonas and Tawny Tesconi.  And when that was done, President Chris double thanked Michael for stepping up early on to chair the Crab Feed and congratulated Jane Saldaña-Talley on winning this year’s Super Raffle Grand Prize.  What an amazing club we are!


President Chris reminded us that the Super Raffle team winners will be going to McEvoy Ranch soon to bask in their collective success.




Joanne Ferris gave an update on the upcoming SCARC dinner hosted by our club on Thursday, March 29.  This event replaces the meeting for that day.  The speaker for the evening should be entertaining on the topic of “How to Get Millennials to Give a @#*!”  Sign up with Gail Cardaropoli now!





Bill Groverman talked up the April 6th Farmers and Merchants Night; this year dedicated in honor of Don Ramantici.  All you can eat stew and potlenta for $25.  Bill is still collecting raffle prizes (he needs about 15) to give out that night.  All attendees receive a raffle ticket at the door and prize winners are always delighted by whatever they win.


President Chris reminded us of the April 7th District Training Assembly at the Finley Center in Santa Rosa.


Here’s a good Rotary riddle:  What does 130 + 14 + 3 + 4 + 16,500 get you?  Answer:  The ‘greening’ of our beautiful community by way of a Tri-Club Tree Planting Project, that’s what!  President Chris briefed us on this amazing effort he hatched with group of us club members (one of the reason’s he’s been selected as Petaluma Citizen of the Year, in this reporter’s humble opinion!).  It involves planting 130 trees in 14 parks by 3 clubs over 4 days in April and May using $16,500 in District grant funds.  President Chris is looking for site leaders and volunteers for Thursday, April 12 and Saturday, April 14; Thursday, April 19 and Saturday, April 21; Thursday, May 3 and Saturday, May 5; and Thursday, May 10 and Friday, May 11.  Site leads will meet for training with the City of Petaluma staff of one hour on the Thursday before the Friday or Saturday planting day.  The City will dig all the holes (whew…that’s a relief!) and we plant the trees designated for the park.  Each planting workday starts and 10:00 am and food and refreshments will be provided. 


President Elect Michael Nistler gave a brief update on his attendance at the recent PET (Presidents Elect Training), wherein he was one of 450 PE’s.  He claims that as a result he’s “now dangerous” and we certainly agree! :-)  As an expression of his gratitude for all that training, Michael gave $50 for a bottle of wine and $85 toward his Paul Harris Award.




President Chris checked in with Judi McReynold’s (last week’s raffle winner).  Apparently, Judi was so excited by having won, she “lost” her NBW (nice bottle of wine). Judi expressed her gratitude to those honest Rotarians who found and rescued her abandoned NBW by donation $50 toward her Paul Harris Award.


President Chris reminded everyone that next week’s speaker is Janet Martinez, JD, PhD, Senior Lecturer at Stanford who will speak on the topic of Conflict Resolution.




President Chris called out the week’s raffle and the winner was Steve Powell, who got one of the many blue rocks and won himself a NBW…we sure hope he remembered to take it with him!



Danny Fish introduced our program speaker, Jessica Power, Fire Marshall for the City of Petaluma.  Jessica (aka “Probie’s Mom”), standing next to a picture of her and Probie (aka Jessica’s canine fire prevention training partner), is a Chico State grad (much to the delight of President Chris) and has been on the job for about 7 months, after serving a similar assignment in Tiburon.  She heads up the Fire Prevention Bureau for the city; an agency designed to “protect citizens and firefighters.”  Her unit and a team of fire inspectors handles plan review, fire code inspections and enforcement, weed abatement/defensible space, and offers public education on disaster preparedness.  Very timely information.  Thanks, Jessica!




President Chris then ended the meeting by thanking all involved with making this a great meeting, and reminded us we’ve got lots of events coming up, so stay informed!



This week's Editor: Jane Saldaña-Talley




March 1, 2018






This week’s meeting was very special because, rather than the usual agenda, President Chris Ranney took the opportunity to turn it into a “feel good” meeting. It was an opportunity to re-cap our recent activities, including the Super Raffle and Crab Feed.












However, prior to those moments, there was a very special announcement from Onita Pellegrini and Argus Courier Editor (and fellow Rotarian) John Burns, who were promoting the upcoming Community Awards (April 5th at Rooster Run Golf Club).



The highlight of this wonderful event is the Citizen of the Year Award and this year’s recipient is none other than our esteemed Club President, Chris Ranney!









It was a very moving moment and our President was definitely surprised. Congratulations to President Chris Ranney on a well-deserved honor/award. Let’s all gather on April 5th to celebrate our leader!

Albeit a tough act to follow…the meeting progressed.









 Royce VanBebber was honored as Rotarian of the Month for February. His hard work and dedication to the Club follows in the footsteps of his family’s legacy and we sincerely appreciate his efforts. Congratulations Royce!









President Chris Ranney kept the good vibrations groovin’ by asking our Super Raffle Superheroes, Rick Gorman, Brian Breen and Lee Reposa, to give us a re-cap of this year’s Super Raffle:

Total number of tickets sold 1503

Total amount raised: $33,000

Some top sellers included:

Tom Brandal – 83 tickets sold

Henry Hansel – 85

Kip Herzog – 94

Tom Baker – 181!!!!

The winning team was managed by Charlie Stuart (213) and they will enjoy a fabulous tour and sumptuous meal at McEvoy Ranch! Let’s hope they invite Tom Baker!!!












Congrats to our top Raffle winner, Jane Saldana-Tally, who chose to complete her Paul Harris Fellow! She is now a +1, having already reached this great milestone at another Club. Congrats to Jane AND Team Captain Tony Western, who has sold the top winning ticket the last two years!!!






Tawny Tesconi reported that the Live Auction (5 items) raised $64,000!!!




What an incredible Crab Feed and this year’s Committee was lead by Michae Caruana, Maureen Rudder and Renee Hayes

They re-hauled the entire reservation system and helped organize a fabulous event. Thank you for your leadership!!!













Judy McReynolds won the raffle.



As if the money wasn’t flowing enough, President Chris Ranney found time to break out the fine can.





imageJim Becker donated $100 for his newly purchased property in paradise – Hawaii.

Gail Cardaropoli added $50 for her trip to Africa

Richard Marzo contributed $100 for his son’s recent college admission.


What a great meeting!!!



This week's Editor: Ricardo Marzo