June 29, 2018




It was a beautiful evening in downtown Petaluma as guests arrived at the Hotel Petaluma for the Debunking of Club President Chris RanneyChris greeted them at the door . . .




. . . and they were greeted again by Nell Western and Joanne Ferris.




Bellhops at the Hotel Petaluma are nattily attired.




Speaking of attire, the suggested “Patriotic Country Club Casual” proved not to be a problem for the guests.




There were a variety of libations at the hosted bar . . .




. . . and a table of delicious appetizers.




After about an hour of socializing . . .




The guests were seated and President Chris Ranney opened the final meeting of his Rotary year.




After our traditional Pledge of Allegiance to the flag President Elect (almost) Danny Fish led the singing of I’m a Rambler, I’m a Gambler, . . . and God Bless America.




After introducing his daughter, Alicia, and outgoing District Governor Bob Rogers and wife Peggy, President Chris invited the crowd to approach the buffet table for a delicious SallyTomatoes dinner.




At the conclusion of dinner Mike Baddeley began the debunking.




President Chris proved to be a good sport as he arrived in Superman costume and good-naturedly endured the comments.




The debunking continued with wife Shari and daughter Alicia doing the honors.




The tag team of Brandon Trammell and Rick Warner continued the barbs.




By now the “Man of Steel” needed a beer.




District Governor Bob Rogers had good words about the District 5130 Rotarian of the Year. 




Jennifer Carter, outgoing President of the Petaluma Valley Club, lauded Chris for a year of cooperation on interclub projects.  Just back from the Rotary convention in Toronto, she reported that District 5130 was recognized as one of the top 20 districts supporting Polio Plus.




Noting that Chris would have a lot more time for handyman projects around the home, Tony Western and Rick Gorman outfitted him with necessary safety equipment.  Then, on behalf of the Club, They presented him with a $500 gift certificate at Heritage Salvage and a plaque memorializing his presidency.




With the roasting at an end Chris returned to the podium to thank members for their contributions this year.




He thanked committee chairs Tony Western, Elias Husary,




Michael Caruana, Lee Reposa, Brian Breen,




Rick Gorman, Rick Mossi, Jane Saldaña-Talley, Bill Groverman,




Mike Baddeley,




Shari Ranney, Jim Becker,




Kathy O’Connor,




Larry Jonas, Tawny Tesconi,




Joanne Ferris,




Charlie Stuart, Ed Fullerton, and Geoff Ellis.




Next he thanked his Board of Directors for their support: Lee Reposa, Michael Nistler,




Danny Fish, Joanne Ferris, Gail Cardaropoli, Tawny Tesconi, Marlene Freetly,




Ed Fullerton, Tony Western, Renée Hayes, Charlie Stuart, Rick Mossi, Elias Husary, Rick Gorman,




Onita Pellegrini, Chad Fillenger, and Mike Baddeley.




Chris then thanked the members of the set-up committee:  Mike Ambrosio, Charlie Stuart, Mike Stauber and Michael Nistler.




President Chris had special thanks for the editors of your Rota-Teller:  Mike Baddeley, Brian Breen, Ricardo Marzo, Jane Saldaña-Talley, Joanne Ferris, and Al Cattalini.




Youth Services awards were presented to Bano Cummings and Chris Elzi for their Interact work.  Lee Reposa was recognized for his RYLA leadership.  Service to Youth awards went to Ed Fullerton, Michael Nistler, Whit Hall, and Al Cattalini for volunteer work at McKinley School.




And the awards continued.  Service above Self awards were presented to Joanne Ferris, Onita Pellegrini, Mike Ambrosio, Danny Fish, Brandon Trammell, Michael and Grace Nistler, and Kathy O’Connor.




Next up was a new award, the Trusted Advisor Award, presented to John Dado.




The Rising Star award was presented to Maggie Radany.




Finally it was time for the biggie, the Rotarian of the Year, which was presented to a startled Onita Pellegrini.




The crowd rose to give Onita a standing ovation for the well-deserved award.  Chris concluded his presentations with special thanks to his wife Shari and daughter Alicia. 




Now the time had arrived for the formal transfer of authority.  President Elect Michael Nistler pinned a Past President pin on Superman.




And Past President Chris Ranney pinned the President pin on President Michael Nistler.




The ritual ended with a quick hug.




Now the floor was Michael’s.




He discussed RI President Barry Rassin’s theme for 2018-2019, “Be the Inspiration”.




Expect to hear more about vocational service, mentorship, and more at our next meeting on July 12.




President Michael thanked his family for their support and we were treated to words of wisdom from his mother.




A pair of high fives (a “high ten”?) and the program concluded.  What a delightful evening!


(Editor’s note: Award recipients were recorded as rapidly as this reporter can write.  My apologies for any errors or omissions.)


This week's Editor: Al Cattalini




June 21, 2018




Our cooks for the day were "The Good Ole' Boys " Jay Palm, Jay's son, Danny Fish, and Past President Ralph Sartori.




They served up a delicious prime rib cooked to perfection.




President Chris Ranney had nothing but smiles starting off his last Thursday meeting as the big Prez.




The proud Prez reminded everyone that it was the first day of summer and his last day running a Thursday meeting.




Jay Palm and little Palm led us in the Pledge.




Followed by President Chris calling on Past President Dan Libarle to lead us in the club song and God Bless America. "Straight to the point" Libarle wanted nothing to do with the club song and went right into his favorite tune, God Bless America.




Past President Michael Baddeley had the Thought of the Day and surprisingly kept it clean and boring. Way to go Mike!




President Chris was so grateful for his last Thursday meeting that he had to share the love and began a 30 minute "thank-a-thon" starting with all the Past Presidents in the room.




Everyone applauded the Past Presidents.




President Chris continued thanking everyone in the room for his stellar year.




Which included Rotarians of the Month, Tony "barback" Western and Elias "get s*it done" Husary.




The thanking continued to Gail Cardaropoli, Judi Allewelt, and Mike Ambrosia for all their help.




Long time caterer Sally Tomatoes was thanked.




And the Petaluma Golf and Country Club was thanked.




President Chris gave us a great look back at the "year in review" which included many wonderful memories.




The Prez then called upon Past President Dan Libarle to explain why there was so much noise in the neighborhood over the weekend which included Dan belting out God Bless America to the point that the police were called for noise concerns.  Dan quickly explained that he was just there celebrating his 2 grandsons graduations and it was the other neighbor, Past President Mike Baddeley that was the problem.




Past President Mike Baddeley claimed he left the party early to avoid the trouble with the law but that it was Dan's "rockstar party" genes that helped get his grandsons into Stanford and Syracuse. Congrats Dan for having some great and very smart grandsons!




Anne Gealta won the raffle and the $175.




Past President John Dado's wife, Sharon Dado and Judi Allewelt introduced our speaker. Sharon was his teacher at Cherry Valley School.




Our guest speaker was Dr. Hoby Wedler, a native Petaluman, PEF Board Member, and Co-Founder of Sensepoint Design. He gave a great talk and specifically related it to Rotary and Petaluma. The title was "A unique Blind Sensory Perspective: How to Maximize Your Potential and Experience With All That The World Has to Offer"




Hoby received a standing ovation and President Chris thanked him for a great presentation.


This week's Editor: Brian Breen




June 14, 2018




President CHRIS RANNEY opened his penultimate regular lunch meeting to a full house, introduced himself, reminded us that the Club is “95 years young” this year, and had current Assistant Fire Chief Jeff Schach and retired Fire Chief (and former Club member) Chris Albertson lead us in song (Gypo and God Bless America).




BRANDON TRAMMELL then delivered the Thought for the Day, followed by the customary greetings, hugs & busses amongst members.




The Prez then introduced all of the guests who joined us for lunch, and reminded us of the upcoming (1) Miracle League groundbreaking ceremony on June 18 (Monday) at 10:00 a.m., and (2) the annual RYLA camp event (June 17-22) – call RYLA District Committee chair LEE REPOSA if you are interested in attending. 


The Prez then called CHAD FILLINGER to his feet for a well deserved round of applause for being selected the 2018 NBL Coach of the Year!  Congratulations, Chad!!




Our Rotary International Exchange Student, Maurus Pharola from Switzerland, recapped his experience in our District and all the adventures he enjoyed with his host families.



He received a Club flag and hearty round of applause for his presentation! 




The Prez then called upon ONITA PELLEGRINI




and other members of the Rotary District 5130 Fire Relief Fund from our Club, including:MICHAEL AMBROGIA,









to introduce their Fire Relief Fund recipients, who shared their personal stories of the October 2017 fire and its effects on their lives.







The Prez then thanked our Fire Relief Fund Committee and all of the Fund recipients who shared their heartfelt stories,




and presented each of them with Rotary mementos and gifts in appreciation.


ED FULLERTON then sua sponte let all of the Fire Relief Fund recipients know how inspirational they were, and assured them they can always count on our support!




WHEREUPON, the Prez then noted that we have a great speaker scheduled next week (Hoby Wedler, Ph.D., who was born blind), reminded us that the annual Debunking Dinner is on June 29 at the Petaluma Hotel, wished everyone a Happy Father’s Day, and summarily adjourned the Meeting!


This week's Editor: Mike Baddeley




June 7, 2018


It was a beautiful, sunny Thursday when President Chris Ranney (after a week off) called together the Rotary Club of Petaluma at the Petaluma Golf and Country Club.  The President welcomed members and guests “from all over the world” and noted how proud he is to be our club’s president.




President Chris then asked new member Royce Van Bebber to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.  President Chris next called on Past President Tom Brandal to lead us in song and Tom got us started with our club song and finished with God Bless America.





President Chris called on Jim Becker for the Thought for the Day. Jim spoke from his heart and told us he is “all about peace” and referenced the work of the day’s speaker, Heidi Kuhn, founder of Roots of Peace.  He reflected on a movie he watched recently (“The Post”) and its message about telling the truth, and noted that he considers Rotary a “peace organization.”  His thought (yes, he did finally get to it) was a quote from Jimi Hendrix: “When the power of love overcomes love of power, the world will know peace.”  Namaste, Jim!   





President Chris invited everyone to get started on friendship greetings.   Visiting Rotarians were announced by Shari Ranney and included Dr. Princess Francis Kemelagha from Nigeria, Mike Cook from the Sebastopol club, and Christian Kuhn from San Francisco #2.


There was one Rotarian with a guest…this reporter Jane Saldana-Talley, who introduced her colleague (and a GREAT SRJC Petaluma Dean!), Catherine Williams who was on her second visit to the club.



President Chris called on Gail Cardaropoli who gladly gave a donation to the Rotary Foundation for how proud she is that her grandson just signed with the Milwaukee Brewers!


President Chris then gave a shout out to Jane Saldana-Talley for hosting a wonderful Building Community Breakfast at SRJC Petaluma earlier in the day. This reporter was humbled by the praise and grateful for all of her Rotary colleagues who showed up to support our community’s college!


President Chris shared that the ground breaking for the Miracle League playground is set for 10:00am on Monday, June 18.  Our club has $80k in the bank ready and waiting to contribute toward building the Rotary Pavilion.  If you’d like to celebrate the good work done by our club, come on out for this special event.


President Chris called on Jane Saldana-Talley again to give members a brief report on the next day’s meeting of the Rotary Club of Petaluma Foundation Awards Committee (the President himself, this reporter, Rick Mossi, Maureen Rudder, Renee Hayes, Joe Tambe, and Judi Allewelt). Their task is to decide how much to award this year’s 123 applicants.  With $25k available and over $65k in requests, they have their job cut out for them!  Jane thanked Maureen Rudder for her help making the process paperless and Grace Nistler for her kind assistance with the webpage posting.






President Chris called on Shari Ranney who gave us an early heads up about a tri-club fundraiser at Brewsters on August 6; tickets are $20 each.  Shari mentioned that Heidi Kuhn planned to hold a Q&A following the meeting regarding the Global Grant our club has contributed $8,750 toward.  President Chris invited visiting Rotarian Dr. Princess Francis Kemelagha to say a few words about Rotary’s good work in telemedicine/KUBI and the access to healthcare it has made available to the people of Nigeria.  She spoke with great passion about the program and told members “health is everything!” We agree!


President Chris reminded us the Ryle BBQ is coming up on June 20 and the Debunking on June 28.


President Chris noted that next week’s program will include stories from fire survivors who have been helped by Rotary District 5130.


President Chris called out the week’s raffle and the winner was Jim Becker, who got one of the many blue rocks and won himself a NBW to take back to Hawaii!










Jim Becker introduced the day’s speaker—Heidi Kuhn, CEO and Founder of Roots of Peace.  Heidi began her presentation by placing a picture of her “Papa” William Hill Thomas, President of the Rotary Club of Petaluma in 1927, making her son Christian a sixth generation Rotarian!  Heidi spoke with passion about the history of her ancestors, including John A. McNear who came to Petaluma in 1858 and founded the Bank of Sonoma.  She went on to relate her connections with Rotary, including time as a Rotary Exchange Student in Japan.  Her main purpose was to share her non-profit, Roots of Peace, and the Mines to Vines program she has launched to rid the world of 70 million landmines.  It was a heartwarming and richly informative presentation.  Thank you!


President Chris then ended the meeting by thanking all involved with making this another great meeting!



This week's Editor: Jane Saldaña-Talley