January 25, 2018


President CHRIS RANNEY opened the regular lunch meeting of the Rotary Club of Petaluma at the appointed half-hour (12:30), and immediately made a gentlemen’s bet that the power would go off sometime during the meeting (don’t ask why)!



He then welcomed one and all, and reminded us that this March our Club will celebrate its 95th Anniversary.


The Prez then had Past-President KIP HERZOG lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a rousing rendition of our Club song and God Bless America, led by yours truly. 



CHARLIE STUART then delivered the Thought for the Day…. which I’m still thinking about! 



MIKE STAUBER introduced our visiting Rotarians (there were no guests). image


The customary handshakes, busses and hugs amongst Club members ensued.


The Prez then announced that our Rotary Foundation chairman, Past-President RICK MOSSI, was holding a Rotary Foundation Meeting at the Exchange “Club” (aka the “Exchange Bank”) on Friday, January 26 at 8:00 a.m.  Next, the Prez announced our Rotarian of the Month for January: JUDY MCREYNOLDS



Judy was completely surprised, and very honored, and gave an Oscar awards night worthy acceptance speech!  Congratulations, Judy!


RENEÉ HAYES then gave us a Crab Feed ticket sales report, and encouraged everyone who wants to attend to login to our Club website and follow the Club Runner prompts to order tickets and reserve seating to the event. 



BRIAN BREEN followed that up with an update on the sale of Super Raffle tickets: 235 sold so far, with TOM BRANDAL leading at 71 sold- great job, Tom!!  The Prez added to Brian’s report by reciting some of the attractive live auction items that will be presented at the Crab Feed.



After taking a head count on who was attending the monthly SCARC Dinner later in the evening, the Prez reminded us that there will be a Tri-Club Butter & Eggs Day parade float this year, and the Float Committee is looking for volunteers (call the Prez if you are interested).  The Prez also gave us a status report on the local Fire Relief Fund, and emphasized that all of the funds they receive go to deserving recipients - there are no administration expenses or fees!  President Nominee DAN FISH then gave a personal Fire Relief Fund testimonial on a situation where he personally delivered the funds to someone in need.



The Prez then announced the January Birthdays and Anniversaries, and fined Past-President JOANNE FERRIS for not sitting at the birthday table (Query: If you don’t sit at the birthday table, do you avoid being one year older?!). 



A rather cacophonic rendition of the “Happy Birthday” song ensued.  Taking full and complete advantage of our conviviality, the Prez then shamelessly passed his hat around to collect $10 per Member to defray administrative expenses for the Fire Relief Fund.  We responded with $335 on the spot – and for the record, none of it went towards the Prez’ annual Chico buddy drinkfest (Thursday-Sunday) at Dillon Beach!!


Apparently The Prez was so enamored with all of the long green ponied up by the Club, he proceeded to fine one of our newest Club members, RICK WARNER, a whopping $100 for a recent 7-day Hawaiian vacation to golf (Kapalua), watch whales breach from the beach, and “being not even close to getting married!”  Well done, Mr. Rick!! 



Number xxx276 proved to be the winning raffle ticket for RENEÉ HAYES, and was good enough for a nice bottle of wine!



The Prez introduced our guest speaker, TOM GALLUP, of the North Bay Rotary Club (NBC), who gave a very informative presentation of all the NBC’s activities on the Petaluma River, and what an asset their programs and services are to our students and other community members. 



He received a bottle of Pinot for Polio in appreciation of a program well received.


After telling us how much he appreciated our spontaneous generosity for the Fire Relief Fund, and for all the support he has received during his presidency thus far, the Prez summarily adjourned the meeting… and headed out to Dillon Beach!!  Enjoy your week!


P.S.  Just in case the Prez and his Chico chums decided to play a little golf in between libations, here’s a little story for them:


It was a beautiful, sunny Sunday afternoon and Moses, Jesus, and a quiet older guy were playing a round of golf. On the most difficult par 3 on the course, Moses yanks his iron shot into a water hazard, so he quickly walks to the water’s edge, parts the water and proceeds to hit the ball right onto the green.


Next up on the tee, Jesus yanks his shot towards the very same water hazard, where it comes to rest dead center on top of the pond, so he casually strolls out onto the water, and chips his ball up onto the green within a couple feet of the flag stick.


Shaking his head at what he has just witnessed, the old guy steps up to the tee without taking any time and also yanks his shot dead right towards the same water hazard, when suddenly a stiff breeze whips up causing a tree branch to slap the ball, knocking it back out onto the fairway, where it ricochets off a large rock and bounces towards a squirrel, who puts the ball in its mouth right before a bald eagle swoops down, grabs him up, and flies off down the fairway with the helpless squirrel in his talons. As the eagle soars out over the green, the squirrel squeals with fright and drops the ball right next to the flag stick, where the ball takes a big bounce and lands right in the cup for an amazing hole in one.


In total disgust, Moses then turns to Jesus and says, “I told you, I hate playing with your Dad.”


This week's Editor: Mike Baddeley





January 18, 2018




It was a hale and hearty group of Rotary Club of Petaluma Rotarians (*see footnote below) who braved the cold, damp weather to attend this year’s meeting at the Coast Guard Training Center in Two Rock, a long-standing tradition for our club.  Led by President Chris Ranney and former Coast Guard Training Center Commanding Officer (CO) Captain Al Cattalini, members gathered at the Consolidated Club for pre-meeting fellowship and refreshments and then slogged over to the Haley Hall Galley for one of those famed lunches prepared by “Coasties” trained on site as chefs.




One member in attendance made the astute observation that this meeting always seems to occur on a rainy day…is in honor of the Coast Guard’s favorite element or just the time of year?




Located just west of Petaluma, Training Center Petaluma is the Coast Guard’s largest West Coast Training Center.  Their graduates are the latest chefs, medics, storekeepers, yeoman, information systems technicians, electronics technicians, and operations specialists.  They’re also home to the Coast Guard Leadership Development Center’s Chief Petty Officer Academy.




Rotarians were hosted by current Commanding Officer Captain Paul A. Flynn




Following a delicious meal in the galley, President Chris opened the meeting by observing that it was such an honor each year for us to meet at the Training Center.  He thanked Captain Flynn for extending such a warm welcome and the support we received from Coast Guard Lieutenant Rafael Sadowitz, and gave a special shout out to Captain Cattalini for making the arrangements each year.  President Chris then invited Captain Flynn to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.  The entire room faced the large flag and joined in with the club.




The day’s speaker was Captain Paul Flynn who was introduced by Al Cattalini.  Captain Flynn has been at the held since July 2016.  He and his wife and five children have been members of the Coast Guard “family” since 1991.  He was an ensign in 1991 when Captain Cattalini was CO, and his oldest son is now an ensign in Florida.  Captain Flynn spoke about the history of the Training Center as a former ranch, Army installation and the eventual “takeover” by the Coast Guard when the facility was being considered for planned closure.  He gave a great summary of the training programs and the number of those who’ve graduated and lived at the Center or “in town” over the years.  He also described the role the Training Center played during the October fires. 




At the conclusion of the meeting, President Chris thanked Captain Flynn with a bottle of Rotary wine and club’s highest honor…a chicken pin!


Thanks again, Captain Flynn and all the blue uniformed “Coasties” who made this meeting so special!


Semper Paratus (Always Ready)


*Footnote:  While the images shown in this week’s Rota-Teller make it appear that only members of a certain gender attended this meeting, it should be noted that in addition to this reporter, members and guests of members of the other gender included (with apologies to anyone I missed):  Judi Allewelt, Joanne Ferris, Judy McReynolds, Maggie Radany, Sherry Scherotter-Burwen, Tawny Tesconi, and guests Trisha McNamee (wife of Clark Rosen) and Joan Cattalini (wife of Captain Al Cattalini).


This week's Editor: Jane Saldaña-Talley





January 11, 2018




  President Chris Ranney started off our “working meeting” by asking




 Jane Saldana-Talley to lead us in the Pledge of Alligiance and 





Bill Groverman to lead us in song. Judy McReynolds was too sick to give her Thought for the Day in person, but we wished her well and President Chris Ranney gave us some thoughts…including the revelation that his pant zipper had been down since the start of the meeting. How thoughtful!


John Dado gave us a Sunshine Report update on Don Ramatici, who recently fell and suffered a broken hip. He was scheduled for surgery as we met and we hope his recovery is quick and painless.
Best wishes Don!





Clark Rosen accounced to the Club that he will be moving to Colorado this Spring. He will be moving to Fort Collins and he is looking forward to the next chapter in his life. You will be missed by so many people in Petaluma. Al Cattalini announced that next week’s meeting is at the Coast Guard. Please make sure your documentation is in order and arrive by11:00am and meet at the Clubhouse.
President Chris Ranney announced that there will be a Rotary Billboard going up in February near the corner of D St. and Lakeville Hwy.



Brian Breen was the raffle winner and walked away with some wine.

We then got down to Club business starting with the Super Raffle and people discussed different methods for motivating potential ticket purchasers and increasing sales. It was great to hear how some perennial big hitters talk about their strategies and methods for selling so many raffle tickets.





We also managed to have a little fun in giving away some Super Raffle and CrabFeed tickets!



We discussed the new online registration system for the Crabfeed (Feb. 23). The process is simple and efficient and it helps organize the multiple moving parts that the Crabfeed attendance/seating create. Thank you to all of the members who help manage and organize this content - especially Renee Hayes and Maureen Rudder!!!


We also discuss ideas for the Live Auction that will again occur at the Crabfeed. Please forward all ideas for donations to President Chris Ranney. We need donation items!
There are many events & meetings coming to our Club, so please consult the Club website for moore details.


This week's Editor: Ricardo Marzo




January 4, 2018




President Chris Ranney extended a warm Happy New Year greeting and welcomed us to the first meeting of 2018.






Our most recently added member Doug Hecker led the throng in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.






Past President Gary Brodie was in fine voice, leading the club song and “God Bless America”.






Past District Governor Ed Fullerton, always thought-provoking, provoked us with not just one but three cogent thoughts for the day.  The traditional moment of fellowship was shared enthusiastically by all.


President Chris gave a special thanks to club members who put in shifts as bell-ringers for the Salvation Army’s efforts during the Christmas holiday season and whose persuasive ringing techniques raised about $360 for a worthy cause.


Thanks to the generous underwriting support of Save Energy Company, a Rotary billboard display will soon appear on B Street with the theme “People of Action” (that’s us).


Guests for the day included our guest speaker, Rotary exchange student Maurus Pajarola; Kevin Cerutti, who (with wife and Petaluma Sunrise member Alicia) is currently hosting Maurus; and Dan Berry, who (with wife Shellie) was the first host for Maurus’s stay in Petaluma.






Past President Joanne Ferris reported that she and Grace Nistler had partnered to assist with District 5130 fire relief efforts by meeting with three families to evaluate their applications for special grants to restore fire-related business losses.  All three of the different and compelling stories resulted in grants awarded to very grateful recipients.  A follow-up assessment will be conducted in three months.











Past President Michael Caruana, Renee Hayes, and Maureen Rudder urged us to obtain tickets for our upcoming Crab Feed before the event sells out.  Ticket purchases and table reservations can be completed online.  To make things even easier, laptops will be available at next week’s meeting with help offered to any of us technically-challenged types.






Brian Breen expects that our Super Raffle, the club’s most important fundraising activity, will be a big success, provided that every member sells not less than a dozen tickets, a most reasonable expectation. 


Semper Paratus! (“Always Ready1”).  Are you?  Well, you should be on January 18, because that’s when we’ll be at the Coast Guard Training Center for our annual visit.  Al Cattalini, former Commanding Officer of the base (a few years ago), says we can expect the usual hospitality at the bar (starting at 11:00), delicious lunch in the hall, and interesting insights into the center’s operations. 






Guest Dan Berry was the day’s lucky raffle winner, drawing a blue rock for a bottle of wine.









Mike Stauber introduced Maurus Pajarola, who gave an informative and remarkably entertaining talk about his hometown of Lenzburg, Switzerland, the truths and myths about his native country, and insights into differences between student life there and here.  Only 16 now, Maurus is looking forward to university in Zurich to study business and finance.  His success in life will probably be somewhere on the spectrum between “extremely” and “wildly”. 




This week's Editor: Clark Rosen