December 20, 2018



President Michael Nistler showed up in all red duds except for the brown jacket (brown is the new red) with excitement and Christmas spirit!



Lee Reposa performed the Pledge of Allegiance, but his picture was M.I.A. (just like his recent attendance!!!). I lifted his picture from the Rotary website and realized that since his presidency ended he's been out touring the country at speaking engagements and book signings...




President Nistler continued the Christmas spirit and announced that the gift bags were ready for delivery.




Grace Nistler handled the club song and was busy taking photos. She forgot to take a "Selfie" for the Rota-Teller (I found this picture on her Facebook page).




Mike Ferris was the lead on vocals for God Bless America as Onita Pellegrini sang back-up!  




President Nistler cheered himself on as he handled the Thought for the Year (I meant Thought for the Day, but it covered the entire year!!!)...





Elias Husary announced that the gift bags were ready for delivery from 23 volunteer 

drivers to 60 families (149 kids) who were receiving gifts for Christmas.




Judi Allewelt once again teamed-up with Elias to make the Christmas gift program

a smashing success and mentioned that it took 8 adults and 23 kids only two hours

to wrap all of the gifts.




Royce Van Bebber announced the Dictionary program for 3rd grade students in Petaluma,

"1,000 dictionaries will be distributed to students in Petaluma." He also mentioned a semi

truck had to pick up 3 pallets of dictionaries, which are being stored at his shop.




Tawny Tesconi is also working on the dictionary program and mentioned that

"16,000 dictionaries will be distributed in total to Sonoma County schools."




Chris Ranney mentioned that he and Shari were hosting a holiday party at their

home after the Rotary Christmas gifts were delivered.




Rick Warner, a confused realtor, was wearing my name badge and was trying to explain that Elias set him up and was to blame (Elias decided to cover the fine for me and Rick and explained "It's only $100 bucks and if I could've dumped another bucket of ice water on Nistler I would've paid more!").




Chad Fillinger announced that his wife opened another fitness studio in Petaluma in the

Theatre District (her other studio is in East Petaluma). He agreed to pay a $50 fine and was pointing with his thumb towards Elias and who agreed to pay Chad's fine!




Chad was the winner of the raffle and won a bottle of wine, which he said he would sell to Elias for $50 along with $500 worth of Super Raffle Tickets!




Mike Ambrosio wishes he won the bottle of wine after thinking about all of the money he spent on Christmas presents!




Michael Caruana was trying to find some spare change in the "Rotary Slush Fund"

to help pay for Mike Ambrosio's Christmas present debt fund. Elias mentioned that he needed the money more than Mike because of all the fines he agreed to pay for!




Royce Van Bebber and Mike Ferris just made a side bet that Nistler's Thought for the Day would last for 5 minutes (Royce took the over and Mike didn't take the under!)...





Rotary members enjoying lunch in anticipation of the performance by The Pacific Empire Chorus. I couldn't help but think of 'Where's Waldo' when I realized that Nistler had photo-bombed another picture - he's in more photos than the entire Kardashian family!




Rotary members enjoying the Pacific Empire Chorus...




The Pacific Empire Chorus dazzled us with yet another incredible performance!




The Pacific Empire Chorus in action!


This week's Editor: Doug Hecker




December 13, 2018





President Michael welcomed everyone to our weekly lunch and meeting.




He asked Suzanne to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance




Past President Chris led us in the God Bless America




And Sherry led us in our Club Song.




The President gave the Thought of the Day




Rick updated everyone on the Holiday Bell Ringing for the Salvation Army. It was a great success and the giving #'s were up 50% this year.




Bano reminded us that the Interact group is putting on their annual bake sale. All the proceeds are going to the schools in Paradise.




Judi discussed our club's Christmas gift giving program.




Elias went over the delivery logistics.




Past President Chris invited everyone to his house for a Club Social after delivering the gifts.




The President hit Brandon with a gratitude fee for not showing up to the team captain super raffle draft. 




Brandon wasn't the only captain to not show up. Mireille also paid her gratitude.




Congrats to Past DG Ed and Carol for celebrating their 59th anniversary.




Elias won the raffle and the money this week.




Suzanne introduced our speaker.




Cheryl Quist - Executive Director of Petaluma Gap


This week's Editor: Brian Breen




December 6, 2018




Using his “no microphone” voice President Michael called the first meeting of December to order.



Steve Powell led the Pledge of Allegiance.



Lee Bean led us in the Club Song, I’m a Ramber, . . . .



Next it was John Dado leading God Bless America.



President Elect Elias Husary gave the Thought for the Day, some advice attributed to Charlie Chaplin.  When you are stressed, eat cookies, ice cream, and chocolate cake.  The reason?  STRESSED spelled backwards is DESSERTS.



Our ever resourceful President amazingly produced a spare microphone and Past President Chris Ranney used it to introduce our two visiting Rotarians, the President and Treasurer of the San Rafael Evening Club.  The traditional exchange of club flags then ensued.


Three “last time” guests were introduced.  More on them later.



Joanne Ferris produced a miniature cowbell she discovered at the Arcata Rotary Club.  They auction the bell weekly with a minimum $50 bid.  The winner is allowed to ring the bell five times during the meeting which instantly silences the President who must then move on to another subject or speaker.



Past President Chris Ranney bid the minimum $50 and took custody of the bell but, unless I’m getting deaf, he never rung it.



Rick Gorman reminded members to visit Petaluma Market tomorrow (10am to 6pm) where we’ll be manning the Salvation Army kettle.  Be sure to drop in a contribution to keep the kettle boiling!


More holiday cheer: Our Holiday Party is Saturday evening at Rosen’s, 256 Petaluma Boulevard North with libations starting at 6pm.



Judi Allewelt reported that she and her helpers have purchased Christmas gifts for 158 kids from 60 families.  You can help with gift wrapping at Judi’s office on Saturday, December 15 and help with delivery after our December 20 meeting.  We’ll be entertained at that meeting by the Pacific Empire Chorus and are encouraged to wear festive holiday attire. 


Remember that the Club will be dark on Thursday, December 27!



Rick Gorman announced that Super Raffle teams have been drafted and members should receive tickets soon from their team captain.  Along with co-chairs Lee Reposa and Brian Breen and advisor Elias Husary the raffle gurus have announced some new guidance.  (1) Turn in tickets only to your team captain.  (2) Write your name on the back of ticket stubs so sellers of winning tickets can be identified.



Royce Van Bebber announced that 930 dictionaries for distribution early next year have arrived in Petaluma but not without incident.  Seems the truck was involved in an accident with some damage to the merchandise.  But Royce has it under control and you’ll hear more from him later.



Now it was time for “indoctrination” of new members.  Membership chair Onita Pellegrini called up Dan and Shellie Berry, family members sponsored by Rick Gorman, and Ricky Cataldi, a regular member sponsored by President Michael.  Dan works for Axa XL as a reinsurance manager.  Ricky is a financial advisor for Edward Jones.  A hearty welcome to our newly inducted members!



Jim Symons reported that he was pleased to be back after some health issues. He was delighted to report that his daughter has graduated from Tulane University with a masters degree in public health and will be off to Rwanda early next year.  He was also happy to report on his “new big red truck.”  For all this good news he offered a stewardship contribution (no fines here) of $100.



Bano Cummings pulled a blue rock out of the bag and walked off with a bottle of McEvoy Ranch rosé.



New member Raine Howe, Executive Director of the Polly Klaas Foundation gave an interesting talk on the organization’s work.  Particularly striking to this writer was the concept that many so-called “runaway” children are really the victims of “online abduction.”


This week's Editor: Al Cattalini