August 30, 2018





President Michael Nistler kicked off an afternoon of Rotary celebration and Member involvement and called Joanne Ferris to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. He stepped in at the last moment for the Thought for the Day and gave us some memorable words from Senator John McCain. Our moment of fellowship lasted several minutes, as we all made the rounds to greet our fellow members and guests.


As he explained the meeting’s function on examining our own moments of stewardship and what Rotary means to us, President Michael called upon Past President Henry Hansel, who shared some of his many involvements that help make our community better. He told us about his passion for helping to make Sonoma State University a leader in education and promote meaningful careers for the next generation. He has also helped bring together local and national leaders to focus on the post-fire recovery for Sonoma County and making sure our national leaders understand the need for long-term support. His contributions continued by adding $100 to the Fine Can.

Immediately afterwards, your humble editor was asked about his own participation in stewardship, and compared to Henry Hansel, his answers were mundane and insignificant – nevertheless, the Fine Can was heavier by $50. Judy McReynolds also contributed to the Fine Can.






imageNewly elected President-Elect, Elias Husary, introduced us to his daughter, Bella, and Onita Pelligrini walked away with a bottle of wine from the Raffle. We moved on to a short program to hear Mike Stauber, Onita Pelligrini, and Mike Ambrosio share their defining Rotary moments and they were fantastic. Mike Stauber connected with the Youth Committee and the Exchange Program and he is very passionate about helping young students experience life outside the US and showcasing what we have here in Petaluma to international students.




For Onita, it was the Gift Exchange and seeing the impact her efforts and the Club’s compassion on a local family who would not have shared any Holiday presents, if not for this program. Mike Ambrosio said the timing was just right to join Rotary at this stage in his life and he appreciates the fellowship of meeting new Rotarians and learning from their experiences. This was the perfect springboard to President Michael’s next plan…


imageUnder his tutelage, we gathered into groups of 6-8 and had roundtable discussions regarding our personal experiences of what brought us to Rotary how it has impacted our lives, and how we can help make our club stronger. It was a great opportunity to interact with different members, listen to their stories and share many common themes. The Breakout Sessions were a success!


Last, but not least, we wrapped up a very productive meeting by wishing each other well wishes and promising to continue working on making our club stronger!

This week's Editor: Ricardo Marzo




August 23, 2018

President Michael Nisler opened the meeting with his gong.....this marks six weeks without the club bell.


Maggie Radany led the club in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegience.


Wally Bragdon was our songmaster leading a round of God Bless America.


President Michael presented the Thought for the Day which was about the origins of our club song.  Above is a photo of "Gyppo's" aka independant loggers.



Suddenly, a very large box arrived at the head table.  President Michael investigated and....


The missing club bell returned!  There was an ominous message with the prize warning...."It disappeared once..."


President Michael gave a recap of the August 22 board meeting.  Following the results of the recent club assembly where members strongly supported fun and fellowship, here some updates to the club plans for this year:

  1. The Fork to Field Raffle will be deferred this year
  2. The Super Raffle is now budgeted to net $25,000. (As opposed to $30K)
  3. The PPSC Serenity Garden is on budget and ahead of schedule.  It is our District Designated Grant project.
  4. The Salvation Army Kitchen remodel is a go with a budgeted club contribution of $2K.
  5. The STARS scholarship project is on and there will be a mid-year review.
  6. The club Dictionary project and Children's Holiday project are a go for this year
  7. The Miracle League Barbecue pavillion is funded ($80K) and planning for construction continues.
  8. A committee has been formed to review and make a recommendation to the board on family membership and corporate membership.
  9. A "relocation" committee has been formed to investigate potential meeting locations since our current arrangement is not financially sustainable.
  10. There will be a "Fun Day" BBQ gathering in late October for members, family and friends.
  11. Tonight's (Aug. 23rd) club social will be moved to the Chamber Business After Hours which is a grand opening for Chiaramonte Construction.  The event begins at 3 pm


Still delighted that the club bell has returned, President Michael previewed upcoming programs:

  • August 30 - "Get To Know Your Board of Directors"
  • Sept. 6 - Project Censored director Mickey Huff

Rotarian of the Month was awarded to "Miss August"  Judi Allewelt for all her hard work week in and week out for our club.  Judi went above and beyond to support the Serenity Garden at PPSC.  She expressed her appreciation of the garden and PPSC.


We had some lucritive "stewardship" moments!

Shaharazad Hamidi has been very busy as headmistress of Springhill Academy as they have just opened a middle school on a new campus.  She pledged $50 toward her fine schedule.


Hip Herzog gave $25 toward his fine schedule in anticipation of upcoming travel.


Dan Libarle has one grandson who just departed for Syracuse University and another leaving in a few weeks for Stanford.  He gratefully contributed $50 to his fine schedule.


John Dado recently spent time at Del Mar Race Track.  His time with his family was interrupted by a call from President Michael.  He will screen his calls while travelling from now on!  John generously contributed $100 to fulfill his fine schedule for the year.


The raffle winner was Gail Cardaropoli who selected a blue rock = a nice bottle of Pinot for Polio.


City Manager John Brown was our program speaker.  He gave a look at the state of the city finances looking back 10 years.  John will be retiring at the end of November.



This week's Editor: Joanne Ferris




August 16, 2018





President Michael is still missing his bell so he began the meeting with his gong.




Past President Joanne Ferris led us in the club song and God Bless America.




Whit Hall quoted George Washington for the Thought of the Day.




Brandon Trammell began with introducing our guests.








Anne Gealta also had a guest joining us.




Our Prez's guest was his grandson, Mikey.




Past District Governor Ed Fullerton introduced his wife and fined the Prez $20 for forgetting to lead us in the Pledge.




Our President was reminded through an anonymous letter that he had to continue licking a lollipop in order to get his bell back.




Chad Fillinger reminded everyone that the Rotary Golf Tourney is approaching.




Past President Michael Caruana updated everyone on the work done for the Rotary Grant Math Project.




Past President Lee Reposa gave an update on the progress of Rotary Pavilion at the future Miracle League Field.




Past President Chris Ranney recapped his years financials and the remaining funds were donated to the West Side Pantry.




Past President Rick Mossi conducted the Rotary Club's Local Foundation annual meeting.




Rick thanked Past President Lee Bean for all his hard work throughout the years on with the Foundation.




Danny Fish is a proud new grandparent and has also decided to step down as the President Elect. Congratulations Danny!!




Stepping up as the President Elect, Elias Husary!!!  

*Note that this editor heard rumors floating around that Past President Lee hasn't forgotten who released the pictures of him in a mankini.




Mike Stauber paid $100 fine for the birth of his new granddaughter. 




Dave Barbieri paid a fine for his future trip to England, Scotland, and a cruise to Vancouver. 




Once again the banker, Rick Gorman, won the raffle and a nice bottle of wine.




Our speaker was John Maher, aka. Petaluma Pete. He shared with us the work he's doing to clean up and improve Petaluma's downtown river and trestle area.


This week's Editor: Brian Breen




August 9, 2018




Still awaiting the return of the Club bell, President Michael summoned the meeting to order with a weak “ding” from a tiny (or tinny?) call bell.  He announced that we’d forego the customary pledge and song to provide more time for the meeting.  But pledging and singing will return “at the end of the month.”




Anne Gealta delivered her Thought for the Day, three pithy quips about men, (I forgot), and love.




We didn’t forego the customary fellowship and handshakes and hugs became the order of the day.




The mysterious packet of instructions for return of the missing bell appeared.  The instructions called for our President to perform his next task, ”to hold this item in your hand and lick it incessantly.  Don’t stop licking!” 




The “item” turned out to be an all-day sucker and the President’s task was clear.




PDG Ed Fullerton introduced our one visiting Rotarian, Paulie Johns from the Petaluma Valley Club.




Paulie introduced a very special “visiting Rotarian.” Mizuki Takeuchi, our new exchange student from Japan who arrived here on August 5.  Welcome Mizuki!




Grace Nistler introduced grandson Bobbie who is visiting from Tracy.




President Michael discussed Friday evening’s Broadway under the Stars and thanked Joanne Ferris for her work in organizing Rotary participation.  She received a round of applause from the Club.


He also thanked the organizers of Monday’s For the Children event, Shari Ranney, Michael Caruana, Larry Jonas, Mike Ambrosio, and a name I forgot — sorry!  The evening was a social and financial success.




President Michael then discussed the ongoing fire relief efforts with a special thanks to Chris Ranney and Ed Fullerton.




Charlie Stuart discussed the September 10 Golf Tournament and opportunities for sponsorship, playing, and dining.  More information is available on the Club website




Brandon Trammell described the great fellowship he experienced at last year’s tournament, his first.




Royce VanBebber described the long family tradition he is continuing of providing a Hydration Patrol for the tournament.  Whatever the weather, Royce and his crew make sure that no golfer goes thirsty. 




The time for “stewardship” arrived and Larry Jonas was first in the barrel.  He happily described a recent trip to Africa where he visited South Africa, Zimbabwe, and Botswana.  He contributed $50 to celebrate the trip.




Volunteering for a turn in the barrel was a proud Chris Ranney celebrating the birth of a second grandchild in Sweden.  He and Shari will be traveling there soon to greet the infant.  Chris contributed $50 but expect more when they return from Sweden!




Orest Balytsky held the winning raffle ticket and walked off with a bottle of Pinot for Polio.




Our announced speaker, State Senator Bill Dodd, was kept in Sacramento by urgent state business but he was ably replaced by Logan Pitts, Field Representative from the Senator’s Sonoma County District Office.  He provided a great explanation of the legal complexities arriving from our recent (and current) wildfires and answered questions from the crowd.  Thanks, Logan — and we look forward to welcoming Senator Dodd to a future meeting.




Pity our poor President.  The incessant lollypop licking must have gotten to him.  By the end of the meeting he was licking the microphone.  Oh, well!



This week's Editor: Al Cattalini


August 2, 2018




Our now experienced new President, MICHAEL The WhistlerNISTLER, opened the first meeting of his second month in office at the appointed half-hour, dispensed with our usual pledge-song protocol, and invited




Past-President JOANNESonoma CountyFERRIS to deliver a Thought for the Day, which she deferred!  The customary handshakes, hugs and busses amongst the members ensued.




There were no Visiting Rotarians or guests who joined us for lunch, but there were a medley of announcements, reports, requests, and reminders: Immediate Past-President CHRISPurple” RANNEY gave us an update on LARCA (The Lake Area Rotary Club Association) and the Rotary Fire Relief Fund, followed by an update on the Miracle League project (the Giants baseball team donated $25k!!); 




CHARLIE MulliganSTUART requested an update on the Redding area fires and what Rotary can do to help;




JOANNE FERRIS reminded us of the Broadway under the Stars event (August 3) at Jack London State Park; and, the Prez announced the upcoming (August 6) For The Children pasta dinner fundraiser at Brewster’s sponsored by the three local Rotary Clubs (us, Sunrise and Valley).






Past-Presidents MICHAEL “Night of the” CARUANA and LARRY “Bobby” JONAS delivered a report on Rotary International projects, elaborated on the For the Children fundraiser ($20 per person, kids eat free), and gave kudos to




MICHAEL “Salad” AMBROSIO for being the Club’s only undefeated Bocce Ball Tournament captain… since the Tournament was cancelled this year!


The Prez reminded us that August is Membership Month, and that State Senator Bill Dodd will be our speaker on August 9 (guests eat free).  The Prez went on to note that on August 16 our speaker will be Petaluma Pete, on August 23 it will be outgoing City Manager, John Brown, and on September 6 it will be our County Supervisor, Dave Rabbitt.  Don’t miss any of them!!




Next, CHAD “John” FILLINGER, our Golf Tournament Committee Chairman, reminded us of the upcoming annual tournament (September 10), and encouraged one and all to sign-up as soon as possible to ensure a slot.  It’s $150 per golfer, but only $40 if you want to just join us for dinner (5:30 p.m.).  Tee time is high noon, and each Rotarian player needs to contribute a bottle of wine – hope to see you all out there! 




MICHAEL CARUANA added that the President Nominating Committee will be announcing our incoming President-elect nominee for the 2020/21 year at the tournament dinner, so if you love a good mystery, you should definitely be there!!




BANO “ee CUMMINGS drew raffle ticket #2012496 to the delight of GAILWild CARDAROPOLI, who took home a fine bottle of wine! 






The Prez then had the members conduct a round table (literally!) discussion amongst themselves as to their assessment, evaluation and suggestions regarding the Club’ focus, format and activities. 






A designated spokesperson for each group then provided feedback to all in attendance. 






It was very informative and elucidating exercise, and it gave us all a better idea of where the Club stands and what the members would like to see from the Club moving forward.




Whereupon, after taking copious notes (hopefully!), the Prez duly adjourned the meeting.


This week's Editor: Mike Baddeley