April 26, 2018


It was a cool, sunny Birthday Cake (!) Thursday when President Chris Ranney called together the Rotary Club of Petaluma at the Petaluma Golf and Country Club.  The Prez welcomed members and guests and noted how proud he is to be our club’s president.




President Chris then asked new member Brandon Trammell to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance.  President Chris then called on Dan Libarle to lead us in song and Dan got us started with God Bless America, and rousing us with “Hit it!” to close with enthusiasm.







President Chris called on Charlie Stewart for the Thought for the Day. Charlie started with a Will Rogers oldie about good judgment and bad judgment, and ended with a reminder about the courage it takes to stand up and also to sit down. 




President Chris invited everyone to get started on friendship greetings.   We had no Visiting Rotarians.


Rotarians with Guests self-announced and included Judi Allewelt who introduced her friend who used to teach at Cherry Valley School (Kindergarten) and was on her second visit to the club…have we been introduced to a new member in the making?



President Chris next announced the Rotarian of the Month…a surprised and humble Charlie Stewart who’s always there to help in any way needed.  Congratulations, Charlie!  We are so grateful to have you in our club!


President Chris gave a few highlights of the special event put on for the Super Raffle winning team at McEvoy Ranch.  Thanks to Shari Ranney and Joanne Ferris for making this tribute so special for everyone!




President Chris thank Bano Cummings again for all of her work with Interact and to club members for donating $400 last meeting that got these ambitious Interacters almost all the way to their $600 fund-raising goal!




Jane Saldana-Talley announced that the Rotary Club of Petaluma Foundation grants program applications have been posted on the club website (http://www.petalumarotary.org/).  Thanks to Maureen Rudder, this year’s application has been converted to an online Google doc form, making the whole process paperless and more convenient for everyone involved (including the Grants Allocation Committee).  Jane also thanked Grace Nistler for her help getting the application up on the website, noting that this is a great way to show applicants what our club is all about. 





President Chris called on John Zimmerman who showed $50 worth of gratitude for making it onto the front page of the Argus Courier as an advocate for the Friends of the Petaluma Fairgrounds.


President Chris reminded us there are two days down and two to go (May 5 and 11) for the citywide tree planting project.  Feel free to join in!  He also noted the club has a float in the upcoming Butter and Egg Days Parade (in which our very own Prez will be featured as Citizen of the Year!)  Lastly, President Chris announced April birthdays (Judi McReynolds, Anne Gealta, and John Dado) and anniversaries.  Best wishes to all and thanks for sharing the birthday cake!


President Chris reminded that next week’s speaker is Vanessa Azevedo, MSW, from the Sonoma County Family, Youth and Childrens Division.


President Chris called out the week’s raffle and the winner was Steve Powell, who got one of the many blue rocks and won himself a NBW for the second time in recent memory!




Shari Ranney introduced the day’s speakers—members of our very own World Community Service Committee.  Shari serves as co-chair (providing ‘function’ to this 15-member group), and kicked off the presentation with an overview of the work they do around the world.  This includes Shelter Box, Global Grants (and the “Rotary Math” that transforms our club’s funds by growing it with District and RI funds), culture exchanges with Rotarians from around the world, and hands-on projects.  Shari’s co-presenters included Larry Jonas, Michael Caruana and Jim Becker who described projects in Ecuador, Guatemala, China, and Nepal.  Global Grants focus on six areas (Peace, Disease, Clean Water/Sanitation, Mother/Child, Education and Local Economy) with an emphasis on sustainability for all projects.  Mark your calendars for a multi-club fundraiser at Brewster’s Beer Garden on August 6.  Great program, everyone! 











President Chris then ended the meeting by thanking all involved with making this a great meeting!



This week's Editor: Jane Saldaña-Talley




April 19, 2018


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Today was a very special meeting for our club.  Members of Petaluma High School's Interact Club joined us.  


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Interact President Amy Schafbuch and President Chris Ranney co-presided over the meeting.


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Amy led the Pledge of Allegiance followed by Past President Lee Reposa leading everyone in the club song and God Bless America.  Ave gave the thought for the day all about leadership.


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Wally Bragdon introduced visiting Rotarians including Paulie Johns from the Rotary Club of Petaluma Valley and two visiting members from the Rotary Club of Sebastopol.


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President Ava and President Chris welcomed visitors as they were introduced.  There were many Interact students including our own Youth Exchange student Maurus.  Judi Allewelt introduced her former colleague Janet McBean.


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Charlie Stuart, program chairman for next year, asked all members to take a few moments and complete the online survey to determine what members would value in programs during 2018-2019.


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John Dado gave a sunshine report on Gail Cardaropoli.  She took a tumble recently and now is recovering from a broken leg.  She is home resting.


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Ave did a wonderful job presenting all the service projects Petaluma High School Interact students have done this year including providing childrens activities at the Miracle League Playground Building Day, working at fire relief shelters in October, and staffing a relief station at the Carousel Family Fun Run.    Our Interacters are also a major part of our crab feed each year as greeters, servers and raffle ticket salepersons.  They will be joining in the tree planting projects this month.


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Two other Interact members spoke expressing the impact that Interact has made on them as students.  Their current effort is to raise $600 to fund a solar panel for a Mayan Lake area project in Guatamala in partnership with Rotary International.  They held a bake sale recently and raised $120.00.  They want to raise $600.  


Judy McReynolds asked members if they would be willing to pass the hat for this project.  And just like that, the students had another $400 toward their goal!  Thanks Petaluma Rotary!


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President Ava asked Interact coordinator Bano Cummings about the bicycle she won last fall at the Brewsters fundraiser for the Miracle League.  She particularly wanted to know "how grateful Bano was."  Bano graciously made a contribution to the Interact International Project in Guatamala.


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Rick Warner, always a good friend, made the sacrifice of a golfing getaway in Monterey with an old friend.  He was grateful for his selflessness and gave $50 to PHS Interact as well.


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Rick Gorman introduced our program speaker, Architectural Photographer Tyler Chartier.


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Tyler presented a wonderful lesson on how to tell a story with fantastic images from his portfolio.  


Next week's program is all about the projects and plans of our own World Services Committee.


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President Chris presented Amy with a brand new Interact bell and gavel for the club.  And Amy rang the meeting to a close.


This week's Editor: Joanne Ferris




April 12, 2018





President Chris Ranney called our weekly meeting to order with one eye closed because he's gotten so good at this President thing that he could almost do it blind folded.




One of our newer members, Brandon Trammell, successfully led us in the pledge with Past President John Dado looking over his shoulder to ensure that it was done correctly.




President Elect Michael Nistler had no problem belting out our club song followed by God Bless America.




Anne Gealta provided the Thought of the Day for all of us to ponder.




President Chris welcomed all our visiting Rotarians and guests but the main guest of honor was Chad Fillinger's cute little daughter, Reese.

He also thanked everyone who helped make another Farmers Merchant Night a success.





Jim Becker was awarded a "Certificate of Appreciation" for all the hard work he's put into the Rotary sponsored International organization, "Global Offsite Care Board".





On his way to getting his official club chicken badge, Brandon Trammell delivered his craft talk.




Rick Gorman was a raffle winner but a money loser so he barely broke a smile when posing with the Prez. 




Jane Saldana-Talley took some time away from her Super Raffle spending spree to introduce our guest speaker from the SRJC




Michael McKeever from the SRJC presented "Good Security Hygiene" habits for our computers and phones.



This week's Editor: Brian Breen




April 6, 2018


Farmers and Merchants Night


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Our annual Famers & Merchants Night dinner carried on a tradition that dates back to the 1940's. 


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Despite pouring rain, everyone was greeted by warm smiles.


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Our bartendars handled the open bar with humor and grace.


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There was plenty of great conversations during the social hour.


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Past District Governor Ed Fullerton led the group in the Pledge of Allegience.


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This year's dinner was dedicated to the memory of our beloved past president Don Ramatici.  Here's a photo of Don with a few of his USF football team mates.


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Dan Libarle shared some stories about Don and managed the good-natured hecklers in the crowd with skill.  Don was a civic minded business man with very creative ways to support and serve his clients.


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Mike Baddeley recalled Don's year as president of the club.  During that year, Don exhibited great leadership, commitment to improving Petaluma High School's Sports Complex, a sense of humor,  and a remarkable ability to recover after a night of merriment at Rotary conferences.


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President Chris thanked Jay Palm and Bill Groverman (guy with the black cowboy hat and the tall guy on the left) and his team of cooks for the outstanding polenta and stew.


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Thanks to our bar supervisors, Tony Western and Charlie Stuart.  Tony is pictured here on break.  It must have been Charlie's turn hanging out at the bar.


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The hardest working server that evening was this Liberty 4H member.  He quietly cleared the tables all evening.


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Special thanks to all the Liberty 4 H members for serving and clearing during the dinner.


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The evening closed with a raffle of 18 outstanding prizes gathered by Kip Herzog.  Christina Groverman drew tickets while Megan Groverman announced the winners.




This week's Editor: Joanne Ferris




April 5, 2018


President CHRIS RANNEY, starting the last quarter of his Rotary reign, opened our regular lunch meeting at the appointed half-hour,




and immediately had Past-President LEE REPOSA lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. 




Past-President MIKE BADDELEY then led us in song (Gypo and God Bless America),

followed by the Thought for the Day from Past-President MICHAEL CARUANA




The customary handshakes, hugs and busses ensued.


Next, our guests of Rotarians (Grace Nistler) and visiting Rotarian (District Governor Bob Rogers and his wife, Peggy Rogers, from the Sebastopol Rotary Club) were introduced, followed by the Prez’ presentation of the Rotarians of the Month for March: MAUREEN RUDDER and RENEÉ HAYES. Congratulations! 






President-Elect MICHAEL NISTLER then delivered a report (and info sheet) on behalf of the Club Membership Committee on the award incentives for new members and how to introduce people to Rotary to foster interest in the Club.




The Prez, after noting that our Club celebrated its 95th Anniversary last month, and his failure to mention our Club at the SCARC meeting we hosted last week, reminded us of (1) the upcoming Tri-Club Tree Planting Project (April 14 & 21, and May 5 & 11), (2) the McEvoy Ranch trip for our Super Raffle ticket sales award winners (April 22), and (3) the Butter & Eggs Day parade (April 28) - we’ll have a Club float, so call Chris if you’re interested in helping with it.  Past President ONITA PELLEGRINI then concluded the announcements by reminding us of the upcoming Friendship Feast dinner at her house on April 15 at 3:00 pm, hosted by Onita, Past-President TAWNY TESCONI and SALLY BRASSEUR.


Next, the pleased Prez picked MICHAEL AMBROSIA’s pocket for $50.00 for his annual Spring Training trip to Florida with the Washington Nationals and rocking Southern California on his way home! 




The Prez then joyfully jostled $50.00 out of Past-President JOANNE FERRIS for having a houseful of Australians! 




The Prez then finished his fine fun by boldly bagging JIM BECKER for buying a new home in Hawaii.




JUDY MCREYNOLDS won the raffle wine,




followed by Program Chair JOANNE FERRIS’ introduction of our speaker, Peggy Rogers,




who gave us a very informative presentation on domestic violence.  She received a hearty round of applause and a Rotary memento for a program well received.


The Prez then concluded the meeting by reminding everyone that our April 19 meeting will be jointly run by PHS Rotary Interact students – Class dismissed! 


A hearty congratulations to President Chris for his Citizen of the Year Award at the 2018 Community Awards of Excellence – we are blessed to have him in our Club.  Great job, Chris!


And a big special thanks to Grace Nistler for all the great photos, and being such a "graceful" presence at our meetings!




See you all next week.


This week's Editor: Mike Baddeley


April 6:

Editor: Joanne Ferris