November 30, 2017 



We were all warmly welcomed by our official "meeting greeter" of the day, Rick Warner.



President Chris Ranney is our full time "greeter"



Past President Tawney Tesconi was making sure everyone paid for lunch.



Judy McReynolds collecting funds and RSVP's for the upcoming Holiday Party.



Joining us was District Governor Bob Rodgers and his wife, Peggy. Bob led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.



Bill Groverman led us in the club song and God Bless America



President Chris Ranney had the Thought of the Day and shared some funny quotes to live by.



Tony Western announced visiting Rotarians and we had numerous guests joining us.



Past President Michael Caruana with his wife, Diane and son, Matthew



Judy Allewelt updated everyone on the children's Christmas gift program. She and her team shopped for 169 kids this year. She asked everyone to sign up to help deliver the gifts.



Past President Onita Pellegrini recently hosted a Club Fireside Chat at her home.



Past President Rick Mossi announced the Bell Ringing for the Salvation Army on December 8th at Petaluma Market.



Kathy O'Connor reminded everyone of the upcoming Holiday Party on the 9th.



DG Bob thanked Past President Joanne Ferris for all her hard work in assisting with the recent Foundation Dinner.



Joanne with Peggy Rodgers



DG Bob also thanked Judy McReynolds for helping on the decorations at the event.



President Chris announced the Rotarian of the Month, Past President Onita Pellegrini



DG Bob joined Chris in awarded Onita.



DG Bob and President Chris presented on the Rotary Fire Relief Fund.



Michael Nistler played a video on the Fire Relief Fund



Shari Ranney encouraged everyone to help the Fund distribute the money by signing up to learn how to process applications. The money is there, now they need manpower.



Chad Fillinger won the raffle



Past President Michael Caruana had a very proud father moment when introducing the speaker of the day.



Passing the mic to his son, Matthew Vincent Caruana, Ph.D



Matthew Vincent Caruana, Ph.D is an archaeologist in South Africa working for the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. He shared an extremely informative presentation on the origin of mankind and the development into humanoids.  His studies and research are focused on early stone age tool making and how they evolved over time.


This week's Editor: Brian Breen



November 16, 2017 





It was a rainy day, but there was plenty of good cheer as President Chris Ranney welcomed all to the meeting.




John Dado led us in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.




Dave Barbieri performed admirably as songmeister, leading off with the club anthem followed by “My Country ‘Tis of Thee . . .”




Mike Baddeley delivered à propos thoughts for the day, musings on the Thanksgiving holiday.


Warm greetings were extended to fellow members and guests all around the room.




Maurus Pajarola, our Rotary Exchange student from Switzerland, who is currently attending Petaluma High School, was introduced by visiting Rotarian Paulie Johns of the Petaluma Valley club.




Elias Husary invited all to assist with shopping for our Holiday gift project on the Monday and Tuesday following the Thanksgiving weekend.  K-Mart will open at 7:00 a.m. on those days for us to purchase the gifts for approximately 40 children whose families have economic hardships.  Another opportunity to help the cause will be on Saturday, December 9, when the gifts will be wrapped by our members and St. Vincent High School student volunteers from 8:00 a.m. to noon at Coldwell Banker, 165 First Street.





President Chris announced an upcoming Fireside Chat, a club tradition that helps acquaint new (and newer) members with, well, club traditions . . . and history and paths of service and all things Rotary.  The Chat will be at the home of Onita Pellegrini on the evening of Wednesday, November 29, from 5:00 to 8:00.  Anyone new to the club or who has not attended a Fireside Chat or just wants a refresher, is encouraged to attend.


Hospice of Petaluma will be the beneficiary of a fundraising (chicken) dinner at the Petaluma Elks Lodge on November 30 from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m.  Past President Tom Brandal and wife Kathy are working on this event and can tell you more. 





Kathy O’Connor promised that a wonderful time will be had by all who come to our Holiday club party on the evening of Saturday, December 9 at the Petaluma Golf & Country Club.  Great people and great food – a winning combination.




Rick Gorman advised that all of us should be in contact with our respective team captains for the Super Raffle.  By now everyone should have, or at least made arrangements to obtain, a healthy supply of tickets.  The Super Raffle continues to be our club’s most important fundraiser, providing most of the money that we use to benefit our community.  Every ticket buyer gets the satisfaction of becoming part of our worthwhile projects, and some experience the additional reward of big cash prizes. 





President Chris updated us on District 5130 Fire Relief efforts, which have raised nearly $400,000 to date.  An additional $1 million has been contributed to the District from the relief fund established by Redwood Credit Union.  Much of the Rotary effort is directed to grants of up to $5,000 for small businesses that have suffered fire losses, including individuals whose businesses were operated from homes that were damaged or destroyed.  Help is needed to evaluate applications for relief.  If any member is interested in serving on the Relief Request Review Team, please contact our President.






Danny Fish and Jay Palm are longtime friends but seem to have a little less in common these days, as Jay seems to find it necessary to continue working.  So while both were called upon to express their “gratitude” for their recent travel experiences, including to Las Vegas, it sounded like more fun for Danny and all work for Jay.  Still, both cheerfully contributed to the club coffers.




Sherry Burwen was happy to make a contribution to express advance gratitude for upcoming travel adventures, making the President’s revenue collection duties a little easier.





Despite the overcast skies, the sun was shining on Dan Libarle, who held the winning raffle ticket.  A blue rock from the bag was good for a bottle of McEvoy wine. 




Past District Governor Ed Fullerton introduced the afternoon’s speaker, our own Brett Shinn, Development Associate with St. Joseph Health at Petaluma Valley Hospital. 




Brett delivered an enlightening and thought-provoking talk on the history, structure, and challenges of our (emphasis on the possessive courtesy of Brett’s explanation) community hospital, including the negotiating impasses with the Petaluma Health Care District that have led to temporary extension but non-renewal of the lease to St. Joseph Health.  Brett’s guest Andrea Learned of St. Joseph joined in answering questions following the presentation.


This week's Editor: Clark Rosen



November 9, 2017 

Rota-Teller  11-9-2017


The theme of this week’s meeting was honoring our Veterans. On the eve of Veterans Day, we took several opportunities to acknowledge and thank those who allow us our freedoms in this great country.





Gary Brodie lead us in song and





Greg O’Brien gave a fantastic Thought for the Day. We had many guests in attendance and their hosts included Michael Nistler, Elias Husary, and Sherry Burwen. We welcomed back Fred Frost after a brief absence, then President Chris Ranney had all Veterans in attendance stand and be applauded by the members – it was a beautiful moment.




Our fearless President then asked Mike Stauber to stand in recognition for his faithful support of the Rotary Youth Exchange Program.thank you, Mike, for your service and dedication. The Rotary Foundation Dinner will be chaired by Joanne Ferris and Judy McReynolds will be in charge of decorations, so sign up soon. Judy Allewelt announced the time-line for our annual Holiday Gift Shopping and Distribution – Nov 27 & 28 are shopping days, December 9 is gift wrapping and Dec 14 is gift delivery to the children. Please sign up for one (or all) of these events. This is a tremendously rewarding program, so get involved! Our Club presented Judy with a check for $8600 for some serious KMART shopping!






Past President Tom Brandal announced the Light Up a Life event will be held at Walnut Park this year on Friday, December 1 from 6-7pm. There will also be a gathering at the Elks Lodge in Petaluma for this event.




Kathy O’Connor announced the annual Club Holiday Party will be on December 9th – sign up early!





Rick Gorman announced the start of the Super Raffle, which will be held on the night of the Rotary Crabfeed in Feb. Start early and SELL! 




President Chris Ranney updated us on the District 5130 Fire Relief Fund, which has raised over $250,000. The efforts include business grants, youth supplies, tree re-forestation and grief counseling.






Jane Saldana-Talley gave an update at the SRJC where over 900 students, 60 employees and 25 retirees were displaced from the fires. The fine can made its appearance and Gary Brodie added $100 to the coffer. Your editor won the raffle and walked away with a bottle of wine.





Our speaker, Scott Ahrens, was introduced by Past District Governor Ed Fullerton. Scott gave us an amazing account of a day in the life of a pilot in a combat zone. It was a unique view that civilians don’t often get to see. Thank you for great presentation and for your service, sir.


This week's Editor: Ricardo Marzo



November 2, 2017 




It was a lovely sunny autumn Thursday when President Chris Ranney called together the Rotary Club of Petaluma at the Petaluma Golf and Country Club.  The Prez reminded us that our club was chartered in 1923, and we will soon be “95 years young.” He welcomed members and guests and noted how honored he is to serve as Club President.


President Chris then invited Past President Rick Mossi to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Rick was clearly primed and ready for another duty because he tried to start us off with the club song.  When President Chris and the rest of us balked, he caught on and got us through the pledge, followed by the club song and a mellow rendition of God Bless America.



President Chris called on Jane Saldaña-Talley for the Thought for the Day. Jane shared a few quotes about Daylight Savings Time set to end on Saturday, November 5.  Clock-changing aside, the most place-appropriate quote of the bunch was from Ben Hogan who noted, “The only thing a golfer needs is more daylight.”



President Chris invited everyone to get started on friendship greetings.  He welcomed back Jim Symons who’s feeling better these days.





We had one very special Visiting Rotarian from the Dominican Republic, Dr. Cecil Kwan, who it was noted was past president of his club and who greeted us in English and Spanish!



Rotarians with Guests self-announced and included President Chris who introduced his childhood friend, Pat Sweeney, who brought Dr. Kwan to the meeting; and Tom Brandal who introduced his wife, Kathy and the day’s speaker, Alexandra Morgan, CEO of UCSF Family Home.



President Chris spoke about the District 5130 Fire Relief Fund intended to support the four counties (Sonoma, Napa, Mendocino, and Lake) devastated in the recent fires. The District has raised nearly $200,000 and he’s on a committee what will decide where the money goes.  They’ve met to begin the process and are open to supporting agencies, individuals, and organizations. President Chris plans to report more on this at our next meeting.



President Chris next called on Brian Breen who gave an early heads up that the Super Raffle captains are forming up for the ‘draft.’  He noted this is the our largest fund raiser of the year and this year’s skippers include Joanne Ferris, Brent Shinn, Chad Fillinger, Charlie Stuart, Danny Fish, Royce Van Bebber, Tom Brandal, and Tony Western (who led last year’s team…and is the one to beat).  Start figuring out how to sell more tickets than ever and expect to hear from your captain soon!


Sherry Burwen shared an idea from the Palm Springs Rotary that she thought might be of interest.  “PS Cares” is a program in which Rotary volunteers, dressed in special vests, patrol the city and help identify and bring issues or concerns to city officials. 



Onita Pellegrini reminded members about the Rotary Foundation dinner at the Flamingo and made a pitch for members to buy raffle tickets for baskets to be given away at the event.  Tickets were $20 and 6 for $100.  A $100 contribution would be matched by the club toward a member’s Paul Harris.  Check with Onita if you want to know where you are on progress toward your next Paul Harris.




Tom Brandal called our attention to table flyers announcing a fundraiser for Petaluma Hospice on November 30 at the Petaluma Elks Lodge.  Tickets need to be purchased in advance. For more information or if you’re interested in attending or helping out, contact Tom.



President Chris startled Judy McReynolds by asking her to give us an early heads up about the Annual Holiday Party on Saturday, December 9 at the Petaluma Golf and Country Club.  Tickets are $65 per person, and this year members are encouraged to bring friends and family for an evening of fun and celebration.  A “huge” Christmas tree will be on hand to decorate and attendees can expect other holiday delights!



Michael Nistler attended a meeting in Calistoga and is being asked to help prepare a short promotional video for Rotary that communicates how Rotary has a lot of experience aiding in disasters and knows a lot about how to help.



President Chris called out Brett Shinn with a picture showing Brett on a bicycle.  Seems Brett rode Levi Leipheimer’s 100-mile Grande Fondo as an event marshal.  According to The Prez, Brett’s a great bike rider and Brett was so “great-ful” he knocked $40 off his fine schedule for the year!



Bano Cummings apparently won a bike at a recent event, but has yet to pick it up due to a long, sad chain of events that involved fires and car issues and mechanics who were burned out and repairs finally made.  She gave up $50 and promised to make the pick-up soon.



President Chris announced October birthdays (and then fined “Club Runner” $25 for leaving Elias Husery’s birthday off the list) and we all sang Happy BirthdayPresident Chris also announced October anniversaries.  Congratulations, one and all!



President Chris reminded everyone that next week’s speaker is Scott Ahern, and Past District Governor Ed Fullerton previewed the program which will include Scott’s experiences as a veteran of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.



President Chris called out the week’s raffle and the winner was Dave Barbieri, who got the brown rock and won himself $220 cash!  Congratulations, Dave!



Tom Brandal and his wife, Kathy, introduced our program speaker, Alexandra Morgan, CEO of the UCSF non-profit Family Home, a “home away from home for families of children with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses.”  Kathy shared a story of their daughter’s struggle with leukemia in the early 1980’s and the time they spent living in Family Home in its earliest years.  After showing a couple of videos, Alexandra spoke about this amazing place and its mission to provide “dignity and normalcy” to families.  A capital campaign raised $43 million for a facility that now houses 250 people per night and nearly 5,000 families each year.  President Chris, in thanking her for her presentation noted Family Home exemplifies the Rotary motto of “Service above Self.”




President Chris then ended the meeting by encouraging everyone to have a great week!



This week's Editor: Jane Saldaña-Talley