November 2, 2017 




It was a lovely sunny autumn Thursday when President Chris Ranney called together the Rotary Club of Petaluma at the Petaluma Golf and Country Club.  The Prez reminded us that our club was chartered in 1923, and we will soon be “95 years young.” He welcomed members and guests and noted how honored he is to serve as Club President.


President Chris then invited Past President Rick Mossi to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Rick was clearly primed and ready for another duty because he tried to start us off with the club song.  When President Chris and the rest of us balked, he caught on and got us through the pledge, followed by the club song and a mellow rendition of God Bless America.



President Chris called on Jane Saldaña-Talley for the Thought for the Day. Jane shared a few quotes about Daylight Savings Time set to end on Saturday, November 5.  Clock-changing aside, the most place-appropriate quote of the bunch was from Ben Hogan who noted, “The only thing a golfer needs is more daylight.”



President Chris invited everyone to get started on friendship greetings.  He welcomed back Jim Symons who’s feeling better these days.





We had one very special Visiting Rotarian from the Dominican Republic, Dr. Cecil Kwan, who it was noted was past president of his club and who greeted us in English and Spanish!



Rotarians with Guests self-announced and included President Chris who introduced his childhood friend, Pat Sweeney, who brought Dr. Kwan to the meeting; and Tom Brandal who introduced his wife, Kathy and the day’s speaker, Alexandra Morgan, CEO of UCSF Family Home.



President Chris spoke about the District 5130 Fire Relief Fund intended to support the four counties (Sonoma, Napa, Mendocino, and Lake) devastated in the recent fires. The District has raised nearly $200,000 and he’s on a committee what will decide where the money goes.  They’ve met to begin the process and are open to supporting agencies, individuals, and organizations. President Chris plans to report more on this at our next meeting.



President Chris next called on Brian Breen who gave an early heads up that the Super Raffle captains are forming up for the ‘draft.’  He noted this is the our largest fund raiser of the year and this year’s skippers include Joanne Ferris, Brent Shinn, Chad Fillinger, Charlie Stuart, Danny Fish, Royce Van Bebber, Tom Brandal, and Tony Western (who led last year’s team…and is the one to beat).  Start figuring out how to sell more tickets than ever and expect to hear from your captain soon!


Sherry Burwen shared an idea from the Palm Springs Rotary that she thought might be of interest.  “PS Cares” is a program in which Rotary volunteers, dressed in special vests, patrol the city and help identify and bring issues or concerns to city officials. 



Onita Pellegrini reminded members about the Rotary Foundation dinner at the Flamingo and made a pitch for members to buy raffle tickets for baskets to be given away at the event.  Tickets were $20 and 6 for $100.  A $100 contribution would be matched by the club toward a member’s Paul Harris.  Check with Onita if you want to know where you are on progress toward your next Paul Harris.




Tom Brandal called our attention to table flyers announcing a fundraiser for Petaluma Hospice on November 30 at the Petaluma Elks Lodge.  Tickets need to be purchased in advance. For more information or if you’re interested in attending or helping out, contact Tom.



President Chris startled Judy McReynolds by asking her to give us an early heads up about the Annual Holiday Party on Saturday, December 9 at the Petaluma Golf and Country Club.  Tickets are $65 per person, and this year members are encouraged to bring friends and family for an evening of fun and celebration.  A “huge” Christmas tree will be on hand to decorate and attendees can expect other holiday delights!



Michael Nistler attended a meeting in Calistoga and is being asked to help prepare a short promotional video for Rotary that communicates how Rotary has a lot of experience aiding in disasters and knows a lot about how to help.



President Chris called out Brett Shinn with a picture showing Brett on a bicycle.  Seems Brett rode Levi Leipheimer’s 100-mile Grande Fondo as an event marshal.  According to The Prez, Brett’s a great bike rider and Brett was so “great-ful” he knocked $40 off his fine schedule for the year!



Bano Cummings apparently won a bike at a recent event, but has yet to pick it up due to a long, sad chain of events that involved fires and car issues and mechanics who were burned out and repairs finally made.  She gave up $50 and promised to make the pick-up soon.



President Chris announced October birthdays (and then fined “Club Runner” $25 for leaving Elias Husery’s birthday off the list) and we all sang Happy BirthdayPresident Chris also announced October anniversaries.  Congratulations, one and all!



President Chris reminded everyone that next week’s speaker is Scott Ahern, and Past District Governor Ed Fullerton previewed the program which will include Scott’s experiences as a veteran of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.



President Chris called out the week’s raffle and the winner was Dave Barbieri, who got the brown rock and won himself $220 cash!  Congratulations, Dave!



Tom Brandal and his wife, Kathy, introduced our program speaker, Alexandra Morgan, CEO of the UCSF non-profit Family Home, a “home away from home for families of children with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses.”  Kathy shared a story of their daughter’s struggle with leukemia in the early 1980’s and the time they spent living in Family Home in its earliest years.  After showing a couple of videos, Alexandra spoke about this amazing place and its mission to provide “dignity and normalcy” to families.  A capital campaign raised $43 million for a facility that now houses 250 people per night and nearly 5,000 families each year.  President Chris, in thanking her for her presentation noted Family Home exemplifies the Rotary motto of “Service above Self.”




President Chris then ended the meeting by encouraging everyone to have a great week!



This week's Editor: Jane Saldaña-Talley



December 14, 2017 

After affording us the opportunity to enjoy the Holiday song offerings of the Pacific Empire Chorus,


President CHRIS RANNEY called the meeting to order, and reminded us that our Club, founded in March 1923, will celebrate its 95th birthday next year! image

He then welcomed one and all, especially our guest of honor, past-president Paul Lounibos, who led us in the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a beautiful rendition of America the Beautiful by the Pacific Empire Chorus.  Past-President LEE REPOSA then gave the Thought for the Day.


After our customary greeting handshakes, hugs and busses amongst members, MICHAEL AMBROSIA introduced our visiting Rotarians, followed by the introduction of all the guests of Rotarians who joined us for lunch, including Paul Lounibos’ wife (Mary Ann), his daughters (Rosemary and Michelle), his son-in law (Ralph) and his grandson (Eric). We were then treated to another medley of classic Christmas songs by the Pacific Empire Chorus, followed by a very heartfelt and well deserved Club Resolution and Proclamation from the Prez and PDG ED FULLERTON to Paul Lounibos for all of his years of Rotary service and being the embodiment of a committed Rotarian in every sense. True to form, the humble Paul shared his honor and tribute with “all Rotarians,” and received a long-standing ovation from his proud Club!


The Prez then had JUDI ALLEWELT and ELIAS HUSARY give an update on the Children’s Holiday party, and let us know that after the presents were delivered, we were all invited to a post-delivery party at JUDY MCREYNOLDS’ house (125 Round Court). BRIAN BREEN then reminded us that the annual Club Crab Feed will be on February 23, and all Members should have their Superfund Raffle tickets for sale by now (if not, call Brian).


After reading a nice tribute letter from past-president MICHAEL CARUANA about Paul, the Prez then called upon a few other members and guests to share some remembrances about Paul, including past-presidents JOHN DADO and JOANNE FERRIS,


Rotary District Treasurer Barbara Barney, and Paul’s daughter, Rosemary,


all of whom gave us a real insight into what a great Rotarian Paul has been. The Prez then called Paul and past-president ONITA PELLEGRINI up to the podium, whereupon Paul shared a very touching Easter Seal story with us, and Onita presented Paul with a rare Paul Harris+6 pin (with an inlaid ruby stone), evidencing $7000 in combined contributions to Rotary by Paul or by others on his behalf! image

TONY WESTERN and LEE REPOSA then presented Paul with a Rotary bench in appreciation of all Paul has done for and meant to Rotary and our Club.


The Prez then introduced the individual Pacific Empire Chorus members, who proceeded to serenade Paul, followed by a brief overview and remembrance from Paul about his Rotary experience. image

The Prez then thanked Joanne for putting the Paul Lounibos Day event together, and gave his own tribute to Paul. President-Elect MICHAEL NISTLER and PDG Ed Fullerton then celebrated Paul with a rousing rendition of "Jolly Good Fellow",


and the Prez then turned the gavel over to Paul who, after recognizing that there “was no further business,” rang the bell and duly adjourned the meeting!image

Congratulations, Paul, Rotary was blessed to have you. To me, you exemplified Rotary, service above self, dignity and decorum. As far as I’m concerned, you were a model Rotarian in every way possible, and there was only one real blemish on your otherwise extraordinary Rotary record: you let me in the Club! (Paul was Rotary President the year I joined the club- 1985). We wish you all the best in your retirement and travels!


This week's Editor: Mike Baddeley


December 9, 2017 

It was a festive evening at the Petaluma Golf and Country Club!  The room was fabulously decorated by the committee led by Judy McReynolds.


Shari and Michael Burwen greeted all arriving guests with cheer and smiles.


As is our club tradition, President Chris Ranney and First Rotary Club member Shari Ranney along with President Elect Michael Nisler and his lovely wife Grace welcomed everyone with a glass of bubbly.  After the cocktail hour, President Chris invited everyone to be seated.


He called upon Past President Lee Reposa to sellect a songleader.  Lee quickly called upon Whit Hall to lead the singing of Santa Clause is Coming to Town which he did in fine voice accompanied by Maggie Radany, Mike Ambrosio, Bano Cummings, Elias Husary and Judi Allewelt.

President Chris asked Holiday Party Chairperson Kathy O'Conner to introduce her commitee.  Cheers rang out for Judy McReynolds, Shari Ranney, Shari Burwen, and Maggie Radany.

We paused for a blessing before our dinner led by Father Gary Lombardi.


It was a double celebration for Bano Cummings who celebrated her birthday today.  We serenaded Bano.

Our surprise guest appeared during dinner....None other than Kris Kringle himself.  Santa had been celebrating all day and was in a fine mood as he bestowed gifts to ladies in the room who had been naughty and nice!  He was assisted by elves Judi Allewelt and Shari Ranney.

Following dinner, Chris called out the wonderful staff from Sally Tomatoes to a round of applause.

Chris invited District Governor Bob Rogers to join Onita Pellegrini at the podium.  Onita announced the following Paul Harris awards:


Larry Jonas presented Eileen Kaplan with her first Paul Harris award.


Anne Gealta was pinned with her first Paul Harris Award.


Rick Mossi has earned his Paul Harris +1 Award


Michael Nisler and Larry Jonas have risen to Paul Harris +2 awards.


Onita reminded us that each Paul Harris award saves the lives of four children in the world through the work of the Rotary Foundation.  Tonight we honor these individuals before you which signifies 44 children who will live because of them.


President Chris introduced President Elect Michael Nisler.  The board of directors for 2018-2019 was introduced by Michael to a round of applause.


President Chris addressed Bob and Peggy Rogers welcoming them as true members of our club community.

To see the entire event photo album captured by Grace Nisler, CLICK HERE



This week's Editor: Joanne Ferris