Rota-Teller Masthead

October 2016

Issues are arranged in reverse order. Scroll down to find the issue you want.


October 27, 2016



October 27 - Lindy Strain - Pt. Reyes Oyster Company
November 3 - Noon meeting replaced by 5:30pm Club Social
November 10 - Vanessa Bergamo, PEP Housing: Building Community From The Heart
November 17 - A Veterans Day Program: Guest Speaker, Steve Rudstadt, Sonoma Coast Trauma Treatment Program in Petaluma
November 24 - Dark (Meat)...Happy Thanksgiving!


More Info on Upcoming Programs



It was a cool, dampish day as PRESIDENT LEE REPOSA (aka Samari Lee) called together the Rotary Club of Petaluma at the Petaluma Golf and Country Club with a swing at his gong! He’s still sans gavel and bell, but he has his gong and flag! Turning toward the Stars and Stripes, PRESIDENT LEE then led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Afterward he caught one of our Sally Tomatoes servers (Victoria, by name) a bit off guard by pointing out that she was a star of sorts. Seems she made it all the way to Hollywood on American Idol and has some other credits to her talent resume. PRESIDENT LEE asked if she would do the honors by kicking off our singing of God Bless America. Victoria stumbled a bit over the opening lyrics, but our members (being the kind group that we are) helped get her started. Victoria showed her star power by rising to the occasion!

PRESIDENT LEE gave his own Thought for the Day; a quote from Christopher Walken encouraging us to be silly, be kind and be weird…we can do that!


Hugs and greetings followed. We had one Visiting Rotarian from the Santa Rosa Rotary Club announced by DANNY FISH.


Rotarians with guests included SHERRY BURWEN who introduced Maggie from Southern California who was looking for a club (PRESIDENT LEE let her know she chose the best to visit!).


PRESIDENT LEE got into announcements by asking PRESIDENT IN WAITING CHRIS RANNEY to update us on the Miracle League…seems it’s going to the Petaluma City Council on Monday, November 7th and members were encouraged to attend the Council meeting (it starts at 7:00 pm) to show our support. An unexpected Sunshine Report let us all know that PAST PRESIDENT TOM BRANDAL was recovering nicely from hip replacement surgery. PRESIDENT LEE reminded everyone that next week’s meeting is an evening Club Social from 5:30 – 7:00 pm at Barber Cellars (112 Washington St.), so if you show up for lunch, you’ll be alone and leave hungry. Check the club website for details about the Club Social.


PRESIDENT LEE noted that there was lots of cake at the Birthday Table, but no birthday celebrants. He then announced all of the October birthdays including, TOM BAKER, TONY WESTERN, NANCY COOLEY, JIM SYMONS, ELIAS HUSARY, GAIL CARDAROPOLI, TOM BRANDAL, RICK SUSICK, CHAD FILLINGER, SHARI RANEY, and GREG O’BRIEN. THE PREZ collected $10 from all of the missing birthday kids, except SHARI RANNEY who at least put her coat (if not herself) at the table…and for that she paid $5! Congratulations to all!


PRESIDENT LEE called on FRED FROST who apparently had been on a trip so long he needed a list to remember where he’d been and then told us to see his lovely wife for the details! Though some tried to up FRED’S fine, he escaped with only a $50 assessment this time.


ONITA PELLEGRINI was next and boy did she have a lot to be recognized for…a vacation, front page article in the Argus, and half a raffle’s worth of winnings (shared with her good friend, Sally). PRESIDENT LEE made the mistake of asking her if she want to pay anything for all that fun, and of course ONITA said no, but eventually gave up $100 (half to the club and half to the local Foundation).


PRESIDENT LEE called out the week’s raffle and the winner was none other than yours truly, JANE SALDAÑA-TALLEY, who got a blue rock and a nice bottle of wine!


PAST PRESIDENT MIKE BADDELEY, introduced Lindsey Strain from Bodega Bay Oyster Company, a family owned business producing oysters, clams and mussels in Tomales Bay. She gave an absolutely fascinating presentation on aquaculture and then answered more questions that we usually ask (…to chew or not to chew, how many calories, how to cook, which are the best...?). We were so interested that PRESIDENT LEE offered up the brilliant idea that we should hold a future meeting at their site just so we can eat and learn even more!


PRESIDENT LEE reminded everyone that next week’s meeting is an evening Club Social. Mark your calendars.


This week’s Editor: Jane Saldaña-Talley; photos by Michael Nistler

October 20, 2016



October 27 - Lindy Strain - Pt. Reyes Oyster Company

November 3 - Noon meeting replaced by 5:30pm Club Social


More Info on Upcoming Programs



PRESIDENT LEE REPOSA started off the meeting by asking DAN LIBARLE to lead us in God Bless America and, when it looked like there would be no Thought for the Day, CHRIS ELZI stepped in and reminded us of the Boy Scout motto: Be Prepared.


We had a visiting Rotarian from New Jersey, Nancy, and she shared her Club flag and PRESIDENT LEE REPOSA obliged by sharing ours for her to take back to her Rotary Club. PAST DISTRICT GOVERNOR ED FULLERTON introduced his granddaughter, Hannah, who has been helping the Club with technology assistance.


The weekly round of announcements began with MIKE STAUBER giving us an update on the International Exchange BBQ, and the next SCARC dinner will be on 10/27 at the Windsor Golf Club.


The next meeting for the Rotary World International Committee will next Thursday, 10/27, immediately following our regular meeting (1:30pm).

Maureen Rudden describes McKinley project.

McKinley School is looking for volunteers to assist in the Kindergarten classrooms to help with reading and other activities. Rotarians and non-Rotarians are welcome to help out.


There will be a Rotary Social on 11/3 at the Barber Cellars Tasting Room at 112 E. Washington St. 5:30 -7:00pm.


PRESIDENT LEE REPOSA remarked how imposing DAVE BARBIERI’s new truck was looking in the parking lot and that added $50 to the Fine Can.


The discussion revealed the new truck had been sold to DAVE without the traditional full tank of gas and that helped add $100 from HENRY HANSEL, who was the consummate professional during the verbal sparring.


DAN LIBARLE refused to admit that it was great to be at the meeting with his two amazing sons-in-law.

Photo Photo

PRESIDENT LEE tried relentlessly, but to no avail — Dan said he felt bad for his two daughters!


BRETT SHINN promoted the PVH Foundation Next Generation’s effort to fund new mammography equipment . . .

Bras Across Petaluma


. . . and the Women in Rotary presented the PVH Foundation with a $650 check for the program.


HENRY HANSEL was on the winning end of the Raffle and he drew a bottle of wine (although he noted that when he was Club President) the odds to win cash $$ increased each as the brown rocks were eliminated).


SHERRY BURWEN introduced our speaker, Mr. Joe Cochrane, Branch Manager of the Petaluma Public Library.


He gave a terrific presentation on the status of the library, the programs offered by the Sonoma County Library system and the unique treasure that we have in Petaluma. From Computer Labs that help all levels of users to the Art Poster display of 30 years of Dias de los Muertos celebration, the library is a resource for many people in our community. The LUMACOM convention is a creation of Mr. Cochrane and his department and it now hosts over 2500 teens and tweens every year at this hugely successful event. Support your local library and Support Measure Y!

President Lee swaps flags with our exchange student from Belgium.


This week’s Editor: Ricardo Marzo

October 6, 2016



October 27 - Lindy Strain - Pt. Reyes Oyster Company

November 3 - Noon meeting replaced by 5:30pm Club Social


More Info on Upcoming Programs



We were welcomed to the Rotary Club of Petaluma’s meeting at the beautiful Petaluma Golf and Country Club by our PRESIDENT, LEE REPOSA. Once again the PRESIDENT has been missing his bell and gavel for some time so he replaced it with a digital bell from his cell phone.


We all joined LEE in the Pledge of Allegiance followed by MIKE STAUBER picking CHARLIE STUART to lead us in the song.


PRESIDENT ELECT CHRIS RANNEY gave us some great quotes by Will Rogers for the Thought of the Day.

With that, our usual handshakes and hugs followed.


JIM BECKER introduced our 3 visiting Rotarians from Reno and Santa Rosa.

Our guests included the RANNEY’s family all the way from Sweden, WHIT HALL introduced his wife, and PRESIDENT LEE introduced his guest, Eleanor.


PAST PRESIDENT MICHAEL CARUANA gave us an update on the Walnut Park improvements thanks to the Service Alliance which includes our club.


PRESIDENT LEE reminded everyone that Friendship Feast will be October 14th and that the Super Raffle, our largest fundraiser, will be starting soon.


MIKE STAUBER announced the Youth Exchange BBQ is coming up and he needs your help cooking.


PRESIDENT LEE questioned PAST PRESIDENT JOANNE FERRIS’ parenting skills when JOANNE’s daughter was caught at a Giants game sporting Mets gear. She revealed that they are going to family counseling and paid a $40 fine for her daughter’s mistake.


The RANNEY’s guest from Sweden pulled the winning raffle ticket for the Fork to Field Raffle benefiting the Miracle League.


The winning ticket was purchased by PAST PRESIDENT ONITA PELLEGRINI and Sally Brasseur. They won 14 $100 dinners and 14 wonderful bottles of wine. Thanks to everyone’s generosity the Miracle League will receive $10,000 as seed money to get the project off the ground.


PAST PRESIDENT TAWNY TESCONI won the raffle and a bottle of wine.


RENÉE HAYES introduced our speaker, Cindy Gillespie from Amy’s Kitchen here in Petaluma. She had a very informative presentation on the company’s history, mission, values, and local success that is now growing internationally.


LEE wished everyone a great day.


This week’s Editor: Brian Breen


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