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Issues are arranged in reverse order. Scroll down to find the issue you want.
December 27 - Club dark
January 3 - Club dark
January 10 - Tara Jacobson - Health and Fitness for the New Year
January 17 - Annual Coast Guard luncheon at Two Rock
January 24 - Basin Street Riverfront Project
January 31 - Rotary Goes Nighttime - Michael McGlothlin - Pinot for Polio (5:30 p.m.)
![]() On behalf of myself, and my Board of Directors, please have a very Merry Christmas. Enjoy your family and friends and celebrate the season. Let us be grateful for all that we have and let us look forward to a happy, healthy and prosperous 2013. See you at our next meeting January 10th. Best Regards, Nancy Cooley President, Rotary Club of Petaluma, 2012-2013 |
There was an outstanding turnout for an especially festive meeting, with wine on the tables and many members in holiday attire, none more adorned than PRESIDENT NANCY COOLEY, replete with flashing lights and a spasmodic Santa hat.
PRESIDENT NANCY called the meeting to order and led us in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
JIM BECKER answered the call for a songleader, and with the assistance of LEE REPOSA, launched us into a spirited rendition of "Jingle Bells".
After warm greetings all around, RICK GORMAN delivered a thoughtful message authored by Gandhi, whose words served as an appropriate reflection on the recent tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut.
JAY PALM introduced visiting Rotarians JOHN CINNAMON from Fort Bragg and DAN ANCHETA of Petaluma Sunrise.
DAVID SOLO introduced his guest, Boys and Girls Club development director Cary Dacy-Haris. ONITA PELLEGRINI presented her "right hand" at the Chamber office, KATHY BRANDAL. FRED FROST brought wife LINDA, and SHERRY BURWEN was accompanied by husband MICHAEL. PRESIDENT NANCY’s guest was her own "right hand", VICKIE FRIZZO.
An unusually in-tune "Happy Birthday" was sung to the considerable number of members celebrating December birthdays.
MICHAEL CARUANA reported on the donations to by our club for international projects: $2,200 for the Festival of Brotherhood in Mexico, about $5,000 for mini-grants, mostly loans for women’s business enterprises in Nepal and Ecuador, $2,500 for water purification systems in Thailand, and close to $900 for the "Heartbeat" project to support pacemaker implants.
RICK MOSSI thanked a strong contingent of club volunteers who took bell-ringing shifts with the Salvation Army, a commitment made in honor of the late HERB BUNDESEN. $450 had been raised to date, and more volunteers were scheduled to try to match that effort.
Sign-up sheets made their way around the room for members to volunteer for the upcoming distribution of dictionaries in our local schools.
WHIT HALL announced the need for someone with project management skills to help out with the creation of a mural planned for McKinley School.
JUDI ALLEWELT had good news about the delivery of this year’s holiday gifts to needy families. JUDI added a story from GAIL CARDAROPOLI about one of the recipients who showed her gratitude by donating $20 back to Rotary.
LEE REPOSA reminded us to contact everyone we know to offer Super Raffle tickets and to have as much fun as possible in the process.
Since it is a season of giving, PRESIDENT NANCY was enthusiastic about stimulating donations in the form of fines for both "naughty and nice" behavior.
BABE AMARAL, who just can’t seem to stay off the presidential radar, was singled out for having missed the pickup of gifts for delivery to families (GREG O’BRIEN fortunately stepped in to fill that void), failing to provide a correct e-mail address for club communication, and for not dressing in the holiday spirit as exemplified by so many of the women in the room. In response to the last item, BABE did not aid his defense by protesting that "our club was built on men, and women were added just for looks." That remark alone might have been enough to cost him $100.
KIP HERZOG confessed to being in Las Vegas but strictly for Marilyn’s business, of course. Since there was also a celebration of 46 years of marriage (by KIP, at least) and a new car for Marilyn, KIP volunteered $200 to pay his own fine and the fine levied against his son-in-law, . . .
. . . the seldom-seen GARY BUFFO, who had been led mistakenly to believe that his father-in-law’s attendance at Rotary meetings might somehow make up for his absence.
Speaking of seldom-seen, MARK STOKES, earlier introduced by RICK GORMAN as a "guest", was prepared by having prepaid his year’s fine schedule. However, MARK generously donated another $100 to our local foundation.
STEVE GAVRILOFF, finding himself without a vehicle after wife Carolyn stole his mini-van, was forced to buy a new Land Rover. Without protest STEVE offered $100 to the local foundation.
ANDY KVALHEIM was the lucky winner of the raffle and a nice bottle of wine.
Our guest speaker, author Ronda Giangreco, gave a moving and inspiring account of her battle with multiple sclerosis. Her unique response to the challenge of a debilitating disease was a commitment to 52 consecutive Sunday dinners prepared for friends. Her book "The Gathering Table" tells of the wonderful things that happen when people come together around a table to share a meal and experiences and insights.
The official results of today's annual election are as follows: Ballots Printed 65 Ballots Distributed 49 Ballots Returned 49 Votes For Mossi 49 Votes For Caruana 49 Since 100% of the ballots returned exceed the two-thirds majority of those present and voting, candidates MOSSI and CARUANA are hereby declared the winners for 2013-14 and for 2014-15. Please note that MICHAEL CARUANA is now officially a member of this year's Board of DIrectors. Yours in Rotary Service, Paul Lounibos, Secretary |
This week's Rota-Teller editor: Clark Rosen; photos by Michael Nistler.
December 20 - Ronda Giangreco, author and speaker
December 27 - Club dark; Christmas
January 3 - Club dark
January 10 - Tara Jacobson - Health and Fitness for the New Year
January 17 - Annual Coast Guard luncheon at Two Rock
With an enthusiastic tap of her gavel on our Rotary bell, President Nancy Cooley called together the Rotary Club of Petaluma on this second Thursday in December and then led us in the pledge of allegiance.
The day was chilly and clear, so it was a good day for a lunch of Mediterranean chicken and pasta at the Sheraton Sonoma County - Petaluma.
President Nancy called on a reluctant but courageous Past President Tom Brandal to lead us in song.
For chuckling over Tom’s fate (while he walked around passing out Super Raffle Tickets to his team), Past President Clark Rosen was given the opportunity to provide an impromptu Thought for the Day. He started out with a ’blank mind’ but eventually offered up "real estate and life are what you make of it!" Great work Tom and Clark!
After a bit of time for club greetings, President Nancy brought us back business. We had no visiting Rotarians, but welcomed ONE guest of TWO Rotarians...Onita Pellegrini introduced her "right hand," Kathy Brandal. Onita paid for her lunch and Tom, being the smart husband that he is, bought her wine! Glad to have with us, Kathy!
President Nancy announced District 5130 nominations for district governor for 2015/16 are now open. Applications and information are posted on the website; interviews will be held Saturday, February 2. She also announced a save the date for the Tahoe City Rotary Annual Ski Challenge on Friday, March 8, 2013 at Northstar.
Judi Allewelt announced that the gifts for the Children’s Holiday Gift project were ready to be delivered and thanked everyone who helped her this year...and club members thanked Judi for her tireless efforts!
President Elect Rick Mossi thanked members who have volunteered for the Salvation Army bell ringing in front of Petaluma Market on Saturday, December 14. He still needs a few more volunteers for next Saturday, December 21...remember, we do this in memory of our own Herb Bundesen, who was so devoted to this holiday tradition! Thanks, Rick, for keeping the tradition alive!
Brian Breen told members to get out there and sell Super Raffle tickets to family members during the holidays. Mini contests (suits v. boots and brawn v. brains...just kidding) will start after the first of the year. Chris Ranney’ s team is leading with 5 tickets already sold!!! Two were sold internationally (to someone in Sweden)...United States v. The World?
Tara Smith has already attempted to sell to Rick Gorman’ s employees, but so far hasn’t been successful...Blondes v. Bankers?
Bano Cummings announced a bake sale by the Petaluma HS Interact Club who are selling their baked wares to support the dictionary project and an international project in Mexico.
President Nancy was forced to ask for a ’do over’ on the process for selecting our future Presidents and their Board. She asked if there were any other President Elect nominees from the floor and then the members moved, seconded and voted all in favor to close the nominations. Seems we also need to vote by paper ballot next week to ratify the vote for President Elect Rick Mossi, his Board and Michael Caruana as the President Elect nominee. Some members are worried that this may be giving Michael too many opportunities to back out, so be sure to be there next week to seal the deal.
During the fine portion of the meeting...’Principal’ Nancy picked up $1 from all the ’bad kids’ (including this reporter) attending Miss Nancy’s School for Good Kids and not wearing a Rotary pin!
Jason Gooch was called on because it seems he has another son. He says the experience was like having the last two...another C-section. He didn’t get woozy at all, but was so intent on leaning into the action that the rolling chair they sat him in shot back and freaked out the nurse and anesthesiologist assigned to make sure he didn’t pass out! Seems he was curious about his wife’s internal workings and proceeded to tells us what he learned about the bladder and how everything fit back in afterward....ack!!! Too much information!!! Little Colby James weighed in at 6 lbs 14 oz. Jason finally agreed to pay his fine and came up with $50 for his new son, at which point, a very generous Al Cattalini volunteered to share some Coast Guard wisdom..."you have to be there for the keel laying, but you don’t have to be there for the launching!" Thanks, Al!!!
Dr. Roy Musick shared the tale of two trips...the first back on October (a Dave Koz cruise) and the second obligatory trip to Oahu to accompany Linda’s mother and her mother’s second husband. Seems both in-laws got sick and wound up in the hospital and then they had rental car issues, so Roy has sworn to avoid airports with those two!! He came up with $50 for cruise and the people he met and another $50 for getting back to SF without further incident!
The day’s raffle found Lou Steinberg with a blue rock and a nice bottle of wine!
Guest speaker and author, Kevin Nelson, talked about the subject of his latest book, "Lunches with Mr. Q: An Auto Industry Titan on Business, Life and Sports Car Dreams." Kjell Qvale came to US from Norway, started from nothing and rose to significance by launching the import car industry in the US. The presentation was filled with great photos of great cars we all remember well! A book worth buying for the car fan!
Next meeting...come celebrate December birthdays and vote!
This week's Rota-Teller editor: Jane Saldaña-Talley.
December 13 - Kevin Nelson, author of "Lunches with Mr. Q"
December 20 - Ronda Giangreco, author and speaker
December 27 - Club dark; Christmas
January 3 - Club dark
January 10 - Tara Jacobson - Health and Fitness for the New Year
January 17 - Annual Coast Guard luncheon at Two Rock
Presiding at her first Thursday meeting since November 1, PRESIDENT NANCY proclaimed that it was great to be back. She led the Pledge of Allegiance and then . . .
. . . called on PRESIDENT-ELECT NOMINEE MICHAEL CARUANA to lead us in song. Agreeing “under protest” he introduced I’m a Rambler . . . followed by God Bless America.
Skipping the Thought for the Day, our President then called on SECRETARY PAUL LOUNIBOS for a Rotary Moment. Paul observed that December was Rotary Family Month and described Rotary’s analysis of crisis in the family today, its belief that the family incorporates universal human values, and its determination to strengthen the family structure.
No Rotarians brought guests today but we had two visiting Rotarians, from the Petaluma Valley and San Rafael clubs.
PAUL LOUNIBOS then saluted members celebrating December anniversaries: ANDY (and Inge) KVALHEIM, ED (and Carol) FULLERTON, PAT (and Chris) CONKLIN, STEVE (and Charlotte) OLMSTED, RICK (and Erica) GORMAN, JIM (and Anita) McNULTY, and DAN (and Carol Ann) LIBARLE.
Sunshine Report. We learned after the meeting that former member Ron Harris is home after triple bypass surgery and is doing well.
JUDI ALLEWELT described shopping for Christmas gifts for needy kids this past Monday and Tuesday at Kmart. Judi and her fellow shoppers spent $7,710 of the $7,777 available for the task.
JOANNE FERRIS announced that the gifts will be wrapped by Interact members (you are most welcome to join them) at the St. Vincent High School chemistry lab (hmm!) from 9 to 12 this Saturday morning.
Gift delivery will be next Thursday, December 13. Judi asks that members who will be delivering gifts pick them up before Thursday’s meeting. They’ll be in the Sheraton ballroom. Plan to arrive early so you can store them in your car before lunch! You’ll receive delivery instructions earlier in the week so you can call recipients to confirm the 4-6pm delivery time.
JUDI also announced the availability of raffle tickets offered by the Petaluma Council of Realtors who help fund our Christmas gift program. Tickets will be available at next week’s meeting as well. The drawing will be at the Realtor’s breakfast on Friday, December 14.
We learned why JASON GOOCH wasn’t at Friday night’s Holiday Party. Seems his wife Beth delivered a baby boy that evening. That makes three sons. Congratulations, Jason and Beth!
Carrying on a tradition long managed by our beloved HERB BUNDESEN, PRESIDENT-ELECT RICK MOSSI solicited Rotarian bell-ringers for the Salvation Army kettle outside Petaluma Market. We’ll be on duty from 10am to 6pm on Friday, December 14 and Friday, December 21. Sign up with Rick.
Super Raffle Chair LEE REPOSA announced that Team Captains had drafted their members this past Wednesday. The captains are CHRIS and SHARI RANNEY, CLARK ROSEN, ONITA PELLEGRINI, JOANNE FERRIS, TONY WESTERN, TARA SMITH, TOM BRANDAL, and RICK MOSSI. You’ll be hearing from your captain, and receiving your tickets, shortly.
Crab Feed Chair JAMES BURLESON announced that the Crab Feed would be Friday evening, February 22. Tickets ($55 each) will be available at James’ office and at Lace House Linen.
JAMES also tried to explain why he missed the Holiday Party (his son celebrated his 12th birthday with a sleepover for 10 friends) and why he’s been absent from recent meetings (a bicycle accident). Realizing that PRESIDENT NANCY wasn’t looking too sympathetic, JAMES offered a $100 fine to the Club and another $100 to the local foundation.
Up next for business and a fine was GEOFF ELLIS who claimed he was really MARCUS BENEDETTI. Geoff announced that dictionaries would be distributed to third-graders during the weeks of January 14 and 21, 2013. He’ll have sign-up sheets at the next two meetings. Then he tried to explain why he’s been missing meetings since we moved to the Sheraton. Claiming he didn’t know about the move, he said that he continued going to Mister Magoo’s on Thursdays although they no longer served lunch. That offense, plus being spotted at a Bohemian Club luncheon in San Francisco, plus going on a 5-day trip to Seattle resulted in an offered $200 fine which PRESIDENT NANCY gratefully accepted.
SHAHARAZAD HAMIDI is our newest member. Inducted today by PAUL LOUNIBOS with her sponsor, WHIT HALL, alongside, she received a welcoming ovation from the membership. Welcome, Shaharazad!
PRESIDENT-ELECT RICK MOSSI then nominated his Board for the 2013-14 Club year. Approved by acclamation, they are MIKE BADDELEY (Past President), GAIL CARDAROPOLI (Secretary), MARLENE FREETLY (Treasurer), MICHAEL CARUANA (President-Elect [nominee]), ONITA PELLEGRINI (RI Foundation), NANCY COOLEY (Immediate Past President), JIM MCNULTY, GREG O’BRIEN, and MIKE STAUBER (Directors). RICK noted that two of the Mikes (Baddeley and Stauber) are PHS ’73 classmates of his. Should be some synergy there!
LEE BEAN, President of the Rotary Club of Petaluma Foundation convened a special meeting of the Foundation to present the annual financial report (which was not available to be presented at our Annual Meeting in July), and to propose three amendments to the Foundation’s bylaws.
JAMES BURLESON reported that the Foundation ended the fiscal year with a balance of $441,000, up from $385,000 a year earlier. The Foundation distributed $22,000 in about 57 grants to teachers in the community.
Bylaw amendments clarifying the location of the principal office, rescheduling the annual meeting, and authorizing acceptance of restricted or designated gifts were approved by the membership.
Lost and Found Department: MICHAEL CARUANA repossessed a bottle of Pellegrini wine that he gave ONITA PELLEGRINI at the holiday party.
Also found by KATHY O’CONNOR at party’s end were a pair of prescription reading glasses. If you are reading this, they probably aren’t yours.
Finally it was time for the Club Assembly to report on member input to the October membership survey about the future lineup of annual Club functions. PRESIDENT NANCY reported the results in three categories. In the “keep” category were the Super Raffle, Holiday Party, and Debunking. In the “keep with changes” category were the Crab Feed, Golf Tournament and Dinner, Farmers and Merchants Night, and the Friendship Feasts. Ending up in the “discontinue” category were the Day at the Races and the Petaluma Art and Equestrian Festival. She announced that the 2013 PAEF would not take place. She welcomes members to serve on a special committee to discuss an event that would replace the PAEF. Email Nancy if you’d like to participate.
DON RAMATICI drew TARA SMITH’s raffle ticket; she walked off with a nice 2005 cabernet sauvignon.
Meeting adjourned!
This week's Rota-Teller editor: Al Cattalini.