Rota-Teller Masthead

October 2011

Issues are arranged in reverse order. Scroll down to find the issue you want.

October 27, 2011


November 3 - Steve Rustad - Marketing
November 10 - Special Veteran's Day program featuring Sonoma Rotarian Bill Shea whose son, Tim, was killed in action in 2005 in Iraq
November 17 - Petaluma Police Department - K-9 talk and demo; (Also: Bylaws election)
November 24 - Thanksgiving; club dark



PRESIDENT JOANNE FERRIS called the meeting to order and led the club in a proud salute to an American flag generously loaned to us by Exchange Bank.

LOU STEINBERG struck a familiar chord – well two, actually – with “I’m a Rambler . . .” and “God Bless America.” Your Rota-Teller research department confirms that “I’m a Rambler . . .” is NOT on the B side of a Kate Smith record. And definitely not on any A side.

MICHAEL NISTLER’s thought for the day encouraged us to be clear in our communications, illustrating the message with a delightful tale of foul-mouthed children.

JOE TAMBE introduced two visiting Rotarians, Senior Assistant Governor of District 5130 Greg Freitas and Lily Freitas, both from the Petaluma Sunrise club and closely related to each other by marriage. It was SADG Greg himself who rose to remind us of his rank and the shameful breach of protocol in its omission from Joe’s introduction. Many believe he will be back to visit us again anyway.

Among the distinguished guests in attendance were KIP HERZOG’s wonderful wife Marilyn, LEROY BEAN’s beautiful daughter Shelly, who more than a dozen years ago was a Pepper Nursery School classmate of PRESIDENT JOANNE, DAVE BARBIERI’s friend Mark Guillory of Chester, AL CATTALINI’s guest Captain Erin Brogan, commander of the U.S. Coast Guard Training Center, and local insurance broker Dan Berry, introduced by MADAME PRESIDENT herself.

LEROY BEAN, MIKE STAUBER, OREST BALYTSKY, and LEN MYGATT were congratulated on celebrating anniversaries of marriage to tolerant women.

Members observing October birthdays were not congratulated, but treated to a song and immediately fined.

JOE TAMBE reminded of us our club’s role in helping to launch St. Vincent High School’s jazz ensemble, under the able direction of MARCUS BENEDETTI’s cousin Gio Benedetti. Ensemble students are in need of instruments, and Joe encouraged all to help find band instruments that are not being used . . . or that might sound better in someone else’s hands.

JUDI ALLEWELT announced the dates for holiday gift shopping: November 28 and 29, the Monday and Tuesday after Thanksgiving, 7:00 a.m. at K-Mart. The gift-wrapping will be done on Saturday, December 10, at St. Vincent High School, and the delivery of gifts will take place on Thursday, December 15. Members are asked to sign up for one or more of these worthy endeavors.

PRESIDENT JOANNE made the announcement that KATHY O’CONNOR would have made had she been present: Our holiday dinner will be on Friday, December 9, at Ristorante Graziano. The event is a must for lovers of fine food, good company, live entertainment, and a fun surprise – the name placed in nomination for President-Elect 2013 – 2014 (no wagering, please).

ED FULLERTON is helping to round up school supplies for a big Rotary shipment to Afghanistan. Anything we can find that might be used in a classroom can be given to Ed to add to the mission.

PRESIDENT JOANNE circulated photographs of our club’s errant American flag, which seems to be making mysterious Zelig-like appearances, one in front of Palm’s Saddle Shop and a week later at V. Dolan Trucking. TOM BRANDAL, who had been advised by counsel MIKE BADDELEY to invoke the Fifth Amendment, misunderstood the instruction and instead proclaimed his innocence. It did not appear that either strategy would have influenced the President, who remained calm and collected . . . $50, without admission of guilt by Tom, of course.

Lou was so proud, his yarmulke glowed!

LOU STEINBERG announced that the Petaluma High School Interact Club is thriving with enthusiastic and involved members. The Interactors had 100% club participation in a recent bake sale at Copperfield’s Book Store, raising $150 to support an international project.

WHITNEY HALL was next to be squeezed, having spent a glorious week, much of it on a horse, in beautiful surroundings on a Wyoming ranch. Perhaps the $100 removed from Whit’s wallet will help ease the saddle-soreness.

AL CATTALINI thought wife Joan would be interested in a visit to the site of his particularly arduous sea duty on Waikiki Beach. It was even more fun than old times, which cost Al $35.

World traveler JIM BECKER has now visited all of the Rotary clubs in China; that is, both of the clubs. Jim was our ambassador on his most recent to the Rotary Club of Shanghai, where business is booming. He proudly presented our club with the Shanghai banner.


HENRY HANSEL introduced guest speaker Bill White, a recent inductee into the Sonoma County Business Hall of Fame. Bill spoke to us not about business but of his career in the Navy and particularly with that elite group known as the SEALS. One cannot help but marvel at the skill, dedication, and courage of those who serve at this level. While modest about his own brave service, Bill spoke with special conviction about his active involvement in the Navy SEAL Foundation, which gives support to active servicemen and women and their families.



This week's Rota-Teller editor: Clark Rosen.

October 20, 2011


October 27 - Bill White - Navy Seals
November 3 - Steve Rustad - Marketing
November 10 - Special Veteran's Day program featuring Sonoma Rotarian Bill Shea whose son, Tim, was killed in action in 2005 in Iraq


This third Thursday in August, still flag-less PRESIDENT JOANNE FERRIS (who, by the way, confessed she is getting ‘cranky’ about her missing flag) called the meeting to order by leading us in the pledge of allegiance to the St. Vincent’s loaner. The day was sunny and Mister Magoo’s parking lot was full of Rotarians looking for a tasty lunch (turkey!), warm fellowship, and another great RCP program.

Song master JIM MCCAFFREY led the club in our National Anthem (a nice change from the usual).

LOU STEINBERG gave us two thoughts for the day…the first was thankfulness that Libya is finally free of its 42-year dictatorship…the second had to do with a husband, a wife, a remote control and a choice between two types of television programs (ask someone who was there about the punch line!).


After a bit of time for club greetings, PRESIDENT JOANNE, noted we had no visiting Rotarians and called for Rotarians with guests. They included MIKE STAUBER who introduced Johannes, an exchange student from Sweden attending Casa Grande HS and soon to be houseguest of PRESIDENT JOANNE’s, KIP HERZOG (who introduced his son-in-law, Gary Buffo, owner of Pure Luxury Worldwide Transportation and his son, Trent, football coach at Casa Grande HS, and Steve Sherry, a QB father whose son got a full ride scholarship to UNLV), PRESIDENT JOANNE (who introduced Roger Shepard, a QB father whose son plays for St. Vincent’s HS, Jamie Wheeless, a QB father whose son used to play for St. Vincent’s HS and now plays for Carnegie Mellon, and Gary Galloway, St. Vincent’s HS football coach), . . .

NANCY COOLEY (who introduced her husband, Bob), and . . .

KATHY O’CONNOR who introduced the ‘notorius’ Jim McDowell.

PRESIDENT JOANNE called on KATHY O’CONNOR who plugged the December 9 Holiday Party (6:00 PM at Grazianos…a live band and lots of fun!). Petaluma Sunrise is hosting the upcoming SCARC dinner at Keller Winery. PRESIDENT JOANNE thanked those members who attended the services for Dick Weber or sent cards to the family.

PRESIDENT JOANNE’s ‘fine’ session nabbed a number of members…TOM BAKER gave some cash toward his fine schedule for a good picture and a great article in the Argus Courier.

DAN LIBARLE offered up $50 for a golfer’s “highs and lows” (the high for his first hole in one while golfing at the Little River Inn…even saved his scorecard and mounted his balls…the low for running over a garbage can with his golf card…the can was totaled.).

STEVE POWELL paid up for winning the putting contest during our recent Golf Tournament and for shooting 79 at Bodega Bay.

Proud Scotsman, GARY BRODY, paid $100 for his recent trip to Scotland and Ireland (where he played on both the ‘old’ and the ‘new’ St. Andrews).

DAVID SOLO paid $25 for ‘Sitting’ with the Stars.

LOU STEINBERG paid $25 to be sure that what Hope’s big bro saw in Vegas, stayed in Vegas.

Finally, PRESIDENT JOANNE showed us another picture of what looks like the club flag. This time, instead of being in front of JAY PALM’s establishment, it was in front of V. Dolan Trucking…hmmmmm. That flag gets around almost as much as the travel gnome!

The weekly raffle had OREST BALYTSKY taking home a nice bottle of wine instead of the $225 prize…the odds keep getting better each week!

KIP HERZOG introduced the program speaker Roger Theder, who coached at Cal and then for the NFL, and trains quarterbacks. Coach Theder told us good quarterback needs to be smart, a ‘tough sucker,’ and have great mechanics. He reminded us all that anyone can succeed with the right attitude, a plan, commitment, and reinforcement from themselves or others.

Great program, Coach!



This week's Rota-Teller editor: Jane Saldaña-Talley.

October 13, 2011


October 20 - Roger Theder, "Quarterbacks"
October 27 - Bill White - Navy Seals
November 3 - Steve Rustad - Marketing
November 10 - Special Veteran's Day program



Richard W. Weber, 1928–2011

Member 1958-2011


Betsy Ross she wasn’t, but a proud PRESIDENT JOANNE, surrounded by flags, a large American flag on each side of her, opened the meeting.

Songleader BARNEY FAUSS modified our warm-up tune, I’m a Gambler, . . . ., as a tribute to our beloved DICK WEBER who passed away Tuesday after 53 years membership in our Club. Barney almost pulled it off but it was a noble attempt to recognize a great Rotarian.

STEVE GAVRILOFF gave his Thought for the Day, an aphorism from Will Rogers, “Be thankful you don’t get all the government you are paying for!”

There were no visiting Rotarians. BRIAN BREEN brought the only guest.

Club Secretary GAIL CARDAROPOLI announced the October SCARC Dinner, sponsored by Petaluma Sunrise, to be held at the Keller Estate winery here in Petaluma on October 27. Let Gail know right away if you plan to attend this special event!

KATHY O’CONNOR urged members to mark their calendars for our Holiday Party on December 9. It starts with 6pm cocktails at Graziano’s and this year features a live band.


Golf fines were next on the agenda. MIKE BADDELEY was fined $50 for leading the winning foursome and RICK MOSSI paid $35 for his eagle on the ninth hole.

PRESIDENT JOANNE announced the appointment of MICHAEL NISTLER as the Club’s Sergeant-at-Arms and promptly fined him $20 for accepting the appointment. Michael upped the ante by offering another $40 to celebrate his daughter’s 40th birthday. (The committee updating our Club bylaws discovered that RI requires each Club to have a Sergeant-at-Arms, something we haven’t had in recent memory.)


DANNY FISH introduced our speaker, Sonoma County Sheriff-Coroner Steve Freitas. Sheriff Freitas discussed his duties and responsibilities and answered questions from members.

It was another great program, prompting PRESIDENT JOANNE to thank GREG O’BRIEN and DAN LIBARLE for the great programs they are lining up for this year. If you have an idea about a future speaker, please contact Greg or Dan.

ED FULLERTON again reminded members about the school supplies he is collecting for shipment to our Marines in Afghanistan who are outfitting a new school. Ed will gladly collect supplies — or your cash contribution — through the end of October.

Betsy Ross, oops! PRESIDENT JOANNE, then returned to the continuing saga of our missing flag. First she thanked RICK MOSSI and Exchange Bank for the long-term loan (good to see that banks are loaning again!) of a gorgeous U.S. flag that will allow St. Vincent High School to get their flag back.

Then she produced an anonymously delivered photo of our missing flag proudly waving in front of the JAY PALM Saddle Shop. Jay wasn’t there to explain this but somehow it appeared that BABE AMARAL knew something.

BABE denied any knowledge of the flag caper and agreed with suggestions that he wasn’t enough of a techie to deliver an anonymous photo. But he did agree to a $20 fine for his non-involvement.

The raffle was won by BRIAN BREEN’s guest, Tony, who will be enjoying a bottle of fine wine. Next week’s raffle, with one-in-six odds for the cash, will be worth $250!

See you next week!


Rotary Foundation Raffle Tickets

Rotary Foundation Raffle tickets count towards your Paul Harris Fellow awards and Every Rotarian Every Year commitment. If you purchase four tickets for $80, Our club will add the last $20 to meet your $100 EREY! You could win some great prizes through November as a bonus!

Bring your check, payable to TRF, to the next meeting!


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Al Cattalini.

October 6, 2011


October 13 - Steve Freitas, Sonoma County Sheriff-Coroner
October 20 - Roger Theder, "Quarterbacks"
October 27 - Bill White - Navy Seals
November 3 - Steve Rustad - Marketing



On this day in history Doctor Albert Sabin discovered an oral polio vaccine that would benefit future polio victims. On this day in Petaluma Rotary, President JOANNE led our Pledge of Allegiance to our country’s full-sized flag!

Songleader LOU STEINBERG called for our unique Club anthem followed by a somber “God Bless America”.

DON RAMATICI offered the biography of Vince Lombardi as a “thought for the day”.

Visiting us from Rugby, England were Rotarian Bruce Gold and his spouse, Pam, who exchanged club banners with President JOANNE.

Rotarians with guests included FRED FROST, ONITA PELLEGRINI, RICK GORMAN, and President-Elect NANCY COOLEY. The monthly SCARC dinner will be October 27 at Keller Estate. Please contact GAIL no later than October 20 if you would like to participate.

Our local Foundation has reinvested the principal with P E F where we are receiving two or three times the return, announced Foundation Chair LEROY BEAN.


President JOANNE praised members MIKE STAUBER, LEE REPOSA, RICK GORMAN, LOU STEINBERG, and DAVID SOLO for their work hosting a successful outing for 45 District 5130 Rotary Youth Exchange students.


DAVID SOLO presented pins and certificates to our two Paul Harris Fellows: JOE TAMBE, his second PHF, and Linda Frost, spouse of FRED. Congratulations!

GREG O’BRIEN had the right raffle ticket but drew the wrong rock. Next week the pot increases to $225!!


RICK GORMAN introduced our guest speaker, Gary Schlossberg, an economist from Wells Fargo Capital. Gary held the audience spellbound with the breadth and depth of his economic outlook. This reporter took extensive notes; you can read them here.

We did not observe Mr. Schlossberg being given a memento or a book to be autographed by him. We have confidence that President Joanne came through.

REMINDER: The month of October includes World Polio Day on October 24. You are encouraged to visit RI’s website to learn more about the good works of the ROTARY FOUNDATION. You may also purchase four Rotary Foundation raffle tickets at $20 each and your Club will buy a fifth ticket making your gift $100 total!


Rotary Foundation Raffle Tickets

Rotary Foundation Raffle tickets count towards your Paul Harris Fellow awards and Every Rotarian Every Year commitment. If you purchase four tickets for $80, Our club will add the last $20 to meet your $100 EREY! You could win some great prizes through November as a bonus!

Bring your check, payable to TRF, to the next meeting!


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Paul Lounibos.


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