Rota-Teller Masthead

February 2011

Issues are arranged in reverse order. Scroll down to find the issue you want.

February 24, 2011


March 3 - Dale Biron - Business Coach and motivational speaker
March 4 - Rotary Social Hour - Lagunitas Brewing at 5pm
March 10 - Dr. Robert Agrella - SRJC and the Future
March 17 - Gary Schlossberg - Local Economy
March 24 - Dark
March 25 -Farmers and Merchants Night


PRESIDENT CLARK ROSEN opened the meeting and asked HERB BUNDESEN to lead us in song.

Then GREG O’BRIEN gave the Thought of the Day and he re-iterated some wonderful words from The Declaration of Independence. He reminded us of our right to freedom and how people in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya are fighting for these same rights that we take for granted. He asked us to remember those suffering for freedom in the Middle East and remember how fortunate we are to be Americans.

The Birthday Table was packed with Rotarians and we serenaded them with a beautiful rendition of “Happy Birthday”. TED ADKINS was named Honorary Rotarian and was given a warm round of applause.

RICK MOSSI delivered the re-cap on the Super Raffle and the numbers were good – over 1400 raffle tickets were sold, which is over 100 more than 2010. The winning team was led by LEE REPOSA, followed by ONITA PELLEGRINI and HENRY HANSEL’s team came in third.

Tom Baker was the top individual ticket seller.

PRESIDENT CLARK informed us of an upcoming Rotaract Fundraiser – Texas Hold’em Tournament on March 26 at 6:30pm at the Lucchesi Center. Cost is $50.

The District Assembly is April 2nd at the Mendocino Community College in Ukiah from 8am – 4pm.

PRESIDENT ELECT JOANNE FERRIS announced her Board of Directors: PAUL LOUNIBOS (Past President), JOHN DADO (Treasurer), STEVE OLMSTED (Corresponding Secretary), MARLENE FREETLEY (Financial Secretary), GAIL CARDAROPOLI (Membership Secretary), LORETTA CATAROZOLI (President Elect), DAVID SOLO (Foundation Chair), ONITA PELLEGRINI (Membership leader), MIKE BADDELEY, JIM BECKER, BRIAN BREEN, AL CATTALINI, RICK GORMAN, and LEE REPOSA. The Club wishes you all good luck and a successful year!

There will be a Rotary Social Hour at Lagunitas Brewing at 5pm on Friday, March 4th.

PRESIDENT CLARK collected some fines from LARRY JONAS ($40) . . .

. . . and KIP HERZOG – whose good fortune got him and Marilyn out of Christchurch, NZ one day ahead of the disastrous earthquake. He generously paid $100 to the Club and $100 to the Foundation. Thank you, gentlemen.

PAST PRESIDENT TOM BRANDAL became a Paul Harris Fellow for the second time and was congratulated for his great commitment to Rotary.

It was time for our Program to begin and DAVID SOLO, LARRY JONAS, MICHAEL CARUANA, and PAST DISTRICT GOVERNOR ED FULLERTON gave us a re-cap of the Club’s International Projects and Rotary International Foundation’s work. The program was very informative and impressive – our Club has participated and led projects in Uganda, Kenya, Bali, Thailand, and Mexico. Congratulations to all Rotarians who have supported and participated in these great efforts.


For photos from the Crab Feed, click here.


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Ricardo Marzo.

February 18, 2011


February 24 - David Solo - TRF Projects
March 3 - Dale Biron - Business Coach and motivational speaker
March 10 - Dr. Robert Agrella - SRJC and the Future
March 17 - Gary Schlossberg - Local Economy
March 24 - Dark
March 25 -Farmers and Merchants Night


Crab: a crustacean with a broad flat shell, antennae, a small abdomen, and five pairs of legs, the front two of which are in the form of grasping pincers (suborder: Brachyura) + Feed: to eat, consume, devour, partake, swallow = Fun: a time or feeling of enjoyment or amusement. No matter how you define, dice, slice or crack it, our Club’s annual Crab Feed dinner last Friday night at the Vets was a lot of fun and a huge success.

Our always appropriately attired President, CLARK ROSEN, opened the event to a full house, welcomed everybody, . . .

.. . and immediately had Father Gary Lombardi (whom I’m sure took notes from JIM McCAFFREY) deliver the invocation. The Prez then thanked the Crab Feed Co-Chairmen, JAMES BURLESON and RICARDO MARZO, and their committee, for all of their hard work on the event (and for fulfilling the Prez’ campaign pledge of at least two crabs in every pot?). They received a well-deserved round of applause from the crowd in appreciation of their efforts.

The Prez then introduced the evening entertainment, the Steve Albini Trio band, and turned the microphone over to them. They had a good beat and were pure enough to deny BRIAN BREEN’s repeated request that they play his favorite song (Under the Sea, by Sebastian the Crab)!

After buckets upon buckets of crab were consumed, along with plenty of salad, pasta and bread, the Prez had our Crab Feed Raffle Chairman, RICK MOSSI, pull the winning tickets for the minor cash prizes…and the winners were:

6th Dan Fish $200 (sold by Dan Fish)
5th Sara Holloway $500 (sold by Henry Hansel)
4th Gary Frugoli $600 (sold by Tom Baker )
3rd Jim/Linda Maestretti $1,000 (sold by Tom Baker
2nd Tina Powell $1,200 (sold by Steve Powell)

…and the $8000 grand prize winner was: Frank Mongini (sold by Kip Herzog)

The Prez congratulated all the winners, thanked all who played, and then invited everyone to continue to enjoy the evening, and so they did…despite the fact that the Prez never got to tell his favorite crab joke (or so I’ve been told):

Two Dungeness crabs were sunbathing on the beach. The girl crab suggested that the boy crab go get them an ice cream cone. Having purchased two cones, the boy crab made his way back to the beach, deciding on the way to eat his ice cream. By the time he had finished the ice cream, he realized that his girlfriend's had started to melt all down his claw, so he licked it up and ended up eating all of it. When he arrived back at the beach, the girl crab asked "Where's my ice cream cone? "Well", he said. "I decided to eat mine, then yours melted so I ate that too." With tears and disappointment welling up in her in her eyes, she cried "You’re so shellfish??!!"

Our editor has an answer for Clark's joke. To see it, click here.


For lots of photos from the Crab Feed, click here.


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Mike Baddeley.

February 10, 2011


February 17 - Dark
February 18 - Crab Feed and Super Raffle
February 24 - David Solo - TRF Projects
March 3 - Dale Biron - Business Coach and motivational speaker


Dave Amundsen, 1935–2011

Member since 1977; President 1993-94


On the second Thursday in February we met at Mister Magoo’s. The day was bright sunshine and mild weather, attendance was light, but thanks to Tony the St. Paddy’s Day fare (corned beef, cabbage and potatoes) was tasty (even if it was over a month early!).

PRESIDENT CLARK ROSEN called the meeting to order and led us in the pledge of allegiance.

Song master BARNEY FAUSS was briefly absent when the singing was called for so members started “I’m a Rambler…I’m a Gambler” without him. He eventually caught up and finished us off with “God Bless America.”

Soon to retire PCS Superintendent GREGA VIGUIE read us a quote from George Washington Carver reminding us of what we will all be at some point.

After club greetings, DANNY FISH introduced two visiting Rotarians (Maureen Merrill, District Governor-Elect and Paul Claeyssens from Petaluma Valley). Rotarians with guests included Sue Wright who was introduced by TOM BAKER; Matt Burt from San Diego who was introduced by proud Grandpa DAVE BARBIERI, John Bechtal who was introduced by JAMES BURLESON, and Jim McNulty who was enjoying his ‘last moments’ as RICK MOSSI’s guest before becoming a member of the Club.

The Sunshine Report had JEANETTE CLARK letting us know her husband, Kenton, is walking, cooking for her and a ‘fat’ 190; . . .

ED FULLERTON asked if anyone had heard any news of TED ADKINS; . . .

JUDI ALLEWELT let us know that Past President LEROY BEAN is recovering from a bout with pneumonia; Bob Waugh from the Petaluma Valley Club is in recovery after amputation of his right foot; . . .

and WALLY BRAGDON asked that we keep DAVE AMUNDSEN and his family in our thoughts and prayers.

PRESIDENT CLARK chose to dispense with fines for this meeting due to a very full program, with one exception…he levied a ‘self-imposed’ Presidential Fine of $25 for spending most all of last Thursday (including the meeting) with his fly open!!

DISTRICT GOVERNOR-ELECT MAUREEN MERRILL, who was one of the day’s speakers, graciously agreed to induct new club member, JIM McNULTY, into “the world’s greatest service organization;” and so on that day the number of Rotarians in the world became $1.3 million +1. Welcome to the Rotary Club of Petaluma, Jim! DGE MAUREEN then extended a very personal invitation to all members to join the “Heart of Rotary” District Assembly on Saturday, April 2, at Mendocino College in Ukiah (see below for more information). Describing Rotary as a “social benefit organization” (rather than in the negative as a not for profit), she told us the District Assembly wasn’t just for new Rotarians. She distributed flyers and personal letters to members, and sweetened the deal with an invitation to the Friday Night (April 1) Barra Winery reception and dinner, as well as a 20% rebate on all registration fees if 20% of our members attended.

DAVE BARBIERI added his own bit of encouragement by reminding us that there were many sessions for all interests.

JAMES BURLESON reminded us that 50-60 Crab Feed tickets were still available.

RICK MOSSI (with a big thanks to WALLY BRAGDON for his behind the scenes efforts) updated members on the Super Raffle sales, announcing that at 671 we were slightly ahead of last year’s sales (with SANDBAGGER HANSEL’s team still to show their stuff!). Reminder…we are dark next Thursday and Super Raffle tickets need to be in to Exchange Bank at the Golden Eagle Shopping Center by 5:00 PM on Thursday to count for the team completion.

PRESIDENT CLARK reminded us the Cloverdale Crab Feed is the location of the next SCARC meeting.

LOU STEINBERG announced he and PRESIDENT CLARK had a ‘suitable and well-known family’ for our Youth Exchange student, Mint. Seems she will be moving in with none other than Julie and LOU STEINBERG! If members would like to invite Mint on a family outing just contact Lou to make arrangements.

PRESIDENT CLARK let us know the Group Study Exchange from Japan (coming April 13 – 16 to Petaluma) is in need of host families. Finally, Sue White (TOM BAKER’s guest) announced the first ever Petaluma “Making Strides” 4k Walk Against Breast Cancer, Saturday, May 14, 2011 in Shollenberger Park (for more information email

BABE AMARAL’s raffle number came up and he gave the club photographer a big smile for walking away with ‘a nice bottle of wine.’


JIM BECKER took over for the absent ONITA PELLEGRINI and a warm Rotary welcome to the day’s speaker, Elise Hemple, former chair of the Petaluma Area Chamber Board and the new Executive Director of Petaluma People Services Center, who spoke with passion and compassion for her organization and extraordinary work it accomplishes in partnership with our very special community.


~In loving memory of our friend, Dave Amundsen~


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Jane Saldaña-Talley.

February 3, 2011


February 10 - Elece Hempel - Executive Director, PPSC
February 17 - Dark
February 18 - Crab Feed and Super Raffle
February 24 - David Solo - TRF Projects
March 3 - Dale Biron - Business Coach and motivational speaker


On Thursday, February 3, 2011, the Rotary Club of Petaluma met at Mister McGoo’s for fellowship and good food.

The bell sounded at precisely 12:30 and PRESIDENT CLARK ROSEN started the meeting with the Pledge to the Flag.

A new song leader, LOU STEINBERG, led us in song with “I’m a Rambler” followed by “My Country ‘Tis of Thee”.

JUDI ALLEWELT gave the “Thought for the Day”. It was sweet and simple: “more love ~less paperwork”.

The usual hugs and handshakes quickly followed. The visiting Rotarians were introduced next. STEVE LAFRANCHI was introduced from “The Rotary Club of Petaluma”. The Rotarians with guests were then introduced. RICK MOSSI brought Jim McNulty and LEE REPOSA brought John Bectal.

During the Sunshine Report, LOU STEINBERG let us know that DAVE AMUNDSEN is not doing well and is no longer receiving visitors.

JAMES BURLESON reminded everyone of the annual Crab Feed to be held on February 18th. Contact JAMES for tickets which are $45.

That announcement led right into RICK MOSSI and the Super Raffle. ONITA PELLEGRINI’s team is in the lead with KIP HERZOG as the Number one seller with 65. The PREZ enticed more sales with the announcement of the prize for the winning team and top sellers. They will be treated to a fabulous evening at Flying Cloud Ranch with delicious food from Aaron Jonas Catering and a great selection of beverages. So get out there and SELL, SELL, SELL!

STEVE HENRIS had a couple of souvenirs from a Crab Feed he attended. Out of the bag he’d been guarding were two red crab hats for our Crab Feed chairs, JAMES BURLESON and RICARDO MARZO. They better be wearing them the night of the big event.

JUDI ALLEWELT announced that the applications for the Rotary Grants are on-line.

The PREZ was ready for his own announcements:

All the wedding anniversaries for February were applauded.

It was time for the PREZ to make some money for the Club. RICK MOSSI was up first. It seems there was a Boz Skaggs concert in Napa where RICK ran into a couple other Rotarians. Those Rotarians would be on HENRY HANSEL and RICK SUSICK. RICK MOSSI has a son who just turned 16 so a $50 donation was suitable for both occasions.

TAWNY TESCONI was seen driving a brand new Chrysler 500 which cost her $50.

DAVID SOLO was showing off the “Know Rotary / Show Rotary” Golf Shirt from the Sunrise Rotary Golf Tournament. That provided the Club with a $25 donation.

STEVE GAVRILOFF was heard on Comcast which added another $25 to the Club’s coffer.

The raffle had another cash winner. DAVE BARBIERI walked off with $25. That was the third cash winner in a row. It must be a record. PRESIDENT CLARK checked the bag to be sure there were blue rocks.

JIM BECKER, sporting a tuxedo with a red tie and matching handkerchief, introduced our speakers for “Valentine’s Day Survival 101”.

Mike Hollingsworth from Hollingsworth Jewelry gave us the history and legends of Valentine’s Day. He also passed around some fun rings for everyone.

Joyce Silva from Chalet Florist gave us a brief description of great gifts from her shop. She also brought red carnations for the crowd.

Tony Lucas brought some goodies from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory.

Meeting adjourned.


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Loretta Catarozoli.


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