Rota-Teller Masthead

January 2011

Issues are arranged in reverse order. Scroll down to find the issue you want.

January 27, 2011


January 28 - Rotary Day at the Races
February 3- Joanne Ferris introduces experts on "Valentine's Day Survival 101"
February 10 - Elece Hempel - Executive Director, PPSC
February 17 - Dark
February 18 - Crab Feed and Super Raffle



Fellow Rotarians,

Since January is Rotary Awareness Month, I have visited several clubs on the west coast where Rotary was extended by Homer Wood. Today I visited the Rotary Club of Petaluma where I was welcomed by the President, CLARK ROSEN.

President CLARK led the large group in the Pledge to our flag, . . .

. . . followed by the dulcet tones of HERB BUNDESEN singing “God Bless America”, . . .

. . . and the “thought for the day” offered by CHRIS ALBERTSON.

JOE TAMBE and LEE REPOSA introduced their special guests: John Walker and Peggy Wyman respectively. WALLY BRAGDON gave a sunshine report on DAVE AMUNDSEN and JIM BECKER reported on the health of DICK WEBER.

Those members with January birthdays were hailed with birthday cake and the tuneful birthday song. BABE AMARAL not only celebrated his birthday but also his silver wedding anniversary.

JAMES BURLESON reported that 450 Crab Feed tickets have been sold and only 100 tickets remain. WALLY BRAGDON reported the raffle ticket sales to date with a reminder that the drawing is on February 18th, the same evening as the Crab Feed. President CLARK reported that Petaluma Rotarians contributed more than $6,000 to 36 teachers for Lend-A-Hand to Education mini-grants.

Recognition for their accomplishments was given to several club members:

LOU STEINBERG (writing off a trip to see his daughter);

MIKE STAUBER (daughter married, son in school, empty nest);

JOE TAMBE (granddaughter is a belly dancer at Papa’s Taverna!);

FRED WULFF (three week river cruise on the Danube);

and TOM BAKER (trips to Belize and Modoc County.

LORETTA CATAROZOLI drew the brown rock and won the raffle.

JOANNE FERRIS introduced our speaker, Christine Walker, who is a local consultant in electronic online marketing and social media. Her emphasis is small business clients and her format is about energy and making connections (like a thriving Rotary Club). Two-thirds of the global internet population uses networking. (Several members have asked for Christine's contact info. It's and 707-241-5033.)

Rotarians frequently ask me, “When you founded Rotary, did you think it would come to anything like this?” No, I did not foresee in 1905 a worldwide movement of 6,000 clubs and 300,000 members.

Yours fraternally and very sincerely, Paul P.Harris

Note: the last paragraph was paraphrased from Paul’s final message to the Rotarians in the February, 1947 issue of the Rotarian magazine. Paul Harris died January 27, 1947.


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Paul Harris (channeled by Paul Lounibos); photos by Michael Nistler.

January 21, 2011


January 27 - Christine Walker - Social Media.
January 28 - Rotary Day at the Races
February 3- Joanne Ferris introduces experts on "Valentine's Day Survival 101"


Our annual luncheon in Two Rock Valley began with the traditional social hour at the “Penalty Box,” the sports bar at the Coast Guard Training Center. For photos from the Penalty Box, click here.

It was time for lunch and the venue moved down the hill to Haley Hall, the facility where the Coast Guard trains its cooks. (Did you know that Haley Hall is named for Alex Haley, author of Roots: The Saga of an American Family, who began his writing career in the Coast Guard?)

PRESIDENT CLARK called the meeting to order and had no trouble locating the flag for our Pledge of Allegiance. Following the pledge BARNEY FAUSS led the group in God Bless America after warming up on (of course!) I’m a Rambler . . . .

LEN MYGATT was up next to deliver the Thought for the Day — an invocation asking blessings on those who serve in the Coast Guard.

As the crowd finished a delicious seafood lunch, PRESIDENT CLARK introduced Commander Jeff Good, the Facilities Engineer at the Training Center.

After a short video providing an overview of the Training Center, Commander Good briefed us the status of “green” initiatives throughout the base (the waterless urinals were a hit!) and introduced his assistant, Lieutenant Hai Dang, who continued the briefing and answered questions from the audience.

Before the meeting adjourned, LARRY JONAS advised that DAVE AMUNDSEN is gravely ill and welcomes visitors at his home. Call first (763-2018) before dropping by. On that somber note the meeting was adjourned and the well-fed crowd headed to Petaluma.


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Al Cattalini.

January 27, 2011
Fine Can:
Editor: Paul Lounibos

January 13, 2011


January 20 - Dark today; Club meets tomorrow at Two Rock
January 21 - Club meets at Coast Guard Training Center
January 27 - Christine Walker - Social Media.
January 28 - Rotary Day at the Races
February 3- Joanne Ferris introduces experts on "Valentine's Day Survival 101"


PRESIDENT CLARK ROSEN opened our meeting on or about 12:30 p.m. and handed the duty of song leader to PAST PRESIDENT BARNEY FAUSS (God Bless America).

PRESIDENT CLARK then gave us the Thought for the Day which included a Charles Dickens quote and the special viewing of a Rotary artifact. It was a photo of our many great Past Presidents. The customary handshakes and hugs amongst the members ensued.

We had no visiting Rotarians however we had a few guests. The Prez then gave us a Sunshine Report: PAST PRESIDENT DAVE AMUNDSEN is in the hospital for an infection that has caused pneumonia. Our thoughts go out to him and his family for a healthy recovery.

We have some fun upcoming events starting with next week’s visit to the Coast Guard Training Center. AL CATTALINI gave us a run down; be on the list, bring the correct documents, and show up at 11 for cocktails.

For those of you who love the ponies, PAST PRESIDENT JOHN DADO informed us of our upcoming Rotary Day at the Races. For more info it is on the website.

PAST PRESIDENT LOU STEINBERG is looking for a member and their family to have an exchange student. He is tired of getting grief from the other clubs.

RICARDO MARZO and JAMES BURLESON encouraged us all to buy those Crab Feed tickets now. Seats are filling up fast.

PAST PRESIDENT WALLY BRAGDON and RICK MOSSI gave a quick snapshot of the crab feed raffle ticket sales. This is a huge money maker for our club so let’s get selling.

Then PRESIDENT CLARK started the fining however one member he wanted to fine was nowhere to be found. His first victim was money bags, LEE REPOSA. He forked out $100 for a new car bought at Hansels and his son is a year old.

Our own website guy, AL CATTALINI couldn’t hide. Just for being so happy and having a great life he shrunk his pocket book by $50

AL KAPLAN won the raffle and made a deal with the Prez. If the Prez could guess the color rock that he pulled, AL would give the club the money. Thankfully, we have a President with X-Ray vision and the local foundation received $225.

Remember the member that was suppose to get fined and didn’t show up. Well he finally arrived and tried to sneak in past PRESIDENT CLARK. OREST BALYTSKY was fined $50 for having fun in Tahoe with his wife and 2 daughters.

Our speakers today were none other than our own members; PRESIDENT ELECT JOANNE FERRIS, PAST PRESIDENT PAUL LOUNIBOS, and MICHAEL NISTLER. They filled the walls of McGoos with data, literally. The discussion was on our Club Vision and included the results from the survey. It was a very informative presentation and determined that our club is truly a “Community Based” club. This was just the start; the next step is to put the findings to work. Whereupon, our President wished everybody a wonderful day and adjourned the meeting.



The club has received an application for induction of the following new member:

  • Proposed Member: Jim McNulty
  • Classification: Residential Treatment and Education
  • Membership Type: Active
  • Sponsor: Rick Mossi

If any member in good standing has an objection to this person, such objection should be made in writing to the club board of directors within 7 days of receipt of this notice.


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Brian Breen.

January 6, 2011


January 13 - Club Review of our Visions Meeting
January 20 - Dark today; Club meets tomorrow at Two Rock
January 21 - Club meets at Coast Guard Training Center
January 27 - Christine Walker - Social Media.
January 28 - Rotary Day at the Races


On Thursday, January 6, 2011, the Rotary Club of Petaluma met at Mister McGoo’s for fellowship and good food.

The bell sounded at precisely 12:30 and PRESIDENT CLARK ROSEN started the meeting with a “Happy New Year” and “Welcome to Part 2”. He immediately led us in the Pledge to the Flag.

HERB BUNDESEN led us in song with “America”. HERB did a great job of harmonizing with the crowd.

LEN MYGATT gave the “Thought for the Day” by quoting Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Don Ramatici introduces visiting Rotarians.

The usual hugs and handshakes quickly followed. The visiting Rotarians and the Rotarians with guests were then introduced.

During the Sunshine Report, LARRY JONAS let us know that DAVE AMUNDSEN is not doing well. Feel free to give him a call. Happy anniversary to JANE SALDAŃA-TALLEY and BABE AMARAL.

JAMES BURLESON reminded everyone of the annual Crab Feed to be held on February 18th. Contact JAMES for tickets which are $45. He will also have them at our next meeting.

That announcement led right into RICK MOSSI and the Super Raffle. SELL, SELL SELL!

JOANNE FERRIS reminded everyone to complete the Vision Survey. The results will be discussed at the next meeting.

The PREZ let us know that one of our former speakers and fellow Rotarian, Pete Morelli, might be officiating the Super Bowl if he scores well in the Green Bay/Philadelphia game.

LARRY JONAS is looking for a bed, dresser and lamp for a needy family. Please contact LARRY if you can help.

LOU STEINBERG is looking for someone to host the exchange student from Thailand from March to June.

Let JOHN DADO know if you are interested in the Horse Races at Golden Gate Fields on January 28th. The bus will leave the Fairgrounds at 11:00 and will be back around 6:00. The cost is $75.

AL CATTALINI reminded everyone of the great lunch that’s available to us at the Coast Guard on Friday, January 21st. There are always great cocktails at the bar at 11:00 and lunch at noon. They’ll be checking I.D.’s at the gate. We’ll be dark that Thursday.

It was time for the PREZ to make some money for the Club. DAN FISH was MIA in December. It seems that he had work to do (ha) in Las Vegas. Coincidently, JAY PALM was there at the same time. I’m sure he was helping JAY out at his booth at the Rodeo. Then he was off to Disneyland with the kids. It rained so they came home early. They still had a few days left on their tickets so DAN and his wife went back without the kids. Apparently the kids don’t know they went back. J DAN volunteered $50 to the Club which he admitted that he stole from JAY’s booth.

SHERRY BURWEN was excited to share the news of a new grandson, Lucas. He was born December 20th and cost Sherry $50.

ANDY KVALHEIM, otherwise known as the Rock Star of Manufacturing, was called on next. His machine shop on Petaluma Blvd. South manufactures machinery to make doors. As we all know in this current economic environment, the industry is having a tough time. In spite of the slowdown, ANDY volunteered $60 to the Club.

The raffle had a whopping $175 for a lucky winner. After quite a while, BABE realized that he had the winning ticket. He picked the wrong colored rock, so BABE won a nice bottle of wine — and immediately gave it to STEVE OLMSTED.

JOANNE FERRIS introduced our guest speaker, Alicia Cerruti, who was the 2004 Rotary Ambassador Scholar. Alicia spent a year in Australia and was one of 900 students in the world picked to represent their country in a foreign country. She emphasized the importance of communication, technology and public relations. She also felt the Rotary needs to do a better job of marketing its good deeds.

Meeting adjourned.


Semi-Annual Dues

All active members are advised that semi-anual dues are now due and payable. Here is the cost breakdown:

Petaluma Rotary Club ............... $99.75
Rotary International ................. $24.75
Rotarian Magazine ..................... $6.00
District 5130 Dues ................... $14.50
District Conference Assessment ... $5.00
                                  TOTAL:       $150.00

Dues are due on June 1 or December 1 depending on time of year. You have a grace period of 30 days after due date. If you fail to pay within those 30 days you will be assessed a $25.00 late charge.

Steve Olmsted, Secretary


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Loretta Catarozoli.


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