Rota-Teller Masthead

January 2007

Issues are arranged in reverse order. Scroll down to find the issue you want.

January 18, 2007



January 25 - Ken Fischang, President/CEO of Sonoma County Tourism Bureau
January 25 (evening) - Association Dinner, Monte Rio (contact Tawny if interested)
February 1 - Club meets at Sunset Line & Twine (corner of Jefferson and Erwin Streets) Map
February 8 - Meeting moved to Friday night
February 9 - Crab Feed & Super Raffle
February 15 - Henry Culp, Adult Literacy League of Sonoma County





Acting President, Past President MICHAEL BADDELEY began the meeting late, with no bell, no gavel and no name badge.

Once we began he had no song leader, so he selected BARNEY.

He then called on NIT ANDERSON for the thought of the day and she had none, . . .

What's going on behind Paul?

          . . . so he called on PAUL LOUNIBOS (quite regularly thereafter).

PAUL then introduced the visiting Rotarians, President Greg Freitas of the Sunrise Club and Colin and Jill Honey from England, who were on their annual visit.

Rotarian with guest: President-elect LOU STEINBERG who introduced his wife Julie who had just returned from a two month stay in England to be with their new Grandson, Ryder.

Sunshine report was given by JOHN DADO who informed us all was well.

ROBERT MITCHELL reminded us that the February 1st meeting will be at the Sunset Line and Twine building and wine will be served beginning at 11am.

RICK MOSSI reported . . .

          . . . (along with WALLY BRAGDON and LORETTA CATAROZOLI) that the raffle was moving along. Teams standings BRIDGET 103, LEROY 87, KIP 82, HENRY 77, RICH J 46, MICHAEL C 45, TOM B 16 and HEIDI K 0, for a total of 460 tickets sold to date.

NANCY KOENITZER announced that the live auction was looking for wine donations.

PAUL LOUNIBOS (there he is again) than announced a New Member Committee meeting on Jan 30th at 4pm at the fairgrounds. All members are invited.

Acting President, Past President MIKE than announced that there are plenty of Crab Feed tickets available, so call STEVE HENRIS for tickets.

The Sonoma County Association dinner is Jan 25th in Guerneville; contact SECRETARY STEVE if you are interested in attending. Also on the 25th at 4pm will be a club board meeting at PRESIDENT TAWNY�s office.


BANO CUMMINGS spent 3 weeks in Italy and determined that the latest cure for arthritis is Wine and Garlic; $50.

Past President BABE AMARAL then stood in for PRESIDENT TAWNY who is partying in Reno. He announced that she was elected as President of the Horseman�s Association for the 11 western states and that the Petaluma Fair was awarded 1st prize for its work with local businesses. TAWNY was fined in absentia $100.

PAUL LOUNIBOS, JOHN DADO and JAMES GOTELLI were all winners at last Friday�s day at the races and all were fined $10.

Julie Steinberg won the raffle, then drew a brown rock and won the wine which she gave to NANCY KOENITZER for the auction.

Nancy does the introduction.

Our speaker was . . .

          . . . Steve Fillinger who spoke on recent changes in Health Insurance.




This week's Rota-Teller editor: Lou Steinberg.

January 11, 2007



January 12 - Rotary Day at the Races, Golden Gate Fields.
January 18 - Steve Fillinger - Health Insurance
January 25 - Ken Fischang, President/CEO of Sonoma County Tourism Bureau
January 25 (evening) - Association Dinner, Monte Rio (contact Tawny if interested)
February 1 - Club meets at Sunset Line & Twine (corner of Jefferson and Erwin Streets) Map
February 8 - Meeting moved to Friday night
February 9 - Crab Feed & Super Raffle
February 15 - Henry Culp, Adult Literacy League of Sonoma County




The chill in the air drove Rotarians inside to hear PRESIDENT TAWNY TESCONI call the meeting to order.

JIM BECKER did a great impression of Lawrence Welk (or was it Michael Tilson Thomas?) and directed the crowd in singing �God Bless America�.

DAVE AMUNDSEN gave the thought for the day and reminded us that if we want to achieve our dreams, don�t oversleep.

STEVE RUSTAD was fined $5 for talking during PRESIDENT TAWNY�s announcements, which included good news about DICK WEBER. As reported by HERB BUNDESEN, he is gaining strength every day and his outlook is improving.

Congratulations to JEANNETTE CLARK on being awarded Rotarian of the Month for December. We all know what a great job she does for our club and community and we salute her efforts. She is also the only Rotarian who can wear leather pants and make it work! (Sorry, Larry!)

WALLY BRAGDON reported slow sales for the Super Raffle, so start selling tickets. Our goal is to surpass last year�s 1600 ticket total.

Bring Mary Ann Shoemaker a $25 bottle of wine at our next meeting!

Steve Henris touts the Crab Feed.

Our real tout, John Dado, is ready for the races.

PRESIDENT TAWNY gave the floor to

          . . . PAUL LOUNIBOS, who called for a rematch in Holiday Jeopardy. It seems

          . . . JOANNE FERRIS gave an incorrect spelling of �Dreidel�.

ERIC GUNHEIM wasn�t quite sure of his team�s result (lost) because of his aquavit consumption, but immediately called for a rematch.

MIKE BADDELEY felt the discrepancy was not called in a timely fashion and called to negate the rematch. PRESIDENT TAWNY asked for a vote and the crowd in favored Paul and Eric. Start brushing up on your Holiday knowledge!

LARRY JONAS paid $50 for only riding his new bike downhill, BILL GROVERMAN escaped the meeting before he could be fined.

CHRIS BLAKESLEE paid $50 for swimming and lounging in Hawaii,

          . . . and HERB BUNDESEN paid $50 for a recent article on his family legacy. Congratulations to all the participants.

PAT SCHAEFER won the raffle and took home a bottle of wine.

JOANNE FERRIS introduced our speaker,

          . . . Chance Massaro, who gave a terrific talk on exercising your mind. He explained to us there are many simple ways a person can train their brain to grow and stay fit, but I can�t remember. Just joking. It was an excellent talk and we thank Chance for his time.

Robert Mitchell tells folks to arrive early for the Feb. 1 meeting at Sunset Line & Twine.

See you next Thursday.



The club has received an application for induction of the following new members:

  • Proposed Member: Joyce Sheehan

  • Classification: Commercial Banking

  • Membership Type: Active


  • Proposed Member: Sherry Ann Scherotter-Burwen

  • Classification: Teaching and Counseling

  • Membership Type: Active

If any member in good standing has an objection to either person, such objection should be made in writing to the club board of directors within 7 days of receipt of this notice.



This week's Rota-Teller editor: Ricardo Marzo.

January 5, 2007



January 11 - Chance Massaro on �Mind Aerobics� � Improving memory & retention
January 12 - Rotary Day at the Races, Golden Gate Fields.
January 18 - Steve Fillinger - Health Insurance
January 25 - Ken Fischang, President/CEO of Sonoma County Tourism Bureau
January 25 (evening) - Association Dinner, Monte Rio (contact Tawny if interested)
February 1 - Club meets at Sunset Line & Twine (corner of Jefferson and Erwin Streets) Map
February 8 - Meeting moved to Friday night
February 9 - Crab Feed & Super Raffle
February 15 - Henry Culp, Adult Literacy League of Sonoma County




Today�s Rotary meeting was held at United States Coast Guard Training Center located in the Two Rock Valley. Activities started at 11:00 a.m. With a social hour at the Consolidated Club. Captain Brian Marvin welcomed everyone and at 11:30 a short movie was shown.

We then had the option of walking to or being driven to Haley Hall for our luncheon. RICK VAN BEBBER greeted us at the door and provided us with a meal ticket. The hall was set up banquet style and the Coast Guard Staff escorted us to the table of our choice. A large ice sculpture of a fish was exhibited on the southeast side of the hall.

We were then served a sit down lunch, which was prepared by . . .

          . . . the Food Service Specialists in training at the USCG Center. The meal consisted of a mixed salad with avocado dressing and nuts, a main dish with vegetables, mashed potatoes, a crab cake, and marinated steak. Dessert consisted of a pumpkin cheesecake with cream and a chocolate wedge.

We were once again welcomed by Captain Brian Marvin who then asked Chaplain Church to give the invocation. Chaplain Church then told us that he was a former Rotarian from Indiana and was glad that he could enjoy today�s meeting with us.

After lunch Captain Marvin gave a short talk on the Two Rock Training Center. The following seven Training Specialties are taught at the Center: Electronics Technician, Food Service Specialist, Health Services Technician, Information Systems Technician, Operations Specialist, Storekeeper, and Yeoman.

Captain Marvin then gave a brief history of the Training Center. The Center was purchased by the Army in 1942 and was a Communications Station where secret codes were deciphered until the Coast Guard took over in 1971. The Center consists of 800 acres and has 500 employees. Annually over 4,000 students graduate from the Training Center.

Captain Marvin then described the duties of the US Coast Guard and how changes have been made over the years to keep up with the changing world. Today�s Coast Guard not only protects our shores but also is also responsible for checking suspicious vessels, Port Security, and working to deter drug shipments by vessels.

A Rotary Thank You was then given to the staff and training specialists for having us as guests and for the great meal.

Finally PRESIDENT TAWNY said that we would have a short meeting to assure that this counted as an official meeting of The Rotary Club of Petaluma. AL CATTALINI led us in The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

MICHAEL CARUANA gave a very inspirational Thought For The Day.


PRESIDENT TAWNY then asked for announcements.

RICK MOSSI reported that tickets were out for the Super Raffle, which will be held at this year's Annual Crab Feed on February 9, 2007.

JAMES BURLESON reported that Crab Feed tickets were available by contacting STEVE HENRIS at Henris Roofing on Petaluma Boulevard South. If you plan to have a large group it is suggested that one person purchase the group�s tickets and let Steve know that you are purchasing for a group.

PRESIDENT TAWNY then Thanked Captain Marvin and his staff for having us at the Center and adjourned the meeting.

Pioneers in female leadership.


This week's Rota-Teller editor: Ralph Sartori.


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