Rota-Teller Masthead

October 2002

Issues are arranged in reverse order. Scroll down to find the issue you want.

October 31, 2002


November 7 - Club dark (Foundation Dinner November 9)

November 9 - Rotary Foundation Dinner, Herzog Hall

Novermber 14 - Carl Wong - Superintendent of Schools

This week's Rota-Teller editor: Steve Olmsted.

Editor’s Note: After conference with our Past District Governor Art Agnew on what we do when there is a dark meeting and the attendance requirements, Art and I agreed you will not have to make up the Nov. 7 meeting as the President didn't stipulate you must attend the Foundation Dinner Nov. 9. However President Ed asked for your participation at this event. Past District Governor Art Agnew said to refer to the Manual of Procedure on Pages 10 & 11.

Since November is Foundation month I took the liberty of selecting an article from the Rotarian Magazine from July 2001.

Rapid growth in humanitarian grants programs, coupled with a sharp drop in investment income, prompted The Rotary Foundation Trustees to restrict or temporarily halt several Foundation humanitarian and educational programs supported by the World Fund. The decisions came at the Trustees' April meeting in Evanston, Ill., USA.

The Trustees placed a moratorium on new Health, Hunger and Humanity (3-H) Grants applications, as of 1 July 2001 until funds become available. Applications that were received by the Foundation by 15 March will be processed and considered by the Trustees at their October/November meeting. The moratorium will not affect the funding of previously approved 3-H Grants.

The Trustees also cut the budget for Group Study Exchanges in half, starting with the 2002-03 Rotary year. Districts will send a team every other year, with the timing agreed upon by the district governors-elect of the paired districts. The two teams will travel in alternating program years. In addition, the Trustees restricted Grants for Rotary Volunteers to Rotarians only, effective 1 July 2001.

The financial situation has also affected the Matching Grants program. Matching Grants applications increased by an unprecedented 49 percent over the previous Rotary year, exhausting this year's budget. Therefore, the Foundation determined that the estimated 2,300 applications not yet approved would need to be resubmitted for consideration in the 2001-02 Rotary year. For the convenience of Matching Grant sponsors, a renewal form, available for download from the Rotary Web site (, has been developed to expedite the process.

Until this year, as a result of unusually high investment income, the Foundation was able to approve all qualifying applications. This income has supported an average annual increase of 32 percent over the past five years. This Rotary year, the Foundation received a record 4,255 applications for Avoidable Blindness and Matching Grants.

The Trustees reported that while they are gratified to see the increased interest of clubs and districts in Foundation programs, they recognize that their ability to meet the financial demands of this expansion needs further examination. The Trustees urged Rotarians, clubs and districts to increase their Annual Programs Fund giving in order to meet program demands. Trustee Chairman Luis Vicente Giay called on all Rotarians to contribute U.S.$ 100 per year by 2005, a goal approved the Council on Legislation at its triennial meeting in Chicago in April. “We have been extremely fortunate because of the stock market’s performance over recent years,” Giay said. “We were able to fund thousands of additional projects. Now the situation has changed. But I believer our goal is easily attainable by 2005, and the Foundation will continue to support the many projects requested by clubs around the world. The Foundation has no limits except the generosity of Rotarians.”

The Trustees were to review the status of the operating reserve at their June meeting, and a study group was appointed to review the structure of the Humanitarian Grants programs.

Next week's editor: Al Cattalini.

October 24, 2002


October 31 - Club dark (Happy Halloween!)

November 7 - Club dark (Foundation Dinner November 9)

November 9 - Rotary Foundation Dinner, Herzog Hall

Novermber 14 - Carl Wong - Superintendent of Schools

Ted Adkins gets into leading God Bless America.

PRESIDENT ED began the meeting by asking TED ATKINS to lead us in song. Ted responded with his variation of follow the bouncing ball (aka as Ted). The group responded with an enthusiastic rendition of God Bless America.

President Ed joins in the singing.

HERB BUNDESEN followed with the thought for the day inspired by his recent perusal of the personal column in the newspaper. Most of the advertisers were looking for partners who were financially secure and physically attractive. There was not much emphasis placed on the qualities of honesty or leadership. It seems there is a lot of loneliness out there.

Herb Bundesen admits he reads the personals ads.

There was an extended hugging and hand shaking period, ending only by a threat of a five dollar fine for those who weren’t seated

Loretta Catarozoli introduces visiting Rotarians.

LORETTA CATAROZOLI introduced the lone visiting Rotarian. HERB BUNDESEN, GERRY GILLESPIE, and CONNIE HEIZER introduced their guests.

Connie Heizer takes her daughter to lunch.

Connie’s guest was her daughter Katherine who is a member of St. Vincent’s Interact Club.

Karen Van Bebber introduces Interact members.

KAREN VAN BEBBER introduced the president and vice-president of Petaluma Junior High Interact Club. And Lou Steinberg introduced 4 members of Petaluma High School Interact Club, one of whom is our exchange student from France She thanked us for the opportunity of being here and will make a presentation at a later meeting.

A moment of silence was observed in memory of RICH CROCI who died October 18th and MIKE MADICK’s Father who died October 14th. President Ed had a bowling ball and shoes on display in memory of Rich who for many years owned and operated the Petaluma Bowling Alley.

Mike Madick reminds members of Rotary Foundation Celebration Dinner November 9.

Only a few days remain to buy raffle or dinner tickets for the annual RI Foundation Celebration. Reservations must be turned in by November 1. The event will be an Hawaiian theme buffet dinner and dance at the fairgrounds. Call MIKE MADICK or ED FULLERTON for tickets.

Ricardo Marzo delivers his craft talk.

RICHARD “RICARDO” MARZO gave his craft talk. Richard was born and raised in Chicago one of three children. His mother was from Mexico and his father was from Spain. He attended Southern Methodist U. and earned a degree in economics. After graduating, he worked for several years managing a private investment fund and in the production of various entertainment venues - Diary of Ann Frank, Stomp, .... After marrying Nicole Libarle and starting a family ( 2 sons), he decided the entertainment business kept him away from home too much. He and his family moved to Petaluma two years ago and he joined Dan in the operation of Lace House Laundry. He enjoys Petaluma -- the small town atmosphere and the people. He also mentioned that DAN LIBARLE was made a grandfather for the fourth time this morning; Dan’s daughter Phoebe gave birth to a baby girl. Congratulations Dan!

KAREN VAN BEBBER announced that the Jr. High Interact Club helped in the recent Petaluma Pet Project that raised $9000 and a thank-you letter was received from the coordinator.

GERRY GILLESPIE asked all of us to take one of the UNICEF boxes back to our business to collect donations for the eradication of polio. This is a project of the High School Interact Club. Also the Interact Club counselors would like some Rotarian volunteers to help at the Interact meetings when they are unable to do so.

Bano Cummings with our exchange student, Anissa Daaou.

BANO CUMMINGS asked for help locating an Interact Club Banner that was misplaced since last Butter and Eggs Day Parade.

Gina Pittler seeks source of her computer virus.

The birthday table was recognized and GINA PITTLER led the club in singing Happy Birthday.

More Double Sustainer Pins were distributed this week to those members who had contributed $203 for polio eradication and the annual RI Foundation Drive. Those receiving were: LEROY BEAN, WALLY BRAGDON, LYNN DE L’EAU, MIKE MADICK, FRED FROST, ART LAFRANCHI, AL KAPLAN, AL CATTALINI, and RAY JOHNSON. The total raised for the polio eradication campaign is $8678 to date.

Mike Madick celebrates his bottle of wine.

MIKE MADICK won the raffle and took home a bottle of wine.

Rich Poremba introduces today's speaker.

RICH POREMBA introduced the speaker, Jack Schropp. Jack is a retired Navy Commander and a former Navy seal. Since retiring he has started a management consulting business to teach managers how the core drivers of a Navy seal can be applied to their business He spoke about commitment and steadfastness and volunteering to be a part of an organization. He was presented with a 4-way test paperweight and a book was donated to a local school in his name.

Jack Schropp explains how commitment of Navy Seals relates to life and business.

Note that for the next two weeks our club will be dark.

This week's Rota-Teller editor: Mike Madick.
Photos by Gene Andrews and Al Cattalini.


Fine Can: (dark)
Microphone: (dark)
Visitors: (dark)
Editor: Connie Heizer

October 17, 2002


October 24 - Jack Schropp, Retired Navy SEAL Executive Officer - Commitment (Honoring Your Word With Your Life)

October 31 - Club dark (Happy Halloween!)

November 7 - Club dark (Foundation Dinner November 9)

November 9 - Rotary Foundation Dinner, Herzog Hall

The Rotary Club of Petaluma extends its condolences to the family of RICH CROCI who passed away on October 18, 2002.

Friends and family are invited to attend a Funeral Liturgy on Wednesday, October 23, 2003 at 1:00pm at the Parent-Sorensen Mortuary, Magnolia Ave. and Keokuk St., Petaluma.

Gene Benedetti does it again - with gusto.

President ED FULLERTON called the meeting to order and promptly asked GENE BENEDETTI to lead us in song. Coming forward with “ I’m a Rambler, I’m a Gambler” Gene made his way forward and had us all join in “ God Bless America!” The non-verbal expressions of Gene singing this beautiful song truly add to the meaning of this great American Song.

LARRY GOTFREDSON was introduced and spoke of how Polio and the recent Sniper Incidents had a lot in common. Both caused people to fear for their lives and be very protective. Larry asked that we all work together to make this world a better place to live.

Handshaking, Hugging, Kind Words were then enjoyed by all until PRESIDENT ED asked the crowd to settle down so that the meeting could continue.

BILL HARTMAN introduced our visiting Rotarians from the Sebastopol and Petaluma Sunshine Clubs. President Ed introducing our Special Guest followed this: District Governor Terri Clark, and Assistant District Governor Bruce Campbell.

The sunshine report was given and it was reported that ONITA PELLEGRINI was not feeling well. Let’s hope she doesn’t get the Petaluma Pothole Illness. We wish you a speedy recovery Onita!!

KATHY BURROUGHS asked all Holiday Christmas committee members to meet prior to next week’s meeting (10-24) at 11:30 a.m. in the Vet’s Bar for a short meeting. MIKE BADDELEY then rose and stated that he was under the impression that the club would be dark on that day. President Ed reported later in the meeting that the club would be dark on 10-31 and that Mike had his dates wrong.

MIKE BADDELEY then reported that 80 people had signed up for the Friendship Feast Dinners. Mike reminded each couple to bring a bottle of wine to the dinner and be prepared to enjoy a great evening of food and friendship.

KAREN VAN BEBBER reported that Rotary was doing a joint drive to benefit the UNICEF efforts to help fight polio.

PRESIDENT ED reported that the Rotary Foundation Dinner would be held on November 9th at Herzog Hall in Petaluma. Anyone who could help with setup should contact Ed. Also, let’s do all we can to support this event? Free wine will be served!!

Lee and Rick pose with the Governor.

District Governor Terri Clark was then called upon to present LEROY BEAN and RICK OBERLIN with their Paul Harris Fellowships. Congratulations Leroy and Rick.

Henry Hansel throws a strike, gets fined.

President Ed then started to call on members to dig in their pockets and pull out their wallets. HENRY HANSEL was the first victim. Seems Henry had his picture in the local paper tossing out the first pitch at the Giants last home game on September 29th Our District Governor Terri only got to toss the first pitch at a Crushers game. Henry said his pitch was a strike and that this should be taken into consideration. President Ed congratulated Henry and levied a fair fine upon Henry.

"Mi scusi, signore. Non parlo italiano."

LOU STEINBERG was next to be called upon. Seems Lou recently attended a Rotary meeting in Venice, Italy. Lou asked to be treated lightly since the Rotary dinner in Venice was $70.00 and he understood very little of the local lingo. Ed then reminded Lou that he was also to be congratulated for being reelected to the School Board. In the end Lou made a donation to the Polio Fund and the Foundation and was given a rain check on the remainder of his fine.

Loretta smiles but Ralph remains stoic.

LORETTA CATAROZOLI and RALPH BETTINELLI were called upon. Seems there was some type of banking transaction going on about the time President Ed called the meeting to order. Ralph said that, should that be the case, it was Loretta’s doing not his. Both Loretta and Ralph were fairly fined for their actions.

Mike recounts adventures in RV Land.

MIKE BADDELEY was then called upon to report on an incident that took place with a fellow Rotary member over Mike’s recent purchase of a Motor Home. Seems this new vehicle developed some sort of battery trouble. Mike took it back to the R.V. Center for repair and was told that the battery would be replaced. Rather than take the battery to the R.V. Center the serviceman drove the R.V. to the dealership. When Mike’s wife, Lisa, called to see if the R.V. was ready she was told there was good and bad news. Seems the battery was replaced fine but in the process the rear bumper had been damaged resulting from an employee backing into a pole at the dealership. Mike reported that he had purchased an expensive camera with the R.V., which would allow the driver to see what’s behind the vehicle when backing. Seems the employee was not trained on the value of this system. Mike said he was treated very fairly by the dealership and was satisfied with the outcome. President Ed asked Mike if he wanted to pass his fine onto the dealer HENRY HANSEL. Mike said he could not do that and that he would pay the fine with 25 cents going towards Henry’s fine credit. Word in the field has it that a certain R.V. Center will soon be changing its name to “HENRY’S & MIKE’S R.V.SALES”

At one time you wouldn't find a photo of two District Governors kissing in any respectable publication!

RICK OBERLIN reported on the Polio Fund donations. District Governor Terri Clark presented all members participating in the fundraiser a pin.

ANDY KVALHEIM who walked away with a bottle of wine won the raffle.

JEANNETTE CLARK then introduced District Governor Terri Clark who gave a very meaningful talk on Rotary and her experiences in Rotary. Governor Terri reminded us of the many positive things that have been achieved due to the efforts of Rotary members around the world. There is so much to be done and Rotary is a vehicle that can allow the world to communicate together and hopefully become a better place for all mankind.

Governor Terri reminds members of Rotary accomplishments around the world.

President Ed gives Governor Terri a memento of her Petaluma visit.

This week's Rota-Teller editor: Ralph Sartori. Photos by Gene Andrews.


Fine Can: Al Kaplan
Microphone: Connie Heizer
Visitors: Lyn de l'Eau
Editor: Mike Madick

October 10, 2002


October 17 - District Governor Terri Clark

October 24 - Jack Schropp, Retired Navy SEAL Executive Officer - Commitment (Honoring Your Word With Your Life)

Wearing his fall colors, Barney Fauss leads the song.

As most members were feasting on GENE GEORGETTI’s South of the Border Buffet, PRESIDENT ED sounded the bell to commence the meeting. Savoring their last bites, our members joined BARNEY FAUSS in a rousing version of God Bless America.

Connie Heizer delivers the thought for the day.

CONNIE HEIZER followed with a moving invocation. Her words on how a pair of hands can be used for either good or evil captured the simple essence of the choices we face and the actions we take. Thank you, Connie.

Wearing two hats today, Editor Ricardo Marzo introduces visiting Rotarians.

Next, your humble editor introduced Garrot Hill and Barbara Schroeder as visiting Rotarians from the Petaluma Sunshine Club. There were no Rotarians with guests and the Sunshine Report received no new information. I guess no news is good news.

Look closely for Mike Baddeley's taco.

President Ed then called upon MIKE BADDELEY to update us on the Friendship Feasts. With a half-eaten taco flowing from his mouth, Mike urged those not already involved to sign up soon and participate in this entertaining event. Of course, he referred all inquiries to his secretary. The deadline for sign-up is this week.

Loretta Catarozoli plugs the Business Expo.

Ed then called upon LORETTA CATAROZOLI, who gave praise to President-Elect ONITA PELLEGRINI and the Petaluma Chamber of Commerce Business Expo, Our club was represented by a booth. LORETTA and PRESIDENT ED invited members to stop by the Expo and help introduce Rotary to area businesses.

Bill Hartman scans the crowd for stray animals.

BILL HARTMAN reminded us of “An Evening for the Animals” on Saturday, November 9th, from 6 - 10pm. It benefits The Friends of the Petaluma Animal Shelter. It is a worthy cause, especially for those Rotarians who don’t leash their pets and may find them picked up by Animal Control. ED tried to rally the crowd into purchasing a Gift Certificate for Emily’s Dance Room in Santa Rosa, but the “flat-foots” were throwing nickels like manhole covers. Perhaps some salsa lessons with Ricky Martin and Jennifer Lopez may have rallied the troops into opening their checkbooks.

Mike Maddalena presents his craft talk.

MIKE MADDALENA, looking fit and energetic, gave his Craft Talk, which barrister BADDELEY noted was the shortest on record. Mike is a great guy with a wonderful family. He provides an important service to our community and it is heartening to see him in good health. Great job, Mike.

John Scharer admits to putting skills.

Ed called on JOHN SCHARER, who recounted his recent exploits at the Hospice Golf Tournament. John may appear quiet, but he is lethal with his putter and won the Putting Contest. He won $100 and gave half back to Rotary. Thanks John, see you on the links. Ed asked the membership to help him gather information on potential fines. This is one of the few times when it is OK to rat on a friend. So look through your Rolodex and work the information wheel. Ed needs our help.

Dave Barbieri can't smile as Ed takes his money -- again.

DAVE BARBIERI then stunned the crowd by confessing to us his recent vacation at Lake Almanor. Most members sat shaking their heads, but PRESIDENT ED praised Dave’s honesty and fearlessness. Dave responded he was just beating Ed to the punch. His confession cost $25.

Dick Weber pulls wrong rock, gets wine from Ed Fullerton.

For the second week in a row, Ed forgot the raffle, which seldom goes unnoticed by this crowd. With a chance at a free bottle of wine (forget about the money), the natives grew restless. DICK WEBER drew the winning ticket and gladly grabbed his vino. A mass exodus of sore losers, led by KIP HERZOG, bolted for the door (or was it the bar).

Jim Becker introduces special international program.

JIM BECKER took his duties seriously and looked like Gordon Gekko in Wall Street, but luckily for us, he wasn’t selling junk bonds. He gave a heartfelt introduction of the day’s speaker, Mr. Juan Forester of Uniendo America, a Central American NGO formed to coordinate the activities of Rotary Clubs in the Project Fairs and in the operation of community banks. These banks help impoverished women develop credit and realize their business aspirations. Founded in 1994, Uniendo America independently organizes Project Fairs as an informal method of bringing together Rotarians from a “receiving” country with Rotarians from a “giving”country. These Fairs have generated hundreds of successful projects and have helped bring a greater understanding among Rotarians. Mr. Forester is based in Guatemala and is working on an International Project with the three Petaluma Rotary Clubs. He stressed the importance of participating in international projects, as well as our local endeavors. He noted all the flags representing various clubs. If each flag were represented by a person, the room would resemble the United Nations. Rotary is worldwide. Mr. Forester reminded us that Polio still exists. The Polio Eradication efforts are of great importance. We cannot allow this disease to flourish. The next International Fair is January 23rd, 2003, in Belize. Mr. Forester truly embodies the Rotary spirit - he uses his business acumen to help others help themselves. Thank you.

Juan Forester describes the work of Uniendo America.

This week's Rota-Teller editor: Ricardo Marzo. .


Fine Can: Loretta Catarozoli

Microphone: Larry Jonas

Visitors: Erik Gunheim

Editor: Ralph Sartori

October 3, 2002


October 10 - Juan Forester - International Projects in Central America

October 17 - District Governor Terri Clark

October 24 - Jack Schropp - Commitment (Honoring Your Word With Your Life)

Jim McCaffrey takes us out to the ball game.

It was a musical doubleheader as today’s meeting started with JIM McCAFFREY leading us in Take Me out to the Ball Game and My Country ’tis of Thee. GINA PITTLER’s thought for the day told the beautiful Cherokee tale of the wise grandmother and the two wolves.

Harvey Freetly welcomes visitors.

HARVEY FREETLY introduced visiting Rotarians from Santa Rosa West, Santa Rosa East and Novato, TAWNY TESCONI introduced Bob Wolfe of Petaluma Poultry and RALPH BETTINELLI introduced local city council candidate Keith Canevaro. PRESIDENT ED advised that RICH CROCI had moved into assisted living and was not doing very well. Friends should check with his wife, Patricia, for more information. Rich, we wish you well!

Rich Poremba says, "Y'all come on by!"

RICH POREMBA advised that Rotary exchange students from throughout our district would be at the Petaluma Boys & Girls Club this weekend in conjunction with their daylong visit to San Francisco. Rich and President Ed urged members to drop by the club between 5 and 7:00 p.m. Friday evening to say hello.

Anissa Daaou, our Rotary Youth Exchange Student.

A Message from President Ed: "Anissa is a bright, cheerful and energetic young lady. She speaks Spanish, English and French, of course. She celebrated her 17th birthday on September 22nd. Anissa is a senior at Petaluma High School. She has joined the Senior Interact club, she is President of the French club, she is an Ambassador in the Spanish club and is a member of the International club. Anissa hopes to play basketball with the PHS Trojans. Following her graduation as a member of PHS class of 2002 next June, Anissa will return home to finish her senior year in France. Please welcome Anissa to the Rotary family."

Mike Baddeley does it again.

Friendship Feast coordinator MIKE BADDELEY announced he was looking for additional host families and requested prompt submission of the date preference forms distributed last week. Time is short as the feasts are the weekends of October 18-19 and 25-26.

President Ed Fullerton needs your help. Now!

Polio Eradication Chair JOHN DADO discussed the letter each Rotarian is receiving describing our special fund raising project. Please read it carefully and be generous! PRESIDENT ED noted his desire to reach our goal before the District Governor visits in two weeks. And he stressed that members who have already contributed should not view the letter as trying to hit them again. Every member got the same letter. <

PRESIDENT ED reported that frequent club visitor Bruce Campbell of the Sebastopol Sunrise Club had been selected as District Governor nominee for the 2004-2005 year. Congratulations, Bruce!

Connie Heizer shares her life story.

CONNIE HEIZER’s craft talk took us through her Petaluma roots, childhood life in Novato, early exposure to cooking for large crowds, horse show competitions, legal secretary profession, years as a music docent, volunteer and full-time mom and employment with GENE GIORGETTI. This fascinating background led to her personal fulfillment as co-owner of Encore Catering and its associated café on the Boulevard. Thanks, Connie, for sharing your story and proving once again that “the chickens always come home to roost.”

Al Kaplan describes his travels.

AL KAPLAN had a lot to be fined for. He was elected to head the Sonoma County Airport Land Use Commission, spent 3½ weeks cruising through Canada on the family yacht and then visited Montana. Generous Al offered $100 for the fine and added $200 more for polio eradication.

Dave Barbieri shows face, pays fine.

PRESIDENT ED noted that DAVE BARBIERI has been a busy man lately, missing many of our meetings but managing to make up on the road. Dave confessed that business was keeping him on the run, said he anticipated a lighter load in the future. Ed lightened the load a bit by extracting $25 from Dave’s wallet.

Bill Lawrence admits he organized home tours.

BILL LAWRENCE acknowledged his early role in organizing our local heritage home tours as described in a recent newspaper article. He offered to pay either $50 or $100 as his fine for this honor. Can you believe that President Ed accepted the smaller amount?

Rick Mossi gets winning wine from President Ed.

Tawney Tesconi introduces our guest speaker.

After raffle winner RICK MOSSI pulled a blue rock for a bottle of wine, TAWNY TESCONI introduced Bill Mattos, President of the California Poultry Federation. Bill told of his recent visit to Havana as part of an eclectic trade delegation led by Senator Barbara Boxer. It was a fascinating story, especially the part about his 6½ hour visit with Fidel Castro.

Bill Mattos, captivataed by Fidel, captivates us.

As the meeting ended, PRESIDENT ED announced two special happenings for next Thursday, October 10. Our club will have a booth at the Petaluma Business Expo. And there will be a 6:00 p.m. meeting to make decisions on our international project. Check with Ed for more information on these! Editor: Ricardo Marzo Fine Can: Vera Ciammetti Microphone: Lucie Sweda Greeter: Ricardo Marzo

This week's Rota-Teller editor: Al Cattalini. .


Fine Can: Vera Ciammetti

Microphone: Lucie Sweda

Visitors: Ricardo Marzo

Editor: Ricardo Marzo

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